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1 1 ; . t - , ■ . 1 - . ! 0 1 e I 1 ; 1I1 I I TIJUANA FORM CHART. TIJUANA. MEX.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1917.— -Ninety-third day. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Mteting of 112 days. 13 books on. Woather clear. Il-esidihg Judge. C. 11. Pettingill. Starter. Edward Tribe. Racing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time 4:00 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 1 Q | 1 FIRST RACE— 1 Mile. Jaae 17. 1818—1:88 t 88. Purse 00 S-yaar-alda and A a7/rJb JL upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 5; third. 5. "index Horses AWtSt V4 % sj Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 C P 8 3 1 884 :1 JENNIE SMALL W 4 MS* 1 5U 2] 1 1- V F Fuller E Dealv 3 5 2 1 31904 BEN UNCAS wis 9 112 3 at 4* 43 -_ - V W K-dsay C W Mondorff 2 9-5 4-5 2-5 31884-MORADA wsu 9 1ti I C; Q 8J 4 3» J DePoisrR Pointtr 3 4 8-5 4-6 31884 ACUMEN wsu 10 112 6 4- 1 2J:li 4" W Orraca W H Jackson 6 7 2 1 31904 OELEN M. WBS1M I I I ti; 5" r.3 C Gross W H Hogan 6 6 2 1 31821 TALLOW DIP wb 11 112 4 2l 2t 5* ti° 613 C Taylor Tucker and Murphy 10 12 6 3 31904 BLOOMING POSEY WB 5 112 9 9 9 9 9 74 T Hayes San Francisco Stable20 25 10 5 31758 ANTWERP W 4 112 7 7 7 7 7 86 R Dority Marmet Stable 15 25 10 5 31916 FORGE wsu 7 112 2 1" 6= S 8 9 W Taylor F Peralta 20 20 8 4 Time. 28, 55*i, 1:88%, 1:59%. Track heavy. Winner — P.. f, by Nasturtium — Merrily trained by E. Dealy; bred by Mr. George J. Stoll. Went to post at 2:04. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. JENNIE SMALL, lose up from the start, took the lead at the half and drew away in the homestretch to win easing up. BEN INCAS was hard ridden and raced forwardly. but was easily held safe. MORADA closed a gap and outgamed ACUMEN for third place. The latter raced well to the last eighth and tired. Overweights— Mourning Posey. 2 pounds; Antwerp. 4. 1 A 4 i SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong*, .lane 28, 1910— 1:86ft.— *— 118. Pane 00. 3-year- 3 JL t!7 *lar £i gjda and upward. Selling. Net vain.- to winner 00; second. 1917.sh5; third, 5. Index Horses AWtSt A ft % Str Fin Jockeys Owners OOPS 31S7~1-LADY ST. PATRICK w 5 105 .1 1*1 1*1 ll 1*1 T Hunt A Nlcklaus 3 3i G-5 3-5 31841=GASKET w 7 110 1 4J 4=£ 3 2-J J McBride J Olney 13-107-53-5 1-3 31909 VIRGINIA S. w 6 113 4 2-i 2 22i V A Pickens J E Farnsworth 6 8 3 7-5 31909-VCtN LADY w 4 101 7 H 6l 4i M A JohnsonLive Oak Stable 4 6 2 4-5 31917 KATHARINE G. 5 105 2 5| a* 6-J 53 E Rice E J Ramsey 8 12 5 2 S1917-STARANISE WD 4 113 5 3 31 5= 6» W Orraea S M Henderson 4 5 2 1 31730 MURIELS PET wn 4 IOC 6 fiJ 7:J 7=i V F Stevens W A Wright 20 20 I 4 31725 CASALOMA WB8M8 S 8 8 8 8 J DePoisrTrocadero Stable 30 50 15 8 Time. 24%. 53%. 1:08%, 1:17%. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. tn. by Campus — Begone trained by .1. Nicklaus; bred by Mr. Charles Hodges. Went to pi st at :3." . At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LADY ST. PATRICK, showing much the most speed in the going, won all the way and finished easing up. GASKET raced forwardly and was closing up steadily when she swerved out badly In the stretch. VIRGINIA S. raced in nearest pursuit to the last eighth and tired. VON LADY made up ground. BTARANI8E unit after racing well to the stretch. Scratched— 31773 Laughing Water. 100: 31932 Ethel Welles. 105; 31748 Dovie, 110; 31S77 Evelina. 113. Cl A Q THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1915 — 1 :05.-,— 3—11: S. Purse 00. 31 J. Xj i: O 3 year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner 8800; second. 1917.sh5: third. 5. "index Horses AWtSt Vj % % Str tin Jockeys Owners O C P S 31906-LADY LEONA WB 187 7 4J 3i 24 V Q AlexaJrG Alexandra 1 1 2-5 out 819M POBTTANO w HO 3 I* l« 11 2" K Smith T Mills 5 2 4-5 1-2 31803 MISSOURI IRTDE ws 105 5 7l ti3 41 i- J McBride H Field 15 20 7 3 31900 JURISDICTION w 108 4 8 7" C-J 11 A Palms A Williams 3 5 2 1 31548 .MAID SMITH w 108 C :: 2- 3ir." W Kelsay L D Gentry 10 12 4 8-5 31888 MEEGONE w 107 8 9 4i i| 8*| A Pickenj T M Grant 8 8 3 8-G 31885 MY FIRST WB 103 1 5h I 73 1* T Hunt Hancock and Cushin 15 20 7 2 31900 FANNIE 98 9 i? 8" S- S3 J DoPoisrG Wentworth "100 100 40 20 31873 HESTER H. w 105 2 2| .r»» 9 I W Tavlor J II Adams 30 40 15 * Time. 26%. 53%, 1:09%, 1:18%. Track heavy. Winner — R. f. by Peep oDay — Hattie Walker trained by O. Alexandra; bred by Mr. J. S. Barbeo. Went to post at 2:51. