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FIRST RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special Weights. 90155 — 1.42-:: *.« V Index Course Dlst TimeTckOdds Wt St % H % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish s-h-m-tti ii r S I10 By The Scribe — English Esther W. G. King-Dodds. **?,,..,••; 3_i i:K%hvy 33-S 111 9 S 7 C?. i"!A Mat! 12 Prince Alhert. Peg. Tillotson •••- I •.t..nii 3- Dlisiiud 21 imi « I C 610 G:i T Deary 7 R. Interest. Hocnir. Un. Jimmie 1:. . l"., 1 T4" fast 1". Ii7 2 2 2 2 21 2U L Centre l:; MoncvMaUer, I.ouBltie. Prospect ■•■-i ii i.i.cve lm7"vl:4o fast 13 Ml 4 2 2 2 10M"1* J Mclagrtlt Arnianient, Ctophine. Dgerfield 5S it :,••«. lm»rl:M last 12 99 4 1 1 1 ::3 3* J McTagrtll Day Day. JesseJr.. MaryWarren ;"i i i i. .;-.-e SI 1 1 1 %mud 12 112 1 1 3 M PM Puton 12 Kenworthy. I.ightsOut. F.Wuzzy f- r 3-4 1-li fast 6 112 .1 4 G V €i W l.illev !. Scaramouct. K.Out, M.MGiggle r ,-i iLimnni 1 l:4Ufcfa*t 12 93 4 3 4 5 53 bi K CamphTl 8 Den Quince. Korax. Brian Born : MG !:• l.m.nt Il:40%fast 8 101 1 4 4 3 2 2J T Hoary 8 Rusila, D.ofDunhar. Menlo Park •CT-Arw roMBER br. c. 4 117 By Rock Sand— Fairy Slipper E. R. Bradley. *Jr*1, , "f: i ii fast 17-5 111 S Fell. C Ganz U Monev Maker. Santo. I.ou Blue i-.-i - h-l -, T:;s-Vg..od S." US 5 I G 6 7 7;c Qaaa 7 L. Rotha. Kd Crump. Dr.I.arrick "".- ii -,.i- s 1 1 -S 1 :.1--fast 41 101 :. 4 .". G G •*» 1* Ilcrht-rt • Hank ODay. Diad-.-nthal. S.Star Ji 3-1 P13%fast 53-10 11.". 4 E E 2= V C Can/. 12 Dimitri. Stonewood. Ina Kay o-r v-./ton !o. ! tiln 3-4 1. fast 19 104 S 6 7 Sl Sj F Herbert 9 Man. Wnito. C. Tower. 0. Hughes " i s ™V,m 1 141 slow 9-5 112-4 3 3 3 4"1 4" C Canz I Light Wimr. Fadinage. Rusila "TV;. ;a,,ni!; imT.-v l-4"s-fast 9-4 117 10 4 3 4 M 3=1 C 12 Syrian. Prospe -t. Sir William .UGODatona Jm„ -. , .,. f;ist 16 n; s 6 G 6 6» C Canz 7H. ODay. Huntress. Fk-etahelle vraDonarbU 1 lU "fast 32-5 11" 7 2 2 2 2" 2* C Ganz 12 Greville. Freeman. Fleuron II. Ttrirciiv h r 3 107 By Allan-a-Dale — Biscayne Peyton and Russell. ■ ALLEN C AIM, D F4 , p-.hvv O-tt 10S 3 7 10 IV 10" F Herbert 12 Prince AIIh-ii. Peg. Tillotson _.,..«.. Unto n. i • "hvy jo iflui 2 11 1 2" 3" . F Herhert S J. Stein. J.Roardon. A. Lawrence " -V: I" "!!!. 11:*2 fast rUMI 12 E r. 7 M T»Ip Herbert 18 Money Maker. Santo. Lou Blue ■"-.: n;"; e. im7.iv 14«taat . . . rUM| • 10 11 ll1 MHr BobtaaaJ2 MiwtBin, Mitharj. Ir.CfatMiaa j..mN l;:it..nia im. J2 JlM w 9 7 5 315 ;i. |- RohinsulO Marjorie D., Prospect. I.ockland ;,:,,•.. hurch 1 1 rTlTaail is M8 3 3 3 3 V 4- F BabiaaaU Darerla. Galatray, Prospect gMS Dougtai .,:M-jfast 074 ;i4 S 7 9 9 9 9- r WUllanslO BookerBill. Consoler, W. Wonder :-:Wi,/-Slon i. -: •• 17€ ,f,2i - 4 r, 911 9r»F Bohtaaall H.Bali, "miuretta. Fellowman .291- Lex gi"n 1 i-itt j :?-ii„ond a 102 4 4 6 6 Gi C" C Jones S Guide Post. "Vryneck. Stick Pin •W42 Latoria * ij i-iS»Sloo 12 107 4 5 8 7* B" C Jones Ifl Lsdy Powers, M.Irvine. Prospect BM .atonia »-« !:S5_J n 92 7 1111 12 M »»V Judv 12 F.A.Weigle. K.Box. J.Ksvanpn MM LaTonia ffS t-JSBiaM 106 102 3 3 3 3 Zh 3»« C Jones !» L. Panchlt.i. AllenCain. StickPin ;„ :i 1Z 2 fa ** fiy Ogden— HAaimerless J. E. Madden. LOU BLUE. ch. *.