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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. John D. Archbold. the president of the Standard Oil Company, who died at his home at Tarrytown, N. Y., yesterday morning from the effects of an operation for appendicitis, was born July 20, 1S4S, iu Leesburg. O. He had scant schooling and his father a Methodist clergyman having died when he was a lad, he went to work in a store for .50 a week. After a few years of such employment he set out for Titusville, Pa., where he got employment in the office of William II. Abbott, a large oil dealer. When the firm decided to open a New York olfice Archbold. then but twenty years old, was put in charge. Here his success attracted the attention of John D. Rockefeller, who concluded that the best way to fight this young competitor was to join hands with him, and three years later a business coalition was formed. It was not many years until he was made vice-president of the Standard Oil Company, and in 1911 became its president. A damage verdict of 45,830 against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company obtained by the Sonmau Shaft Coal Company of Cambria Count, Pennsylvania, of which Chairman Vance C. McCormick of Harrisburg, Pa., is treasurer and principal stockholder, for failure or refusal to furnish cars for shipping coal, was affirmed Monday by the Supreme Court. Costa Rica and San Salvador are on the verge of breaking diplomatic relations with Nicaragua, according to a dispatch, because of the old quarrel over the sale to the United States of the Fonseca Bay naval station and Nicaraguan Canal rights. A crisis in the British ministry is still alleged to exist. One report is that Asquith will reorganize the cabinet.