Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-23


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i , 1 1 I 1 . - , I - - • , :. .. i II 11 I I LATONIA FORM CHART. IAT0NIA, KY.. FKIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915. Twelfth day. Latouia Jurkey Hub. Autumn Meetins of Hi days. Weather clear. j Stewards. E. C~ Hopper. Charles F. Price and John T. Ireland" Presiding Judge. II. Shi lh-y. Starter. Harry Morrlsscy. Racing Secretary. Walter II. IV.itee Racing starts at 2:0 p. in. Chieago time 2:C0 p. Ml.. *Ir.di. ntcs apprentice allowance. fh O "7 /"ifi FIRST RACE-1 Mile. 18681 1 57% I 114.1 »»!» Ailded. 2 year-olds. Maidens. Ju O % VJXj Selling. Nt value to winner S.".: sec.eid. .■ 1 27 : third. 888. Index Horses AWtPPSt% v. % Str Flu Jockeys Owners Kmiiv. Odds Strt 23693 HELEN THOMPSON w K 7 6 7 fi* « I- 2 R Pool L Marion 185-Hi 23689MAMKS OAKLEY W MM I I V " L" I1 2* W M-hanM C Moore 135 100 23£61 COSSACK m 107 s I |i 4 11 ::: ::•" .1 MetcaU .1 W Goldblatt llso-100 888S8*TROUT PLY w MS I I 7 5*1 «; P t". K G M Hendrie i: -100 St8S8HlEEN OF THE Misiu 182 4 :. 4] uj r n St .1 MJaryi .1 8 Hawkins ♦;:*«r,-i88 28622*JENNTE SMALL w 188 ; 2 2*15" r.i 6J 6 c Hunt W 8 KaehaTkamp lh". 100 23484 EMILY- R. w 107 I 1 :.i. :;. Jl 7T 7.. .1 null V. rRi.e Mt Kurtz 1000-M 23649*1 NNOYATION w 102 7 1 1- Lh r* S s" K I.apaille Williams Bros __:«-148 23649 CZARS BOY wn H 7 I |i y ;» 9 | a Matt I N Huffinun Hir,-18t Time. 23%. 49%. 1:16%. 1:42%. Track good. muluels paid. Helen Thompson. $.-,.! » straight, S:;..i pla.-e, 85. slow: .Tame- Oakb-y. S...90 plaea, .41 show: Cossack. . Hi show. Equivalent hooking odds- Helen Thompson. 195 ... 1IH straight. 7-". to Hni place. 50 to loo show: James Oakley. 105 to IOO place. 120 to 10u h..v: Cossack. 231 lo 1«l show. Winner— B. f. by Enulish Lad P.essie Well* trained bv I. M.iroin. Went to post at 2:08. At iss: 1 ininnt,.. Start bad and sb.v. . Wen driving: at rail and third tha snive. HELEN THOMPSON, alter saving ground 111 all turn-, le.oed ap t;i-t in l!ie atretek au l wore JAMES OAKLEY down in the last ■eveajtj yards. JAMES OAKIEY I.l-.ii s!..u Iv an I M.rinteil info the ill the streicb. but tired and swerved out right at the end . Ci.SSACK ran well, but tired in the last eighth. TROCT FLY wax practically left ;l:„t r.m I good roc. Tee winner was enured for 09: u . bid. Overweights -James Oakley, 2 i"Uiic|s. rj -| f SECOND RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 8228 i:15:. S MiTTi 8880 Add-.h 3 ytar-aht*. 2Q O I A V/ Selling. cl value 1.. w inu.-i $ j86j soei.n.!. 8136: ;ii-.l. S7i . l"le Horses A Wt PPSt V4 , _■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owaera Euuiv. Qdd Strt 238554 HRIKTIR w lit ■ - ". r.i. :.i. :;- it. I, entry .1 It Reaacaa I ■"• RS 23671 LITTLE STRING w I"1- - 3 3 ■] •« I] r*l ■ Pool W If Baiher I f«» 236531SYRIAN w 1M 7 7 6| 2* 11 !