Stayers Day at Latonia: Six Races at a Mile or More Bring Many Surprises to Track Patrons, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-23


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STAYERS DAY AT LATOiMA I SIX RACES AT A MILE OR MORE BRING MANY SURPRISES TO TRACK PATRONS. Dr Samuel at a Long Price Defeats the Crack Eilly Waterblcssom — Conning Tower Develops Speed Suddenly — Four Wins for Pool. j Cincinnati. Ohio. Ootolier 22. — Long distance rac- j teg wa- featured tiiis uttienmm at ljitonia. six of I i:n- wven dashes decided Iwing at one mile or over. i P-.-is and furui somersaults were outstanding incidents. Tiii- uio t pronounced reversals were those ! • : Ituis Stone, l.r. HMMel and C ling Tower. The ] tit til named pair were winners and Conning T Wer J andid seooml. It Vxtk jo-key Pools best efforts, j aided l..v Amazons bulldog "ourage. to dispose of oimiiiv Tower in the lasi stride. The i-a.e in which Dr. Samuel scored was a mile and a quarter handicap, f . r which T. C. McOMMfl crack nily Watorblossom was an overwhelming ohoic -. She essayed the task of conceding much wei gut to the others and might have won but for ; P— i teat when Martin took tier wide on the las-turn, lir. Samuel, on the other hand, after raring well uji f r: m the start, saved considerable ground on tb..- turn and won by a nock. Ordinary ones have been leading Conning T- we;-!■ his recent rm-;-s. but today he developed high s|:c«l and showed heels to a g .od baud and it m only in the last stride that Amazon succeeded in leatiug him. Dr. Ciiiicn landed third. Tory-Maid soSered from iutertcrem e in the race and * H given a bad ride. o. tier Henderson complained 1. the stewards abeal it later. Louise Stone surprise.! the talent by gamely out- • staying Veldt and Brown Velvet in tl.e second race. She has al -o bee.i .railing far hack in recent races. Iji Irrnse was a: to show improved form anil .•.in. lie. like Louise Stone, was grouped with ollu rs in the lield. .1 -key Im, was in groat ri ling form, for be won n Helen Thompson. Dr. Samuel, Amazon and Latk- .!:■ rt Kohrback, formerly manager of the Ottawa track, was among the visitors this afternoon. lrauk M. K.-l!y. who acted as track superintendent of tb.- Fair Grounds a: New Orleans last winter. »i:l not be there in that capacity the coming a inter. Al li-dison. who tMlav was appointed assistant slewi.i o" the Havana trad:, will go from ben- io •i-.nli.o and 1 al in his time at the Marylaul tracks U-fore th.. open. Hi • tie Cvwi! course. Eugene Elied lias received many application-- ta reaervatteaa in the ! oil train for Juarez, which naves Ljilonia October St. • Little String v.:.s cUiined by F. I . Weir today V r ,190. Latonin work-outs this morning over a slow track were: Alex Gotz — Half mile lit 50%. An: 1ort — Mile in 1 :4V Hank Bill— Mile in 1 :45. llig Luinax — Five-eighths in 1:00%. Itlaiichita — Five-eighths in 1:05. Chr.rtier — Flvc-eghtbs in 1 : •.". « hevron — Three-eighths in W%. Coiiiniaurctta — Miie and .-n eighth in 2:01%. Luster — Mile in 1:44:V-. Impeiaici — Five-eighths in 1 :I7. Jack i:ce%es— Three-quarters in 1:10%. Jin* Unn — Mil * in 1:47. Manassea —Tim e-eihtls in 40. Mars Hssidy — Mile in 1 :.".2%. Nobie.nan— Half mile in S4. Haiu.iat— Two miles in :::: 4. KoscfK- Joose — Mile in 1:40%. Sands of Pleasure Three-quarters in 1:23. Shod iy — Three quarters in 1:20. Subject-— Mile- in l:47:?r.. The Grader- Mile and an eighth in 1:57%. Theresa McMackin Five -eighths in 1:03%. Water Witch— Two miles in 3:3S.

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Local Identifier: drf1915102301_1_2
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