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third drlv-. ing. LADY LEONA moved up steadily and. challenging PO81TAN0 in the stretch, passed him and won going away. POSITANO raced into a long lead, but tired bally and was tacky to save second place. MISSOURI PRIDE eloaed a big gap and made a fast finish. Jl RISDKTTON also made up ground. MAID SMITH ran a good half and tired. Overweights— Lady Leona. 4 pounds; Meegone. 2; Fannie, 5. I CkA/t lOt 1F1H RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1910—1 : 11%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3 year-clds X t/TC*T and upward. Selling. Net value to win nor 00; second. 305: third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt V4. % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 31818 SHELL DO w 4 110 I 22 21 1 V A Pickens J Patter 7 187-101-4 out 31919 MISS FANNIE w 5 108 1 51 l1 2* 2- C Taylor E II Kane 20 25 7 3 GU796DOMlNloN PARK wit 3 M I 1 . 4 2*184 0 AlexaJrG Alexandra 4 5 6-5 2-6 3174G CHECKS w 4 109 5 8*4.8] 4t- 4- W Kelsav W « Hogan 3 3 4 5 1-X 31727 LAZY LOU WB I 9:! 7 4!" F» 5»* B" 8 Mi iraw Palace Stable 10 15 5 i 31040 SAML R. MEYER wb 8 112 4 6-i «" 0s 6" J Wells Hiter and Ford 10 15 5 2 31087 LUCK Wl 99 6 7 7 7 7 H Griffith B J Creighton 100 150 50 20 Time. 26, 53%, 1:24%. Track heavy. Winner — R. f. by Waldo — Rose Pompom trained by J. Ielter: bred by Messrs. II. and C. Field. Went to post at 3:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SHELL DO raced DOMINION PARK to defeat in the first half, then outstayed MISS FANNIE and won going away. MISS FANNIE eloaed up ground steadily and made a fast finish. DOMINION PARK set the early pace and held on gamely in the stretch drive. CHECKS showed speed, but tired in the heavy stretch going. Bcratched— 81885 Red Circle. 110. Overweights — Checks. 1 pound: Luek. 1; Samuel R. Meyer, 2. 1 Q4 P 1TITII RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1915—1 :0."»V-.— 3— IIS. Purse 00. 3-year- 1 l/rt olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 1917.sh5; third. 5. "index Horses AWtSt % j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners OOPS 31930 ADA ANNE w r. M 2 Pj 1 1= V R Harton W Walker 8 S 2i 1 31874 KING CHILTON it I 110 I 8« 3- Sl 2* W Mnd rsPrior A Sullivan 15 20 7 3 M877 LIEIT. SAWYER w 8 110 4 7 7 7 3» W Taylor B Pinegar If 25 S 4 3I9083AINTIE CURL WB 8 MS 1 li 2?. 2h * F Baker C A Davies 3-5 7-102-5 1-5 31908 DELANET W 9 112 7 8* C5 61 5=5 T Hay ea Ban Francisco StableS 10 3i 7 5 M801 THE FELLER W I MS 0 41 4lh 4J 8*1 A JohnsonF Rinehart 4 5 7-5 3-5 31822:F. C. COLE wsu 3 MS 5 5*1 VI 5: 7 J Longo R H Kane 8 41 8-5 7-14 Time. 26. 53%, 1:09%. 1:18%. Track heavy. Winner — B. m. by Kenilwortli —Ada N. trained by W. Walker; bred by Mr. D. F. Egan. Weal to post at 8:44. At post 2 minutes. Start goud and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ADA ANNE raced AUNTIE CTRL into early retirement, then took a good lead and won easing up. KING CHILTON was always a forward contender and finished gamely. LIEUT. SAWYER closed a big gap in the last quarter. AUNTIE CURL set the early pace and tired in the stretch drive. F. C. COLE ran poorly in the going. Overweights — Delaney. J pounds: F. C. Cole. 3. O/l fi. SIxrH ILVCE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1910—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 31 A t/TCU upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. 5; third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt % % % Str Fin Jockey.. Owners ~0 C P S 31920 INQUIETA a fa 7 102 4 2; 1*1 V l4 1" F Baker C A Davies 6 10 3 7-5 818:.- -HARW OD W 8 MS I 8* 1 : 8* 8* R Harton W Walker 4 5 fi-5 1-2 8187S*JAWBONE w 8 in? I 41 • 2* 8*| P A Ptchena D Howell 1 1-2 1-4 out 31933-DICK BENSON wu 7 102 1 8* l« hh H 45J A JohnsonF Rinehart 6 10 3 1 81844* MARK G. wa 4 106 7 G» 6i 6- S-S 5* E Rice L J Ramsey 20 25 10 4 S1818TIAJAN w 4 107 2 V 4" 4* Gs G AlexaJrG Alexandra 3 4 1 1-2 31907 STELLARINA wsu 4 100 G 7 7 7 7 7 T Hunt L Becker 20 23 10 4 Time. 27%, 54%. 1:23%. 1:55%. Track heavy. Winner — B. m. by Fatherless — Elh rslie tram, d by V. Wilson; bred by Messrs. A. nnncock and Son. Went to post at l:V.l. At post 1 minute. Start good find slow. Won cantering; second nud third driving. INQUIETA raced into a leaf bad whea TIAJAN gave way and won la a eniiter. HARWOOD waa li 11 I ridden and. in a came BniBh, outstayed JAWBONE for second place. The latter raced gamely, but was il.heient in laeed. DICK BENSON ran well. TIAJAN set the early pace and quit badly. Overweights —liniuieta, 2 pounds.