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SECOND RACE — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 2"5.::1 -1:42—3—114. ith SNIGGS br. r. 4 103 By Oddfellow— Naulahka H. G. Bedwelll. 5Si r?iirVl lra-tv l:4.«islow 33-a lu7 1111 V: F CaoaMV B Menlo park. M. Warren. I.R.i.U i Si*2» 3 * l:17Shvy 26 102 10 S 7 i r- F Cooper 10 Jim I... Wi-odfair •--ii lo.irel 0? f 1 :0-.KOod 362 9S 5 6 6 8 55J E Forehnd 12 Forum. Briar Path, Crosshun ■ "lsA laurel 1 IM l:M%mWWl 34 108 3 3 3 4 7 7M. Mink 7 Yodeiing. Balfron. Trovato "i7fi Rpmont 51 f st l:05*sfast 30 112 2 7 8 9 8»C Bgaine II Beethoven. Azyiade. Menlo Park i "u- T-fm.ia 2 4 1:11 fast 12 107 E 5 5 6 8" D Steward 7 Andes. Sir Renrah. Perth Rock ■■uru i-w!ine 7-8 1:30 slop 41 H7 4 4 4 4 4 4"MrM DeB 4 Volant. Singsong, Sir Ciles r--r ! Bcimont 3-4 l:ll%slop 10 107 1 2 2 4- V% M r.uxron 4 Chill Perthshire, Chesterton m * an v WARREN b. t. 4 108 By Charles Edward— Pintsch Light J. Garsonl. " , .„.7i Urn ■•• • l:V.slow 31 loT 1 ! 2 • L- 3UW l.ill-v s Men!. Park. Mr. Sniggs. P.Rock ; ■-• i . • 1 l" 16 1 -49%g«od 88 1"4 2 2 1 1 L" S«| L Mien in Star Mini, Orotund. r :;:..l ,,rr 1 I:«*%mwl 27 10S 7 I 6 I 7 7" a S.-lmgr 7 l inahDo. Carlaverock, Rinetta i 5...V. f !,L-i;- 1iii7ov1:45 fast 8 MS 3 8 8 18 8 7" W Lillcv 12 Armament, Ctophiue. Dgerfield ] :;.] .Heclce ln.70vl:46 fast 3 MS I 9 7 4 4 | 4* W Lm,,v 1 4 Day Day. Jesse Jr.. Santo . .*■- iJLi-Vp 1 1-16 1:48 fast 8 Mi 6 5 4 4 2 2- G Bvrne 10 Stonehenge, Ietelus. Tow. Field i hS; 2-4 l:14%good 15 109 7 5 6 5J 2 J Butwell 13 Chesterton. Dev. Fish. L. Orme * ••"„£ 2 TJc.-ce lnSyl:48 rWat 11-5 109 4 2 2 2 2» V% J Butwell 0 Sonada. R. Oliver. Superstition "9- Saratoga 11 :42%fast 20 10317 4 4 3 4] S»l L Allen 12 Amalti. Azyiade. Grosvenor 1 ,«m FIEID ! . h- 106 B Ben Brush— White Rose A. G. Blakelev. T0W|0f, , ,; 16 l 47-...;oo.l M 5 Mil « • 5 E r .; ■ |- , -r H n„:M.,eat. If.n-lta. Si n.-l.enge e ..:, i:V ;•... i,„.ovl:ll=J:i-i l" "- • • H 14 K -A CuUIW l" Clojuilng. tiny CNher. Volant .-.J- :v- IKI:« I- *1 ,n; * x "• •" 4 "I •• IM/ lit Siotielong.-. M. Warr.-n. IVtrlM s „:":., I ,,; l:47%fa«t C l»ii 7 7 4 4 .v «■ T MeTagl » Amaili. Slon-hetige. Cny fisher .: -•! i -.. im7ov I -45 fast 88 187 M s I 5 4»J V V taaMT II Jaarfcawt. -MIS t a, stal ||.|..„ 1, /llui ■ jTl:1344f««t 100 182 11 11 11 11 :» .. p i.ow.ler II S.pteel.r. Marjor.e A.. Dinah Do _...m ll. «•- •« i rttSfaat 25 1":: 6 8 9 S 72 8»1 OaUina 0 Borgo. Bohinettn. Albena •V«25 BlieBoa X WW** ** m • T I fi1 H F Cooper U Penalty. J. H. Houghton. Eiwab b I ; j ; : I ■ j : j i | | : I ; ■ ; THE RUMP. ch. g. 6 108 By Armeath II.— Renovah T. McLoy. 