Sixth Race [6th Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-13

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SIXTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. U7S79— 2:03"— C — lOS.i GUY FISHER, b. h. 9 114 By Sain— Appollonia E. F. Cooney. 23312 H.deGee lm70yl:44%faat 12 1M 5 3 4 4 4= 2= T Davies 13 ;ioatning. Volant. Daingertii Id 23304 H.deGee 1 1-16 l:47%fast 15 110 I I 3 3 4l 3* T Davies ! Amalfl. Stoiuheng. Tow 11,1.1 23172 H.deGee lm70yl:45 good 8 114 9 6 8 8 7= 71* T Davies 9 Ben Qatar*, Alhena. niton c 23037 H.deGee lm70yl:46M fast 8 116 5 2 3 3 4l 55i T Davies 10 Borgo. Daingerriel.l. UU Nibs 22935 Belmont ll:41%fast 1-2 115 3 4 3 2 1 l1 T Davies ft S. mi Valley. Beethoven. Napier £BB Belmont 1 1-8 1:33 fast 6 109 13 3 2 4* 3*i J Butwell 9 Daingertield, Amain, II: il,s 22781 Belmont 1 l:41%fast 21 115 1 3 4 3 31 21 J Butwell 7 Robinetta. El Biod, B-n Quince 22628 Belmont 1 1:40 fast 41 115 5 3 3 4 5* 5" M BuxTein S W. Shoes. Robinetta. Beethoven 22144 Saratoga 1 l:46%slow 16-5 113 4 1 2 2 ll 1» C Turner 7 Grosvenor. Carlton C. El Biod CHRISTOPHINE. br. f, 4 101 Br Plaudit— Emma TraunmiUer fS. VeillerL 3502 Laurel 1 1-4 2:ls%hvy 41 103 S S 5 4 3- 3" K McDott 8 Marshon. Billie Baker Soaada BB8 I aurel 11-16 1:55 hvy 33-10 100 8 8 8 7 71 G151L Mink S All Smiles. Eagle Ma-she, 23354 H.deGee lm7oyl:45 fast 41 107 12 12 12 8 2 2" L Mink IS Armamnt. DgertieM. K Kl ingle L3204 H.deGee 1 1-16 l:47%fast 12 1031 8 9 9 9 71 7-1 J Butwell u Amalfl. Stonehenge Cuv Fisher 23087 H.deGee lm70yl:45 fast 12 113 111111 9 9» 8" L Hartwelll 1 Jawbone. All Smiles Tor. Field 23f,37 H.deGee lm70yl :45V5fast 6 MB 17 9 9 81 91* L HartweltlO Borgo. Daingertield His Nil.s 20337 Pimlico 11-16 1:49 good 26-5 106 7 6 6 5 2b 21 L nartwell 7 Orperth, Buzz Aiound Al i„.«-li 20188 Pimlico lm60yl:50 hvy 43-20 106 9 9 8 6 3* ll L Hartwell 9 Balfron. Boa. Belle Hormis Jr 20108 H.deGee lm70yl:46sood 4 105 4 5 5 4 4» 4°1 L Hartwell 8 OrlinKripp. Orotund. Dr.Dueur DAINGERFIELD. ch. g. 6 111 By Dolce Far Niente— Cherry Wild R. Newman. 2:tV»2 Laurel 1 1-4 2:lS~hvy 13 MJ 4 7 8 7 7- 7" P Lowder S Marshon. P.. Baker Cbrhdnphino BS4 H.deGee 1m7iyl:45 fast 6 1»7 11 10 11 6 61 3* P L.wder 12 Armament. Cstophine K Kng B312 H.deGee lm70yl:44%fast 12 I06 9 5 3 5 51 4* P Lowder 15 GBsaaUaa, Cuv lisher V , hi, it SUM H.deGee 1 1-16 l:47y5fast 12 104 4 5 5 5 61 6J I. McAtee 9 Amalti. Stoaebeage Cuv fisher 23136 H.deGee lm70yl :49%mud 4 109 9 7 9 7 6l 7*1C Turner 19 Dryad, Balfron His Nibs 23037 H.rleGee lm70yl :45ysf ast 10 104 7 6 7 4 3* 2"k P Lowder 10 Borgo. His Nib* OSuiiivin 22SS0 Belmont 1 1-8 1:53 fast 10 92 2 5 5 3 2* W P Lowder 9 Amalfl. Guv Fisher Hi* Nibs 22733 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 15 112 10 10 7 5 5* 3s C Turner 10 His Nibs. Forecast Watertown CUTTYHUNK, br. g. 7 106 By Ogden— Mariti L. W. Garth. BBS LaJBrel 1 M8 I:5C%mad 41-5 104 5 5 5 6 5* 5" K Forehml 1" Yodeling Balfron Tfovtto BIB Laurel 1 1-8 l:54%good 11 H« 7 6 6 6 61 4: E Forehml 7 Stonehenge II Llde- Ctvhnak 2:1212 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 63-10 98 9 9 9 8 6l 6«J T Haves 9 King Box Oracrtt Kate K 23146 Wdbine 11-16 1:48 good59-10 105 8 8 7 4 41 335 E ForehndIO Ilarrv Lauder Arrisa Su-irme 22S0O BlueBon. 1 1-8 1 :55%slow 59-10 101 4 3 3 4 5« 5" 1G Lomas 7 Valai Polly B Marshon 22750 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:07%fast 5 98 4 3 4 1 V l1 E Forehnd T CM Miller C Stream C F Cger 22702 BlueBon. 11-8 1:54 fast 37-10 105 6 10 9 10 8* 6" E ForehndIO Rnnwav Beau Pore Abbotsfonl 22j 83 FortErie lm70yl:45 good 41-5 107 6 6 6 S r,= 4s A Schugr fi Dicks Pet Flitawav "Birki 22037 FortErie lm70yl :52%hvy 24-0 107 4 6 7 5 5 S 1 A Schugr 11 Stanley S.. FirstStaf. Fellowman CORDIE F„ ch. m. 5 106 By The Scribe— Elisabeth B. P. J. Miles B?N Dorval 1 1:40 fast 50 lee v, ?. 4 fi 7 7Ti E Jraves 7 MfTiaaai ■ Lan-.l r Bateiaa 22.S97 Dorval 11-8 1:51 fast 26 101 5 6 7 .6* C..E Graves S MudSill bl.otsf,| c V ;r liu - 22750 BlueBon. 1 1-t 2:07%fast 48 loO 6 6 6 6 7 0HO Lomas 7 Cnttvhnk G M Miller C Stream 22703 BlueBon. 11-8 1:54 fast 44 10 2 6 5 tt 65 8* W Pral 10 Runway Beau Pere Abbotsford 2259S Conght 1 1-4 2:15 mud 20 99 7 7 7 8 8 S42 J Morvs s Marshon D Deadwod BeaaPere 22506 Conght 11-16 1:32 slow » 94 1 2 3 3 3"k 4«1 E Graves I Lochiel. Marshon. Peai p.r,- 1I.AI?E• b, * 6, , . l!!6 , By Sempronius— Lillian Fonso J. W. Hedrick. Jr.. .,,/v. m n - - BMS Laurel 1 1-4 60 MB 2:1s/5hvy 13,;, 31 5s J Smyth s Marshon B Baker Christoohine 23445 Laurel 1 1-16 1:55 mud 100 96 6 6 6 6 6 fi" J Gartner fi Runes Bonn Pardner S£i 52?, i"? 7:]f%f0 id -i "2 I i 5 5 4h 3 J Smyth 7 Stone.ienge." IL Lauder. "vhui.k 23311 H.deG ee lm,0yl:44 fast oO 93 6 6 6 6 6 5"1J Gartner 8 Bevbourn Hedce Pardaer SJS-SS0" JiJiH«S2 H n » 10 9,2J Gartner 11, ££ »de.Ce ?« YHaSt S9 tS I . I I 7, 7"T Gartner 7 L.Skolney. T.asSteel. S.aran.oueh ifii Sd,e£.ce 1 l ;:1?faSt, !2 J« S 2 2 ~ 2i W Obert 9 Amalti, Stonehenge. Cuv 23138 H.deG ce lm.0yl:4.