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HOPEFUL STAKES ENTRIES One Hundred and Forty-Eight Eligible for 0,000 Feature. 4 East and West Liberally Represented by the Aristocracy of Two -Year-Old Division. The Hoperul Stakes, with a guaranteed value of 0,000, is the richest of all the great stakes offered by the Saratoga Association. It was inaugurated in 1003 and, with the exception of 1911 and 1012, when there was no racing, it has run continuously since with varving fortune. The value to winner in 1903 was 22,275, and in 1001 the winners share was .9,790. From that date the value gradually dwindled until, in 1013, Bringhurst only brought ,100 to his owners credit. A steady revival has since taken place, the highest point being reached in 1020 when Leonardo II. won 3,S50. The nominations for this valuable fixture closed November 27; 1020. with 215 eptries. Twenty-eight of these declared at 0 each and sixty-nine at 00 each, leaving 118 two-year-olds still eligible. These are here given, together with names of owner, sire and dam and sire of dam: Hopeful Stakes of 0,000, for two-year-olds. By subscription of 0 each: If left in after March 1, 1021, a further subscription of 0 each. If left in after June 1, 1921, a further subscription of 00 each. Starters to pay 00 additional. Guaranteed gross value 0,000. Three-quarters of a mile. Allies Stable; Twenty Seventh Division, ch. g, by Trojan Rouinctta by Fair Plav. A. G. Blakely Dr. T. S. Dabnoy. ch. c, by His Majesty Marie Odilo, by Star Shoot. D. T. Bohon Brother John, br. c, by Light BrigadeBunchy, by-Llangwjn. E. R. Bradley Better Still, ch. c, by North Star III. Sweet Alice, by Flying Dutchman. E. R. Bradley Bemorecareful, b. c, by North Star III. Stumpy, by Handsome. Dosha Breckenridge Bracdalbane, ch. c, by Jack Atkin Princess Pat, by Stalwart. George H. Bull Mustard Seed, b. c, by Peter Quince Alsiko, by Ben Brush. F. Iiurlcw Morvich, br. c, by Runnymedt Hymtr, by Dr. Leggo. J. N. Camden Sir Hugh, b. c, by Light Brigade Enigma, by Ben Brush. James Butler Stone Jug, ch. c, by Pebbles Ambrosial, by Voter. C. Buxton Johnny Dundee, b. g, by Brummcl Gylfi, by Dr. Leggo. Canterbury Farm Sea Master, b. c, by Seahorse II. Teacher, by Grecnan. E. B. Cassatt Chesei brook, br. c, by Cavalca-dour Flying Fairy, by Aeronaut. . Chas. AV. Clark Tom i Hare Jr., br. c, by Vulcain Moonct, by Donald A. , 1". A. Clark Exterminate, ch. , by Ultimus- Fair Empress, by Jim Gore. . , P. A. Clark Blue Teal, br. Wrack Delft, by Burgomaster. U if ford A.- Cochran Polyantha, b. f, by Broomstick Eary Rose, by Star Shoot. W. R. Coe Master Hand, b. c, by Ballot Shuck II., by Jean Bcreaud. W. R. Cot. Passamaria, b. f, by Black Jester Pasipiita, by Sundridge. W. R. Col Many Smiles, ch. f, by Harmonicon Laughaway, by Cicero. J. S. Cosden-7-Righeart, b. c, by Sweep High-flown, by Peep o Day. J. S. Cosden Lord Baltimore, br. c, by Celt Moisant, by Hamburg. J. S. Cosden RonahPs. Run, ch.