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ON TRIAL AT NEW ORLEANS. Case of State vs. Officers and Directors of Business Mens Raxing Association Called Yesterday. New Orleans. La., Hay 4.— Testbaaay was taken today la the case of the State vs. the .fliers ami directors ef the Basiaesa Mens Bacfcag rtaaoflathm. rharglag them with violation of the Lack* law. in tin- betttag at tin- Fair Oreaads track. The eaae was heard in Use Criminal District Court before ledge ladge Baker sal with him in a "consulting capacity." Baasahm thm of tha first arkbaeaa, U. S. Eddy, eh rk of the Niyht Court, ami secretary of the Basjageaa Mens Bacfasg Association, by District Attorney Chaadler C. Uaaeadaarg, indicated, lawyers say th:tt the state intended to attempt to prove that the officers of the association knew they were dealing with persons engaged in what tin-state claims was l.ookmaking. This Judication ,! ■-ralaped arhea the ilistrict attorney attempted to have Mr. Eddy identify a certain ticket, a card entirely different from the badge which most persons purchase to get into the Fair Grounds. A ■pedal ticket grrrag special aaArBaama, Mr. Eddy-stated lie had never seen such a ticket before, but bell* red it was probably for admission to certain •boxes" immediately behind the racing judges stand at the Fair Grounds. Mr. Eddy stated lie knew nothing of the accounts of the association. The day Ixiok and ledger were admitted as evidence. Colonel John P. Sullivan and John K. Reilly, appeared for the defense.. Robert II. Marr assisted the district attorney. I. 11. Rennyson, supervisor; Joseph A. Murphy, racing judge and general manager; Arturo Iei Orto, Victor Lebeau. G. A. McDiannid. John Dillon. A. D. Stewart, Phillip Foto and Archibald A. Mars, the officers and directors of the Business Mens Racing Association, were present at the bar. J. B. Campbell, one of the racing judges accused, was not present, and his case was severed from the case on trial. The Misses Jean and Kate Gordon. Mrs. Boyer, Miss Richardson and other women, who have interested themselves in the opposition to the races; William R. Railley, Mr. Lansing and William R. Veale, the states principal witness; several former stockholders of the track and a number of other person* were present.