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WASHINGTON MEETING BEGINS TODAY Five Days of Kacing Will Be Inaugurated at Ar- I lington Park — Proceeds to Bed Cross. Waahaagtan, D. C, April 52. — Tlic National Capital Horse Show. Amateur ami Military Itucing Asso- i ciation will hold lt« inaugurai meetitig of five days. . beginning tomorrow, at Arlington Park, across the Potomac Uiver in Virginia. t The new pbait is locati d on a 25-acre site which ] has a commanding view of the Potomac and Wash- ington iu the background. It is equipped with a j half-mile track and q.uarter-n»lle chute; a steeple- i chase course, large show ring, grandstand with ; seats for •j.W.f.i persons. 3." I stalls and other appur- ] t-nances. naktag it probab.y the most up-to-date I amateur plant of its kind in the country. , Now York sportsmen and New York horses will figure prominently in the meeting. To start with. I the racing will be completed under the sanctum of i the National Hunt lad Steeplechase Association, and ] Prank J. Hryan, unitary of the Hunts Committee, | will pi— side as a Steward. Another steward will be Samuel Hoss, the Washington turfman. George Ultimo of New York, will officiate as a judge for ] some of the horse show events. Lieut. Kaymoiil P.elmont. of Camp Uix. son of : Maj. August Belmont, has entered some jumpers in the military classes. Special classes for the mili- i iary have been arrange?! and extensive nominations , have been received from army officers throughout the country. i Chen i- hahK worked up as a feature of the j meeting a race in which each Allied nation will be represented by a rider who will be a military officer I in uniform. i Sixty-five horse show events, beside* the BfteW races programmed, will be ran off during the five- day meeting, ami prizes to the value of approximately 0.tH«» will lie distributed. , The show will ran five days, with horse sliovv competitions consuming the program from J to 3 p. m. daily, and the racing events beginning at the latter hour. T!: :«• will be three races each day — two on the flat and one over the steeplechase i course — with purses of Sjn and plate offered. , T!ie meeting has prominent backing. Gen. Leonard Wood and Admiral irayson. lieing among the offi-••ers of the association. The entire net proceeds of • the five days will be donated to the lied Cross. There are several hundred horses on the grounds, including representations from many of the most lirouii.: -iit easjern turfmen.