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LATEST WORK-OUTS EAST AND WEST 693 XATONIA. LATO.VIA, Ky., September 10. Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 034-Aloft 36 690-Oreen Goid 30 686- Brunswick 36 690-George Starr ..36 089- Uright Leaf ...36 007-Miss Jemima ..36 687- Dad 37 634-Red Leaf 40 6S9-DoyIe 36 691-Whirl 37 Half Mile. 090- Afgar 52 690-Machiavelli ..Cu2"i 6S7-Allivan 50 f20-Malva ..51" 6S5-Braedalbane ...51 687-Our Betsy . 50 602-Barracuda 50 690-Petie -84r. 60-1-Forestall 5016 691-Spats 49- 655- Field Lark 51 6S6-Wo!fs Cry ...4S 692-H:ippy Girl 51 Five-Eighths Mile. Amer. Legionl:03 6S9-Miss Muffins. 1:00 6S7-l!irdi! G 1:01 625-Orlova 1:03 691-Bifnl lreamsl:02 Oill-Plus Ultra ..1:02 686- Bittcrn ..1:04 fill-leter Piper . .1 :02 OJl-Casey 1:03 685-Pmdy 1:05 622-Oorius 1:05 690-Quince Gardenl:02 v691-Eving Storicsl:02 OSS-Rekab 1:04 Kincastle 1:03 032-Ripa 1:05 691-.7ohu Finn ...1:05 689-Swiss 1:04 691- Jim Daisy ...1:03 635 -Startle 1:07 633-Locarno 1:06 OSS-Washington ..1:04 Love Me ....1 :03 691-Who" Can Tell 1 :02 Three -Quarters Mile. 325-Aiina Elizabhl:lS 691-Honor Man ..1:11 629- Iirimful 1:19 692-.Tackstraw ...1:1S 689- Beg Pardon ..1:17 691-Memphis 1:17 f.91-Cotton Blosml:19 626-MontiIh l:lS1s 612-Contriot ...1:20 691-Pegasus 1:17 692- Distinction ..1:18 C03-Iumps 1:19 692-Daintv Lass.-lH 691-Shilliug 1:16 690- Gcorgette 1-17 0S9-Sir John Revel :1S 689-Gusher 1:20 625-Tiiaron -Atr, 6S7-G. Daughertyl:19 632-Trihune 1:15 692-IIodge 1:15 Seven-Eighths Milo. 691- P.ermont. 1:30 OSO-.Taeobean 1:32 6S9-Herd Girl ..1:33 OOO-Pastoureau ..1:31 687- John S. Itdml:30 6S9-nie Virginianl:28 One Mile. 0S9-Ava R 1:42 692-0 hi Ciiap 1:45 6S9-Blaek Hackle. 1:41 688-Peggv C 1:47 688- British Maid.. 1:41 6S7-Parader 1:43 630- Fox Brow ...1:46 632-llama 1:49 OSU-Fair Orient ..1:42 6S8-.SVct. Gil ingsl:43 594-IxCtist Leavesl:53 692-Tulsa 1:4S 691- Marse John ..1:43 689-Travestv 1:45 692- North Blkhornl :46 6S8-J1ie Ally 1:48 632-Nonskid 1:44 Mile and a Quarter. 683-Behnve Yself2:0S BELMONT PARK. Belmont Training Track. NEW YOltlC, N. Y., September 10. Todays training gallops over the local tracks included the tallowing: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 686-Budana 36 6S7-Feodar 38 OSC-Comic Song ...39 621-Maracaibo 3S 331-Diana B 37 6S9-llayrellow 36 Fitzgibbon 40 000-Pretty Lidy ..39 Fern Grass ...37 6S9-Wishbone 35 Half Mile. 686-Banksia 50 Rosa Lee 50 077-imarron 52 6S.V"Rep 55 679-Invincible 55 OSS-Sea Master ....51 OSO-Lnnius 50 CKSC-St. Michael 50 686-Lit tie Patsy ..50 689-Sporting Blood.. 54 685-Miss Colin 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 58S-Anna M 1:07 677-Lainpiis 1:03 0S9-Beckna 1:03 6S6-Pirate Gold ..1:03 692-Calistoga 1:02 Pretty Day ..1:04 Castanet 1:07 047-Tulwar 1:11 656- Dolores 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 655- Audacious ...1:19 OSO-.Iime Grass ..1:14 663-Bluc Belle ...1:20 0S9-Kinnoul 1:19 629-Black Rascal. 1:24 6S0-Kirklevington 1:24 602-Briganna 1:16 OSO-Manna 1:20 6P9-I5everly Belle. 1:13 Mizar 1:15 656- Itersagliere ..1:15 686-Orcus 1:18 692-Chrlie Sunimyl:16 689-Perfection ...1:18 6SS-Chewink 1:16 679-Polyantha ...1:16 6S9-Com. McMkinl:16 OSS-Kavago 1:19 68S-Iionicdcs 1:22 6S7-Servitor 1:22 Diedre 1:18 Tarn 1:24 OSS-Enfilade 1:17 68S-Tcn,Lec 1:17 6-Hmyhiihnin ..1:16 6S6-Tangerine ...1:20 Seven-Eighths Mile. 6R6-P.Iazes 1:34 OSG-Muskallongc .1:42 6SS-IIoId Up 1:12 One Mile. 692-Faunus 1:42 6S0-Krewer 1:41 689-Favoiir 1:47 683-Ly Emmliuel:48 671-Frigate ..1:5S 6S9-Orderly 1:17 Mile and a Quarter. 009-St. Patrick ..2:20 Audacious had an easy gallop. Mizar worked fast. Wishbone has her speed. Krewer worked impressively. Dolores .HkI Calistoga went well together. Charlie Siimmy was not extended.- Poly-antha went easily. Enfilade and Ten Lee galloped on even terms. June Grass did a fine trial, well.. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 662-Fred Kinney... 37 086-Split Grass ....36 68S-Missionary 37 0S9-Valentia 35 669-Sleiveconard ..39 1 Half Mile. 647-Apple Jack ...49 690-Light Rose ...18 689- Bon Hcmme ...48 68S-Lord Herbert... 54 690- Fly Ball 4S 6S9-Mawrcoron 48 6SS-Flnff 53 688-Sammv Kellv ..53 6S9-Glen Bells 49 532-Ticklish 57 6S9-Ilephaistos 48 Five-Eighths Mile. 6S9-Bullet 1:05 6S9-Morvich 1:04 689- Coming 1:13 687-Pitter Patter. 1:05 559-Forest Major. 1:05 6S9-Radiola 1:04 630-Fusee 1:03 68S-St. Allan 1:07 6S9-Goodhart 1:05 543-Voormir 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 6S9-Armistiee 1:18 607-Roval Jester. 1:20 090-Oranny Lee... 1:18 6SS-Siren Maid ..1:16 690- Lidy Gcrtrndel:!?, 692-Wireless .1:17 6S9-Ross R. 1:B One Mile. 0S9-Oenie W 1:41 6SS-Staunch 1:44 682-Nolawn ......1:43 692-S.ilute 1:49 Mile and an Eighth. C92-Domingo . . . . .2:02 . . Valentia showed good speed. Fly Hall is training well. Apple .lark looks good. Mnryich hail an easy gallop. Siren .Maid seems in good condition. Lidy Gertrude was not. extended. Nolawn went. well. Hephaistosi went fast from the barrier. Bon Homme is near good racing condition. Genie W. was not extended.