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* EVERESTS DERBY STOCK GOES UP I. xington. Ky.. April 22. — The talk of the work watchers i.t the track Saturday was mostly about the porforinan-o of Senator .Johnson N. Camdens Kentuekv Derby candidate. Everest, which is being trained bv J. C. Milam. This colt ran a mite in 1:10. the list eighth of which was iu 12 seconds. Mini then galloned out the mile and an eighth in 1:54%. . . T. P. Hayes expressed the opinion that Everest is likely to give the crack colts sharp contention for the big prise. ... Tiainer Milam expressed satisfaction with Everests work, but made no claims for him. "The thing I liked most about his performance." said he. "is the lact that he went his last eighth of the mil" In 1J seec.ids. and was full of desire to run at the til.isl,." Jockey Morys rode Everest in his work and Senator faindtn srltaessed it. Itahu went the lirst half with him and retired, letting Ihe Wile run with hi. n the last half. This work of Everest stands out as the fastest of the season iu Kentucky by any candidate for the Derby.