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DEVONSHIRE PARK FORM CHART VINDSOR, ONT., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1921. Devonshire Park 1 mile. Fourth day. Western Racing Association. Second Meeting of 7 days. Weathsr cloudy; temperature 73". Stewards, J. A. Murphy and M. N. Macfarlan. Judge, W. It. Norvell. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, M. X. Macfarlan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. ni.. Indicates aprpentice allowance. EfttfQl FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Auir. 27, 1921 1:05 2 115. Purse ,500. 2-ycar-tlUDtTt olds. Claiming, Net valuo to winnor ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 55393HAPPY BUXTON wn 300 1 2 l1 l1 15 l" A Gantner C Buxton 322i-100 56G15EVELYN WHITE w 114 G 1 25 2 2 2 J Hunmcr C T AVorthington 175-100 564033VEILED COLLEENw 101 2 5 3i 33 35 3! T Burns Pelican Stable 190-100 56026 ORRIS w 102 4 4 4i 4 4 4s J Shelercts B B Rice 2155-100 56403 VOOGERIA w 102 5 6 G G G 5 C Miller J W Dayton 4295-100 53249TOMAHOI w 104 3 3 53 5 5 P.up.B Parke Nevada Stock Farm Stb 2510-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:03, 1:10. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Happy Buxton, .45 straight, .S0 place, .35 show; Evelyn White, .00 place, .20 show; Veiled Colleen, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Happy Buxton, 322 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 17. to 100 show; Evelyn AVhite, 50 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Veiled Colleen, 15 to 100 show. Winner 15. g, by Dick Finnell Cynthia, by Oddfellow trained by C. Buxton; bred by Mr. Johnson N. Camden. AVent to post at 2:31. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. HAPPY BUXTON took the lead at once and, showing the most speed, kept it all the way, although tiring near the end. EVELYN AVHITE raced on the outside of the winner throughout and just failed to get up. VEILED COLLEEN ran gamely, but tired in the going and was hard pressed to outstay ORRIS. Scratched 5632200 La La, 102; 50000 Joe Campbell, 105; 56155 Malzavcna, 97. K SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Aug. 27, 1321 1:11 4-100. Purse ,500. 2-ycar-olds. PvJOOtP Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 50187DELHI MAID ws 104 5 1 1- 1- 1 l3 AV Obert H Shein 265-100 50508BLACK DEER w 102 3 2 31 3l 2 2 B Parke Nevada Stock Farm 2210-100 5647AL w 107 1 3 45 4 3 3s C Lan? C Reed 155-100 50497SPEED RIATER w 97 4 5 53 G 5t 43 J Htamer J A Smallman 705-100 50497GRACE FOSTER w 101 2 C G 55 G r .T Shelepcts E K Bryson 2155-100 5567G MOCKING BIRD w 101 G 4 2 2 4 G AV Alorsoy J B Respess 540-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:16. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Delhi Maid, .30 straight, .05 place, .35 show; Black Deer, 3.00 place, .S5 show; Al, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Delhi Maid, 265 to 100 straight, 102. to 100 place, 67 to 100 show; Black Deer, 550 to 100 place. 242. to 100 show; Al. 35 to 10! show. Winner Ch. f, by Delhi May Maid, by Yankee trained by R. MeKeever; bred by Messrs. J. D. Carr and Bro.. AVent to post at 3:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third the driving. DELHI MAID dashed to the front at once, was never threatened and drew away in the final eighth to win pulling up. BLACK DEER ran well and easily disposed of the others in the stretch. AL dropped out of forward contention immediately after the start and failed to show much speed, but finished gamely. MOCKING I1IRD displayed much speed until midway of the stretch, then quit. Scratched 56155 Zack Terrell, 107; 55070 AVilfex, 107; 50508 Consul, 102; 50-197 Plunella, 104; Grace Mayers, 1,04; Wedding Prince, 107. THIRD RACE 3-4 Milo." Aug. 277 1021-1 :11 4106. Turse libOOTS-yIr-olda jQtl? and upward. Claiming. Net value to; winnor ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt A ft Str Firi Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 55888 ARDITO wb 4 115 1 G Gi 51 35 1?5 E Barnes E C Lucas 57871-100 50500 ALVIN T. HERT wn 3 110 9 4 4 4 2 2 H J Burke AV F Cisco 1860-100 54653AVHALEBONE w 5 110 S 9 15 tt U 33 R Holway T E Crist 125-100 56132BLACK TOP w 3 105 4 1 31 3" 51 4l B Parke D S Fountain HOa-lOO 5650.3 LINK BOY wn 4 115 7 5 7 7J 65 5U S McGraw J Randolph 2970-100 56054 NORTH SHORE w 3 100 3 2 21 23 4i 6i A Gantner J Phillips 9?