- f, by Dick Fin-nell Federal Girl, by Ultimus. J. S. Cosden Roulette, br. f, by Celt Toots, by Top Gallant. Wm. C. Eustis Luckpcnuy, blk. c, by Fayette Personal, by Kinley Mack. Frank. Farrcll B. c, by Wrack Aurino, by Eon. Frank J. Farrcll Nancy F., br. f, by Sweep Frances Dillon, by The Commoner. II. C. Fisher Bud Fisher, b. c, by Undle Miss Granville, by Yankee. II. C. Fisher Evil, blk. f, by Rock View Ar-rowshaft, by Ogden. Robert L. Gerry Bees Wax, b. f, by Celt-Honey Bee, by Hamburg. Robert L. Gerry Rectortown, b. c, by King James P.elplioebe, by Orsini. Glen Riddle Farm Brocklesby, b. c, by Wrack Desirous, by Hamburg. Glen Riddle Farm Oceanic, blk. c, by The Finn Veuve Cliquot, by McGee. Gary T.. Grayson Ilea, ch. c, by Sea King Ballyshe. by Frank Gill. Gary T. Grayson High Magic, b. c, by Magic II. Los Altos, by Pnlo Alto. Cary T. Grayson Star Jester, br. c, by Black Jester Starflight, by Sunstar. Greontree Stable-i-Pirnte Gold, br. c, by Rock View Gold, by Golden Gaiter. Greontree Stable Skyscraper, ch. c, by Ultimus Ollie Belle, by Charaxus. Greentree Stable Sedge, ch. c, by Celt Sand Dune, by Rock Sand. II. II. Hewitt AVashington, ch. c, by Ballot Haszaza, by Canard. II. II. Hewitt Startle, ch. f, by Star Hawk I Inspiration, by Ayrshire. Max Ilirsch Utah, blk. c, by Ogden Phantom, by Star Shoot. Mux Hircch Sidereal, ch. c, by Star Shoot Old Squaw, by Adam. Max Hirsch Ch. c, by Friar Rock Smoothbore, by Ogden. Max Hirsch Volcanic, ch. c, by Friar Rock Lou Blue, by Ogden. Max Hirsch Zovian, br. c, by Zeus Edna Collins, by The Commoner. Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords Bravo, ch. c, by Ballot Tardy, by Lord Esterling. Walter M. Jeffords Macduff, ch. c, by McGee Stolen Moments, by Kingston. Frederick Johnson Excelsis, ch. c, by Ultimus Melissa, by Star Shoot. Montfort Jones Roekministcr, ch. c, by Friar Rock Mallard, by Star Shoot. Montfort Jones Widgeon, ch. c, by Star Shoot Wide Eyes, by Hamburg. Montfort Jones Chestnut colt, by The Finn Lady Sterling, by Hanover. Montfort Jones Prince Welles, ch. c, by Dick Welles Tallahassee, by The Commoner. Montfort Jones Cap Rock, ch. c, by Trap Rock Moulin Rouge, by Himyar. Montfort Jones Uncle Sonny, ch. c, by Uncle Ballyinena, by Adam. Montfort Jones Montjoy, ch. c, by Cock o the Walk Private Flag, by Hamburg. Montfort Jones Pegasus, b. c, by Golden Maxim Brightstone, by Deutschhihd. J. O. Kecnc Lucknow, b. c, by Luke McLuke Carone, by Grey Leg. Willis Sharpe Kilmer Sunreigh, ch. c, by Sundridge Sweet Briar II., by St. Frusquin. Mrs. A. R. Lawson Sweep By, br. c, by Sweep Iridescence, by Peter Pan. George W. Loft Miracle Man, br. c, by Sweep Biscayue, by Rensselaer. George W. Loft Counsellor, b. c, by Magic II: Royal Quest, by Roi Ilerode. A. K. Macomber The Falconer, b. c, by Star Hawk Myrtlegalc, by Uncle. A. K. Macomber The Dictator, b. c, by Dodge Lip Stick, by Sunflower II. A. K. Macomber The Araucanian, br. c, by Dodge Hoop Skirt, by Sunstar. A. K. Macomber Topmast, br. c, by Hesperus Instigation, by Mortlake. A. K. Macomber Ever Bold, b. c, by Hesperus