Third Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-23

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THIBD EACE— 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling-. 1512G— 1 :11 — .". -11C..1 ffS ChV4l2l524mud MS By Hilarious-Hester W. WilUams Bros.. , , r:r?7T4lonn I i ■ u 5 si 7 14Z- 4 - V | 1 1» 1* K LapalBel8 Gtlewoman. AlpicrcT Trannoid -■.iii j-aronia . -4 i.u last 14-a u- !»;i 4 • ii.ii-imhu i in m ir i ...iMii. a m„...ii llt -ir- j. 232.1 Dongs 5 f LOGfas 1 J* f il H » JS iSSS1? SVSirS 2321S Douglas B-6 1HM%raSt 13-10 95 7 | | it hZ aZSZTll r ,!1IU n ""• of .ek";l!0°- "ecks 231 M Douglas El f 1 :0S*i£:ood 5-4 95 ii " ,.„„ , ,1 ,, :"" . P master, lllminator 21461 Latonia 5-S l:00fast 2220 "T 1 105 V 1« M Garner DaXrtT f lio.Vl? SSEfc MM Douglas 4 f 5l=,fast 16-3 107 1 1 ]• i« M "er 1 1 B i "•", " v . *i*- Srickla,lJ ?EATrrYrSHOP D"2f I8 "2 8 J S ]* S "- BaJMtSag M;lrot. VuyR. UlIaTonfaOP3-4f:khvv Bn! . **i" J-fl* WMMfc* 235S2 Latonia 8-4 1:13%fast 29-54 S 1094 ? 1 j , L -% IL L M. Sft ..?", A -V- Pj,.V!»;,st! r- Bine Shooter 23426 Cbnrchl 1 l:4Bmd Mj 0, j 2 1 1 3 7 -u A ■a,»,,i S r -i ! 1 L.w W tlnngton. n„T; "S *?"■ »1;"»-1if« J E I Savino. B *3383 Churchl 3-4 1-l7Uhw n imi - 1 TFiaatll smirns sjl ;«*tmud lM o.-,n , 5 a S £ %2£21 V,°,»"mr- Vwil,Jv,,,n- A,p 23158 Douglas 0 f 1 r08Ks7ood43-10 lis 1 i 2 53 5 ff****!? ;V 5"5«; I,ll-or- r--» J - Mildred .1877 lit-xtton r.Af ,r7"?aat 13 MJ £■£■ n2T Si ?" °a,?.nerA SaTino 22135 FortKrie S f l:n«BTT 33-5 110 7 2 J 7 •• .. a 4J ?J 55 «- W Vi Andress, fi - .. Port i T-- ,.al.l"n,, - "• :»«-«Jner ""107 Fort Erta r. r m" -v £ S Light. TarBmsh. Milestone "14S7 For Fril iWv 5 mS » S 4 E O 2 Callahan « Dodge, King Ne, „ ,e V " X 3 2 5« 6» W Andress I T,r Brush. Matrix. Candle "™ RLANCHITA b / i« I ft on* 84 113*4faai 1" i?? , . By Peep oDay-cntes. Irma T. C. McDow«lD. ~Ur, Church* .i f 1 -OWf ,st 6" J J * S 4 K Mar.oi 10 D. Williams. H.Gardner. B Shop 23. Lexgton R f 1 :0S °fast 4 10G 2 | i?V y NnrtbT II T*laaFj5*2?KE,r a"S"n 229: 0 Lexgton SfflM 5 J InZL fast 69-10 107 i i i 1. F Slart in TIM. 22X8 Saratoga 3-4 Lirgood 30 W » I, y S g g jo " X,„n, %J rTft ,1" ? 5 !S£S1 ggiLffv*1**. «• 21034 latonia 41 f RGmudlS 95 8 ■ S«« »— ■ 20837 Latonia fi-8 1 :01%fast 33 102 4 • ? n S ■ tteS 7 5 i,, ™ yV. InXr 1se- And Austin 20497 DouCla. M ! :04 %mud 83-10 IS 1 J I 9 AS BS I IMMMMlkSSTt. B»SRmm PHIL TOGAS, b. c, S 107 By Contestor— Miss Manners S. Newman. --•" Latonia :; 4 1:13 fast IS Hi:. 7 3 7 •",- ::• .1 Moiys ;. Fprcssive. MarvIT., R.Cbcrtson i 22307 1-atonia 51 f l:06%fast H Mi 1 2 1 3 4-J F Murphy 7 Kathleen. J. J. Murdock Cosmic mgand Mt. Royal 6-8 1:00 fast 7 MS 5 2 3* 1» A Piekens c, Tiajan. Indifferent. Hill Stream 1 22654 BlueBon. 