Pimlico Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-05

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PIMLICO FORM CHART. PIMLICO. MD.. FRIDAY. MAY 4, 1917.— Fourth day. Maryland Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 15 days. Weather wet. Stewards, Thomas Chile. Frank J. Brvan ami Sonlding Jenkins. Judges, II. I*. Conkling and E. C. Smith. Starter. A. B. Dade. Pacing Seeretar.v. W. P. Biggs. Pacing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chi. -ago time 1:30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. Q971 O FIEST BiO-44 Mile. May 0. 190!— 48*-.— 2—110. Purse S950. 2-year-olds. O JU I JL Colts and Manage, Siieeial Weights. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 0. W Index Horses Affl St j a - t Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt IM71 MIDNIGHT SUN wlM 1 1 1*1 R Troxler P A Clark bnVMO 32664ORL*DO OF HA VAN Aw IIS 1 1" 2"»- 21 F Bob son C Yaanlerdo 14.-.-100 trite want l SJ ■•- :.3 J CampheliE B Caaaatt SSS5-M6 82622 AFRICAN ARROW WlM ■• V M 4 W Obert G H BlMM 3125-Mfl HEREDITY «M S 7C 7 $■* T Parton M L SckwarU 1U6S-M6 3r»."»7 JULIAN W Hli S 4 4" $» J Drover T P Thorn.- 19M6-101 GEORGE STARR wallS] 3 •»■ $ 71 .1 Bntwell S McNaugbton U6M0* DISCOVERER wlH 7 8* s* S« T MoTngtR Parr 2l:»0-100 PEERLESS ONE W Of I I I I J P Ryan A II Morris UaVMfl Time. 24, 49l/s. Trek good. BMtnehl paid. Midnight Sen. .00 straight. .00 place. .50 show; Orlando of Havana. .86 place. .00 show: Trite. 1.00 show. Equivalent booking odds Midnight Sun. 150 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 plaee, 25 to 100 show; Orlando of Havana. 40 t 100 plaee. B0 to 100 show; Trite, 4H to 100 show. Winner— Ch. e, by Peep oM.iv Sunnier Night trained by W. Ilognn: bred by Mr. A. Johnson. Went to post at 2:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but PEERLESS ONE. Won handilv; second and third driving. MIDNIGHT SIN went to the front with ■ rush and set a fast pace all the way. ORLANDO OF H WANA was for.-,. I wide en the stretch turn and ran a good race. TEITK saved ground on all turns and tinish.-.l fa-t. AFK1CAN ARROW and HEREDITY finished well. PEERLESS ONE was green at the barrier and as good as left. Scratched— 32702 Starwort, 110. Overweight - Gee rgo Stair. 3 ; ... pe-ii.ids. Q I 7 1 O SECOND RACE— Miles. May S. ISIS— 8:48% — 8— 141. P.altimore fill lipllll bull fj £ 4 JL tj Purse S700. 4-year-olds and upward. Maidens Alb. waives. Net value to winner 88; second. SI 00: third. .* ■■ . Index Horses ~ AWtSt 1 S 12 13 Fill Jo. keys Owners K.iuiv. OddTstrt. 38623 MONIRTB w 4 131 4 :! V 3- 2= l1 MrAPHyJrA P Humphrey Jr RSMM 38622 EUGENIA McGEE w 8 147 :; 1- !?■ 24 i2 V H Battel W Sklnker f670-lon KING FORTUNE w 4 1-4" !» H .•■ V* • J** E Kl--nck 1, Jacob 7M5-1M 86866 RELIANCE wall? I .". V «*• 4*» 4** 8 P.ush .1 T Gwathaaey f 32621 SLUMBEBEB v, a 117 M 10 10 7 E S N Brooks J W Dayton t 672 SHARPSHOOTER W 6147 2 8* -" PL. rider. M Hon.wnR L Cicrry 275-10; St#tS*THE CARMET W 4141 S V S? 43 L. rider. S Stovsom- K Rockwell tiM 1 0 32688 DISTANT SHORE W a 147 I ",■ 4l Feli. F WilliamsFollv Farm Stable 115-100 SC11S BURGRAVE w • 149 7 4- 5s F.