Tia Juana Project Halted, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-23


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! i TIA JUANA PROJECT HALTED. The movement to build a race track at Tia Jiiana. in Lower Calitoiuia. and make it the winti r tlirf center of the country, came to a sudden halt patter-day when Blillll Veuustiano Carrauza announced thiongli the Mexican Covernment Department of Foreign Affairs to his Sin Francisco coiisul-geu.Tal. Baa-on P. le Negri, that the Mexican authorities will not permit the operation of a race track or any lorni of gambling. Be Negri has been instructed to warn ihe San Francisco parties who have been re;n;ted with financing the project of the attitude of his government. He is now conducting an iu-v, stigalion in thai dire. ti„:i. This will come as a shock to the proprietor of the Kapa Stock Farm; George and Johnny Crowley, who have beta active in locating the new turf center. Only last week Giorge Crowley visited Tia Juana and ICMrtei over 400 men and seventy-live teams were at work o-i the proposed race track site to get the plant constructed in time to stage the initial race meeting bv the first of the year. Alberto Xladero. said to be a brother of the fc.i.ner President Francisco Mudcro. is the man who claimed to have the concession from the Mexican government to promote tin- race track, and he is at present in San Francisco for the purpose of com-pl.-ting the ..rganixatioii of the Tia Ju..na association. Madera tiff"* * surprise to team that there is opposition to the plan.-, of himself and associates. According to Consul de Negri, the race track concession was granted to Madero by Fsteban Cantu, who styles himself Governor of Lower California v.ithmt anv auth-rity. Cantu has been granting a number af concessions, further says de Negri, without any legal right or authority. Several months ago there was another movement afoot at Tia .lii.-tna to start a race track, but the persons interested were warned away, according to the consul. II. A. Hoaser has been handling the prefect for Maibri and called a meeting of the interested par- ties last Saturday in Bea Francisco. Plans were outlund to program a 100-day meeting, to open as soon as the track was complete. Houser left for San Diego with the announcement that he would return by the end of this week for another meeting ■I whici, ofiicers of the association would be duly eliM-ted. With Ihe Carranza government rcimdialing the concession Mailer. holds, it is quite evident that the Tia Juana. which has been Plan for a race track at a jH-t idea of horsemen for years, will go by the lioards and there will be no opposition to the Juarez meeting, which is sic diileci to open on Thanksgiving dav.— San Francisco Chronicle of October 1..

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915102301/drf1915102301_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1915102301_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800