■ ::.•. D CoanellyCI W .1 IWaaiB I •!". lot, 23508 FLY HOME • M8 M E v ■. 7 41 41 j Kederta W Martin 17* , 235l6MONKY MAKER «v 110 B S 7 i; fi; :- :.n r, darner "W F Knebelkamp P ." 28628 SUYNF.SS «» Ul s M 3h !■ ¥ «?■ fi; II CavanhS N Nealy «♦» NO 2365 BLACKTHORN ■• MS 1 4 1* 1 4 71 7. A Mott M A Colton W» I,,* 83868 CADENZA wn MS 1 I lo «a pi pi gi| c YanDunlt oot- ".»».,,, 2355* MISS FIELDER wit 110 3 I J 4t u K ti.l McCabe V I» V."-ir 88664*RR«M M ll.owiR « - l"1 ■ -h 71 * :i 10 K l.apa iii.-.i 11 Stamper Jr AC i,0 Iim-. 23;,. 48%. 1:14- . 1:40.. L47 . good. H uoito.-U ici.l. ilr ■■•in. 84-S8 Iai-iii | and mi ptarv, IS !* !-a : LUtla Mtrfaai M-38 idiee. 83.7 -h..w: Svibm. sn ahuar. i:.piivalent book las odd- Christie, no t,, p.o MraHcht. S M8 a law, 48 Mi M8 ahaw: little s.n,,,. 115 to hni place. S5 I.. ion show: 248 l.. no -;„.w . Winair V.. f, bv War Shoot Cnulita drain. -.1 b .1. !*.. R. pessi. Went to | at 2:51. At post I minutes. St. 11 1 m.. .1 and slow. Von driving: secoad and third bame. CHRISTIE was lovtcd to race wiUe tor the fjm three quarters, but uaiued steadily iu the str. t :ind wore I.1J ri.i: STRING down in the final strides. LRU BTBIXG showed much s i ecd an.l made a «iivx-li!i.F,nM" n"io-- SYRIAN n -v.-,I np with a rash at On hall i.ut tare* II. Y BOMB lini h.-.| ,,,.11. -. i V-,J; «•»» always outpaced. BLACKTHORN s,-l Hi,- earl* MM * and l it. The winner was entered ■» r ■♦**. .i . ii!«l. ■ vjrvvyhts Mon.-y M :ikci, 1 pound: Miss Fielder. 4 . Ot7l "I THIRD RACK -1 Mile. 14KB l:::7".. - 4 -1 n. , WW MM. 2 year ..Ids. SeMMg. " * -_X Nl valnr to w imuT S.V.H: second. Sl:;.;: ihird. S7 4. J*? U!!l s AWtPPSt Vj g| % Str Fin Jockeys ~~Ovvne:s Kuuiv. Odds Strt y— i; -,i",I?i: S!""-v »■ DM 8 8 *» « q : ]i. p BoblnenJ 8 Hawkins 14115-100 SJJniSi . ■ 1"~ "" • -" - v»v 9 " Hunt P J Mill. it MS-MI SS-! W VEI-VKT m 104 .. r. 3", 2«12 q p A Mot, .. h NldMH 854-WO " L,-,1.1;- BIGGER v. 104 4 1.-11 :• 7" 7- 5 J R Guy W P John.«on M4S-M6 »"Z-n ivl/.Y I:! Al1 «n "-» ■"• * ]- v •" ,; •■" ViiiiHunlt J Anatia K8-M4 ti*.~ Ir..1.!!1: "• «|: ; I • " ,: 4 •" "-" • Hanov-: Cat-wood and Mu.-kner 1444-M6 -i/io , ,,... •,AI:.I «»• ■ 104 2 28M8MM* !♦- V= K l.:i,.aill-Mila-.i and Levy GMS-M ?2?i ft ,.V "AKUXEB « K4 7 3 1" » si g: »• w MeehanM C Moon 235-ion SOTS OLD CUAKTEK n los.u 9 9MI 11 11 1! D ConnellrJ X SUebler f •Mi. i,,.i ,i..M. TilII,.. 24. 49. 1:15. 1:41*5. Track good. -_i.utu.-i.., ,,;ilj | an |f si. ii. . held. js4.::o Knight, 637.90 place. 615.5H show: Veldt, S12.::n place fCLWahovr: : Brown Velvet. S7.:»» show. .. "Jvalcni looking odds Louis.- Stone, field. 111.", to KM siraighl. 17!l", t . ltx |.la.«-. r,7.-, to TOO show: i-ld ..1.. t.. Hii pin.-.-. ::-.i t.. ] • -how: Hiown lv«t. 203 to 1UU sl-.ow. liin.