Fourth Race [4th Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-23

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i i ; r i ] * e s 1, b FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Potomac Handicap. 2-year-olds. 1 1M7S -1 :.:7 ,. r, |3fX DODGE, b. c, 2 119 By Jim Gaffney— Flora Willoughby J. S. Ward, 23588 Laurel 1 l:44%hry 31-10 its 2 1 1 1 1* PI J MiTag"rt 8 A.l.lie M.. Montres..r Oainer 33T32 Liurel 3 I l:13Vfjgood 27 ;»!».,:, :• :; :; Q J McTagrt 1 1 High Noon, Haaawa Water I.adv 2:itis Ijiur. I 3-4 l:13%good 14-5 118 2 3 3 5 S»J F Keogh 7 Geo. Smith Slitisiin.l K Neittuaa 23375 Laurel 3-4 1:17 hvy 29-5 99 2 11 2- 3«j J McTagrt R Ba k Bav. Silica I.eoehares 22810 Lexgton 5-8 1:0l%fast 9-20 115 1 111- 1- F Keogh li Cava* Run, John Jr fossa. -k 22107 FortErie U f 1 :09%hvy 1 122 2 1 1 13 1" F Keogh •. Gold. List. KingNeptune. R.Shop 22041 FortErie 81 f 1:11Vfchvy 11-20 115 3 3 2 l1 P| 9 Keogh 8 Anita. Port Light. Tar Brush 21946 Hamton 3-4 1:14%slow 8-5 115 2 2 2 l4 H 9 Keogh 1: K. Neptune. Portl.ight Milestone 31888 Hamton 3-4 l:11%fast 8 5 115 2 3 2 1"" 33 9 Keogh :: King Neptune. Rpgina 21778 Hamton 5* f 1:06 fast 2-5 118 2 5 3 2= 2= 9 Keogh 8 Milestone. Phil Uav 1MU 21682 Windsor 5-8 l:05fthvy 5-4 111 1 1 1 l1 1* F Keogh 7 King Neptune, Bernice. Taka GFLANDRIA. ch. f, 2 117 Bv Celt— Adriana Fkwood Park Stable. 23557 Laurel 3-4 1:16i£?lop 2 its 1 ] 3 2- 1» T McTagt 8 Srintendent. L.Raibarr. J Blair 2M18 Laurel R-4 1:12V.good 71 115 4 4 4 4. 4*f M Buxton 7 Geo Smith. Slip--hod. K.Neptnn« •::::c. laiir.-l 5! f l:12%hvy 5 4 120 • •• • :" Zj M Cuxton :: PruftiMlhm. Mali, bite - .o", Bel it 3 4 at 1:ll45fast 15 llsli" s 8 B» Vt J l.oltus l : Iluiinlerer. Rroiu... A. I.ev.ineiit. 22046 Saratoga ".L I 1:11 1 ll :, 1-4 4 ,; :, :, S*|M liuxtoti s .la.ol.a. I.oiae. tViuinist -I.;", li.lioont 51 I ■ ki l:o7 slow 38 L" ! I 1 1- I M Kuslon 7 Ronnie Traw, lira-o. Mala, bite 21473 A.meduei S-8 l:ot = - lo| Is 5 |i 4 6 3 ! 2. I M Cuxton 7 T.-a l.iiu-. I.. 1 1 ill ton. I .,11 ,.nio 21129 Jamaica 5-8 1»l%fast 1 1 5 Hi- 5 4 - 2" H1 M Buxton K PU-ione. I.orae. Mala, bile •8788 fi|..Rk Abl! f 56 fast :: 11- ; r. ::" .".-:. M Buxton 8 Itcgiii.