22552 Conght 1 1-16 1 :51%good 12 KC. 7 5 7 7 41 2 9 CaaaaaC s Runway. Beau Pcre. Uncle Ben 21720 Windsor 1 1-16 l:4S%good 24 Mi 9 N 12 12 11° 11 ,s F Cooper 12 Brickley. Lnckv Gi-orge. Aprisa 21397 Hamton 1 l:41%mud 8 112 7 5 8 7 7 71!,iP Goldstn 7 Bendel. L.Ceorge. 21092 Conght lm70y 1 :46V4fast 3 106 7 6 8 6 Cs 613 F Cooper 8 Supreme. L. George. B. Welsti 21011 Conght 11-16 1:52 slow 4 105 5 2 2 . 31 3* F Cooper 8 Raincoat, Lucky George. Kilday 20894 BlueBon. 1 1-8 1 :56%slow 5 ]06 5 3 3 2 2* 23 F Cooper 9 Burwood, Raincoat, Bafts Sister 20790 Dorval 1 1:43 fast 2 107 2 4 4 2 1»« 1* F Cooper S Lady London. Balfron. Gerrard 20723 Dorval lm70y l:47%fast 6-5 104 4 4 3 4 3* 2* F Cooper 7 Cuttyhunk. J.H.IIton. Balfron PATTY REGAN, ch. g. 4 103 By Stalwart— Carrie Jones F. Harlan. 23512 Laurel I 1-16 1 :49%good 32 107 8 8 8 6 6s 6»J T Hayes 10 Star Bird, Orotund. M. Warren 23468 laurel 11-16 1:55 hvy 95 100 I 4 6 6 6 7,: 5T Hayes 8 All Smiles. Ka jle. Marshon 23398 Laurel 1 116 1 :55%hvy 32-5 106 4 6 6 6 6 6"1L Mink ■ Carlton J.. Vodeling. L. Travers 22254 Mt.Roval 11-8 l:53%fast 2 107 3 4 3 3 2"* Is W Young 0 Euterpe. R. Laugdon. Mycenae 23191 Mt.Royal 3-4 1:14 fast 10 103 6 8 4 2" W Young 7 X. Light. Iachgabibble, Eergetic 3066 Mt.Rovl 1 1 16 l:49%fast 4 111 3 4 4 3» 2= W Young 10 Wanoke, L.V.Zandt, Endurance 22963 Dorval 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 25 113 4 5 3 2 2* 3 | A Schugr 8 Singletoe, Weyanoke, Ahtsford 22860 Dorval lm70y l:44%fast 36-5 105 4 3 4 5 6» 5»J W Schorn 8 Sthearn, Wevanoke. C.F.Gnger 22775 BlueBon. 11-8 1:57 mud 16 110 1 3 4 5 7 7" D McCthy 7 Balfron, S. of Love, Voladay Jr. 22677 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:54Vfcfast 54 102 8 6 7 7 7* •»« W Ural S Valas, G.M.Miller. Star of Love 21057 Conght 11-16 1:55 mud 5 105 111110 8 7* 714 A Collins 11 Bean Pere. Cogs, Durin 20990 Conght 11-16 1:53 slow 5 105 14 10 11 10 81 71* R McDott 14 Redland. L.Spirituelle. Duquesne 20S67 BlueBon. 1 1-8 l:56%fast 35 101 6 8 8 6 2* 1 M McDott and D.Mncdonald. Shepherdess. Cogs SEPULVEDA. cb. h. 8 114 By Prince of Melbourne — Dinawick E. K. Brysonl. 23146 Wdbine 11-16 1:48 good 17 113 10 10 10 9 9" 9"1J CallnhanlO HarrvLauder. Aprisa. Cuttyhunk 23010 Dorval 1 1:40 fast 13 117 7 7 7 7 6J 68i J Callahan 7 M.Srwood, R.Langdon. Euterpe 22934 Dorval lm70y l:44%fast 24 109 7 6 6 6 6* ■* I Smyth I H. Lauder. D.s Pet. R.Langdon 22846 Dorval 1 1-16 l:48%slow 14 112 3 7 5 3 11 ln* J Callahan 8 Voladay Jr.. Abhotsford. B.Pere 25725 BlueBon. 7-8 l:27%fast 87 114 12 12 12 12 12 lo1J T Rice 13 King Box. taaaanTlailia. Aprisa 22366 KingEd. 1 1-16 l:50%fast 1 111 2 4 4. 