First Race [1st Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-13

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FIRST RACE-5 1-2 Furionss. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. IMIM I M% 1 til Dlst TlmeTckOdds Wt St % % tt Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish ""* „„„ ir« 106 By Ben Brush— Tenawha J. Arthur. f s CORN. * I*/;" 55 U ■ Caleater. B.of the K en .;dado :. ROOM .vv a , I X T 9 XeVatt txLaaaej J J . ■-. ;M,io 5 I I • 4 4 rata, I B. Carrie. Xaantoae. it.Ju i.tte ll« Laurel -, , 1 ijiihvv - lo7 3 2 ■ 21.. F Moo.e I B. TWIW, Delanc-y. Landslide ■ 7.i l-.urel 2H i..s iVst 14--, •« 1 11 1 "--I K McDott !♦ Caseo. Lady of Lynn, Trout | ly •UCWdbJne fl-ia 1,1- 7 8 8 7 €"5 F Moore 12 Typhoon .Trout Hy, DukaaW - .. *¥ Wdl.ine f-l i l.ob-iiijsi »y» .,, .,:1 i . ,..s 10 Greenwood. Tvphoon. Alex tletz - ttlorval MW; ," i z I UU ii L..u.« 12 Shrapnel. Letfetti. Filly De.phia 1 Jt» Il u-Hon. Hf,Vl5 fast 2S-5 112 8 1111 9 »" C l...,MS 12 Bamietta, Grwnwood. GI lair ;::; L:lu-Eon. « JJ» ™J ? r,., x 2 2 2» 2U ; Lomag IS J.D.Sugg, McLelland. F. Uelphla 1 .47 tonght 55 ; hvy 15 Ills 8 8 7 7» G Lomas ! Galeswinthe. Reserve. I. Sight tslCon-ght By Clifford— Maiest F. C. Piper iOBOLIKK. br. f. 2 , ™; 74 « , W L Mink M Sandel. Handftill. Costumer MH.d-Gce » £ 40 114 13 14 8» 8*1 W Mil. y 14 F.Bay. R.Ch.ud. B.Of theKchen 1 .„,, H.deGce 6J f :a*w ,!0C 0 4 f. 6 I VC Mcltott 7 Tral. Edna Kenna. Nolli LH 4 3 I. Mini; U Fairweather. Ke»lab M.Ihi bin ;m Saratoga ov fust 40 ■ 1"4 8 .7 4 ! ;;• Saratoga H t 1« £»« g J 9 9 9 i18 T Bavies !. S.Knight. B.oftheK-rten. S Star .....Saratoga 5J f 1.13 "y ™ 2 2 4 4 4=?T Bavies 4 Royalist, Flag Day. Liuily R. s:. Aqueduct 6-« 1W* By Cunard_Miss jordan Kentucky Stable. CSE JULIETTE, ch. f . » "* 443 ::• C Turner 0 Bon. Carrie Moonstone, B. Corn i ILaur.! H *g£2* ¥ £ 4 UM M «*1 • SSL 18 Sandel. llamlfull. BolKdmk -i f 1 :",asi - M.ofDMee. B.Cfee. B.oftheK en i SiHHdeGce 0 n -!,,- . S - * 4 B 1 - C«| J M.ial.e 12 leOV-e « 1 ljffart .:!p;„,,,,, llamlfull. V.-dado .-.; H ."-■ LdeOe ««l:* 2£-g i,o 4 I % 3»" B QaaaT i2 B.Strickland BusyJoe .Chlvjtor 4 l»ougla« 4J f ..f°*S : -. » 6 7J. S-= It Goose 11 Impressive. BessieN.. MissAtkln W*n£EE 9 J SS 3 " IS 1 6 6i Sill Goose 12 Beauty Shop, G. Blair. S.League • CI 1 Churchill 4*1 "Si* Br De Reszke— Best V/ishes R. E. Watkins . 0NNER. br. g. 2 ,. , * 4 n 4 3, %, ., ,allahan s- i."h K.dticld. S Stalwart. NaM 1 ■41 .• ij.ur.-i ;- : „:: 3 I E «• 7*f J CaUaaaa • Caaea. La«T •"CfiBW2SS 1 .... Wdl.ine 61 f . W Fid 1«9 8 8 8 8 9" 13 Smyth 12 S-oflTsure. J.O Bowd. B.Iellow i Windsor o-SI.wtsi Czar-Marsara J. MacManus. TATIAKA. ch. f . * , m , . M SJ ■ n i 81 «kl W l.ill.v !l Chivalor. B. 0111. B.oftheK fees 1 LauT.1 "iJSa-Sat 5 «Mo M I 10 * G Tnrier 14 F.Bay. R CI...10 Hot theKchen 3 ... H.d.Gce ..