Candidates for the Clark Handicap.: Trevisco, Roamer, Star Hawk, Dodge, Harry Kelly Boots and Other Stars Named to Compete., Daily Racing Form, 1917-02-25


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CANDIDATES FOR THE CLARK HANDICAP. Trevisco, Roamer, Star Hawk, Dodge, Harry Kelly, Boots and Other Stars Named to Compete. By John T. Sallee. Louisville, Ky.. February 24. — Though only nine imported horse, are named to start in the- Clark Handicap, one of the- feature- races at ClearCaW Downs, it is ce-rtain that the- domestic- stars arc going to have a lot of trouble in annexing the rich stake-. The list of horses named, which was announced tonight by the few Louisville Joe-key Club, shows that sixty-nine all-aged stars have been tattered. The three most imposing stars in the race, which is at I mile- and a sixteenth, are Star Hawk and Boots, from the Macnmhcr stable- and Colonel Venule, owned by Jefferson Livingston. Bents, on his record last summer and fall, looms up as a formidable contender for all -aged honors again this year aad star Hawk, which was a rare- three-year- old last year, should prove a hard nut to crack over a route. Colonel Vennie- has been going like- n house afire this winter at Ne-w Orleans and if he-does not trahl off be-fore the spring season opens. Mr. Livingston has at least one good bread winner in his stable. Among the nominations is found the name of Old Rosebud, winner of the 1914 Kentucky Derby Bad one of the flee teal thoroughbreds of all time-s. This gelding is now a six -year-old and he has nev r raced since a three-year-old. when he hreeke down in .the running of a race- in the east. This son of Ine-1" has been running out in Texas for a year and this winter he showed that he might stand training again and owner Applegate immediately named him in the Clark Handicap. As is the case iu most stakes in Kentucky this winter. A. K. M.icomher leads the list of nominators. He has eight in the Clark. They are Boots, leader of the all-aged division last year: Dodge, the gre-at money-winning three. year-edd of 1910: Ed Crump and Dick Williams and Hank ODay, which he- purchased from J. W. Schorr, and Star Hawk. The Cock and St. Isidore. Jefferson Livingston and Corrigan and Me-Kinney are tied for se-eonel honors with ata-a-piOCT. All of those- named by the Cleveland horseman are three-year-olds. The Livingston stable is represented by one eight-ye-ar-old, two five-year-olds and three four-year-olds. John W. Schorr also named six, including the star three-year-olds. Harry Kelly and Cudgel. These two are- also named to start in the Kentucky Derby. Both have grown a great deal during the winter, but the latter now is a sixteen-hand thoroughbred ami he looks like a racer that will be able to carry a lot of weight and go a long route, too. John F. Schorr, son of the veteran Teaaeaoee turfman, has one in the band. This colt is now a four-year-old. The colt is named Ellison, for Charley Ellison, the blonde plunger. Lrish Colt Is Well Considered. Kenneth Alexander thinks a great deal of Trevisco. his Irish star. This- chestnut son of Treelen-nis won his last start in Ireland, and he has been taking on in Yankee ways since lie landed at New York. He has wintered well and tiie Woodford county turfman belie-ves he will have a fair chance of landing the Derby and the- Clark as well. Trevisco is one of the few Irish-bred horses now iu Kentucky. J. S. Ward, who developed Dodge, has a pair of Jim Gaffne-y prod acta in the Clark in Franklin and Berlin. Jim Gaffaoy has come to the fore recently an I bm e is a more profound believer in the sin- than Mr. Ward who will have a strong string to his bow in the stake whether the track be fast or alow. Franklin ran some sparkling races as a throe y,.,, old and if he deve-lops much as tie- wiaeacrea looked for him to do he will be close to the top next spring in the handicap brigade. Col. M. J. Winn, general manager of the New Louisville Jockey Club, returned today from the Fast. He expressed himself as well pleased with the way the stake-s