3 4 1:13%fast 30 111 7 4 4 75 -E Ambrose S Startling. Prohibition. Milestone ■ 21946 Hamton 3-4 1:14%sIow 20 110 fi 5 .r. 6« r.l3JA Claver ■ Dodge. Kins: Neptune. PortLigfat 21778 Hamton 61 f 1:06 fast 30 104 1 3 4 3= V R Shilling S Milestone. Dodpe. Taka 21556 Fort Erie 5-8 1 :08%hvy 13 111 2 7 7 « 6*2 J Metcalf 7 Peskv, Dodge. Golden List 21469 FortErie 5-8 l:10%hvy 12 112 « 4 2 3l 36J A Claver 7 Bernice. Milestone. Reserve TAKA. b. f, S 105 By Broomstick— Rose of Dawn G. X. Senn. 23652 Latonia 3-4 l:13«4fast S9-10 110 fi fi 6 ."•- If J Moiys 10 l . Williams. II. Gardner, B.Shop 1 23347 Churchl 3-4 l:14%good 12 « S 7 « 24 1*1 H Stearns It Paymaster. R. Shooter. G. Blair 23052 Lexgton 51 f 1:08 fast 6 112 3 4 4 r. 44 R Goose 11 Triad. Ardent. Blanehita 22939 Lexgton 01 f 1 :06%fast 48 lu5 1 G 7 5n 512 H Stearns 8 Checks, Franklin. Big Fellow —107 FortErie 5J f l:09*ihvy 51 106 5 3 5 6 581 J Smyth i Dodge. GoldenList, KingNeptune ZUa Hamton 5-8 1:02-andhvy 5 112 5 2 1 1* H P Goldsfn 0 Bernice, Anita. Margery 21778 Hamton 5 f 1:06 fast 9 101 6 6 5 51 4» P Lowder 8 Milestone. Dodge. Phil Lngar ▼ELDT. br. f , I 07 By Transvaal— Miss Doyle P. J. Millett. 13711 Latonia ll:41%goodl7 102 6 2 1 1 l1 lh C Hunt 11 L*|9» Stone. BrnwnVelvet. Dolina -•3673 Latonia 3-4 l:164ghvy 10J 95 :; .1 4 3i -• C Hunt 1.*, B. Shop. Paymaster. R. Shooter 23565 Latonia 51 f 1 :09iimud 18 98 6 3 4 45 4=1 C Hunt li Mary II.. BlueCap. LittleBIgger • 23450 Churchl 3-4 1:16 hvy 39-5 109 5 5 3 lS 1= R Goose 10 Industry. Dolina. Laclils 23399 Churchl 51 f 1:11 hvy 37-10 110 4 2 1 22 2» R Goose 4 Josie. H.Thompson, D.Miekle 23319 Douglas 51fl:084£mud 16 98 8 6 5 6l 675 C Hunt 10 Al Pierce. Ingot. Beautv Shop 23180 Douglas 61 f l:08Vfcfast 4G-5 107 4 4 4 3" 3J K Martin 7 C. Wilmot, Bernini. Huffaker 21338 Latonia 5-8 1:03 slow 101 105 5 7 7 5» 3n E Martin 11 Marv Estelle, Sun Maid. L.Stone 20979 Latonia 0-8 l:02«4slow 36 101 3 4 4 41 5el E Martin 7 NellieWelles. Dolina. Paymaster LADY MILDRED, ch. f, 2 97 By Dick Welles— Incendiary W. Strauss. 23670 Latonia 3-4 1 :17 hvy 16 97 5 2 2 2" 3= H Stearns ! Lindlv. Dolina. I.ouisc Stone 23548 Latonia 51 f 1 :0SMifast 49 5 96 1 I :: 21 1" II Stearns IS Trout Fly, l.nehis. Industrv 23319 Douglas 5 f 1 :0S%mud 29 101 7 8 8 7i 4rJ F Robins 11 ill Al Pierce. Ingot. Beauty Shop 23155 Douglas 5-8 1:42 good 22 104 5 1 1 5J 7°J F Robins 1112; L. Vandergrlft, Marg.E." Owana , 12304 Windsor 0-8 l:03%hvy 41 Mf 6 2 2 2"t 8 UC VanDun S Investment. L.Bigger PAYMASTER, br. e. S 103 By Galveston— Nun A. B. Gordon. 23673 Latonia 3-4 l:l€%hvy 30 5 lor, 9 4 2 2= 3C J Morys 1.; Beauty Shop. Veldt. R. Shooter 23488 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 13 M X 8 S 71 8,:11K Lapaille ! Clicks. Rochester. John Jr. 23347 Churchl 3-4 l:14%good 12 100 4 11 I1 21 K Lapaillelt Taka. Rifle Shooter. Gvpsv Blair • 23218 Douglas 5-S l:01%fast 16 98 4 2 2 21 2J K Lapaille 11 Blanehita. Illuminator. Paulson 2315S Douglas 51 f l:08%good fid 93 2 2 1 V V K Ijipaillel.; H. Gardner. Savino, Beautv Shop , 23023 Iexgton 51 f l:08%fast 65 98 6 5 9 Sl R" K Lapaille 10 Cardome. Savino. H. Gardner 21403 Iatonia 51 f 1:10 hvy 22 103 3 3 2 3» 68t E Pool 11 Marv IL, TheCarmet. Lit.Bigger 21185 Latonia 6-8 1:01 fast 23 109 9 7 8 8 8»i M Garner 0 Franklin, John Jr.. Rochester 20979 Latonia 5-S l:02%slow 24-3 99 2 3 3 3l 3* K Lapaille 7 Nellie Welles. Dolina. Lvnn 20742 Douglas 5-S l:01%fast 44-5 103 5 6 3 51 6« M Garner 8 Amulet. Ralph S.. Lynn LUCKY R., b. f, 2 100 By Box— Margaret Kent D. E. Mulholland. 