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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY Buy a Liberty Bond today — keep on buying until it hurts. Invest every cent yon can spare from your living in LIBERTY LOAN BONDS. The Government is tlte safest borrower in the world. Incle Sams promise to repay yon is backed up with wealth by ; the hundred billions. The Government will pay yon 4!i per cent interest, too. STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITERS MEN AND WOKEN WANTED— The Tinted States government is in urgent need of thousands of typewriter operators and stenographers and typewriters. All who pass examinations for the departments and offices at Washington. I. ., are assured of certification for appointment. It is the manifest duty of citizens with this s[»ecial knowledge to use it at this time, where it will be of most value to the. government. Women especially are urged to undertake this office work. Those who have not the required training are encouraged to undergo instruction at once. Examinations for the departmental service, for Ixtth men and women, are held every Tuesday in ai of the principal cities of the Tinted States "and applications may be filed with the commission at Washington. D. t. at any time. The entrance salary ranges from .NK to ,200 a year. Advancement of capable employes to higher salaries is reasonably rapid. Applicants must have reached their ■ eighteenth birthday on the date of the examination. Kor full information in regard to the scope and elmracter of the examination and for application blanks address the Inited States Civil Service Commission, Washington. I. C, or the Secretary of the Inited States Civil Service Board of Examiners at BaatM, JLiss.; New York, X. Y.; Philadelphia. Pa.; Atlanta. «;a.: Cincinnati. O.; Chicago, 111.; St. Paul, Minn.; St. Louis, Mo.; New Orleans. La.; Seattle. Wash.; San Francisco. Cal. ; Honolulu. Hawaii, or San Juan. Porto Kico. JOHN A. McILHKXXY, President Inited States Civil Service Commission, Washington. D. C. Indications that the German drive in the Ar-nicntieres region is losing some of its force are ■ contained in todays official news from the battle lines. Simultamously. American help is counting strongly in the holding of the long Franco-Belgian J front at other points, notably in the region east of St. Mihiel. where American troops have again given i a splendid account of themselves in hard fighting in i Apremont forest. The Germans last night returned I to the attack on the French positions in Brule wood, in the Apremont region, where French and American troops yesterday repulsed a German i thrust. The Anurieans once more displayed a vigorous resistance, and in conjunction with the Fre.icn beat off the Germans, throwing them out t by a counter attack from the one point where an i enemy footing was obtained. The Inited States Senate resolution embodying , the war department plan to put the draft quota basis on the numlH-r of men in class 1 instead of on state population, was adopted by the House yesterday bv a vote of B8 to 3. Representatives Goraon of Ohio ami Huddleston aud Burnett of Alabama, voted against it. William H. Stead, director of trade and commerce in the cabinet of Governor Lowden and attorney-g.neral of Illinois in the Deuccn administration. was found shot to death in a room at the Great I Northern Hotel yesterday. Subscriptions to the third Liberty Loan reported to federal Itltl 99 banks yesterday, as the first | quarter of the drive was pass«-d. totaled |TT1 IM. ; 1im». or slightly more than one-sixth of the minimum 1 amount sought by Secretary IIcAdoo. A Paris dispatch of yesterday says the citv of r P.-iins is in flames. The Fren. h. under a heavy bombardment, are trying to limit the burning area. • Twenty-four persons were killed and sixty-two j injured M Friday muht a air raid on Paris, according to the latest official information. Thirtv-five .erm:ui airplanes. twenty-one of f i which were destroyed, were brought down by Brit-i ish aviators on Thursday.