-i-— i;. f |V n.njn-s Alio trained bf A. Gtonuaettt. VJV, PJW •■•: --"7. At 1 niinate. Stan uood an-l slo»v. Won driving: scvond and lliiid tin- nie. i.di isk STOXK lM-uan slowly. lint saveil niia-.i mound on tin- stretch turn and. liuisliiig fast. :ot ■|t t« Win in the |;ist f , yy tUUtM. VELDT l:i«i:l into tfce lead s,nd r.ill a --.x.d ra.-e. lmt tired slialitlv right I the -nd. I.IHIWX VKLVET was orouiineut all the way. DOLIXA was gnlniiiR fast at the end." 1XFI- III. II. had no mishaps. HAKKV UABUXKK rau a had race. The v inner wa entered for MJ; no hid. match d 2MZ| j.j,.. ],c. « w.-.v.-igiits liili.l.-; II.. J; |..-.iiii.: Harry «;anliier. 2: 11.1 Charter. 1 j. fc y t IT f f% rOCKTH i;ACK 1 1-8 Miles. H4.i77 -1 :r.0r. :: -] :.. i Purse .f7iHi. :;-year-ohls and O I A aaaratj. Han.ii.ap. gk t value to winner .$■"■.".": ■■ ■ nd. : third. $.■!. ■•ikIv Horses AWtPPStVi V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 8MW t»K. MAMI EL a a 1 I03J ! 4 4- II ::: i! Mt B Iool B . Baher 1443-KM 2K33iVATKBIiI.lSSoM u :; 1 1 4 7 1 I1 TJ 11 L1 B Martin T - McDowell K.-lM : 3C52 I AllY IMTUA w :: lC :: « I- 2 -- 31 3» T Henrv .1 M H.nrv Sr BS-Mt :34!f7 i:Mi!itini i:i:v nl *7 l « «:« *;» «; 4l 4- f judv a n Haacaeh 3Hh-lM 3539 oi: SIKI- u :: Km?. -J 1 ::= r.J 4J :.« r,« F Kohinsn.l N "a-nd-n na-Nt ..•3597 i-.i:oy.i:viN.; wb 4 insi 4 7 7 7 7 q . a Matt A P Hacaaawey Jr tmt-tm 236S2-MAXK HHAV w:; :: !* : I r. .V r. ".= 7 7 K LaaaJUcJ B Hawkins S4.V10H Time. 23%. 48. 1:13V5. 1:39. 1:51%. "Track fast. 92 iiiutinls paid. ] r. Samuel. EMuH snaigiit. :,-...»ll place, .*.".. •! show: Waterhlossom, $.1.20 place. S2.70 !*•■; i.ady Baoa, KLM aaaar. K«|iiival.;,t h king aHt- l»r. Samuel. 144.". la 1 h straifiht. MS la 1«»0 placce, 150 to 100 show; Water-!•: Ml to Kin place. ::.". to K-ll show: I.adv lo.t;:j:. 7.". to 101 show. Winner — Itr. g. I.y Hryn Mawi -I.ani.ila trained hy A. l?akeri. W.-ni to jm st at :::2i. Ai i«.t 2 ininines. Start good ami slow. Won driving: second and third the fame. liR. SAM! F.I. was saT*4 elaaa ay in tin- tarty running, tin n sav.-d niuch ground ou the last turn aid ot up to win in the la t few strides of a fast finish. WATKKl.l.OSSOM set a fast pace, but lost : •• ■ 1. ground when coming into the stretch and tired near Ihc end. I.ADY BOTHA raced arefl and out-nay.-d BMBBAIDBBT. The latter *mr4 a good gap in the la-t hair. Qv-rw..iglns--|r. Samuel, r :miik.Is; ,■ Step. 2;: r.rony.ewing. ::. A O r7 -| O F11T1I I!A K 3-4 Mile. Uttt-1:11— 8— I1C MM Add.-,1. t Jiai llfc and up- Q If waul. Selling. Xei value to winner 7.".: s-.-hhI. 2i: third. .«C4. Index Horses AWtPISt U 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqqiv. Odds Strt 23521 AMAZON w :: 10:1 :. 1 L-n 21 1h 1" E Pool W H llaker 1S.V100 MIM iXXIXi; TOWEB w :: 110 :: 4 l1 ll H 2* J McCahc J Shilling j:i..-.-100 2367S I.K. CAU.MKX w :. 14 1 . 7M 4* ..* C K Lapaill. lL ih. Ips 74M-M1 23672 MAKION GOOBBT w :: 104 4 :1 4h 7.J 4h 4- W MeehanM C Moore 41»-10 M5M*T»BY MA1H w :: !«» 2 •• « i « •" - T Htnrv S M Henderson ::3.".-100 23651S1I.YKR IJII.L w .". 1»IS « .". 3 33 :. C J Hanover A I, Ferguson 915-100 Time. 23%. 46%. 1:13%. Track fast. 2 mutiuls paid, Amazon. .$.".. 7» straight, S4.O0 place. .80 sIk.w : Coi-ning Tower. 1.10 place. aaaar: l r. OaraaaB, |AMahaar. Equivalent hooking oddi — Amazon, is.", to 10 straight. 100 to ]n0 place. 40 to 100 show; Conning Tawcr. 4~ to kio alanr. MS to Kmi aaav: Or. Cannen. n»." to loo show. Whiail BBt. f. I.v Yaukei- It. .1.1 O ill ! train-: d hy W. II. Baker. Went la post at :::!s. At l ost 2 minutes. Start aaai and sh.w. Won driving: second and third the laaae a !.:co.. after raehai n ehaert pawall ta the Ktreteh, -t.HMi the tinal drive gamely and got aa to win in ti:e la-; stride. OOXXIXfl TOWEB sl. w d htah speed la pa.-.-inaking and onlv suecuinlM-d right at the oi.i. lilt. CABMEX casae ia;: thaaash the atrehch. TOBY MAID aaBerei from interference. MAH-1IN BOOBBIl raa aoarljr far her. The winner was entered for WHtii; no hid. Scratched — 423S50 Hsatreas, IM. erv. eights t ..lining lower. 1 iM.nnd: XI:.rioii «;«wis|.y. :.. OQ71 /I SIXTH BACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards, lilill."..". -1 :42 :: -M%. $«00 Added. 4 year Jf 4 A He "Ids and upward. S.-llitr-. Net rafcje to winner j8.",ini: second. MM; third. .4. Tndex Horses A~tPPSt % V- % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 23537 LACKBOSE wb 7 107 1 1 T 1" 1*1 l: l1 ■ Pool B P Dickinson t***-K* 236y4-TKA :SPOKT w .". 1 »7 :: 2 91 9 « 2- P F RobinsnJ F Oaffney 14WMM 23C71 pi:isv wb 4 107 4 ii U| Ml W :.h :. D CaaatallyJ C Fletcher f 2SC71-i:i:X» W I K»7 11 7 M jp 91 4H 43 J Hanov rW H Hogan S7C-100 2358C ..HUN BEABOOX wb 8 110 ". 4 E* S" 21 r.l V J MeCkhe O In.hrwootl U75-MQ £1598 CKcSYFNOU wf. ". 110 ! I €l « S1 ♦•h 64 G Cam r .1 M Henrv Sr 7SS-M4 23655 BEXDEL w 4 11«» It** 31 71 7 L, Gentry B V." Moore MMM 236S4 Mill SH.D w r. 7 1H7 I • 71 7= 7s M* 8 J Kederis W A McKinney ?AZ-1jQ 2MSS COXSftLEE w 7 107 1« 12 12 llUl1 ,l ■* F Murphy W M Rawson MM Ml 23GS5 SdSHS w 4 107 I ". * T.h M M* M* J Met.alf E I.ateman 1220-100 23028 ILTAMAHA w 7 107 7 € 3l 41 41 11s 11"-° C YanDurH C Ioffey t 23523 STAR ICTBESB w .". 107 M 10 lo" 12 12 VI 12 A Mott P M fivill 2100-100 vMutuel field. Time. 23%. 48%. 1:14. 1:40. 1:44%. Track fast. S2 Iliiluels paid. I.ackrose. field. 1.!I0 straight. ?C40 place. $."..70 show: Transport. 0.80 place, SlCKi show: Aprisa. field. S.Y70 show. i: iuivahi-1 lH.ok:ng odds— l.ackr se. fie 1.1. A.C, to 100 straight. 220 to 100 place. Mi to Mi show; Txaaa-p.;rt -4i ta M9 place. 