•*., .,•„,„., 37 -.: r. c, r, r. .;•!• .l,.,|v t, 1;. Hughes. Vogue. Pee H-rmis ■•... -■•; Latonia "iii- "fast 12-5 MS 3 3". 4 V V B Coose 18 Monev Malt*T, Santo, Prospect i.;,tnnia |:v,,-nodM K 7 7 7 7 P 8»« K LaaaBle T L. Rotha. Kd Crump. Dr.Larrick 2334 Church I * -i-i"«tfaat and8 1 « 4 4 4 4-1 3: F Rol»inx*n 5 Haaorla. Con. Tower, GhetoOirl ::»"1 lif-XKton 2 , ...Vcood e-5 107 G 4 2 3 2. 3» J McT.ig rr 7 K.Krirgle. Bdinage. PmeMover :. 031 Saratoga ;" ;VM 1S 90 pi 8 S 71 7»i T Henrv 12 Goodwood. Gallop. Xorthliglit 218M A.jucduct rji-iJKaat !•• ** r " 4 4 31 Lilley 5 Fenmonse. Dinah Do. Azvlade :.74N Piclmont *-* :,,,«,fa;t co 103 10 11 11 10* M"K3 Brady 11 Gilt Kdge. W.I.ilv. M.B.Kul-.anks . ••. A.pjeduct j.14fast 30 102 8 6 6 6« 6"! !. Allen 0 Carlavero -k. EvelynC. Gammon s "nalca HO By Chilton— o antilla Ross and Looney. INTONE, ch. c. 9 r,- , __ -7 a s I 7 G .". M s!» V w Tier • Change. Transport. Oreen [.atonia 1 J" ; , , st .;6 ]f,-. 7 4 4 I .". .", W W TtarU Monev Maker. Santo. I.ou Blue ..; l.atonia » iiia-faat 18 I03 " n ]1* 1,:7 p Murphy 12 Colle. OUJsmobile. Dengro C! L-xKton J-J f;SZl»od 24 Ma 3 2 2 4 1*1 H Alex 1 1 The Nataaaa, Izzothey, Billy Joe i - • l.urclni c, J 1 AfiVfist S3 Ki3 " 9 9 7i 75 H AleX 14 p..andStaPS, R. Goose, Huntress .Churchill :,» I , .,,u fast 31-10 114 5 5 6 R 9«H Alex 12 Mamie K.. Boxer, Fair Helen • lnnii.-o hY.,n Sat m M«| « 6 7 7 7" II Al.-x 8 Pehhle«. HighXoon. DaaMeKadr l„iur.-l fid W Left at the post F Hopkln* 11 T.astCoin. FHtlareaM. R.Bradlev Lanrel 3 4l-l"%fast • -"• lt„ By gir Huon— Latifa fM. M. Emmans. ••1 WILLIAM. b; c.3]ow 413 1]S fi 2 «. ;! o« ,. i,jsmn„„,- Ina K„y, Bean Spiller. Mattie C. I Chare* 1 "Jii.ihvv li M4 I * » 9 7« «• c DlahaaaaM MarjorieD.. AllenCain. Prospect • rhurchl •« i.iJuvrast 18 °- ° 1° s 9 9* ;r T allanai.11 Lavann. Wild Horse. Cadenza - Windsor , ; , ,7- ciop •« -5 104 10 10 9 9 RBOtt pi I.adv Powers. M.Irvine. Prospect ; -Latonia 2.T 1 V-iVast 19-5 104 8 5 4 I 4h 4* 1, Gentry 12 Svrian. Prospect, Beach Comber - 1 i.atonia lmjOy ;~2mud 9 102 10 10 10 f.= 4" P Ott in Waterproof. StarMcGee. Dude ; Latonia 3 -4 1 -iJ".. 54 105 9 8 8 7J G»J It Ott ]0 Fidget. Fksie Frockett. Dude g Latonia g ioi%rnud 44 112 3 6 7 4* 4" It WaldronlO Solly. Foxy Griff, Jack Carey DIMITY, b. f, 3 107 By The Commoner— Alpaca G. K. Hendrie. 23S81 Latonia 1 l 16 1:50 hvy S". j..;, 1 2 3 4 6- 72- J All :• Chang.-. Tnaaaarl Oreca 2S2M Wdhinc 3 11:14 fast 115 p.7 7 ,", .". .". 61S J Sniytb 12 Sparkler, Collector Wodau 22868 Dorval linTOy l:lG%fast -1 Ml] « I 7 •". •"! •"•■• AM ! Saturiius. Singletoe Fndiiinnce 224M Windsor 1 l:42ifast 17 M 4 4 5 7 f 5- P I.owder il Lavana. Wild Horse Cadenza 2.049 FortKrie f.J f l:ll*Afcvy SJ h; ;t ;; ■ 3i 4* B M.Dott .". Miss iavle, Finalce Jim 1. 