-IQ0 56301AVIIO CARES w 4 110 G 3 5l 61 7 7b C Lang F Farrar 390-100 56291 DOUBLE VAN wn 4 115 10 7 8 8 8 S3 C Duggan G H Abbott 2110-100 55035BALLYBELL w 4 110 2 10 10 10 95 92 T Burn: Pelican Stable 1515-100 5 5 5 0 7 STI LETTO w 5 105 F 8 9S 93 10 10 J Shelenets G AAr Atkinson 12670-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:17. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Ardito, 17.75 straight, 1921.sh1.50 place, 2.10 show; Alvin T. Hert, 0.45 place, .40 show; Whalebone, .05 show. Equivalent booking odds Ardito, 5787. to 100 straight, 2975 to 100 place, 1020 to 100 show; Alvln T. Hert, 922 to 100 place, 320 to 100 show; AAhalebone, 82 to 100 show. AAinner Ch. c, by His Majesty Early Rose, by Star Shoot trained by A. C. Neihaus; bred by Mr. Clifford A. Cochran. AVent to post at 3:35. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ARDITO worked his way up on the inside in the stretch and, catching tlie leaders tiring, was going away at the end. ALAIN T. HERT finished gamely and outstayed the tiring WHALEBONE. The latfer began slowly, but raced into the load when Hearing the far turn, then carad extremely wide when entering the stretch and tired. BLACK TOP showed a flash of early speed, then dtopifed back. AVHO CARES ran poorly. NORTH SHORE ran a good half. 1 Scratched 5G0S0AVinchestcr, 105; 56509 Mark AVest, 115; 56159 Sam Reh, 115; 56132 El Mahdl, 115; 55380 Shipmate, 115; : ;. KCl3leiF7 FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Aug. 27, 1921 1:11 4-106. . Purse ,50.0. . 3-year-olds cySjOO fl and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index. Horses AWtPPSt .4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds StrH 56510SMART GUY w 4 115 5, 2 li l3 l3 1 C tang A Swenke 2475-100 565723CAHALAN w 3 103 3 1 2 2! 23 2 B Parko Nevada Stock Farm Stb 52.7-100 565103ORLOVA w 4 105 4 3 3 33 35 3 A Gant.isi- G J Long 315-100 56500 BROAVN CHECK wn 3 ICS 6 6 6 6 4 41 H J Burlw A Paletere 605-100 56571 MISSED THE TIMEw 4 115 14 4 4 5 5 AV Lilley J L Paul G10-100 5584 G AVAR ZONE wb 5 115 2 5 5s 55 6 6 C Miller R T Nickerson 1125-100 Time, 24, 49, 1:16. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Smart Guy, straight, .00 place, .80 show; Cahalan, .00 place, .00 show; Orlova, .05 show. . Equivalent booking odds Smart Guy, 247 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Cahalan, 200 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Orlova, 52 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Theo. Cook Canny Miss, by Ogdcii trained by A. Swenke; bred by Mr. William Garth. AVent to post at 4:09. At. post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won cantering; secondhand third driving. SMART GUY, favored by the soft going, raced into a long lead while rounding the stretcli turn and was only cantering at the end. CAHALAN ran a good race and held- the otherir safe, but was tiring at the end. ORLOATA raced gamely but could never improve her position. MISSED THE TIME ran poorly, and was eased up in the last sixteenth, when beaten. Scratched 50509 Diana, 110; 50572; Top o th Morning, 110. . JftfiQS FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. Auir. 27, 1921 1:33 3 100. Purse ,500. 3iyear-olds uDOdu and upward. Claiming-. Net value to. winner ,100; second, 50; third,. 5CT Index- -Horses. AWtPPSt and Str Fiu Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 56573BRIBED ArOTER w 3 104 11 1 15 1 l3 I3 S Nuckles J B Goodman 5973--100 56374 FLIBTYGIBBET wn 4 117 6 2 2r5 2l 2l 25 2 AV Hcinch R B Dwyer 213100 5659D 0SG60D wb 5 115 8 G 41 3 34 33 3 A Gantner B B Rice 215-100 5G01G L1TTLT3 ED ws 3 117 9 9 9 75 6 4and 4 G Mangan O E Van AVlnkle 1080-100 56484 NORDECK w 4 109 7 5 3 43 4 5 55 H J Burke G B Diggs 2985-100 565G9IRON BOY w 5 109 2 4 51 5 5 6 6 J AVal.aCe J F Burdette 2160100 56490BARDORA wn 4 101 3 3 6 6 73 7 73 B Parke J Price 26S0-1C0 56478GALIOT wb 3 99 4 S 7 S S10 S10 S S Turpno B AVilliams 2990100 56255 BY HECK w 5 104 5 7 8 9 9 9 9 J Shelepets E K Bryson 33S0-100 Time, 24, 50, 1:16, 1:45. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Bribed Aroter, 3.95 straight, .00 place, .00 show; Flibbertygibbet, .10 place, .10 show; Osgood, .75 show. Equivalent booking odds Bribed Afoter, 597 to 100 straight. 