-.. GaMea List M-n Belmont 5 8 st 58 fast | lv7 0 3 4 o1" 42i M Duxton • Ranibi, Rcma, CtMC8 tDisu.ualifi U for foul. MALACHITE, ch. f. 2 110 Bv Rock Sand— Miss Hanover A. Belmont". •3231 Laurel 3 4 l:l4t%good "S u-9 I 4 I 2 Il* K"« * UBarkVale, Sprint. Col. Venule nRLtwri Eft f l:12%hvy 11-5 113 :: :: :: I ?|W Lilley 3 Prohibition. Centndrta :■"•■.•: lid. Gee 3-4 1:12 last 115 M 3 - I 3* : • M«-»-" I Olto, iiesicrlrx mi • ■. Housemaid 3455 H.leGYe ill -fltTifart 4-3 11", S i I 1" - J McTag rt 8 Manned. Favour. Virginia M. £532 Belmont ; S si 5*%faat « 113 :: :: :: 2*1 -1 • McTag rt Pus* in Boots. Gran*. Ildiko K184 Saratoga El f l:14%hv? IS : 147 1 4 3 I" 8* C Turner .. P.oftvmo. II. lleurv. Miss. ISell HOrS Saratoga E| f 1:11 mu l is ;, i.rj 2 8 7 u5 4?i C Turner s Jaenhu. Lacac, lVmini.-i 21755 Belmont ?1 f at 1:47 slow 5-5 IM t 4 I ■* *• C Turner 7 Colandria. Missluzx.lo. Bon. Toss 21448 Belmont .".-8 st 59*£iast 11-10 114 3 3 3 2s lnk C Turner r, Miss Pi:zzle. B.Tess. Smoothbore S408 Aqueduct 5-8 1:«0 fast 3-5 109 1 1 1 V H J McCahey 4 Hendric, Sasin, Elsie Bor.ero SPRINT, b. f. 2 108 By Bock Sind— Sprite Mizpah Stable. BC3S Laurel 3 4 1:l4~slow 7-4 MO « • 2 1* I t Metagt 8 Franklin. Beeunjr, U Bock Yale 2 1588 Laurel 3-4 l:U%hv - 13-3 102 .. 5 4 2J S .1 McTagrt 7 Spur. Prohibition. Peaky 23631 1-aurol 2-4 l:M%gOOd 13-5 Ml 4 s 4 U Is T McTagt S Malachite, I.. U. Vale, Col.Veunie 2S I il.deGYe "... f ItutfcjCnM 4 i M| 41 4 4 ::- V .1 MeTagrl i Onaeasate, startling, Baueruneh 23235 ELdeGce 5* f 1 :067sfast 9 !4 7 7 7 7 7°U McTagrt 7 K.Keutune, Ormesdle. Startling 22855 Belmont 5| t at l:47%rnat 4 lit; 7 7 7 7 S**IT Mdagt 7 Libyan gnnuu, Ind. Chant, Grasp 22752 Belmont 5-8 st 58:jsfast 8 111 7 7 7 7 7s" T McTagt 7 Puss in Hoots. Malachite. Grasp 21573 Aqueduct 5-S 1 :00*igood 4-5 115 4 2 2 1* 1*J M Buxton 4 Malachite, BdnaKomia. Excelsior 214:: Aqueduct o -S l.l«%an« Ul-M 112 2 11 1* 1* M Buxton 4 Sasin, Hands Off, Wayfarer 21349 Aqueduct 5-« l:0:45hvy 8 112 2 5 5 3J 2" M Buxton 8 Bromo. Hands Off. Sasin 2327" Aqueduct 4i f olfast 41 115 4 4 4 4 3* M Buxton 4 MissFuzzle. Malachite. L.DippcT FRANKLIN, ch. c. 2 93 By Jim Gaffney— Gliding By J. S. Ward. 2M32 Laurel 3-4 1:1 lesion 32-5 114 1 •. 5 I- ■:■■ J McTagrrl s Mutant, Beeeuy. Lore Back Vale 2X34 Douniaa f. £ i:u7 i :ist 12-5 112 7 I 4 ::- ::=! r Kengh s Big Smoke. LadyAluraye, Ellison 23108 Douglas 3-4 1 :134kgood21-10 106 1 2 II 21 I" Keosh •"• Tee I larrv. Bacheater. M lli-iuv 22M Lex gtoa UflC%Iaat 17-6 M8 4 :; :: •.". 2 V Keaah g Checks. Big r*cliow. Ardent 2MM Latonia 1-4 l:lC%mud 23-M 111 7 5 6 H 4«i F Keojih 11 lllackieDaw. CaneKim. B. Smoke 211Sr. Latonia 14141 fast 5-4 107 1 3 :: 1" 1 F Keojrli 9 John Jr.. Rochester. J. J.Murdock 50313 Churchill 4J f Slfast 5-4 113 a ti 52 2« K Kcogh B .leny, Boneio"sFiist. Col.Vennie KING NEPTTTNE. br. g. 2 114 By Sea King— Toots J. S. Tyree. 23418 Laurel I I i ITTjinniW It I In S E •". • WC Turner 7 Geo. Smith. Slipshod. Celaadria 233S3 H.deGce 5J f l:0046fast 4 :in j 4 5 4= 4*1 C TfH !• Whimsy. Viiirinia M., BeghM 23234 H.deGce 5J f lKtlfast I 1!4 I 4 4 32 1- C Turner 7 Orniesdale. Startling. C. Vaunie 22137 II.deGce 5Jfl:"!i mud 12 11G « I 8 C2 23 C Turner 10 Slipshod. Peaky. Success 2234S Windsor 5S f 1:0» hvy 3-2 124 7 7 0 5* 43i F Cooper S Anita, Milestone, Jack ODowd 21 1"7 Fort Erie if f l:0»*ihvy 1and-0 120 3 E I B*| 2* F Cooper a Dagge, Golden List. Beautv Shop 21M4G Hamton 3-4 l:14%alOW 2 120 4 4 4 4 25 F Cooper ; Doue. Port Lirht, Milestone 2H34 Hamton 3 lillfast 1 112 3 2 3 3 l«| F Otapac ? Kejrina. Dodge SPUE. b. c, 2 109 By King James — Auntie Mum J. Butler. Katss Laurel " -4 l:17--,hvy 33-5 in:. 7 4 1 |ak| B Hoilman 7 Spiinr. Prohibition. Peaky 23418 Laurel 2-4 l:13%good « 105 7 I ti G4 CJ li Hoffman 7 Geo. Smith. Slipshod. K.Neptune 221*1 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll%taat l« is 7 4 :. :. :;-, J Butwetl 10 QIBlea, P.romo. Puss in Boots 227«.*. 11. linont 2 4 st l:ll* 50 117 13 ! I KJ 4i .1 Putwell |g TlMin.lerer, Bromo. Achievement 22474 Saratoga 1-4 l:17%m«d 4i Ml 4 5 ". #* 2" !t Ho;Vman 8 Achievement. C.Vinnie. I. Chant 2240 Raratoga 3-4 l:13%fast Co 107 7 7 7 W HxtiR Hoffman!:; P.iaBeota, Doaafataat. B. Smoke 22233 Saratoga Bj * l:12?£hvy 15 114 10 I S» 6i 5" H HoflmanliJ L.B. Vale, Wntcrsli., P.Conly ANITA, b. f, 2 107 By Voorhees — Handsome Florry E. G. Bedwell. 23C27 Laurel 51 f iril-hvy 14-5 ill I 4 4 ::: 2»1 F Baaaer 7 Iri liii iti .n. Tiajaa. Bthaaaha* 2355* Laurel hh t l:0JVsslop 4J 112 4 2 I 1" 2- F Cnoucr Begiaa, Hidden Star. Ilarla 22715 BlueBon. 3-4 i:15%nlaw 14-5 113 4 2 2 »• 1" F Oaaaec S Candle. Reserve, Iolite 22722 BlueBon. 3-4 1:13 fast 27-10 118 5 5 fi f.2 I" A Claver V" Prohibition. Milestone. Iolite 22454 ComgbX 3-4 l:2«%hvy 7-5 120 3 2 4m 4" .1 Callahan .". Iolite. Rose Water. Greenwood 22411 Windsor 5 f 1 :07 6tast 3J 115 2 1 I 21 l» L Jentry 7 Milestone, Ptl-ight. D.Williams 222M Windsor 6J f UM hvy GJ 115 1 1 1 1J I] A Claver K Mil -stone, J.ODawd, K.Nptune SOCONT. ch. c. 2 92 By McGee — Anyday H. L. Prattl. ;,..: Laurei 3-4 l:ll*«8low 42 108 2 1 1 2J 3« .1 McCahey s Sprint. Franklin. I.ordRcckVale 22557 Laurel 2-4 l:M1aalop 74 IM E 7 7 7* SO.C B*gajae s Celandiia, Sintendent. L.Bharv :•:.." i3 Laur- 1 51 t l:0S-.-.Ko"d 27 143 7 us 8r- Vi .1 McCaheyl* BtartBag, Fen: :oek. Broomvale :::::: H. le ;ce 5! f l:06%tast 30 90 7 0 7 8" 8"iL McAfee fi Wi.imsy. Virginia M.. Regina 23 ••! I H.d-Gce 5-S 1 40 H3 I 1 1 L2 :.: .1 McCahey 7 Pesky. Vermont. Orniesdale 22554 Saratoga CI f I ~t7Hfaet 12 K 7 7 7 7 7in .1 MeCaiiev 7 Ferateek. Startling, Rochester 22445 Saratoga 5V f 1 : J7tsfast 40 !7 7 fi !• 8J 7-i J MeCaheylS Boeaeater, Peaky, Whimsv "!«K« Aqueduct 5-S l:00sfast 3 MO 4 4 4 V 22 3 McCahey B Startling, Sasin. Little Dipper B242 Aqu-duct 5-8 l:02*ihvy 15 115 5 2 2 2» 51* J McCahey 0 P.iemo. Sprint, Hands Off COLONEL VENNIE. b. c. 2 109 By Picton — Shy Missie J. Livingston. ;..::; Laurel 2-4 l:14%ah»W 3 jll I 7 7 fi1 :.,u « Danaei 8 Sprint. Franklin, Soconv 22531 Laurel 3-4 1 lfngniul 35 IM 7 7 5 5« 4l C Turner S Malachite. Lord Rock Vale. Snrint r;:iC Laurel G*. f l:U%mud 4-5 112 7 4 2 l*| 1* C Turner 7 Grasp. Alfadir, Bamhi •: : . H deGce 51 f 14%taat 4 114 1 5 E V 4= .1 McCahe 7 K.Neptime. Ormesdle. Startling 23*t00 H.deGce 5-S lMUifast 7 114 2 3 2 I2 l2i J McCahe Adr dt. P.roomvale. Sasin r,4"; Saratoga 3-4 l:I7*tmud 13-6 116 3 2 3 3* 3J T McTagt ; Acliievcmnf. Spur. IndianChant "• €4 Saratosa 3-4 1: It! slow 20 122 « 4 4 fi* fi" C Qaaa S Dminant. Pun inBoots, F.Rock " ]■- Saratoga 3-4 l:lC%slow 4i 110 I 7 .» ►* S";iC Turner 9 Hulse. Man* Henry. Jacoha 22004 Saratoga 5i t l:10feUvy 15 110 1 3 I 2" l2i O Turner 5 Whitcllaekle. SunGod. Damrosch INDIAN CHANT, ch. c. 2 106 By Delhi— Anthem F. P. Keene. 