%mud 60 96 3 4 6 6 6 6*- J Gartner « Borgo mhrose Nephthys 23059 H.deGee lm70yl:45 fast 60 111 7 7 7 7 7 6» J Gartner 7 Bunes. Amalti. CoL Ashni. role TOM HANCOCK, b. g. 4 101 Br Pink Oat— Lady Godiva W. ▼. Caaey 23-, 12 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :49%good 50 M4 17 7 7 7 7" R McDott M Star Bird. Orotund. M. Warren -:.:;:: !aure J"Y°,v 1 *andand* VI IS V " 5 5B 57 W Iille " •«■• ■ **», Wami-aa. OCTs* 2 393 Laurel 1 1-16 1 :.., hvy 13 103 o 3 4 4 4 34 FIW Lilley 7 Trovalo Canto I Mad I fat ll 23237 H.deGee taWrl:4B%faat 100 103 13 12 11 11 8 TH W I.illeV IS Hedge Earl of Savov Borav. SS? S.miunl , 5*J JlHIM il Ui Fell.H Chai.ll 5 Earlymorn. Small. Drawn t OSPtCt Jil .1:5*3fa*t 7 7°7 6" W Doyle i Petelns. Woodcraft. C.Hollowav SandSandS* 1tM.!5SS°P f 7?7 8"W Gartner 9 Petelns. H. Hutchison. Supreme 222 SS3* ,Ci,/:72!,orr ;1? , 3i w no-le S Peacock. Kinder Lou. I/AandM ?S2Sowe ,lm2oly7:%Iasi "fi I - I 6 „ 6 5,*2n W Lilley 8 RollingStone. Ben Pncas. Norns 19991 Bowie 11-1C1:d2 fast 6 9S 9 8 5 5 21 2 1 W Lilley 10 Delegate, L.oKcahlv. Mvceiiae COTTON TOP. b. g. 3 95 _ By Cottontown— Miss Doyle fW. B. Miiell. 2..., 1 Laurel lm2oy 1:52 hvy IS ln:;i ,77 6 fi= fii".u Smyth 7 Ualfron. Carlton C. TrarafM 234b., Laurel lm70y 1 :54%hvy 26 Ht.l 8 4 2 2 •» 3-. J Smyth 9 Billie Baker. Watertown. Ta k 22294 H.deGee lm70yl:46 fast 30 107 10 1110 8 9* 8»1 J Smvth 14 Dav Dav. Jesse Jr., Santo 23:»39 H.deGee lm70yl:46%fast 60 10.1 11 9 n n 8» 8" J Pitz II Repuhican Boras Easle 22430 Windsor ll:42Vandfast 85 94 11 11 9 6 6 41 A Nerger 11 Lavana. Wild Horse. Cadenza Ml] FortErie 1 l:42Hslow 60 94 8 8 8 7 7= 4*1 II Stearns S Wa.l.s Last. Dorcris. Lavana 21827 Ham ton 3-4 l:16%hvy 15 104 Lost rider. A Collins 10 Africa Bean. Argent, E.Jennings 21399 latonia 1 1:45 hvy 28 107 1 4 5 7 41 4" J McCabe 9 Orange, Kris Kringle. Mattie C. l?,?-,"rLU1S-r..b,r- 56, , !H . B* PeeP oDay— Myrtelus L. A. SeregnD. 2B54 H.deG ee lm.oy1:4.. ,- fast 30 - 112 a 9 9 9 12 IP 9=?.A Nieklausll Armament, r tophi oe, Kgeili.Id S2 H ef,I.te lrn70yl :449gfast 15 MB 6 6 7 13 15 15-- R Tr.xUr 13 Gloaming, fiiir Fisher. Volant ?££ Jj6*-" I 1-1,6;:1Lfast, vi !?:! 2 " " :;h ::2 I- Mink Hi Stonebemre. M. Warren, T.Kieid - SSB *MeCi fe lm.0yl:4974mud 12 110 I ;, 7 5 P 5" R Trader !• Dryad. Balfron His Nibs 2™ -lV.deG ce lm70y :45Vifast 4 ]n0 4 4 5 6 8*1 7** M Tratler 10 Borgo. Dalagerfeht Hi- Nibs 25£ xJ- 0r° li ?