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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. News reaching the 111 II lib visitors in the I nih-d States Friday carried the unexpected and pleasing information that the Gritish advance against tho German positions, once designated as the Hindoo burg lire, has beea so fast as to make the presei.t gains fifteen days in advance of what it was hoped for when the present offensive was first mapped out. Retreat of certain Teuton detachments from near Bulb-court may have baea eat off, it is aaaerted and the entire German new liu-is imperiled by the speed of the drive. That the British offensive has baea speeded up by the seriousness of the submarine situation confronting Great Brltaia is taken for granted. According to the latest plans from Washington, the American troops to 1m- sent to the French front will go in the form of physicians, airmen and then soldiers. Troops, it is hoped, will be seen in France by July. Although it will be impossible to get a large force there by the time the summer month- an here. yet. it is believed picked units from Nation:;! guardsmen and regular army men will be in tliu trenches at the French front by July or August. Count Adam Tarnowski. Austrian ambassador to the Inited States, who never assumed his official iluties after relieving the ambassador withdrawn, has left the Inited States. He has addressed a ruling to his countrymen in which he asks them to •hep the laws of the country iu which they now ieside. Russia is now concerned with a land problem of ownership, in which the peasant class is hoping to obtain full |Kssessiou of lands long held from them. The greatest concern is felt by the new government over the threatened fighting of the peasants among one another for possession of the. lands. It is officially announced that 1,000.000 city children will be placed on farms this summer by the German government. Fifty pfennigs daily will Io paid for each child except in East Prussia, where the farmers, who suffered from the Russian invasion, have refused to pap. Shoes formerly selling for .50, have gone up to 0.00; yeast, which once sold for one cent a cake is now three cents; prices of shaves and hair cuts are advanced proportionately and. if dealers can l e believed, the present prices will be greatly augmented by a few months. Full newspaper and postal service with Germany from neutral nations which was cut off for the space of several weeks, due. it is said, to strikes in Germany, has been resumed. Denmark and Sweden are again in touch with Germany. There was an incident of the fighting on the British front Friday which was unprecedented in the war. In Bullecourt two lines of British and two of German troops were badly sandwiched fighting hand to hand. Memlx-rs of the House of Representatives were told today that Germany was building about three submarines a week. These included the large sub-mersiblcs capable of making great distances without replenishing fuel. According to the Jewish Chronicle, the Turkish Governor of Palestine has publicly proclaimed the intention of the authorities to mercilessly destroy the Jewish population, applying the same policy adopted in Armenia. Francisco Villa, whose activities have recently been conspicuous by their absence, is again reported as approaching the American border iu command of surprisingly large forces of fairly well equipped force*.