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WILSON HORSES TO RACE AT PIMLICO Trainer Healcy Eeturns to New York to Bring Horses Beady for Maryland Jockey Clab Meeting. Baltimore. Md.. April IT-.— Thomas Healey has gone back to New Vork to get such horses of the stable of Kiehsrd I. Wilson as are anywhere near fit for racing ready for shipment to Pimlieo. It is likely that the three-year-olds WhjppeorwiU and Woodtliiush. the former a brother of Campfire and a candidate for the Preakness; the four-year-old Straight Forward ami a half-dozen tvvo-ye:ir-ohls by Olambala will in- in the Pimlieo shipment, lieal-v hojied a few weeks back to lie able to get Campfire. which has wintered satisfactorily, ready for the Pimlieo Spring Handicap, but the bad weather of last week interfered vviih the training of the colt and he will be reserved for the Belmont Park meeting. However, in Straight Forward Mr. WiHon has a formidable Pimlieo Spring Handicap candidate-. He has Insist id immen-ely over winter and he is showing a lot of sseed in his work. Mr. WiNon is a HI* ral nominator in l*ith the Pimlieo Nursery and the Spring Juvenile and his nominations with one or two exceptions are homebred sons and daughters of Olambala. But he has two or three English -bred youngsters in his stable. One of these, Littlecote. a fine upstanding bay golding bv St. Amanl -Celine, started in the two-vear-old race at Havre de Bran on Friday. Healey has not been as busy with his two-year-olds as have some of the Belmont Park trainers, but as soon as he has his band safely housed at Pimlieo he will give the Wilson youngsters plenty of work. ♦ —