Bella Mayes, by Borgia or Borghesi. J. E. Madden Nantucket, ch. c, by Friar Rock Sea Shell, by Star Shoot. J. E. Madden Mercutio, ch. e, by Friar Rock Moreade"l, by The Commoner. J. E. Madden Occidenta, b. or br. c, by The Finn Star of the West, by Montana. J. E. Madden Broomflax, ch. c, by Uncle Broomleaf, by Broomstick. Continued on seventh page. HOPEFUL STAKES ENTRIES Continued from second page. J. C. Milam Deadlock, b. c, by Sir AAilfrcd Hortense II., by Troutbeck. J. C. Milam Heavy Artillery, br. c, by Light Brigade Heliosis, by ftar Shoot. Modo Stable Modo, ch. c. by Brummcl Panella, by Peter Pan. J. C. Milam Aiolinist, br. c, by Dick Finnell Aiola Vail, by Jean Bereaud. Edward B. McLean Dream of Allah, ch. f, by Colin Garden of Allah, by Star Shoot. Edward B. McLean Friar Dixon, b. c, by Friar Rock Queen Dixon, by Sir Dixon. Edward B. McLean The Post, b. c, by Hessian Passan, by Hamburg. Edward B. McLean Leochares II., b. c, by Ben Brush Rhodas Pride, by Pride. Edward B. McLean Saddle and Boots, ch. c. by Boots and Saddle Flash of Lightning, by Ben Brush or Prince of Monaco. Edward IS. McLean Sangrado, b. c, by Sweep Annie AAilliams. by Lazzarone. Oak Ridge Stable Slierando, ch. f, by Sea King Elizabeth D. R., by Star Shoot. Oak Ridge Stable Black Fox, b. c, by Sea King Aleon 15., by Transvaal. Oak Ridge Stable Dan Boiling, b. c, by Sea King , Coat, by Ogden. Oak Ridge Stable Xorthcliff, ch. c, by Sea King Doria, by Ogden. Quincy Stable Minima, ch. f, by Friar Rock Miss Minnie, by Meddler. Quincy Stable Yankee Star, br. c, by Star Shoot Yankee Lady; by Yankee. Rancocas Stable The Almoner, b. c, by Sweep Sue .Smith, by Masefto. Rancocas Stable Hotspur, br. c, by Heno Naughty Lady, by Eshor. Rancocas Stable Little Chief, b. c, by AVrack Medora II., by Rabelais. Rancocas Stable Billy Watts, br. c, by Trap Rock La Recolte, by Meddler. Rancocas Stable Lucky Antoine, blk. c, by Friar Rock Belle of Ormonde, by Orsini. Rancocas Stable KaT-Sang, br. c, by The Finn Kiluna, by Golden Maxim. J. K. L. Ross Feylance, b. c, by Assagai St. Fey, by St. Frusqujn. J. K. L. Ross Elemental, b. c, by Ultimus Xarco. by L. AV. Johnson. J. H. Rosseter Ch. bv Friar Rock Bold Girl, by Ogden. J. H. Rosseter Aspiimall, ch. c, by Friar Rock Rose of Gold, by Top Gallant. J. H. Rosseter Underwriter, b. c, by Disguise Agnes Aelasquez, by Aclasquez. Walter J. Salmon Jocose, ch. c, by Celt Merriment II., by Suhdridge. AValtcr J. Salmon Sea-Wolf, b. c, by Ultimus Queen of the AVator, by AVaterboy. Walter J. Salmon Trevelyan, ch. c, by Treviso Starry Night, by Star Shoot. Walter J. Salmon Superlative, b. c, by Superman Rupicola, by Advance Guard. AValter J. Salmon Impetus, ch. f, by Peter Quince AVilful Maid II., by Sundridgc. AValter J. Salmon Adrianne, ch. f, by His Majesty Adriana, by Hamburg. John Sanford Athelstan, b. c, by Uncle Consuelo II., by Rradwardine. John Sanford Pietrus, br. c, by Sundridge Variium Cleaner, by Perth. John Sanford Serenaucr, ch. c, by Bachelors Double; Golden Harp, by