filled at Empire City for the early sumnie-r meeting there. Col Winn will spend most o his time here from now on until after the Derby is run off. Following are the horses, with their age. color, sex. breeding and owners, that are named in t lu- Clark Handicap. ▼ The Clark Handicap Eligibles. *K. D. Alexanders Trevisco, ch. c, 3, by Tre-dennis — The Test. Applegate and Weirs Old Rosebud, b. g. 0, by Facia Irary Bells. R. L. Baker and Co.s Pif Jr., blk. g. 5. by Water-boy — Anna Bain. R. I.. Baker and Co.s King Gorin. ch. c. 4. by Transvaal — Ethel Simpson. R. L. Baker and Co.s Emerson Cochran, b. c, 5. by Jim Gaffney — Viola B. W. H. Bakers Green .lone* b. c, 3. by Handsel— Floreal. W. H. Bakers Lady Rotha. b. m. 5. by Golden Maxim or Fayette — Sandy Bar. Revcrwyck Stables F. J. Nolan Old Koenig. b. c. 4. by Golden Maxim — Mastlu-ad. Beverwyck Stables Lena Misha. ch. c, 4. by King James — Gatien Belle. J. N. Camdens Solly, b. h, 5, by Pet -r Quince — Miss Finch. *W. R. Neville II.. ch. c. 4. by Jo- Ch— ■ be-rlain — Kate Angelo. W. R. Coes .lacoha. blk. f. 4. by Jack Atkin— Agni-s Virginia. A. B. Hancocks Embroidery, eh. in. 5. by Ce-lt — Network. A. P.. Hancocks Sprint, b. f. 4. by Rock Sand-Sprite. Herzs Daddys Choice, b. c, 4. bv Trap Back— Berth. Fmil Herz* Eagle, b. g. 5. by Yankee — Miss Kearney. II. If. Hewitts Skeptic, b. c. 3, by Sain— Inspiration. H. H. Hewitts Meditation, br. c. 4. bv Peep oDay— Coy Maid. *.letiersoii Livingstons Colone-1 Vennie. b. c. 4. by 1ic ton shy hUaate. .1 efferaoa Livingstons Syrian, b. g. 5. by Electioneer — Chicklets. Jefferson Livingstons Julia I.., ch. f. 4. by Har-rigan — Princess Tula no. Jefferson Livingstons Jack ODowd, br. c. 4, by Peter Pan — Lauretta Burke. Jeffe-rson Livingstons Aldebaran, b. g, S, by Plan-udes — Passan. •Jefferson Livingstons Roval II.. b. h, 5, by Your Majesty— Lady Ethel. George J. Longs Kathleen, b. f, 4, by Semproniua — Boem i. •A. K. Macombers Boots, b. g, 0, by Hessian — Little Flower. A. K. Macombers Ed Crump, ch. h, 5, by Peep oDay — Eva line. A. K. Macombers Dick Williams, br. g, 4, by Dick Finnell — Annie- Williams. A. K. Macombers Hank ODay, br. g. 5. bv Pec p oDay Eric Belle. A. 1. Macombers Dodge, b. e. 4, by Jim Gaffnev —Flora Willoughby. •A. K. Macombers Star Hawk. b. c. 1. by Suti-star — Sweet Finch. •A. K. Macombers The Cock, ch. c, 4, by Poussin — mare- by Voted] ovski — Wise Saw. A. K. Macombers St. Isidore-, ch. g. 1. by Isidor — Onaga. L Marions Pilate Hermis, ch. h, 7. by Hermis — Crimea. William Martins Wate-rbass, b. h, 0, by Water-boy — Bassetiug. May cV Greeners Baybe-rry Candle, ch. m, ti, by Ciinard — Tower of Candles. Thomas C. McDowells Latonia, ch. f, 3. bv Ogden — E-sti.e-y. Thomas C. McDowells Queen Errant, br. f, 3, by Ballot King-; Daughter. Andrew Mille-rs Ticket, b. c, 3, by Ballot— Princess Orna. Andrew Millers Roamer, b. g, 6, by Knight Er- faff rant -Rose Tree II. W M. 0. Moons Marion Goosby, br. g. 5. by Marathon — Pheenie Fickle. M. C. Moores Jane- Straith, b. f, 4. bv Dalhousie -Tickle. Nevada Stock Farms Slippery Elm. br. g, 4. by Bannockburn — Bchwalbe. Nevada Stock Fauns Hank. b. -, 4. bv Mint — Miss Blair. Nevada Stock Farms Square Set. ch. c. 3, by Duke of Ormonde--Dora 1. J. W. Iairishs Midway, eh. C, 3. by Ballot-Thirty third. 1e.iic-e and Henrys Geo. C. Love. b. g. ", by Peep oD IJ — Evaline. II. Perkiaa Courtly Lass, ch. in, 5, by His lla -ty— Claret Lass. loha r. Kihoi-rs Bttna, hr. «. l. by Oeeary Oratai. Mi V. Schorrs Harry Kelly. eh. o. 3. by ITti- BBS— Woodbine. John W. Schorls Penrod, br. jr. 3. by Helmet — Gwnrai John W. Schorrs Cudgel, b. r. 3. by BiBQI lUfft - Eaceala Bank. •MM V. S-lmrrs Batteraeoti h II.. b. c. 3. by Radium — Macaroon. B.*Joaa W. Schorrs Baa-tec Wkeat, ch. g. 3. by *M- * Wia i. .b.i.ii W. Schorrs .John W. Klein, eh. g. t, by stir siioot — Plaateaa. w. siiowii iters Caae Baa, ca. c. 4, by Bax— BaaUaa Kaiia. Robert If. smalls Albeaa, b, c. 6, by star Shoot —Belle of Oleadale. I.. C. Smith- Friendless, b. . 