Mount Royal Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-23


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1 1 1 1 1 I i , , , I , , I 1 I i i 1 . 1 1 1 MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE., Friday. October 22, 1915. -Mount Royal Park. Sixth day. Back River Jockev Clnbs Second Meeting of 7 days. ill books on.i Weather clear, Presiding Judge. II. Nathanson. Starler. W. M. Murray. Racing Secretary, M. Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:0O p. m. Chicago tim- l:ilii. 23702 First Race 5 12 Furlongs. 23232 -1:07 -7 119. Purse 00. All Ages. Canadian bred. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, 886; third. 825. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. .Toekev. Op. CI. PI. 23642 Puritan Lass 110 1 Jlleavprt 10 10 4 23642 P. Philsthorpe 100 2* TCaaaraaa - 1 4-8 S8886*Otere ■«• 31 K OMIen 7 107-101 :: 23642*D. of Chester 104 4] J Cluiuv Id i"l S 23664*Sati 108 Gi 8 WotefBB 21 21 R 23642:,Sarota 118 «= It Watts I I 2 22931 Dix Rogers 87 7* C Mergler 13 » S 23616 St. Bass 106 S C White S lo 4 Show odds — Puritan Las. 2: Prince Philsthorpe. 2-5: Otero, out: Duke of Chester. 4: Sati, 4: Sarolta. evens: Dix Rogers. 4: St. Bass, 2. Time. 25, 53%. 1:06. 1:13. Track heavy. Winner — M. Gormans b. 111. 5. by Ypsilanti If. — -1 Puritania trained bv G. Cornell. Went to post at 2:00. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PI RITA N LASS showed marked improvement. PRINCE PHILSTHORPE was given a weak ride. OTERO ran poorly in the going. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. of Chester. 5 Overweights — -Duke pounds. 23703 Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 25252—1 :07 — 7 — 119. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Sellinjr. et value to winner 25; second, 0: third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. ! 23663-Rve Straw 110 1* JDeavprt fi 5 2 23644-Gilbert Rose 113 2i A Pickens 3-2 3-2 3-5 8S86S*Oxer 116 3- J Pcngast 4 4 2 23062-Galley Slave 117 4i M Iriner 2 I 1 22733 Fifty Five 116 r.1 R Estop ivi a s 23667 Carburetor 113 «i JDominick 10 1", 6 23636 Tankard 113 7J R Watts I S :i 23601*Sir Fretful Ids 8» J Dorid 13 Li S 22518 L nshs Pride 168 » E Cullen I S 3 23617" Daylight 10s 1 SWolstm I S ." Shew odds — Rye Straw, evens; Gilbert Rose. 1 5: Oxer, evens: Galley Slave. 1-2: Fifty Five, t: Car buretor. 3; Tankard. 5-2: Sir Fretful. I: Len-shens Pride. 5-2: Davlight. 3-2. Time. 24, 50%. 1:04. 1:12%. Track heaw. Wineer— I. Sirikers eh. li. 7. by Griff on Ard-1 Straw trained by I. Striker. Went to post at 2:25. At | 2 minute:. Start g. mi and slow. Won easilv: wcond and third drivirg. RYE STRAW, off poorly, rushed to the and easily disposed mt his ouposition. on. BBRT ROSE ontga-ned OXER. The latter was always well tip. The winner was entered for 8260: no bid. Overweights — Galley Slave. 4 pounds. S . j ,« 1 1 t j ; 1 , ! ; ! 23704 Third Kara 6 12 Furlongs. ,25252 1:67— 7 II!. Purse $::oo. t year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value lo winner 25; second. 0; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PL 38887 Ajax 1« 1-i W Young I I I 23662 V Muohaoho 115 a w Qarama I I I 23617*Helle CbUtoa 108 5- J Howard 10 10 t 11885 I natlaal 108 4i S Wolsfni 7 7 I 23663 Ridgeland 116 .". MSimmons lO 20 S k8853*Klna: Cotton 10* « J Clancy 20 20 S 23339*The Urehta 108 7J J Dodd H 10 4 23663 Turkev Trot 116 .sh JDominick I 4 I 23601 Phil Connor 117 .1- M Otter* « ti 2 23663Fawn 108 10JE fulle.i 10 M 4 23646 Old Gotch 115 11 J ieni ast :: Show odds— Ajax. 1-2: Nino Mnchacho, ev j-t Belle Chilton. 2: lerpetual. 5 2: Ridgeland. 1: t» S-Colton. 4: Tito Irchin. 2; Turkey Trot. evAis; PiT/ CWJBOr, evens; Fawn. 2: Old Gotch. 12. Time. 25%, 53%, 1:05%, 1:13. Track heavy. Winner- R. Ilanleys ch. g. 4, by Cunard — Miss Marconi trained by E. Whel.-m. Went to post at 2:49. At post 4 minutes. Start iroed and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. AJAX took the lead at the head of the stretch and won going away. NINO Ml HA HO Mtaaated BELLE CHILTON in the final strides. The latter set the early POM ■■i Ptit ba.liv. The winner was enternl for ni : no hid. Scratched -23683 Lady late, 168. Overweights — Phil Connor. 4 pounds. 23705 Fourth Race — 5 8 Mile. 128865 I : 0 2 -102. Purse 00. 5 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 23; second. 0: third. 3. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Da, CI. PI. 22664* Rorcl 565 l1 S Wolstni :•. :. 1 23662 Party 1 c» 21 A Pic k. ns t 4 2 23685 Little Pete 112 Z C WMte M 1". 6 23605 Belfast 115 4» W Hinphv 2 :: 1 23617 Clara James 110 6* .1 Dawson l :• s 23665*.liss Jem ion 4* B CaBea *: . I 12 23644 Field Flower I 15 7 R W atts I I :; Show iHlds — Borel. 1-2: 1nity. evens; Utile Pete, 5: Belfast. 12: Clara James, 4: Miss Jean. 1-4; Field II aver. 3-2. Time. 242,. 51%. 1:05*4. Track heavy. Winner —II. Spalls b. g. 5. by Russell -Lonely Lady trained by W. Klocki. Went to |xst at 5:15. At post 10 minutes. Start gocd and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. RORF.L caught INTTY tiring in the linal sixteenth ami wen zoing away. IMTY set a good pac LITTLE PETE finished gamely. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched— 25080 Little-t Rebel. 108; 23663 Knight of Pythias. 868. Overweights — Borel. 1 pound: Clara James. 1. C3706 Fifth Race -3-4 Mile. 88251—1:13*4—5-4 ■58. Purse 10. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Not value to winner 00: second. 0; third, 836. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23666-Taetless 107 U E Catiea 4 4 S-5 23666 ParbT Boy 112 li A Pickens 1 4-C 1-5 23684 Energetic 186 3* R Est.p a 3 1 23607 L. Y::n Zandt 112 4i W Jargan K !". 6 23665 Mart re 112 5s W Hinphv . q 1 .23668.M-Clintoik 113 ti TCumings M H 4 Show odds— Tactless. 4 5: Parlor Boy. our; Energetic. 12; Luke Yan Zandt. 2: M— III. 1-2: McClintock. 2. Time. 25 5C-»4, 1:04. 1U8K. Track heavy. Winner W. II. Coopers b. 111. 