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FRIAR ROCK STARS IN HORSE SHOW The Fine Son of Rock Sand and Fairy Gold at San Francisco. BY F. L. McKENNEY. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., November 3. Friar Rock is the center of attraction of the horse show now in progress here. Friar Rocks home is- up at J. H. Rosseters Wikinp Rancho, Sonoma County. He was brought out here by bis owner to take his place as the premier sire at the establishment that horsemen say is one of the most completely appointed stock farms in the United States. Friar Rock, the noted stallion Disguise and about fifty brood mares were purchased by the master of Wikiup as the beginning in his patriotic endeavor to revive the glories? of California as the nursery of great horses. The Friar Rocks are yet to race, the oldest being yearlings, but it is easy to see as they scamper about the paddocks at Wikiup that they inherited the quality that made their sire so renowned on the race courses around New York. The handsome chestnut judges say they never saw a truer specimen of the thoroughbred anywhere in the world was retired from the races at the end of his three-year-old campaigning in 1910. He was without a blemish then, and he so remains, looking, as one connoisseur said, as though he were cast in bronze. Just to show lie was a true son of the mighty Rock Sand, Friar Rock rounded out his racing career by doing something never before achieved by a three-year-old in winning the Suburban and Brooklyn Handicaps. Other horses as three-year-olds have beaten the older division either iu the Suburban or Brooklyn, but none of them has won both races. Then he won the Saratoga Cup, in which he beat Roamer, The Finn and other top-notchers. Friar Rocks blood lines are the best, both on the side of his sire and his dam. Rock Sand was purchased by August Belmont in England for 25,-000 some years back and later sold to France for 50,000. Belmont has been offered as high as 50,000 for Tracery, a son of Rock Sand. Mahubah. dam of the two-year-old Man o War, champion of his age, and that many, horsemen believe the greatest two-year-old of all time, is a daughter of Rock Sand. Friar Rocks dam. Fairy Gold, is also dam of Fair Play, champion sire this year. Friar Rock is of the celebrated family, to which belong Sir Barton, Syscnby and Omar Khayyam.-