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1 1 i 1 | , 1 i * LATONIA ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 2:00. I XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M maidens. "Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 5 year-olds mid upward. Maidens. Special Weighls Track record: 99155 -1:42— 3—99.. i Ind. Horse. Wt. lac. A.Wt.llin. 28888 Santo 99 1:46% 8 116X788 . 23516 Reach Comber 117 1:46% 4 117.. 095 - 23MC» Allen Can 10841:48% 3 167X668 , 23823 Leu nine 3 167. .888 2::.".sl Intone 3 110.. 090 23421* Kir William lot 1:40% 3 116. .688 23581 Miuitv 18111:47% 3 187. .885 23691 Dude 101 1:46% 3 167X686 I sx*:* Gateway .". 167X880 23.VI0 Ohartes Francis ... 3 107.. 075 - 23609 liter Sialwart 5 107. .675 - About as poor a lot as could be brought together. • Secend Race— 3-4 Mile. 5-ypar-o!ds and upward. Selling. Tract tecord: 15126 — 1:11— 5-110. 23533 The Spirit 107 1:12% 4T88X723 , 23831* U.iia-seli tis 112 f. 188 .2u -I 23330 Grecian lnt» 1:13% .: M2X7I5 235*43* Vurkrtlle nit 1:13 "• lot1-.!. :. 23564 Jane iite» . . . mi 1:13 :: MM Ti .. i 28866* 1iuloic; no 1:12% • 116x713 23556** Mater 163 1:12% 4 182x710 II 23 "7l- NoMeasaa 168 1:12% . 183X710 11 28838 flahrta mi 1:12% 8 167X718 I 235J3 tseeit 110 1:11 107..710 I , Ind. Horse. Wt. R.c. A.Wl.Han. S 21828* I.nckv George 168 1:15 6*62X888 I2V14 Adair M HII..08O The Spirit has been ra ing well with bett-r company. . Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 2 vear-olds. Selling. Track record: 15188 -1:11 — — ""•» 250241* Impressive 95 1:15 166X735 j 25073 Beau tv Shop 109 1:11 165X7261] 23553 Blanchita 105 1:14 MS.. 72o ,« 23517** Pldl Dacar 165 1:18% K»7x720 23552 Taka 110 1:14 W5X715 1 1 23711 *• Veldt 109 1:1011 97x710 1 1 23870** Ladv Mildred 07 1:17 .h 67x765 1 28873* Payaaaater 166 1:15% 188X7651 23024* Lucky It l; 9 1:16%m M6X6B6 * t 28854 Shine M M8 l:17%*a KM;. .090 j 23673 Bahv Cal 112 1:19%m 10sx69o 25596 Hops 106 l:17%h lllHK Impressive appears to be iu extra good firm. Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Autumn Stakes. ,500 Added. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 14S35— 1 :37%— 4— 114. 23Q82 Hanovia 106 1:59% 2. 116X740 ; 23583* Mars Cassidv 104 1:41 5 88X735 1 23092* Vogue 112 1:38% 3 166X735 , 23319* Schemer 109 1 :4d% 5 M3X 7:« 23802* Dr. Larrick 184 1:36% 3 168X735 23872* Roscoe 188 1:46% .". 91fl57.;t» 23075** Wilhite Ill I :•*» 6 97x730 23092* Graver Hughes M7 1:38 7 99x739 ! 23631 Grumpy 104 1:59% 3 100x750 lianoviii is in such superb form just now that she may be able to make the weight concessions. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 5 vear-olds ami upward. Selling, Track record: 15126—1:11—5—116. 2559!-* Korfiiage 102 1:12% 4 MM X 723 23557 Chattier 112 1:12 6 114X726 23237 Dignity 99 1:15% 3 loo.. 713 22674* Lucie Hart 100 1:12% 5 10. ..715 25412" Conimensia 105 1:13% 3161X716 25521 Scrutineer 106 1:18% 8 163 .705 ; 23584* Dir.iitri 16111:18% 4 110. ,7 i5 23851 Quartermaster ....1111:12 7 111070.-. 28556* B. First 102 1:15% 3 101 . .090 25550 Ina Kav 115 1 : 14%s 3 102 . . 588 23585 Chevron" 112 1:14% 3 164X688 88885 Juliet Mi 101 1:15 •"• 100. .075 Korfiiage appears to have regained his good form. Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Handicap. Track record: 15120—1:11—5—116. 23538 Milestone 107 1:15% U6X72S 235861 Blaekie Daw 114 l:16%ni 11SX720 25596 Primero 107 1:14% 115X715 28568 Marse Ilenrv 110 1:14% 11SX715 23590 Kathleen . ." 105 1:15% 110X710 25505 Marv II 58 1:13% 90x705 23517 John Jr 110 1:14% 92x705 28688 Cane Run 1111:15% BSX765 28588 Ellison 168 l:10%h 102x705 233M Mandv Hamilton .. 92. .688 230543 Countess Wiln-.ot... 85X660 23305 if Jack ODowd 116 1:14% 68X888 U J. Millett and J. S,.encer entry. Milestone is right on edge. The other top weights may not be as good as they were. Seventh Race — 1 1-4 Miles. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 57577— 2:05%— 5— 11.4. I 23875* RINGLING 107 2:08% 3 162 725 25091 Disillusim 3 88X715 23864* M.vkerv 4 167X715 23489 McAdoo 3 .15x711 23585* Comm litretta 88 2:14%! 3 88X710 23507-* Auv Port 108 2:06% 7 163X710 25075- Transit 4 1 ill x 710 25307 J. W. ISliea M. 4 110. .075 Ringliug outclasses hi r opposition.