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— i ; LAUREL PARK FORM CHART. LAUREL, MD.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915. Tenth day. Marvhmd State Fair. Fall Meeting of 5 days. Weather clear. - ProsMiiic Jmlge. ■;. C. Smith. Slarter. Mars Cassidy. R.v-ing Secretary. Joseph Midennan. Racing starts at 2:.:o p. m. Chicago time l:3t p. in. i. W imlicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig-1ies . in pareinlMs.s f.dlowing the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse iiio weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. fc»QPT4 Q PI IT RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1S270 -1:05 -- 2 lls.i Curse H». 2 -voar-ohK dS O *J d3 *J Selling. Net value to winner 00; scond. o: tlihd. $::o. Index Horses AWtPPSt j % "1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23373*IIK;H BOB8B wi: 107 I | V li 1- 1= 1, Mink A Belmont HMM 23498--No!.l.I w 101 I t 4 i :;i- P L3 T IargtonW C Dalv E3B-1M 23331 ;oD « OCNSEL wu 1n7 G s fk G f.* 3* 1 Byrne J T Smith BJh-lH 23373 ATAKA w B 7 I !» S"k $■ 7?. 4»k B Haynos A Abxandra tit M$ 23407 ! US. JACK ■ M H t .". B r. H ■ C.ravcs fl Swain 21405 D; i X3444* SERVIA n Ml I Z 2"t 21 3i t* A CoIItau H O Comstock 700-100 23242 .Ia:. «e. KU ] 7 t; 7ni •■« 71 K Kor.-hM B Ross 73MOi 23479 ■•EDDIE T. « MM 7 1 P 4A 4 M F Cooper H i Bedwell I3B-M* 23373MAYME W. a 100 • | U- !i= S« J3 T Haves C B Camptiell 1073T.-100 19397 ELEANOR w 105 5 10 lo lo In ]o C Turner Kentuckv Stable 581a 100 Time 24, 49y5. 1:01%. 1:08. Track good. liuitmls paid. High Bane, .40 straight. $::.50 place. .00 show: Nolli. 9.50 place. shou : ; 1 Counsel. St..tO show. E.|iiiv:.|. nt lM,.king Mlds— High Horse. 120 to 1 1 0 straight. 75 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; V Hi. S75 to 100 place. 355 to loo show; Qaad Con.iscl. 115 to 100 show. Winner— Br. c. bv Hastings— Hautesse II. trained bv S. C. Hildreth. W.n; 10 post at 2:iO. At paatS minutes. Stall good and slow f..r all but ELEANOR. Won eertly; aecoad and third driving. IIBHI IfORSE oiilran the others from the start, withstood pressin • opposition from SERVIA !•■ the stretch, and drew away in the last quarter. NOLLI finished gamely after being a forward contender .all the way. 0O OD C4H7K8EL closed a big gap. ATAKA finished fast. SERVIA sh-.sve.l sjwed. but unit. The win MB was entered for I.M; no bid. BeraUhtd 2:54:1s Veda.lo. 0s. Overwejats Good Counsel. 1 | oini.l. OO PI 9A SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. UZTf— 1*and%— 2-118. Pmse 00. 2-year olds. lO l Qv Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0: third. $"0. Index Horses AWtPPSt A jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds StrM 23479 DADDYS CIK.KE w 110 I 3 V 1 M t*| T McTagt E IDrz OHN 23444. 1 ANE STRAITH w 105 4 2 M »nk « -1 J McTagrtA D Parr 2t5o-!On i.-331*DK. CREMER hi: .is | 4 3- 3= 3 3" L Mink W Anderson 1310-leO 2j4C3 IOI. Ill: wi: 11:; 7 U « |l i*| 4l M MthewsR B Stelle M»-M4 22139 .M Ml il am 111 3 5 5uk r,: 41 S* .1 McCahevB Angarola JG0-10.. 3444 DISTi BRER WBllO !» 7 7L i1! ti «•?. J Butwvll A Miller B3-1M f2f«*SOI THEKN STAR wit its ]o 1 G!5 4" 73 7«k E CainpblID E McGinnis Stdt-MI 3169SIiL FOR s ANDAI.w 102 S s S»9 SJ S- M MountnLewisnhn and Paul MISS-MO i2i26eMID OF III NDEE w 102 1 G 4h 7?. ft 9 K Weath/vE J Albright 14:!0-loo 21311»CICINNATI w 1 7 I 10 Bo«t ri ler. F Cooper 8 Louis G525-10O Time. 24. 48«j. l:07«i. Track good. _ paid. Dad !ys Choice, 0.00 straight. place. S4.i".0 show: Jane Straith. :;.20 place. *V,o show: Dr. Oreiner, show. Equivalent hooking odds— Daddys Choice. 430 to MM straight. 240 to 100 place. ISO to 100 show: Jane Streith. 5U0 to ]O0 place, :!.5 to 100 show; Dr Jreimr. 220 to :00 show. Winner— B. c. by Trap Rock— Earth trained by J. McCormncki. Vent to j. .st .,t 3:02. At posj f minutes. Start good ami slow. Won easilv: second and third driv-:!■•-. DADDVS CHOICE raced olosolv with JANE STRAITH at ■ fast pace to the stretch turn, then drew ■way decisive]-, in the last ebtteeoth under a drive. JANE STRAITH forced the P- c and was on the in-d- all the way. but tiled in the homestretch. DR. OREMER was a forward and game contender all tic way. IOI.rii: was crowded hack al the start, but dosed a gap ami finished fast. CINCINNATI was bi.mpcd right after the start ami lost bis rider, but was remounted and linished. The winner, ent-red for . • mhs bid up to ,205 and iK.ught in. BeratHted— J3479j-Boh Rodtiold. 1QQ. O O fZ O "I THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 1 1750S- 1 :12--0 1 14. , Purse 00. 2 year-olds. Jmi*y*JtJ X. Allowances. Net value to winner ii: scc.nd. 0; third. . Index Horses AWtPPSt % % KStrVhl Jocktys Owners Equiv. Odds StrM 23395 MA LAC] IF! K w MB T •; •* V - Ill Rice A Belmont -;550-loo 23171 loud icuiK VALE w los 1 R •« 7* ¥ 3 F Cooper a Belmont 23309 .si BINT wlto 1 s 4» ::: V T M-Tag t Mizpah Stable LGo Mo 23447:. ,l.ii:i. VEXX1E ■ IM •: 7 7» I* ■• I C Tamer .1 Livingston 34S-M4 23447 EDDIE IIENK1 w IB* I ! 31 V G"L » ; Byrne E McBri.l. 915 Mt j.2575 iiiBc vb MS I 1 i" l* M M • McGahejrF P Beetw 345-Md 2447-1. i:ASI» w MM - I -r -" 1* M • Butw.-ll .1 Butler 1440-MQ 23417 THE Hi:i ISKiN ws 112 I 5 B IS! R Troxler J R Davis 8125-Md • -.ip:.,| in letting. lime. 23%. 48%. l:14Vs. Track good. S2 unit 1. la paid. A. ReltiM.-it entrv. ::. straight. . s.OO place. .00 show: Sprint. .00 show. Eipnval. nt l.ook ing odds — A. Bilmolit entry. SB to 100 straight. .345 to Rmi place. 150 to 100 show: Sprint. Hut to i »o show. Winner Ch. f. by R««-k Sand — Miss Hanover trained by S. c. Hildreth 1. Went to |M st at ScSS. A; [h st ■. minutes, start COad and ahyar. W..11 etaShy; KCaai and third driv--• -. MALACHITE Btored up swittly while rounding the 1.1111 int., the homestretch and. passing the tiiiic ; IRder ill the last eighth, won -oiiig awav. LORD ROCK AI.E can,,, through 011 the inside and finished LiM. SPRINT began well Md droppe.1 back in the first eighth, then was taken wide. I.ORAC set a fast : pace, but tired badlv after leading for a half. COLONEL VENNIE made up ground Scratched— 2::21«:,Fr.iiiklin. IPS: 2M53 Hidd-n Star. 100. 