23624 Latonia 3-4 l:153*mud 121 109 7 5 4 41 5s .1 Acton 12 Impressive. Gewoman. AlPierce 23HT.2 I -xKton 51 f 1:0S fast 3 109 S 5 7 61 6-J J Acton 11 Triad. Ardent. Blanehita 22979 Lexgton 51 f 1 :08Vfefast 19 103 1 1 1 3l 35J J Acton .1 Thistle Green. Cardome. Eulogy 22877 Lexgton 5J f 1:07 fast 10 103 6 6 4 44 4s J Acton 11 Poppee. Cardome. H Gardner 22135 FortErie 51 f l:ll%hvy 12 110 5 5 4 52 61! A Schugr 7 Port Light, TarBrush. Milestone 21906 Hamton 5-S l:02«£slow 7 110 7 5 2 Is l4 F Keogu 11 Will Cash, Yerinak, Welga 21703 Windsor 5-8 1 :01%good f Id 105 5 5 5 5» 3* A Mott 10 Miss Atkin, BonerosFirst, Ilaria 21645 Windsor 5-S l:03«*slop 61 105 4 4 5 3s 5»1 A Mott 11 Broom Straw. MissAtkin. Servia SHINE, b. f. 2 106 By Mizzen— Sparkle Esher L. S. Seligstein. 23654 I*atonia 5Jfl:10Vihvy 20 1 N» 7 2 5 T i 6,2M Morys !l Poppee. L. Wing.on. .Wilmot 2.r fil latonia 3-4 1:17 mud 43 109 4 1 1 !• 4j D Stirling 11 C.MXab. Sansyming. StephenR. 2;t5 l3 latonia T.J f l:07%fast fid 108 U 12 12 11= ll10iL Jray Vt J. ODowd. Abxtietz. StephenR. 23344 Church 1 s, f 1 :09%good 127 lOfi 8 8 7 5» 4- L Gray 10 C. McXab. F.Walker. Incitation 23180 Douglas 51 f l:08Vcfast 83 107 6 6 6 6 65J L Gray 7 Count. Wilmot. Bernini, Veldt BABY CAL. b. c. t 108 By Dorante— Pepita J. M. Shilling. MB I-atonia I I 1 ICHuf 44 HS 1 10 10 10 Ss It Shilling 13 P.eauty Shop. Veldt, Paymaster 23624 Iatonia 3-4 l:i:.%mud 11 112 5 8 S SI 9;- R Shilling li. Impressive, iewoiuan. AlPierce 22877 Lex gt on 51 f 1:07 fast 33 lofi S 9 9 9 9« It Shilling 10 Poppee. Cardome, H Gardner 21301 Latonia 0-8 l:03*fcslop 27-5 111111 11 11 10 10"J McCabe 11 Disturber, Savino, Illuminator 21097 Latonia 51 f l:08%good 29 112 5 3 5 4" 4T1 J McCabe 6 Cardome, H. Apparent C. Run 21037 Latonia 5-8 l:03 £mud 3 112 2 2 2 31 4s J McCabe 8 Ffidel II.. Disturber. Illuminator 20899 Latonia 5-S l:02%mud 13 1091 3 1 1 1» 1"* J McCabe 7 Yermak. Lynn. A. Mancini 20302 Churchill 41 f 55 fast 14-5 110 6 6 61 6»i T McTagt 9 Tobacco Box. Paymaster. Savino 20090 Lexgton 41 t 64%fast 21 112 8 8 7» 6*1 L Oentry 8 Bulse. Oipsev George. Disturber HOPS ch. c. 2 111 Bv Hastings— Crimea R. L. Baker. 23."% I.atonia 3 1 l:13%hvv 24 106 S 11 11 91 S,0U Hanoveri.". Big Smoke, Cosmic. Checks 22840 Lexgton 5-8 l:00%fast 24-o 1 9 4 4 4 4= 4h It Goose ." Cliecks. Prince Harry. Petlar 21430 Latonia 3-4 l:16%mud 41-6 111 6 7 7 71 9» W W Tlorll BlaekloDaw. CancRun. B.Smoke 21060 latonia 5-S l:03%hvy 11-5 112 4 3 3 ll li W W Tlor 7 Black Coffee. BisSmoke. S.Rock 205S1 Douglas 41 I 59 hvy 5 114 5 7 61 6« W W TlorlO Ingot. Pockichoo. J. C. Welch

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Local Identifier: drf1915102301_3_4
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