-U. B Brvaai O B Fewwich -; SSMS BRAZENOBE W 5 1 16 1 6- 7 Fell. M OConrGlen Riddle Farm TOO MO fMutuel field. Tim". 4:08. Track good. mutuels paid. Monikte, .Slls.jiO straight. £22.30 place. *!.: shew; Eugenia McGee, Si.flO platr. ..00 show: King Fortune. 5.00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Monikie, 5898 to 100 straight. 1013 to 100 place. 315 to 100 show; Eugenia McGee, 14."i to 100 place, 95 to loo show; King Fortune, 686 to 100 show. Winn.-:- It. f, by Dibs Cl -f dOr trained by C. Mauley: hied in England by Lord Alington. Went to post at 2:88. At p -t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. MONIKIE under stout restraint f. .:• nearly the entire way. responded gane-y to a call in the tnal drive and outstayed EUGENIA McGEE at the end. The latter showed excellent speed and fenced fault -baalj. but tired in the ftnal quarter. KING FOUTINF laid the others saf". SHARPSHOOTEB tost his rider at the twelfth fence, THE CARMET at the eleventh and DISTANT BHOR8 at the aiath. BUR-GRATE and BBAZENOSE fell at the seventh. Scratched- 28454 Kaxsano, 117: 32823 Tudor King. 147: S2623 Chevron. 117: 32023 Juliet. 145; 30302 Ti-umpator. 110: 82028 Reddest, 147: 32072Hryn gone, 14.~»: Tomahawk lil.. 1 17. rr 1 /j TlTlKD RACE 3-4 Mile. Nov. 4. 1818— 1:11%— 8— 138. Purse $: r 0. 3-year .Ids 34"! £ | Xtc and npward. Claiming. Maid, u Jockeys. Net value to winner |888; second. |188; third. s.",o._ Index Flor--. g AW t S t_M ] :■ ! i St r Fin Jockey* Owners Iaiuiv. O ids strt SS87S OWAGA wbSIO 1 1 I1 P U L Basor J H McDonald : m, 32882* HOPS SB 1 110 0 6* 3s V P F Preeoe H l.oois 276-1M 32—3 * DAYBREAK w» 3 K 4 ] . 2- :! C KummerE F Whitney 3010-101 S265SS*LAURA waClOl 6 i • • ■■ t 1" C Hanson H G Bedwell 310-181 38888 NONESUCH wsJIC 2 ::■ C 6* 6s T McKnbtCairnaaanbr Stable 740-100 32884 MALABAR w» 6 114 7 7 4i ii ti S Petoer B Mock 1486-100 32888* VELOUR WO I M :; 21 Felt A McDottA Johnson 8J6-10I Tine-. SSi. 49. 1:17. Track sloppy. mutuels paid, ov.aga. .20 straight, .00 plaee, *3.70 show; Hops, .70 place. .00 show; Daybreak. .70 snow. Kquivalent booking odds Owaga, 889 to 100 straight, 150 to 100 place. 88 to 100 show; Hops, S." to loo place, 80 k 100 show: Daybreak, 385 to 100 show. Winner— Br. f. by Jack Atkin — Diroaae trained by T. .1. Shannon; bred by Mr. Barney Bchreiber. Went to post at 3:25. At post 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen ."iri.ing: seeonl and third the same. OWAGA sprinted into a long lead in the iirst eighth, but tired badly in the last sixteenth. HOPS rlsoed a big gap and Bnishcd fast and gaining. DAYBREAK ran well, bat tired in the final drive. VELOCB stumbled and fell while rounding tie far turn. LAURA ran fairly well. NONESUCH quit badly. Scratched — 32572Edith Baamann, 105; 320:,". Presumption. 114; 32873 Fiecba Negra, 97; James F. Camming*. J7. Q fcj rj f pr FOURTH RACE 3-4 Kile. Nor. 1. 1810 -1:11%- 8 188. Arlington Selling Ilandi- O 5 I L O cap. Parse 88. 8-year-olds. Net value to winner 8858; second, 8108; third, 888. laTtex Horses AWtSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owner:. Equir. Odds Strt 82824 SWIFT FOX w 104 2 1- 1* 1" 1- F MerimoeW Dnraan 106~M0 38873 BLUE FOX W 105 6 4:; 31 f -■ R Parton Mlrasol Stable 7S6-M0 32858 OLYN G. win:. :. 2. 4* V 3] W Obert D A 0*Meara 620-MO 82538* ARBITRATOR W101 6 8* 31 J«* •*• C JaeksonJ M Flack 1346-100 32588 SCARPIA II. W M 1 .", . .". • .. ., W Collins E Arlington 6150-1M 82888 CHEMUNG waMO 4 G 6 S I T McTagtH McDonald 926-103 Time. 24. 433,L, 1:16/,. Track sloppy. muiuels paid. Swift Fox. .10 straight, .80 rdace, .30 show: Blae Fox. .58 plaee, .08 show: Olya ;.. .20 show. f I-..uiv.ileiit booking odds— Swift Fox, 105 to 1 H straight, 40 to 100 place, 18 to UM show: P.lue Fox. 7.". t 100 place, 30 to 100 show: Olya G., OS to 100 show. Winner — B. c, by Tony Fnarri TaHabaTtt trained by V.. A. BarttacheB; bred by Mr. Francis J. Ponsi. Went to i«st at 3:52. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. V, on easily; second and third driving. SWIFT FOX, favored by the going, dashed into a long 1 id la the first eighth and was aader restraint most of the way. BLUE FOX finished fast and gaarelj end easily disposed of the oilers. OLYN O. ran wet] and outstayed ARBITRATOR. CHEMUNG ran poorly in the going. iverweif his s. arpto II.. 3 pounds. O 71 rr -| /• riFTH RACE ■ 1-2 Fuilaaga, May .:. 1812 54- 2 -115. Fur-.- 50. 2-year-oMa. 5 d3 • 1 O Belliag. Net value to winner .s.siii: second, 00: third, 8. ladea Bor -• ■ AWiSi , _ ■ , str Fin jjogkeyg Oa nera Eqniv. Odd.-. Strt S2884*PLANCY wUO 2 V ! 1» 5 T McTagt R Parr M5-UC S28S4*LITTLE SWEEPER w 103 :: ■■- -" 31 3" F MerimeeS Rosa 1616-101 S2828 SUNNY HILL wlM 1 2 1 3s ::• 8 J McTa«*tl M Hedrick 120-100 88881 LADY EILEEN w 108 : i 1*| 4« 4,# E AmbroseW Stockton 266-100 TUMBLE IN w 107 I 4- i 6s .•• i: Hayaea J W May 1666-100 88884 LORD HERBERT wii" E ■ •• :.» 6 T Parton .Mir.-. sol Stable 41-m-lMi Tune, 25, 18%, 57%. Track slopry. .«:: santnels paM. 1lan.y. 0.90 straight, Z30 place, 20 show; Kittle Sweeper, 1.88 plaee, .20 show; ftoanj Bill. .00 si...w. BqaiTalenl booking odds Plancy, 445 to 180 straight. 105 to 100 place. 08 to lot show; Little Sweeper, 480 to 1 r place, 110 to 100 show; Sunny HUI. 30 to 100 show. v.inmi -B. •. by Helicon l le;:.- trained by W. Garth; bred la France by Mr. H. Mange. Went to post at 4:2o. At post 3 minates. Start poor and slow. Won driving; s ad and third th - ssjne. PLANCY sel a good pace and hung on gamely in the final drive, but just lasted long enough to win. LITTLE SWEEPER was hard riddea all the way and ■ forward contender from the start. BUNNY nil. I. ran well and wa-. an tie- outside of the lenders for the entire way. LADY EILEEN was as good as left at thP post and ran much the l«-st race of all. but tired in the final strides after getting to the front. The winner, entered for 81,888, was bid up to 81,805 and bought in. Overweights —Lady Eileen, 1 pound. kj fT | rr SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Oct 28, 1010—1:39 — 3-112. Purse s.C.0. 3-year-olds and 3 S | 1 I upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 8800; second; 0108; third. 0. ~ I hues Horses AW tst : i ? j Str Fin Jockeys J j nf rs i ■;. jiiiv. Odds Strt 32*78»CRIMPBR wn 4 US 4 l1 1= i- I1 V T MeTagrtR Parr 120-100 32S1S*KENTUCKY BOY wb3M6 ! ; ii 6« 4 2 T Parton W VV l.oncy 1080-109 32488*WARSAW W3103 E 5* 4i 3* 2 $■ A Collins T Clyde 880-100 32813 KING HEROD waSMO 2 2| 8* 2 :: . 