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MANY FOALS REPORTED FROM QUEBEC Montreal .iii-.. April Kt. When racing is rr -siiim d in Canada there will Im- pl.-nty of Quebec-bred racers to furnish contests, as foals are reported almost daily. Dr. Charles McEachran has reported the arrival of a fine-looking filly foal of th- MM Kirikiii. while Kdward Kennedys mare. Mabel Hite. which raced through the field a few jcars ago. has foaled a colt. Hoth of these young -stcrs were sued by Dorante. the property of Sam Veslytt. Fred It. Jiidah. owner of the Judah Farm. i-|iorts | tout liy Oiseau Lady,,. Hie lalter a « auadiaii bred mar-. Maj. A. Hamilton Ciult. who equipped the Princess Patricias aud long a prominent horseman iu Montreal, reports a foal by ilalauiont — Gravity.