250 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Flibbertygibbet, 105 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Osgood, 37 to 100 show. AAinner Ch. g, by Ballot Marie Frances, by Sir Dixon trained by J. B. Goodman; bred by Messrs. Clay Bros.. Went to post at 4:50. At post 3 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BRIBED AOTER set a good pace from the start and drew away after entering the stretch to win in a canter. FLIBBERTYGIBI5ET ran a good race and held the others safe throughout. OSGOOD began slowly, but raced into a contending position after rounding the far turn, then tired. LITTLE ED was practically left and closed an immense gap. Scratched 50573 Philistine, 101; 50590 Charlotte C, 94; 5649S Wabuska, 109; 56614 Suez, 90; 50511 Tom Logan, 109; 56510 Aanessa AVclles, 109. 5OG0Q SIXTH RACE 1 1-2 Miles. No track record. Detroit Journal Purse. Purso ,000. OUJOt 3-ycar-oTds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,450; second, 50; third, 00. -.- - Index Horses AAVtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odrta Strt 5G0203AUSTRAL wn 0 111 5 5 4l 41 2S 3 li L Coney A Swenke 350-100 5651 5COURT FOOL wb 4 116 3 3 5 5 3 2 21! k Holway AV S Murray 310-100 56620PIT wb 8 105 1 4 2 1 11 1 3 C Lang J Phillips 430-100 56 170 LADY LILLIAN w 3 93 4 1 li 25 4s 410 4 A Gantner II Lingenback 23M0O 56620GOURMAND ws 5 106 2 2 3 5 5 5 T Eurns J L Paul 895-100 Time, 28, 56, 1:24, 1:52, 2:19, 2:45. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Austral, .00 straight, .00 place, .85 show; Court Fool, .85 place, .70 show; Tit, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Austral, 350 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 42 to 100 show; Court Fool, 92 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Pit. 55 to 100 show. AAinner B. g, by Dalhousie Australina, by Montana trained by A. Swenke; bred by- Miss M. C. F. Chatterly. AVent to post at 5:35. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. AUSTRAL moved up steadily on the outside of the leaders while rounding the stretch turn and, finishing gamely, outstayed COURT FOOL in the closing strides. COURT FOOL was reserved for the first mile, made a threatening rush when straightened out in the stretch and succumbed right at the end. PIT took the lead after going the first half mile and forced AUSTRAL wide on the turn for home, but tired in the final eighth. LADY YLILLIAN set the early pace and was under restraint for the first mile, but failed to stay and quit badly in the stretch. Scratched 5C01CSir John Vergiie, 100; 56509 Cubanita, IPS. , K2.A SEVENTH RACE 1 Milo. Aug. 27, 1921 1:38 3 100. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds OvJtcU and upward. Claiming. This race starts and finishes at ono-sixteenth post. Net value to winner 400; second, 50; third, 50. . Index Horses AAArtPPSt and ?4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds:Btr?t 559773BURGOYNE wb 4 109 2 2 55 15 l1 lJl1 A Gantner C P AVinfrey 560-100 r6567LOUISE AVYNNE w 3 96 5 6 4 2 23 23 2 J Hunmer T H AVIlson 530-100 56470HUEN wb 3 101 7 7 7 3 33 33 33 B Scheffel P L Putnam 188100 56569H. BURGOYNE wb 6 109 3 1 3l 45 4l 4 43 B Parke S G Baker 1575100 50567ROSEATE wb 3 59 6 S 6 5l 5 51 51 H Brydges A C Niehaus 1830-100 5G156 AVAAE w5U4 1 3 8 8 8 63 G4 AV Morsey A Luzader Sio-lfo 56502CAAALDOUR II. wn 5 109 8 5 2J 6 6 7 75 R Holway C Irby 41and0I 55355SIESTA wb 5 103 4 4 1" 7 73 8 8 C Lanp J R Skinker 685-100 Tiro, 25, 50, 1:17, 1:45. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Eurgoyne, 3.20 straight, place, .70 show; Louise Wynne, .85 place, .40 show; Huen, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Burgoyne, 560 to 100 straight. 212 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Louise Wynne, 192 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Huen, 270 to 100 show. AVinner B. g, by Meelick Army Maid, by Yankee trained by C. P. Winfrey; bred by Mr. George Ii. Blackford. AVent to post at G:09. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but ROSEATE. Won hamHlyi second and third driving. BURGOYNE slipped through on the inside when nearing- the far turn into the lead and held the race safe to the end. LOUISE AAYNNE raced around the leaders at the same point and lost much ground, but made a fast and game finish. HUEN began slowly, but closed up much ground and easily outstayed the others. ROSEATE was away badly and lost much ground on tlie first turn. SIESTA retired after going nearly a half mile in the lead. HARRY BURGOYNE rah fairly well.: Scratched 5G01G Franklin. 101; 55337 Betsinda, 101; 56600 Koh-i-noor. 101; 50512Omer K., 104; 5001 13 Eastward Princess, 96; 55359 Nebraska, 109; 56009 Dottas Best. 111. "