47 Q n Q O Im RTH BACK 3-4 Mile. 175 :: 112 0 ill., Raeead Rnniiing Columbus Handi-j£t f » O £i cap. SI iKlil Added. All Age- N.t ah|. 1,, ui„,„r Si.lOii; seen I. *9; third. Iuuex Horses AWtPPSt % M , Sir Fin Jockeys Mm E-piiv. odds Strt 226C8 I1K.II N ii»N « :: |M 1 I S* -"k l— U • Btrtarell .1 Butler 11". I- 23418 DODOE w 2 !«• J 5 :- V.z ", M* J McTag-rU S Ward *«ta MM 23262. HANSON ws J 100* 7 3 lh l1 - 2- X McTugt f L Faisims 1135-100 , ; , • , 1 ; , 23499-WATER I.ADY W* 4 05 I 11 11 ],»- ej 4h i McAtee J Arthur :, •:, KB 22779 FBI A R ROCK wr. 2 .Mill !mu 91 si v . Mink A Belmont ;;.,75-PH 23332 FI.ITTEROOI.D w 4 111 •• ■ P si 7. ♦;.* t Ric- A Belmont M 23446 OIBETTE w 3 110 3 G 4... .,!, .-,. 7, M ,;uxton M c r|,ett 15-PJ0 Z3375 KEWESSA wit 5 100 1 Mfl !l Hj CallahanW L, Oliver 755-M* 23202-IIESTR PRYNNE WS 3 111 » 1 ««k 5 4"k ;,. j McCahevR T Wilson MBMM 23446 VENETIA wn 3 100 10 lo M* 11 n lo T PargtonP Sheridan 23446CARBIl,E wit 5 100 6 S 7i« 7= 10- 11 c Turner J S Tyre- "TDO-lci vAdded starter. tfCoupled in betting. JMntuel field. Time. 23. 47%, l:13Vj. Track pood. mutuels paid. High Noon. S10.30 straight, .so place, 40 show: Dodge. 3.SO place. 5 10 show Hanson. ;.i0 sl-.ow. Ei|tiivaleut Ixioking odds High Noon. 415 to 100 straight 200 to loO place. 170 to loo snow- Dodge 1090 to 10O place. 055 to MM show: Hanson. 2.30 to 100 show Winner— Ch. c. by Voter— Noonday trained l,v ■ c. Benson. Went to post at 4:"S. At |n st :: minutes, start good and slow. Won driving: aecoad and third the MM. HIOII NOON began ipiickly and followed the pacemaker closely, then VOM him down enteiai ing the homestretch and outstayed DODGE at the end. The latter responded gamely to pnnisbnierO itn 1iiished fast. HANSON set a fast early pace, but tired in the stretch drive. WATER LADY was ,!. .,„■■ up rapidly when she was cut oft at the Sixteenth post KEWESSA had a rough race. FRIAR Rock and ll.ITTEROOLD made up ground. COQl BTTE tiled under her weight. Sera I ched— 220741 Ten Point. 120: fS48TWiaabar Witch. 112; 2.U:53 Pesky, 04: 234993Montresor 107-I S3SW Sir Edgar. 07: 2.341s Celandria, 94. Overweights — Doiige, C ik iiih|s. OQprOQ FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. I2K1.V--l:4SSf.— S— KH.I Purse 00. :; vear olds lOtiOO. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt, % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 234GS-*EACLE w 114 S M P G.. :;- 4- 1" E Mink A .- Parretto "lo-MO 23308»SCORP1I w 101 4 I 3 3 nk fl n j 1 itz J fj Talbott 45G5 P» 23417-*V1LANT tvB 114 "J S 2J M lh int :■ 1, Allen S L.-vis .,|,i pHI 23482 JESSE JR. w 100 i 3 4- P 4= ;,« 4T1 ]i HanmerJ W Hedrick Jr 583 Phi 23377 CI.OAMING wit 113 2 4 • p 31 ;;2 a* F ooper Berwick Stable I.V.-100 2346S YODELES w 115 10 « S 73 7» 75 P J McCaheyH Cn.lerberg 371S-MS 23212fVALAS w MM 11 9 11 10 tt= !« 7?. T Haves R I! Stelle llsoleo 23415 NOR! S wis 112 7 S *.- 5= $• »;!■ s»k W Obert E Ctterback 5513 Ph 2S470*SINGLETOE w 100 5 7 8h 8 83 »« E Forehd A A Gregg t30»-rM 23492 1IESTERTON wr. 114 3 1110- • ■ k, w 10 G Byrne JMacManus »5-WU 23237 PIED FIBER wit 105 1 1 Gi Bled. T PargtonR P Simpson t v.Mutr.el field. Time. 24%. 