219J7 Hamton 31 1 MS-fchvy o 102 4 2 2 6* HMuaratf 10 Africa Beat!. Argent K Jennings 1S332 Latonia 5J f LOS.Jsfast 29 110 4 6 5 4h 4»i A Mott 13 Gilt Kdge W. Witch. GertrudeB 1S170 latonia 5J f l:07%good 13 112 7 8 S S* 8" J Metcalf 12 Fidget. Water Witch. F Crocket 1S075 Latonia 6| f 1:08 last 43-10 105 6 3 7 7» 7°1 J Metcalf 12 MissFannie. W. Witch. F.Crocket DUDE, blk. g, 3 107 By Electioneer— Society Bud G. Watts. 2MM LatoaJa I I I:16%hvy 170 i 7 S 7l «*i V 1 Zin Del. Talebearer Ferloii" 23261 Douglas lm70y l:45fast fid Ml 13 9 S s s 11s .1 Sloan 18 Coaaruaurrtta, Oboins Den-ro 21119 Latotafal 3-4 1:15%slop 22-5 108 5 7 5 6l 6* W W TlorKt I.adv Powers, M. Irvine Prospect IMC Latonia 8-4 l:lS%mad 12* 103 4 6 4 3" X* J CaipheBHI Waterproof. S McGee S Wili am 2096.". Latonia 8-4 l:lf.-hvy 252 110 8 6 4 4l t*| J Campblllii Fidget. Flossie Crockett Grecian 20, 5S Douglas 1141 fast- fid 102 12 9 5 5 V 7"U McTagi 112 Greville. B. Comber, Freeman 20703 Douglas 3-11:14 good fid lii-j s 7 9 9 918 C Jones 11 Amazon. Maznik. Blackthorn 20T27 Douglas 3-4 l:l."."imud fid 102 11 11 H 7i 713JC Jones 11 Royal Met.-or. Greville. Manners GALAWAY. b. c. 3 107 By Galveston — Rainawav V. M. Pittman 2MM Latonia 3-4 l:M%hvy M Ml I 10 9 9 M« V W T*lor12 Prince Allurt Peg Tillotson 23SM Latonia 1 1:42 last rU MS| I 9 9 S 9" 95 D Connellyi:: Monev Maker. Santo I ou Bine 23421 Church! 8-4 l:14%alow rid 115 11 10 10 9= 7l;J.I Kederis lft InaKar. SiiWillinm BeanSpiller 23378 Church I ll:464hvy 2 106j. r, 5 5 6 S Sls D Connelly ill MarjorieD.. AllenCain Prospect M8tt Douglas 1 l:4::%inud 37 106 4 2 1 1 23 2 D Couii"Ilyl2 Doreris. Irospect llen Can 2297G Loxgton 3 4 l:13%fast fid 10S 12 12 12 12 129 F Kcogh 12 Dimitri. BchConilter. Ston-wood CHARLES FRANCIS, b. g. 3 107 By Cunard— Mamie G. W. Feuchter. 235M Latonia 1 1:42 fast 232 Id G 7 S M W 8" T Henrv l:: Monev Maker. Santo Lou ■■ 22430 Windsor 1 l:42%fast f hi 100 10 7 7 8 S»k 7*1 a Clav r 11 Lavana. Wild Hors.. Cadenza 2218S FortKrie H t l:07%fast fid 107 13 13 13 13 13"JA Claver 13 LadyMexican. GoMCap Hicadoo 21838 Ham ton 5S f l:07 tfast 40 98 12 12 12 12 12" K Lapaillel2 Water Lilv. J.Zarate. M Waters 212G3 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 33 105 2 2 6 71 7" M Garner 11 Dignitv. Kris Kringle W M,tal 21119 Latonia 3-4 l:14%fast fid 107 5 2 7 11 11201R Goose 12 Xobleinan. Casaha, FlosCro.-kelt PETER STALWART, ch. g. 3 107 By Stalwart— Aralia W. F. Knebelkamp. 2MM Latonia 3 1 1 : li.hvy 50 95 7 11 6 5 4" C Hunt 12 Priuee Albert Peg Tillotson 23421 ihureh1 3-4 l:14%slow 20 1 lo 14 14 14 14l 14-« W Meebanlft InaKav, SiiWilliam BeanSi.iller 23315 Douglas 1 l:43%niud 69-10 107i 7 4 5 7 IJ S= K fi.xise 18 Doreris. Ga.awav Prospect 23048 Lexgton 3 4 1:13 fast 148 104i 4 3 3 3i 6» W Median ST.. Jane Grev Dr Carmen Btrka 22942 Lexgton 3-4 1:13 fast 326 MS|M 30 10 i 3 91CJW MeehanlO Amazon. Dr Carmen Maznik 2239.. Saratoga 51 f l:07/f,fast 30 1.J6J I .". -5 10* 11- D Coi.neilvll Silica. Kvelvn C Sanaa " 20312 Churchill 3-4 l:12%fast 232 100 12 11 11 11 11" W Lilley 14 Undaunted " Mex. Grasmere