25 II Laffcrty | Dixie. Master Jof, Ajax MISS SHERWOOD, b. f, 4 H4 By Ossary— Maud Sherwood B. J. Creighton. I-aurel 5i f 1 :08%good fid 108 10 11 11 11 10»"A Schugr 12 Forum. Briar Path. Crosshun 83338 Mt.Royal lm20yl:42%fast 4 107 6 € 6 6 6 63 J Griffith I Tecarrier, Brickley. R.Langdon 2S251 Mt.Roval 3-4 l:13«4fast 6 108 4 6 6 35 E Cullen « Inquieta. Talecarrier. lisrmary 23191 Mt.Royal 3-4 1:14 fast 3 115 I 7 61 5« E Cullen 7 N. Light. P.Regan. 23010 Dorval 11:40 fast 111 110 1 1 1 1 ll lh A Schugr 7 It. Langdon, Euterpe, J. Doihold 22936 Dorval 3-4 l:13%fast 8J 115 1 4 4 2J 5-J A Schugr .8 Callon. Hearthstone. McClintock 22610 Mneuve 61 f l:23%fast 21 108 5 6 3 2 W Young 10 MissFrances. MudSill. TonyKoch tSSU Mneuve Ab7-8 l:34%hvy 3 115 6 6 6 643 J Dodd .Energetic. Bertha V.. M.Franecs 22497 Mneuve 61 f 1:23 fast 8 107 3 3 1 l1 W Young 5 MissBrush. MudSill. Gor. Russell BEN LEVY. b. c. 4 111 By Salvado— Miss Alice III. C. E. Murray. 23660 Laurel 1 1-16 l:5l%hvy 81 110 6 4 3 4 5- S"j Haynis s Task. Mal.el Dnlweher. Nana 2:i61l Laurel 3-4 1 lljftllll -.,5 HO 8 8 8 8» 8" E Havnes !l Lady London, Salon. Enver Bey 2:294 H.deGce lm70yl:46 fast 40 109 9 7 11 11 10J 13I51R Troxler 14 Dav Day. Jesse Jr., Santo 23039 H.deGce lm70yl:46V4fast 60 1U8 9 6 7 8 10"klO =iL Ilartwellll Republican, Borax Eagle 22981 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 80 109 11 11 11 91 9I L Hartwel!12 Sand Marsh. T. «s Steel. B. Path 20517 Electric Ab5-8 l:02%slow 6 115 V L nartwell 7 Atiavri, Phew. Deduction 20477 Electric 5-8 1:00 good 6 110 651 A Minder t; Ossarv Maid. Pharaoh. Schaller 20414 Electric 7-8 l:29%fast 5 111 81»1J Pengast 8 Hedge Rose. Deviltry. PiedPiper HECTOGRAPH, b. f. 3 98 By Martinet— Lady Esther E. J. McGraw. 23677 Laurel 5A f l:ll%hvy fid 102 12 12 13 13» l:!" T Hayes 14 Mar.Casea. F.nverBey. LilvOrme 20667 Prospect 3-4 l:19%iast 3 101 45 II Cuappell 7 XurnocJ.V.Jr., T.Parson, L.Bfly 20473 Electric 5-8 l:00%good 10 104 8T II ChaprH;1112 Nellie C, Otranto. Gitana 20249 Pimlico lm40yl:44 fast 242 97 7 4 4 7 9 918 J P Ryan ■ El Oro, Balfron. Daingerfield 201S8 Pimlico lm60yl:50 hvy 285 97 1 5 5 a 6- 5= R McDott 0 Chrisphine, Balfron. Beau.Belle 20147 Pimlico 1 1:43 fast 300 98 4 6 6 a 81 5s P Louder 8 Fly Home, Cliff Haven, Faker 20120 H.deGce lm70yl:48 good 40 JO 6 8 J 10 S! 7s J Gartner IS L.oKirkcdy. Mycenae. Claribel 20029 H.deGce 5-8 1:00 fast 20 1041 1 4 5 61 71S1L Hartwell 11 Andrew, Jefferson, Deviltry 19914 Bowie 51 f LlOVfegood 15 103 4 5 8 31 61 H Bresch 10 Videt, L.Spirituelle. Page White 19836 Bowie 51 f l:08V4fast 50 106J 3 3 3 41 4;1 C Turner C Ida Claire. Videt, Linda Payne 18827 Charlen 3-4 l:17%good 5 % 3 2 8 8 8IS.I Smyth 8 Cooster, Ch. Brown. Elsewhere 18710 Charlen 51 f 1:10 hvy 12 107 9 5 4 4* 5»J W Hinphy lO Kopje, Sunno. Goldcrest Girl 1S676 Charlen 3-4 l:16%fast 4 107 5 6 7 # 6»l R Shilling 9 Dixie. River King, Lida Earl