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MISS JOY REACHES LATONIA 1 Kentuckians Pay Homage to Filly Because of Saratoga Triumphs. : AH Milan Horses Arrive in Good Condition Much Activity at Covington Course. CINCINNATI. Ohio, August 31. Coming direct from the scene of its recent triumph at Saratoga, where it ably upheld the reputation of the Kentucky turf, the stable presided over by Cal Milam arrived early this morning at Latonia after an uneventful trip. News of the stables coming Was heralded far and wide, and a big delegatir.n was on hand to welcome the horses, and particularly lo pay homage to the redoubtable Miss Joy, which d!d more than any of the stables other horses to bring credit to the establishment. Tlie shipment comprised sixteen horses, and ail stood the journey well and arrived in perfeet condition. The list comprised Miss Joy, Fair Phantom, Pegasus, Sir Hugh, Brookholt. Rouleau. Lleu.-Colonel, Tncle Sonny, Caprock. Bernice K., May Bodine, Rangoon, Darjeeling, Rockmiuister and a couple of yearlings that Mr. Milam bought at tlie Saratoga sales. The latter are a Say colt by Jim ;affney Hull Cull, which cost ,600, and a bay colt by Sweep Sournoise, for which Mr. Milam paid ,000. This colt, in tlie opinion of Mr. Milam, is the best looking yearling offered at tlie sales. The two youngsters will be sent to the Lexington truck to join tlie large band of juveniles now being Hroken there. Twenty-four of them1" are iwned by" J. N. Camden, and eleven are the prop-jrty of "Mr. Milam. Bcttina, Hilly Starr, Montjoy and Grumbling Mac. which had been turned out at Lexiegton, arrived here today to join tlie Milam establishment. Jockey Mack Garner, who rode the Milam horses at Saratoga, also arrived today and will continue to tide .foe the stable here. MILAMS FINE SARATOGA RECORD. Naturally. Mr. Milam is immensely pleased with the success attained at Saratoga, and has nothing but words of praise for the splendid treatment accorded him by tlie Saratoga officials. Miss Joy. Fair Phantom, Pegasus and Sir Hugh were the only horses he started at tlie meeting. Miss Joy started in the Flash, Schuylerville and Spinaway Stakes and won them all. Sir Hugh also scored in the San-ford Memorial, while Pegasus won the Grab Hag. Fair Phantom was third in an overnight race. "While in Saratoga Mr. Milam disposed of the fast two-year-old Santa Clara to J. E. Madden. Miss Joy has grown considerably since leaving Kentucky, and has filled out considerably. Her r.ext stake engagement will be in the Fort Thomas Stakes, to be run September 17, and it is hardly likely she will be seen under colors until she starts in that stake. Mont fort Jones, who owns Miss Joy and others in the Milam stable, is expected to be here for next Saturdays opening. Most of todays arrivals, were from Lexington and Canada. From the former place J. I .Smith got in with Travesty, Advocate, Hadherway, Startle. Washington and Monaco, owned by H. H. Hewitt. Hob Rogers arrived from Windsor witli three horses, while Dillard Hill got in from the sme place with Nellie Yorke. Kalli, Olis, Tags, Miss Nell, Capital Citj-, Clem Theisen and American Hoy. From Saratoga J. 0. Keene arrived with Luck-now, Jeanne Bowdre and Secret Greetings. R. S. Shannon has reached here from the East with Gipsy Lad, Carpenter and Postlude. Milo Shields has added Jane Penuybaker and Brass Tacks to his stable. ONLY NINE HORSES IN LOWE STABLE. John Lowe has weeded out this stable and now has but nine horses in training. The string comprises American Ace. High Cloud. Whirling Dun, Plus Ultra, Hold Me, The Leopard, Salamander. Isosceles and Ave R. Jockey Joe Kederis arrived and will be associated witli the stable of C. C. Van Meter. Julius Reeder, who acted in an official rapacity at Windsor and Kenilworth. has returned and taken up his duties in secretary Shelleys office. Mose Goldblatt will start the fall season witli a stable of thirteen and, after a good rest at Latonia, the horses apparently are fit and ready for racing. Tlie list embraces Matinee Idol, Frank "W., Atta Boy II.. Pastoureau. Dr. Clark. Jacobean. Whippet. Rama, "Wayward I-uly, Mooresque. Reliability, Smiling Lad and Tamper. The track this morning, while a trifle deep, was in good condition for trials of speed and was the scene of much activity. One of the best gallops was that shown by Clio Cho. which worked a mile eased up in 1:43. tie-work being in preparation for her engagement in the Latonia Handicap, to be run Saturday. For the same stake AVoodtrap was sent a mile in 1:-U. Radio went a mile for AVill Perkins in 1:44. Other meritorius moves included: High Gear, mile. 1:42; Cinderella, mile 1:42; Centimeter, three-quarters, 1:15; George Starr, three-quarters. 1:15 if,: Firebrand, mile and an eighth, 1:51; J. C. Stone, mile. 1:42; Miss Muffins and Marvin May, three-quarters, 1:10.