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PIPING ROCK FORM CHART. LOCUST VALLEY. L. I.. October 9. 1915.-First , mr- I Mlng Back Racing Associations Autumn ; Meeting ot 2 naya. Weather clear. I residing Judge. . p. Kiggs. Starters. George , I. Miller and 1. J. Bryan. Racing Secretary, ¥. • .1. Bryan. 23523 First Race — Aliout ,;-4 Mile. 20S01 — 1;SS% , ::-104. Sweepstakes. 2-year olds. Maidens. Allowance*. Net value to winner 00. .«■■_ T,Horsp- Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 23303 Plaintiff £2 I- R Waugh 2 5 2-5 SSSSB Bet ii 2 A Nicklaus 6-5 .t-3 Time. 1:22V,. Track slow. Winner--Northwood Stables b. c. 2. bv Sir John 1 Johnson — Litigant trained by J. K. Frayling. Start god. Won easily: second driving. 23524 Second Race— Alx.tit 1 IS Miles. S7S3— 1: 4.-.— 5— Hi:!. 1urse hB400. ::-vear-olds and upward. Net value to winner O0; second. 1915.sh0: third. . _Jj* - Horse. Wt. Fin. Jcckey. Op. CI. 23303 Huguenot 1SS 1- V Cowers 2 7-5 23303 -Rhine Maidenl44 2 B Havn. s i 7 23311 iR.ybourn 165 3= Mr J Tucker S-5 2 23311 Absconder 14." 4r- Mr T Wright 4 4 23306 ISandow 14G V Mr H Tucker 5 7 tzSiZl Indian Arrowl3.i «J B Bryant 15 "0 I8SSS*Boethovea IHS 7 Mr W Wildev G S Time. 2:03%. Track slow. Y inner -F. Ambrose Clarks b. c. :. bv Oddfol low— II. traine.l by W. Freeman. ! Start good. Won easily: second ami third driving. 23525 Third Race — Altout 2 Miles. 20702— :j: 52— 4— 1SSJ Harbor Hill Cup. $..000 Added. 3-year-olds. Steeplechase. Allowances. Net value ; to winner ,400; second. 00; third, 50; f.uirtli. 0. lnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockev. Op. CI. 23307 Virir B3 1- W Murphv fit M 23307 Bill Dudley 142 2-° B Waugh .» Z| 22747Faker 140 34U F Williams 4 3 23303 Superhuman 132 4* J Williams 20 20 23305 Ptolemy 137 5- Mr T Wright 4 5 23305 Alledo 132 6 A Lee jW 10 231141A1 Reeves 140 Fell.V Powers 2 C-5 23305 -Florida 132 Fell.W Keating 8 8 23351 Amans 132 Fell.B Havnes lf 30 19358 Four Aces 132 Refused. CKoernerlO 15 tCoupIed in betting as J. E. Davis entry. Time. 4:04. Track slow. Winner— J. E. Davis h. g. 3. by Dr. Leggo — Gticrara traineil by M. Brady. Start good. Won handily; second and third driving. 23526 Fourth Race— About 1 14 Miles. SK.!::— 2:0K— 3- 122. 50 Added. Hacks and Hunters. Not value to winner 05: second. 0: third. 5. I ml. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. 231 LV-Scn-gambian 152 l- Mr G F Alpers :; lx-5 , 23441= loud l;0 in Mr J Tucker 7 103 5 22917 Zcllwood 148 3 Mr W Wildey 8-5 13-5 Time. 2:22i;. Track slow. Winner— J. E. Davis blk. g. 0, by Islington— I.ady Appleby trained by M. Brady I. Start good. Wii handily; second and third driving. 23527 Fifth Race— Aliout 2 1-2 Miles. 17S71 — 5:05;..— 5— 150. 1 Oak Ridge Handicap. ,000 Added. 4 year-olds and upward. Steeplechase. Net value to winner .30!; second. 00; third, 01. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockev. Op. CI. 22630 Skibbereen 143 1J E Wolke G 7 22957 SC. Malotte 158 2» V Powers SI 3.1. 23278 Ext on 144 35 F Williams 3 3 tSllhSwtah 15S 4« L Franklin S-5 !i-5 23115 Archdale 132 5- T Chandler !l 10 23307 O Bear 147 6 A Lee BE K, 14662 Pine Pickle 155 Fell.Pariette 15 15 23307 D. of Duluth 150 Fell. Mr J Park i 6 20761 Sand Hog 130 Fell.S Bush 20 R 21107 Hunters Fortl32 Fell.C Koerner 15 20 Time. 5:20%. Track slow. Winner — J. E. Widoners br. g. 5. by Hawkswick — Trojana trained by J. II. bewta. Start good. Wen driving: se ond and third same. 23528 Sixth Race About :; 12 Miles. 0107—7:10 0--10O. i Piping Rock Cup Handicap. Purse 0o. Hunters. Steeplechase. Net value to winner 50; soond, 00; third. o. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockev. Op. CI. 23304-"M. J. Shnonl57 1" MrBrabnzon 1 211 10 22883 ivVveb arterlGS 2-" Mr T Wright I 5 S 5 ]8062-l..iii.pib».k 147 3 Mr O Jililer 10 G iDisoaaliticd fur runnitig out of cmirse. Time. 7:56. Track slow. Winner — 6. Be K. liblers br. g. 7. by Lamplighter -Blnette trained by J. K. Fraylingi. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving.