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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO, 111., November 14. Weather forecast: IllinoisFair tonight and Saturday; warmer in extreme south portion tonight. Missouri Fair tonight and Saturday; warmer in north portion Saturday. General forecast: Fair weather will continue throughout the middle western states as far east as the Rockies for the next two or three days with more or less variable temperature. It will rise in the northwest tonight and generally as far east as the upper Mississippi Valley Saturday. SEATTLE. Wash., November 14. Two hundred men sa-pwted of bring members of the Industrial Worker.! of the World were held in jails in various cities r.nd towns in the northwest today as the result of raids growing out of the shooting at Cen-tralia. Wash., during an Armistice day parade last Tuesday, when four former service men were killed and three others wounded. In addition twenty-six alleged members of the I. W. W. were held In jail3 at Centralia and Chehalis, Wasli., in connection with the shooting. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 11. Demands of union miners for a thirty-hour week and a sixty per cent increase in wages "are impossibilities and ought to bo eliminated at the beginning," Secretary Wilson declared today in opening the conference between union officials and operators called by him to settle the differences existing in the ioal industry. WASHINGTON, D. C, November 14. Success of the conference between coal miners and operators, called by Secretary Wilson to begin here today in an effort to bring peace to the bUuminous coal industry, depends on all parties coming into the parley "without commitments." Fuel Administrator Garfield said today. WASHINGTON, D. C, November H. Enforcement of war-time prohibition will not be interfered witli by injunctions against the act. granted by courts in Rhode Island and Kentucky, it was stated today. Appeals of the government to the Supreme Court makes the injunction ineffective. It was held. TORONTO, Out., November II. The government of the Province of Ontario today passed into the hands of the farmer coalition cabinet headed by Premier Ernest Charles Drury. The premier and his colleagues were sworn into office by Lieut. -Gov. Sir John Hendrie at the governnifiit house. SAULT STE. MARIE. Mich., November 14. From reports of wreckage off Mauitou Island, at the tip of Keweenaw Point, it is feared the big ore carrier John Owen, reported overdue, was lost in the heavy gala that has raged over Lake Superior throughout the week. NEW VOltK, N. Y., November 14. Decrease in the annual rainfall, severe winters, increased humidity and heavy windstorms have caused the death thousands of trees in New York parks. Poor soil Iof also has caused many trees to perish after reaching maturity. LONDON. England, November 14. Countess Leo Tolstoy, widow of tlia famous Russian novelist, died at Yasnaya Polhfha November 4, according to a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Helstngfors noting the Krasnaya Gazette. LONDON, England, November 14. Thirty-two thousand guineas 01,500 were paid at an auction sale today for a picture of St. Eustace by Vittore Carpaecio, the famous fifteenth century Venetian painter. ; u. .i COPENHAGEN. Denmark, November 11. The Italian government has officially raised the blockade of Finnic, according to advices "from that city received through Laibach, Austria. WINNIPEG, Man.. -November 14. Ten cases of "sleeping sickness," in four instances fatal, have been reported hero .within, the last few days. Two of the deaths occurred yesterday. TRIESTE,. Istria, November llcr-A telegram to the stock exchange here states that Gabriele dAn-nunzio has left Fiume.