3. by Superman— Laekdna. .1. Bpeacera Bteckie Daw. blk. c, 4. by Transvaal - Mary Day. John S. Wards franklin, ch. %, 4. by Jim Oaffney - Qlhtiac By. S. Wards r.crlin. b. c. 3. by Jim CaHney— Aatetee. Wickiifti stables Corricaa and MeKteaey Assume, br. -. 3. by Disguise — Chancery. Wiekliffe stables Corricaa and McKinney Basil. ch. c. 3. by Voter Mintcake. Wiekliffe Stables orrigan and McKinney Aca- bade, ii:. •;. :. by Baaenaaa -Elegance. Wiekliffe stable- Corricaa and afeKlaaey Feli i-dad. eh. g. 3. by Harst Park — felicity Marrat. Wiekliffe staides Corricaa and MeKteaey iaddy Dear, ch. g. 3. by OH Wyola. Wiekliffe stables Corricaa i, MeKteaey Paaaiag Fancy, ch. c, •"•■ by Hurst Park— Mia Fancy. Williatn Woodardfl opportunity, b. g. 3. by Tod-diactoa- Mlaa OerteL W. -I. Youngs Water Witch, br. m. .",. by Water-ires Mi s *Iaa ported. Kentucky ftaoui la I iea. Lexington, Ky.: April 28 to May 11 11 days. Mutuels. Catted Hunts Racing Association, Reliiiont Park Terminal. Quoins. L. I.: May 12 and May 19 2 days. Oral. New Ixniisville Jockey Club, Churchill Downs, Louisville, Ky.: May 112 to May 2B 12 days. Mutuels. Ifoatreal Driving Club, Delorimier Park, Montreal, Que.: May lit to May 20 7 days. Mutuels. Ontario Jockev Club, •Woodbine Park, Toronto, Ont.: May lit to May 21 7 days. Mutuels. Douglas Park Jockey Club, Douglas Park, Louisville. Ky.: May 20 to June 9 13 days. Mutuels. Dorral Jockey Cluii. Banal Park. .Montreal, Que.: May 29 to June S 7 days. Mutuels. Piping Rock Racing Association, Locust Valley, L. I.: May 30 and June 2 2 days. Oral. Montreal Jockey Club, Rlue Bonnets, Montreal, Que.: June 7 to June 14 7 days. Mutuels. I.atonia Jockey Club. Latonia, Ky.: June 11 to July 4 21 days. Mutuels. Rack River Jockey Club, Mount Royal Park, Montreal. Que.: June 14 to June 21 7 days. Mutuels. The Country dab, Brookliae, Mass.: June 10 and June IS 2 days. Oral. Coaaaacht Park Jockey Club, Ottawa, Ont.: June 15 to June 23 7 days. Mutuels. Maisonneuve Park Jockey Tub, Montreal, Que.: June 22 to June 29 7 days. Mutuels. Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamilton. Out.: June L! to July 3 7 days. Mutuels. Western Racing Association, Devonshire Fark, Windsor, Out.: JuTie 30 to July 7 7 days. Mutuels. Montreal Driving Club, Delorimier Park, Montreal, Que. : June 30 to July 7 7 days. Mutuels. Niagara Racing Association, Fort Erie, Ont.: July 4 to July 11 7 days. Mutuels. King Edward Park Jockey Club, Montreal, Que.: July 9 to July 10 7 days. Mutuels. Windsor Jockey Club. Windsor, Ont.: July 14 to July 21 7 days. Mutuels. Kenipton Course Breeders Association, Kempton Park, Montreal, Que.: July 21 to July 27 7 days. Mutuels. Hamilton Jockey Club, Hamilton, Out.: July 25 to August 1 7 days. Mutuels. Ni -ig.ira Racing Association, Fort Erie, Ont.: August 4 to August 11 7 days. Mutuels. Maisonneuve Park Jockey Club. Montreal. Que.: August 4 to August 11 7 days. Mutuels. King Edward Park Jockey Club, Montreal. Que.: August 12 to August 19 7 days. Mutuels. Windsor Jockey Club, Windsor, Out.: August 15 to August 22 7 days. Mutuels. Kempton Course l.reeders Association, Kempton Park. Montreal, Que.: August 20 to August 27 7 days. Mutuels. Kenilworth Jockey Club, Kenilworth Park, Windsor. Ont.: August 23 to August 30 7 days. Mutuels. Montreal Jockey Club, Blue Bonnets, Montreal, Que.: September 1 to September 8 7 days. Mutuels. Banal Jockey Club. Dorval Park. Montreal. Que.: Septi arber 11 to September IK 7 days. Mutuels. Coaaaacht Park Jockey Club. Ottawa. Ont.: September 20 to September 27 7 days. Mutuels. Back River lackey Club. Mount Royal Park, Mon-I treal. Que.: September 22 to September 29 7 days. Mutuels. , Ontario Jockey Club. Woodbine Park, Toronto. Ont.: September 29 to October 0 7 daysi. Mutuels. Wi stem Racing Association, Devonshire Park, Windsor, Ont.: September 1 to September 8 7 days. Mutuels. Kenilworth Jockey Club, Kenilworth Park, Windsor, tut.: October 9 to October 16 7 days. Mutuels.

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Local Identifier: drf1917022501_2_14
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