Llangibby. Morton L. Schwartz Column, eh. c, by Celt Pyramid, by Hastings. Morton L. Schwartz Toil, ch. e, by Celt Work-maid, by Fatherless. J. Shaughnessy AVyhe, ch. c, by Pataud Ilulme, by Cunard. J. Skaughnessy Shaffer, ch. c, by Peter Quinct Flying Frances, by Pi.inudes. Short Grass Stable; June Grass, b. c, by Short Grass Comsora, by The Commoner. Short Grass Stable Long Grass, ch. c, by Short Grass Queens Loch, by Lochryan. A. 15. Spreckels Ruustar, ch. c, by Runnymedo Sahatrix, by Salvation. Chas. A. Stoneham Flannel Shirt, b. c, by King James Turkey Red II., by AVilliam Rufus. Chas. A. Stoneham Ultimo, ch. c, by Ultimus Oktibbena, by Rock Sand. Chas. A. Stoneham Quesada, ch. c, by Delhi Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium. Chas. A. Stoneham Monday Morning, br. c, by King James AVasherwoman, by Earla Mor. Sunnyland Stable John Morrill, b. c, by Fayette Aeroplane, by Arizona. Sunnyl.ind Stable Tern Cassidy, b. c, by AVrack Sobriquet, by Toddington. The Lexington Stable Draft, br. c, bv Fair Play Dragnet, by Rock Sand. The Lexington Stable Lucky Hour, br. c, by Honrless Lucky Catch, by Trap Rock. The Lexington Stable Missionary, eh. c, by llotirless Mission, by Rock Sand. The Lexington Stable My Play, b. c, by Fair Play Mahubah, by Rock Sand. Lexington Stable? Swagger, ch. c, by Trap Rock Setuveiaine, by Rayon dOr. Lexington Stable Honorable, b. c, by Fair Play Haute Roche, by Rock Sand. L. S. Thompson Nedna, b. r, by AVhisk Broom II- Leayonara, by AVoolsthorpe. L. AVaterbury Galantman, b. c, by Superman Galanta, by AVilliam the Third. L. AVaterbury Silent King, ch. c, by King James Auntie; Mum, by Melton. L. AVaterbury Letterman, ch. c, by Superman Arlette, by Re.bert le Diable. II. i AVhitney Olympus, br. c, by Royal Eagle Paradise II., by Adam. II. P. Whitney Hullabaloo, b. c, by Peter Pan Folelerol, by Burgomaster. H. P. AVhitney Broomster, b. c, by Broomstick Spun Glass, by Rock Sand. H. P. Whitney AVhiskaway, ch. c, by AVhisk Broom II. Inaugural, by Arotcr. II. P. AVhitney Bunting, b. c, by Pennant Fril-Iery, by Broomstick. II. P. AVhitney Brainstorm, blk. c, by Peter Pan Bubble, by All Gold. II. P. AVhitney Pantheon, b. c, by Peter Pan Florence, by Hag to Hag. H. P. AVhitney Meadow Mist, b. f, by Whisk Broom II. Rainy Daisy, by Hamburg. II. I. AVhitney Constellation, b. f, by BroomstickStarling, by Hamburg. IT. P. AVhitney Prudish, blk. f, by Peter Pan Polly Flinders, by Burgomaster. II. P. AVhitney Calamity Jane, ch. f, by Pennant Mrs. Truhbed, by Hamburg. Jos. E. AVidener Runantell, b. c, by Broomstick Zoola, by St. Gatien. IS. T. AVilson, Jr. Pillory, ch. c, by Olambala Hester Irynne, by Disguise. Xalapa Farm Southern Cross, br. c, by Luko McLuke Pampliyle, by Robert le Diable. Xalapa Farm Prelude, ch. f, by Fair Play St. Prise-ilia, by Rayon dOr. Xalapa Farm Bellevue, ch. f, by Fair Play Beldames by Octagon. Xalapa Farm Finery, b. f, by Fair Play Felicity, by Rock Sand. Xalapa Farm Royal Tracings, ch. f, by Tracery Royal Coinage, by Royal Hampton.