22*54 Belmont 3-4 at l:ll%faet 7 I", 2 2 2 4» 4SJ M Oaraec 8 Whimsy. Achievement. Chicle 22855 Belmont 51 f at l:07-, fi 115 2 4 1 I1 2" M Garner 7 Libyan Sands. Grasp. Sevillinn 227M Belmont 51 1 at lrfiSfctaat M-S 112 7 4 I 34 M M Gamer 14 fleaBeach, Tromnator. Schoolboy "■•."Ht Saratoga 3-4 1 :17«5slow 10 105 2 4 3 •* «• K LanaJBa b FrlarBock, Achieveinnt. Kilmer "•47fi Saratoga 3-4 l:174,smul f 110 6 ti i 6 i- M Garner 8 Achievement, BfMtr, Col. Vennie 222M Saratoga 5J t HllVclivy 7 105 1 2 2 2*121 J McTagrtK! Feminist, Startling. Hid. Star 21711 Helmont 5-8 st 1:01 fast 15 110 4 6 3 24 2J J Butwell 0 Giasp. Peaceful Star, Damrosch 21Go . Aqueduct 5-8 1:01 "if ast 13-6 112 5 5 6 6s 4ui J Butwell S Startling. Good Counsel. Recluse ROSE WATER, ch. f. 2 96 By The Picket— Tlosecrest J. J, Kussell. 2MM Laurel 1 l:r.3-?.hvy 13-5 144 fi fi | 2 2* l2 B McDott t; Noiii. E.Kenna. P.. of tbeKttebea 23277 W.ll.ine 1 l:42V»fa«t 8J ptfi « 6 «i fi 5= B«l A Schugr 4 Candle, PhiMtion. S.ofPleasure 23174 WdWat 3-4 102%Cnat l» no | 9 6 fit 52 H Watts 12 Greetings, L. Bigger. A-Manetal 2:.i4l Dorval 51 f I7%Caat 3 HO 5 6 fi 4- 2«* V Maore ; C.iu:elii:s. S.siwart, Gwinthe 22891 i«.:ai M ltfafnat io Ml 7 I 7 r.i s f Maura g iolite. Little Bigger, Shaken 22854 Dorval 5-8 1 : 0 last 24 10!* 6 6 5 5° 4 F Moore 7 Tiajaa, Early Sight. Candle 22785 BlueBon. 3-4 1 :15*islow 23 101 ti 6 G 51 E*f W Moore S Anita, Candle, Reserve ALFADIR, b. f, 2 95 By Solitaire II. — Bremerhafen T. Clyde. ■:-::: Laurel 3-4 l:H%elow 198 »-» 4 3 I 51 »" L McAtee s sprint. Fraaklln. Soconv 235M Laurel 3-4 l:17%hvy 3fi H3 4 3 5 54 5*1 L McAtee I Spur, Sprint. Piohihition ••::4:T Laur. 1 51fl:13%mud ~M Vrl 5 5 5 2* W Lilley 7 Col. Vennie. Grasp. Bamhi 23171 H.deGce E| f 1 :|l7— .good 100 Ml fi G li G r.7] L McAtee 7 Favour, Vermont, Flehiu •:;e4 » H deGce f.-S 1 : K.%fast SO 100 7 7 0 fit 7" L McAtee 7 Pesky. Vermont. Soconv .M1 BlueBon. 5-S 1:02 fast 9-10 112 6 5 6 22 ll G Burns 11 Ocean Prince, Haria, Damietta 24722 Dorval 4i f 54*sfast 20 102 7 7 5 5* 2i L McAtee 7 Anita. Ihil Ungar. Iolite MMI Wdbine 4A f 55%fast 14-5 100 7 5 I 3s 2 L McAtee 8 Candle. Letfetti, Milestone 20P5 Pimlico 4J t 57%mud 9 105 4 2 21 2J J Metcalf 4 T.Elward, Ting-a-Liug, L.AtklD

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