|f ; g ]„- s s n V C» C Rgame 13 Banc r. Hamlfnl . VeaaOa e* f 1 •"■JJ m .. Herrmann. Flag Bay Keziah I _ X M. .-: H deCVe 1- MJ 6 4 7- 7". McTagrt • v. L.lmont 5ifstl:fast - J j „, „, w jjJJ* N lUi. M„d. Hemnann, Venture e 3 4 l.nrm " .--• Saratoga eK f . f .111 B By Hurst Hurst Park parjr_TSbell Hermence J. T. Smith. BELLE OF THE KITCHEN . .; B* , , i I..UI.1 „ 1 I io70 v v- il» IM I 1 1 $« 2". .1 MeTas*Tt I Chivator. Broom torn. edado KCLaarel « J2-S3 S I 8 •"• •• liA WteSaall BaaaeLBtealtaH BuOiBafc r., HaeGoe M , S« 7 3 2 V A KiekUaelS M. of Dundee It Coffee .*£T*. • :•«■- "l-"ftst Ul King Bar. Red loud. Blk .lee • ..:: H .K-« * 1 3 31 S=J A XickUiwU -*#»H.deG*ce 51 -V f ; «*?* 2 »« ,«| 4 5 .VJ f.» L McAfee 1«. Fairweather Beniamm .XfdaM ■ » v. : Melmont f.i f st o.1Sfa.t ., s 7 7s 7«J|. M-Atee 1« Sand Mark Flag Day. BraJeaUr. ■ -•-: A Iel-nont S •* 2, „d | « 2 5 7 5 55 P| L McAtoe 7 KrisKringle. Badinage. LouBlue -0»» «■ I Saratoga B Voorhees— Chiffie S. Louis. :FTFETTI. ch. f. • E I 4 •"-• ha Baxtaa 8 Calwiar. IM orn I. .of « • K II .. l-nir.l Ml? h—M-MBB Baj •■ ., ., ..... .,„ ,.. .,.i,,..,s,.i. shrapnel. Broomt orn, r.l»elplii.i I .:uD.n. 54 t 1« » 0» " "I " 8 «•! A fc , CVH Mlestone. Q. Apple. S Macgie C m i I orval 1-2 4?7"Jt iU 1"7 I 1 1 U V T Rice 8 rranaie.Airartlr Milestone ::. Wdbine 4J f 6r»JJ 5 109 4 6 S and 5"i F Colemanll Iolite. Be.-p Sight. Casco » 44 I 08 ■ • IWdl.ine By Galvc.tcn-Snuedaddle E Trtteman. i W-S: N J J«1fcg- il. S ]7 9 X X g fS5a*Sll BnuHetta -nwood. G Blair • g pin.. Hon. 3_* llj L S ni-i i • :t 3. 4T K i.ipiiii r; Fairweather. Kezlau. ijoix.iiiik I Saratoga |i J lj«fa« JJg . i . i» |»* E M.rUa c S. Vanity. Broomvule. Important t t : | J * 1 - - | 2 2 , j ;. ? » - | C - j | £ , r ; - | COSTTJMER, b. c, 2 114 By Ogden — Masquerade Quincy Stable. 2340S l.aur.l I I 1:21 hvy 14 11: 7 7 7 7- fe" C Bgame :. Chivator. U.Curii, IS. of II.eKben 23338 H.deGce ."■ ■ f 1 M%faal M iu :. c, s .v 4;, « Bsaaa* I.: Sand.], llamlfull. BeaaBafe 23X8 H.deGce •"•■ I l:osi,fast la li_- ;, | 7 M 7" » B game 11 Ba. llcar/. UBwaMar.».prr 28Kt H.deGce :... f 148%faal 20 IB13 ,• a 7v :•" c r.gam- 11 I.Da.v. it. cloud. lt...f taeK*caca 23X Saratoga ."•. I" I ::■-• .goul ::» 111 | pi p. |» I"" l.*gau;» 10 1 lento. Rig Snmke. Irimcro rXOl Delieat Hit 1:81 last ■ Ml 4 | 6 6 fi:* J McKver . W. hackle. IceofGomo. R.Shot M. LELLANB. ch. c, 2 114 By McGee— Royal Una A. Turney. ::::;; ; I.ani.-l El I Lllr.hvy l C ll. E :, E S* ■ •■ 1 Me* 8 B. I rooper. |;. c.rii. Peiancev 23X8 W.lhine ;,. f I :iis-;.,lu: t X BO] 7 1 f .". 8**fT Rice 8 Case... Lady ol Lynn. RroomConi XMJ Wdbiae .".. f l: »s--r,fast 20 112 It .; .; .s .t:;yr Rice 12 r.vph.M.ii. Tr.nit Ily. IM.aven 22X8 BtaeBoa. Ci f l:ti9 slow 10 lio 11 M X 9- X1* T Blee 12 Shrapnel. Broom toin. Letfetti 22T.47 Conglit 5?. f 1:11 good X IX I I 8 41 3J T Rice 13 J.B.Sugg. Ri mCorn. F.Belphia 220X Wladaor T.-S lMEaiad 6S 1II9.. I 8 9 10 10,4?-T Rice M S. Stalwart. R.Cross, GVswitithe 22133 FortF.rie 5 8 l:01%hvy 101 104 7 7 7 7 l»* -1 Callahan I Margery. Maytne W.. Cncle Will 21335 Hani ton 6-8 1:02%slop 30 102 4 6 6 9* 9,01C VanDunl2 Bort Light. Beep Sight, llaria 21222 Hamton 5-8 l:01%fast 60 103 8 8 8 8 S1B J Callahan 8 Gentlewoman. Will Cash. G.Mst WALLOON, b. c. 2 114 By Golden Maxim — Hesione J. Garson. 2.".00:; H.deGce ." . t LOS-tjfast 30 1L-12 12 11 11- ll-l ONeill 13 Banc. r. Handful!. Vedado 22472 Saratoga 64 f 1:08 fast 10 112 7 7 6 7* 7,31 ONeill i:i Fail w eat her, Keziah, Bobolink B8X Saratoga 3-4 l:17.%good 30 1081.ll 11 7 6* fi"B ONeill 12 South. Star, Sevillian. E. Kenna 21661 Belmont 5J f st l:07%fast 10 112 8 9 9 9* 7,0»M Buxton 10 G. Counsel. EdithOlga. T.Carmet 21599 Aqueduct 5-8 l:02Vsfast 1 112 7 4 I 51 5«i M Buxton S B. Redlield. E. Olga. Typography 214!»1 Aqueduct 5 8 1:02 good 6 112 6 5 5 4s 5*1 M Buxton 7 Achievement, L. R. Vale. Kaelt. CARMEN, b. f, 2 111 By Peter Quince — Micacla S. L. Parsons. tftm H.deGce 5-S 1 :01fast X 182 I I 9 9" 8*1 W Llllev 12 M.efB.lo... R.lfee. R.of.heK.n MM H.deGce B f 1 :0S%fast 30 Mi 7 11 9 9 10-" J MeTagrtH F.Bay. R. Cloud. B.of tin Ofcea 22881 H.deGce 5-S 1:01 fast 40 112 9 11 11 IT. 14-3 T l avies 14 Remen:bianee. Wizard. OtPrlaea 227M Belmont B 1 at 141 fast 15 K4 ." 7 S S2 ■*• T Henry M Sand Mark. Flag Bav. Benjamin BOi Churchill 1-2 48Hgood 9-5 112 5 4 52 •*■ J Loftus 10 MargaretN.. L.Sister, B.Beiutv SMILAX, b. f, 2 106 By Star Shoot— Janowood T. Clyde. 2::i«9 H.deGce 5-S 1 :01%good 100 lot 12 11 10 9l 9= L McAtee 12 Stellariaa. Br.Grttner. J.Straith BOX H.deGce 5». f l:0S%fast 50 109 11 11 12 12° 12ltl.L McAtee M Bane. r. Handful!. Vedado 22214 Saratoga 51 f l:ll%hvy 30 108 13 9 8 81 S14 L McAtee H Baddys Choice. Bigtodo, Nolli 22145 Saratoga B t l:12%slow 30 112 4 4 4 62 6:0JL McAtee 7 Whimsy. South. Star. Mol. Elliott 22069 Saratoga 51 t 1:13 hvy 30 104 6 5 6 S- 8,71L McAtee I S.Knight. B.oftheKehen. S.Star MY BONNIE, b. c, 2 114 By Knight of the Thistle— Handzarra H. C. Hallen- beck. 2325". H.deGce B f l:0sy5fast CO MIX 10 11 11 H"iT Bavies 11 High Horse. Benjamin. Servia 2MM H.deGce 31 f l:08%fast 50 112 11 14 8 12 13" T Bavies 14 F.Bay. R.CIoikL B..of tin Keh.n 22708 Belmont 51 f st IXUM 40 112 13 12 12 13 13-" E Martin 14 In. Chant. SehReach, Trumpat-.r 22CCG Belmont 5i f st l:05%fast 30 104 4 4 5 5s 51C M Garner .Slipshod, Sea Beach, Red Cloud SIS L., ch. f, 2 111 By Hastings — Carmen Sylvia M. J. Leonard. First start.

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Local Identifier: drf1915101301_3_2
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