48%, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:42 ne.v track recordi. Track good niiituels paid. Eagle. straight. .70 Mar*. $::.0O show: Scorpii. 2.70 plait-. S12 70 show: Volant. PU| show. Bead 1 ah Ot booking odds— Eagle. 210 to KM straight. 1.35 to 100 place. SO to loo show: Se-,rpii 15.35 to KM place, 5S3 to KiO show: Volant. 215 to 10O show. Winner — B. g. by Yankee — Miss Kearney trained bv J. F. Richardson. ... Went to post at 4:3S. At Boat t minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: reeonnd and third the same. EAOI.E began flat looted, bin went to the outside on the first turn and worked his way up 011 the inside and, finishing gamely. -,.t up righ at the end. SCORPII wis a forward contender all the way. but was swerving out at the finish. VOLANT rated into the lead on the list turn, but tired in the last sixteenth. GLOAMING showed the most early speed, but unit. The winner, entered for SSihi. was bid up to ,400 and sold to E. Hera. Scratched- 23401; Menlo Bark. 105; 2.344S Stalwart Helen. 112. ODKO/I SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 17555— 1 :4.TV— 3—1 17. . Purse S5oO. 4-year ohiInd 4UUOt upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0: third. $.30. Index Horses AWtPPSt jj % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt StijaXABMAMBNT wi: 1115 S I Sj «i| 41 31 g J McCah-yC N Williams :.::, ■■•., g44$»*ROBlNETTA w 4 MM 1 1 S 7 7- 5- »* L Mink J MacManus 5 ••, m WfgO*STOXBHEXOE wi:4 112 1 2 1 2 3 ** V!. B Forehd C K Rockwell S5-J5 BBM1»KING BOX w 5 Ids I 5 1- 31 ink 11 41," t Hayes P.I Miles ■ . |aa MSJS«BILL|g BAKER w S 115 i 7 V s r, 4* S T MTagt E Hon n;7 23312TOWTON FIELD w7 I02i I » r,- 5] F Cooper AG Dlakehy 70 p.. 23287*.IOE DEI BOLD wi: 0 KU 7 G f G- I S TI K WeathyG J Dav 7 . Phi 23393*KAYDEROSERS we 5 KKi 3 3 -.. |ak -ij. 7= $ T Pargton.I Wilson ••••i pm, Time. 23%. 48%. 1:14%, "1:40%. 1:47%. Track good. mutuels paid. Armament. straight. place, $.3.00 show; Boblaetta, .sn alace .* 3 *k» show; Stonehinge. s::.5 show. Eipiivaietit b,«king edds— Armament. .375 to 100 straight. 210 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show; Robimttt ,4b to 100 place. 05 to 1O0 show: Stonehetige. 7-" to lot! show. Winner— B. g. by Armeath II. — Hot Bird trained ! y J. Fitzsimmons. Went to lost at 5:10. At ]»ost I mimitc. Sti.rt good and slow. Won driving: see 1 a: d third the siime. ARMAMENT followed the leadcis close up itntil in the final eighth, then moved up with a rnslj but just lasted long enough to win after disposing of KING BOX. ROBINETTA dosed a big gas Bad finished fast and gamely. STONEHENOE se; the early pace and tir-u near the e id. KINO BOX raced into the lead, but was on the inside in close quart-is in the Mat sixteenth and had to l»- pulled up. BH.LIE BAKER was closing up when he was interfered with The winner was entered for S700; co bid Scratched— 234P4 Lather, 102: 2.3420-Harry Lauder, 100: 2r.49G Hester, SB; 2.3407 Miss Cavanagi. Ill Overweights— Tow ton Field. H po.-nds.