4. .". to Khi show: Aariaa. field. MS la MM show. Winner — It. g. hy l.aekford — Sar.irose trained by R. P. Dickinson ». W.-:u 1 . iisi at 4:18. AT ist 1 minute. Sla t paai and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. LACK BOSK, showing the most speed, led ali the way. hut onlv won under strong riding. TRANS-PUBT fi.-iii a slo-.v !. -ginning, closed a hig gap and finished fast. AIRISA also made np much ground and finished gamely. BEXO finished close up. BEXDEL an.1. JOHN BEABOOX tired after showing early j-eod. The winner was entered for 00: no hid. Overweight! — John R.-ardon. 3 pounds: Crosvcnor. .".. Af*-| ~p» BEVEKTH RACK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 001.V. -1 :42— ::— !K.j. i 1915.sh00 Added. 4 year fy i X O oi..s and upward. Sidling. X" t value to winner $■".: : second. :ii: third. S74. 1 iTdex Horses AWFPPSt j % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 23522-.1FXNY tJKHDKS w 0 107 lo 7 71 P 0" 1= V- L Gentry J P. Respess 9S-100 ntm»ZALJ am 4 18841 1 »* ll Vi H :* E Carter A h Tavlor t41JO-lO0 23653 sTprVWIXfi wr. 4 107" 4 3 81 7J S: 4 M F Murphy J C Hansen 23M-10Q Z-Sanda illlIF POST wb r. 107 :: 2 ]h 2 21 iU 4- A Mott H Rosenthal 93.V1O0 23S93MR UFXTLEMAN wi: 7 110 11 C t:i- « 31 5= ul J Metcalf J H Mead M88-M8 2S62C «I MODE wn i 102 2 9 M* 91 9 74 C * F Judy T P Hayes 1020-100 2"fi*5 FFSslF IOITSE wit 4 K»7 5W r.3 r.h :,h q 7l .1 Hanover.T M Coode 1940-100 T3538l*ST VXI FY S w r. I MM I 8 91 M* W S1 M J Morvs D E Stewart MM-M8 353 OBXOE ■■ ■» 1" • M 11 11 H ;,i S" ■ 3° d L J Drown "3675 Miss TiioRPE w • 107 7 4 21 H 71 10 10= .lones A B Dow.- 710-10.1 23650 Rol»MXSTKR ■ I MI «: I M P 4" 11 11 B Huy T H Ryan r.".10-100 Mutn.1 field Time. 23%. 47*;. 1:14%. 1:40%. 1:44%. Track fast. S2 inuiiiels paid. Jenny Ceddes. S.I.tXl straight. ?:.40 place. S2.00 show: Zall. field. 0.40 place, s". cji show- Surpassing. . SO show. Equivalent iKM-.king odds— Jennv Ceddes. !».". to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 4." to 100 show: Zali. lehl 7-11 in KM tda.o. ISO to 100 show: Surpassing. 200 ta MB show. Winner I! ni. hv Cesarion — Hull Down trained l.y J. B. Resjiessl. W.iit to i»»st at 4:4C. At i ost 1 nii..u!e. Start gi».d and slow. Won easily: second and third IFX.NY C1"1»DKS overcame interfcreiif-e and. after .-losing a gap, drew out decisively in the • 1 ■i-iviiv toTiirter Z I I showed good s|« e.l and. after setting the early pace, stayed fairly well. SIR-iVssivr from i si.ov hecmaimr. finished fast. RFIDE POST was in close quarters through the KtretchV IRISH CKNTI.KMAX tired. MISS THORPE quit. The winner was entered for 00; "" scratchod--wm Rirka. 102. 2 pounds. tv.-rw eights -Zali.

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Local Identifier: drf1915102301_2_8
Library of Congress Record: