Racing Legislation for Maryland: New Bill for 110 Days Sport and 0,000 Daily Tax in Sight, Daily Racing Form, 1919-11-15


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RACING LEGISLATION FOR MARYLAND New Bill for 110 Days Sport and 0,000 Daily Tax in Sight. BALTIMORE, Md., November 14. There is to be a sharp struggle over racing in the Maryland legislature, which meets next January.- The "spoil sport" element has been busy since the last Mury-land racing law was enacted and intends to make a sharp effort to overturn it and kill racing jn, the state. There have been some quarrels among Maryland racing-folks, and, the. -spoil- sports" -ha.yj a good chance to use the warring elements and poli- ticiaus to aid them. The temper of the legislattira is not yet to be guaged with certainty. It is considered to be reasonably receptive to liberal influences. It is also certain, however, that new regulation for racing -will come by legislation, and a powerful coterie of influential members are said to be behiud a new measure in line-"with -newly elected Democratic Governor Richies ideas. This new measure is likely to be. well, considered,, debated and passed. ; v The bill provides for 110 racing days yearly -iii the state with pari-niutuel, speculation with a daily tax of 0,000. This, will . yieldj- theState; oJf "Maryland ,100,000 yearly toward meeting , its jrapldly , increasing ex-pcuditures and is expected-to be favorably, re cejved, tJ- , ,

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Local Identifier: drf1919111501_1_8
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