Havana Racing Dates Announced: Meeting at the Cuban Metropolis to Begin December 16 and Continue to March 19, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-23


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HA VAN. I RACING DATES ANNOUNCED. Meeting at the Cuban Metropolis to Begin December 16 and Continue to March 19. Cincinnati. ».. Oc, .i.«r 22.— Ceneral Manager H. 1 Lr-wi: «•! he Havana trr.ck was M arrival today •u.d inadi- known his pl-.ns for wintL-r racing in lae riilciu capiWil. The meeting at Mariana 1aiK will |„"in «m l»ecemt»r 10 and i-outitme un..l March lit, a lofil of eight v two racing days. The minimum i.urse offering will be *4 :. with handicaps ■ang-iiig in value f r. m fBM to fl.«M. Tueie will he -icci..! race- ea.h w.ek .1 s,.ikh to ;ak - the place of stikes. These tares will be framed wiih a view-to suiting the horses at ihe track. The re-soiling of the course has lieen completed and the otner improvements that have lieen in nrogrosj on the plant snee niid-sunimer will l e nn;sbed wittiin the next two wer-Us. The sandy loam tu-tt has be -n put on the track will obviate the neifssitv for postponments of the racing, as the ! oval is insure*! a faai 1 «j.ii:g regardless af Wea.lier t0iue,program l ook for the first part of the meeting i now in the hands of the printers and will be" distributed to Latonia borseaiea by M.nday at the latest and will be sent io Laurel iaitued- ,aT;j" " staff of otlicials will b" an excellent one. with Fhristophe- J. Fitzg" raid the presiding judge mi. t t T Honson and diaries Lansdale as associate stewards. James Miltc; will do the starting. M nv horsemen with whom Mr. lirown sp ke tclav siguiie,! their intentions of ra.iiig at Maria-iei.» "the coming winter and will ship to tuba follow i"- the dose of racing here. Mr. Brown spok» ••nthusi.isticaily of the prospects for a successful ilea son of the si»ort m Havana a;id indications i ..mt mat way. ____________

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915102301/drf1915102301_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1915102301_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800