3. by Orlando— Tactful itrained by W. H. Oaapar. Went to |«st at :.:45. At post 2 minuics. Start giM.d and slow. Won driving: mttmmi an4 third the same. TACTLESS wore PARLOR BOY down iu the rteatejl stride-. ITie lalt«-r set the earlv aajtaj and tired. ENERGETIC linished fa-r alter being messed about. The winner ma entered for SUM; 110 bid. Siratched 23643 1 i only Fox. 115: 23855 Carl .us, 112: 23665 Ortyv. K17. Overweights Energetic. 2 pounds. 23707 SiMli Race | |.f| Miles. 123288 -1:17*5 -5 186. 1 Puts.- 88ML 5. -ear olds and itptranl. Silling. Net value lo winmr 23; second. 858* third. 3. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jack**/. op. I. Il. 23688 Mining Posey MS 1 5 .1 Dadd * Ml 4 23667 is ko Ids l. K Culhti lo In 1 23667*Ros«- Oneil 100 :;•. s Wolsfi.i I C S 23687 . F. Gniingerlll 4: V Ilinpliy 3 I 2 23607 John. Harris 116 .".- W Deyle « » 1 23667 -Font UfJ 8* R Waits rj T I 236S8Kiiimuiiiv UMi 7- J Ilancv ! I 2 23697The Monk 186 3* W C-argin I I 1 23665 Dixie Km; .i3 A Pickens .. 1 1 23840 Sonbllo *!0 M* J Howard 91 » I 23644 M. Tttehmaa ll« 11 J Paw aa _•• 31 I Show odds — Rlooming Posey. 2: Ciske. 2: R.e Oneil. evens; 3ias. F. Grainger, evens: Johnny Harrs. 5-2: Font. 1-2: Kinmundv. cm ns: The* Monk. 5-2: Dixie. 1-2: Sordello. 4: Marshal TirafJ man. 4. Time. 25, 51%. 1:06%. 1:19%. 1:48%. IAS. Track heavy. Winner— II. A. Cottons b. f. 5. bv St. S ivin — Sister Carttae trained by II. A. Cottotn. Went t.i i st at 4: i7. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second an! third the. raaae. blooming Posey moved up t««t on the far turn and drew away in the stretch. CISKO outganird ROSE ONEIL. The latter an well, but tired. Tli" winner was entered for 8386; no bid. Scratched— 25!S7 Okolonn. 99: 23683 La S.iinrella. 114: 28887 Master Joe. 111. Overweights — Blooming Posev. 5 pounds: cisko. 3: Fi -nt. ."•: The Monk. 2: Sordello. 2: Marshal Tighmau. 2. 23708 Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 1 25287 —1:41%— 15— 104. 1 Purse 00. 5-ye.i folds ami upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. $."i »: third. ." . Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. P!. 23619 The Isher 108 la S Wolstb SJ I 4 I 23662Sir Pdaise 112 V W Hinphy - ! 1 23668* V. mi real ltis 3* E Cullen 3 4 8-5 23620 Pierre Pumas! 15 4 W Doyle « • - 23702-P. Philsthorpe 165 6* TCummgs N I 2 23688 llvki I to. »; C Peak 1« l I 88885 Xerrariaai 113 7 J Pengast 3-1 1 -o 23629 Regular 106 * W Gargan 10 10 4 Bhaa ,mMs The rs:,,.r. 5 5: Sir Rlaise. 1-2: Montreal. I 5: Pierre Dmaaa. evens: Prince Philsthorpe. ereaa: llvki. 2: Mercurium. 1-1: Regular. 2. Time. "25%. 50%. 1:03%, 1:13. 1:43. 1:49%. Track hce-vy. Willi... Neaweya ch. e. 4. by Oadea— Sa» ■tan Itcile iiriiici by C. Hagani. Went to anal ::t 1:32. At post 3 minutes. Start ■....1 and •!••» W.n driving; second and third the aatoe. THE PSHRB finished ga.iid.v aid v.ore. the 1 ataker dawn i:i the closing stride*. SIR RIAISI. s,-i ihe earlv pace and held on well. MONTRRAI. ran a g.HMl race. The v inner -,aa entered for S5l : no bid. Overwcighis Regular. 1 pound. ■ — _ j

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Local Identifier: drf1915102301_2_7
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