£*and£ L IU "* * Pfkens Miss B. Harbor. Thrill. Os. Maid 20S..6 M boro ,-Sl:29 fast 21 118 sj a Mthews 6 L. England. Pharaoh. C ekspur TAMEBLANE. ch. g 3 K0 By Cyelades— Fairyland P. M. Walker. -.:: , JrlVrf*.. TJ1 29 .. !„.. C, ., 4 - 5-" 5-« F Cooper II II. Junior. M. Girl, M. I ,:lw. ber 5-2fS.*° ]m-ly ]:ijy,aiil 7d llS ,S ! S i H S •f I,itz I" Cloaming. Cuv Fisher. Volant 2337 H.deG ce lm.Oyl :4f %fast 20 101 1 fi 7 4 «1 4" J McTagrt l.l Hedge Earl of Savov Barax •".oi I,rdv C*,lm2?r;:45. ,faS 2 "2 I I I ■ Tr" *l* McTagrt 11 Jawbone. All Smiles. Taw. Field 71**3 Pimlico ImMy !:47%mad S 9., 1,62 2 . 4» L McAtee 7 Noras. Peetlus I.. oKirk.aldy S5S-!i*° H:1: faRt I*-3 l. I I 5 4 4i 21 W Ol.ert CO. Maid. L. Spirituelle. Valaa ZSSmSS* , 1 l:4.,*f.slow 8-0 100 6 8 8 7 7 6=3.1 McCahey 10 Noras. Valas. Schnapps MB H.deG ce 1m70yl :4j%good 5 8M 6 3 4 6 8* 9 »iW Lilley 10 Bermuda. C. F. Grainger. Paton ?H,?G,E0N , b P-,3, . , ., , . ,, 109 . . By Cesarion— Utilitas C. K. Rockwell. :,/!.- I «»re 1 1 .1. :_.! hvy -- 9, .. 6 fi « ;i 51 » l Mink 7 Borax. SigmaAlpha. Watertawa 5ooU JrV1:,1. ";y 2£andZL I? ]: H ! ,: •"• ::- :;: • ** »• R- Metear, M.Park. MCaraaash SSS-iS** »t5iiS*2!5? 2 !S I -:11 ■«■• «■ s Btar*aaall Grey Leg. Ag,.„. Aviator ~:Zi U,e : -» : 1:.- liX*l S ?l I j 6 K 6 BC! s Stevson . Abdon. Early Light. Meshaeh HIS 2* mont A5 I 4:I" ast %1 S ? 5. 6 T-ost rider.S Stevson 7 Peheto. Skibheie.-n. Boy. Amber 5!.ii » m,int. Ao 7 f:% iasl S 7,,2 5 Ran out- s Stevsonll Dix. Park. Khspian. Rov. Amber asm Aqueduct 3 4 1:13 fast 40 107 4 6 6 7 7»?.D Steward 7 Sleuth. Cilt Edge. San Vega A°i,lCh,,Ci Si By Dr Leeso-Saccharate W. D. Babcock. SSSfS" ■ !,"; te 1 — * H 4r.»u.l ,,,„, its 173 M 4 4 r fi ■ r, ,. • ,; ,;..., M,.] v..r r. H. Jadtr. M. Girl, U. DaHrrtai ■•,«-"ir° .I I ,!-,. :,Si * 5 2" W Doyle 7 Kxealihur. P.. ofRags. K. Stalwart •C s- ii- ♦ :"• Y-[ •"•l:,st, ~ IS 44 W Doyl,. 8 Ros.orme. .I.Ilan ver. Veiiehen SSEfi i , ,-, ,.K od, -, 1- - ,. 6-■ W Doyle s I ten i Mora. C.Kaiidell. .T.Hariover ■"• .r-~ ].?!" H""" m4V,1:ir"»d ;•!,«!•; V 7 7 Wftrt T TodeUac. Battery. Daingertield ••ii" . V-0 i V Vls. --I1 * i i s »»1»*HW Doyle 13 Bar/. s.w..lohn „n. M.MHJIggle 22S 2*2 .te "1 : ?fas 2 « " P M «•*• w Jyfc ]l S »*»». Min-.ivl. Fly Home SSaanS! -?"] ilflrS !2 IS H H U 7 7* W Doyle 13 Breakers. Royalty. Sl.-.wsb,,rv 1S460 H.deG ce 04 f l:09y5fast 200 110 14 13 12 12» 9» W Doyle 17 1 Til I II. IlalfRock. D.ofDunbaV

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Local Identifier: drf1915101301_4_3
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