4° K Hnynea G H Browne 1S5-100 28728 NEBRASKA W 3105 ! 4»t t 41 a1" 510 E AmbroseK Parr 32885 FRIENDLESS w 3 KC 3 3*| V 0 0 0 W Obert A P Harvey M36-M0 tCoupled in betting as It. Pair entry. Tim.-, 245, 50. 1:17. 1:48%. Track muddy. mutuel-. paid. it. Parr entry, .40 straight, . so place, £2.30 si.o-.s ; K.-ntucky Hoy, .50 place, S3. 20 show; Warsaw, 80 show. Boalralent booking odds — it. Parr entry. 120 to 100 straight. 40 to lot place, 15 to 100 show; Kentucky Boy, 12." to 188 place. «;o e 100 show; Warsaw, 4." to b»0 show. Winner Ch.. c. by MainU-non — Frizette trained by Win. Berth; bred in France by Mr. II. 15. Deepen. Went to post at 4:53. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CRIMPER ran well in the going and won all tae way nnextended. KENTUCKY ROY met sharp interference oa the Brat turn, where he was cut off and all bat f.-Il. then finished with a rush. WARSAW tired after moving ap fast in the stretch. KING HEROD :|uit in the b.st uaarbar. Scratched- 32040 Flittergoht, 117: 32041*Saadi, 10"; 32.".92 Judge Wingfield, 103; 32070 Starfinch, 108; 82870 Lone star. 112; 32510 Malheur, 107: Colleen, 88. Overweights— King Hetod, 3 pounds: Nebraska. 2. »3 t "7 1 O SEVENTH HACK-1 Mile and 60 Yards. May 9. 1811—1:48% 8 88. Caswell y £ t A. C7 St lling Handicap. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 88; second. 88; third, JloO; "index Horses AWtStH % "4. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32838 G. M. MILLER w.s 10 114 :: 2 2" 2- V. 1- J Bntwell R F Carman 200-101 32042 FD EONU v.- 4 10b 6 7 4i 3-J 3s 2* F MerimeeW L Oliver UOV-MO 32C27 HIGH HOUSE WR 4 Mi 4 I* ]• 1 I.-k :;?. B7 ui-rt H G Bedwell 430-100 31807 T1K PIN v. ■ 5112 5 51 31 4r- 4° 45 E AmbroseJ S Ownbey 418-181 32888 HARRY LAUDER WB 7 112 2 bJ7 o Gl 54 J Metcall J F Sweeney |88J 181 32660 CLIFF HAVEN wb 5 1076 7 4* i2 V 54 «- ■ Haynes Crown Stable 55-100 32659 AHARA WB o 10b 1 P 5 7 7 7 K McDott.I F Sweeney | tCoanled fan betting as J. F. Sweeney entry. Time. 25, 50%, 1:18. 1:45%, 1:50. Track muddy. mutuels paid, O. M. Miller, 1917.sh.00 straight. 88 place, .40 show: Kd Pond, 0.40 place. .88 show: High Horse, S3. 50 show. K-piivalent booking odds G. M. Miller. 200 to 100 straight. 125 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Ed Bond. 420 to KM place, 188 to 188 show: High Horse. 75 to 100 show. Winner- B. g. by Lissak— 8abdne trained ay R. F. Carman: bred by Mr. I. Hart Brown. Went to post at 5:22. At post 1 adnata. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving O. M. MlKLFlt wore HIGH HORSE down while rounding the last turn and finished going away in re-olute fashion. ED BOND closed a big gap and tired right at the end. HIGH HORSK showed the most .speed to the stretch and tired badly. TIE PIN ran well. HARRY LAUDER ran a. bad race. Overweights--lift Haven. 1J; pounds: Ah.ua. 3.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1917050501/drf1917050501_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1917050501_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800