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PIMLICO ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR TUESDAY, NOV. 1 I WEATHER CLE Alt j TRACK FAST. r Racing starts at 1:15 p. m. Chicago time 12:15. 5S252 JGcorgie US 1:12 4 330X7SO 5! Superior mud runner. X Rood mud runner. 58198 tKnobbie HI 1:1- 3 127x775 5i :!: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 5S179. McLaughlin. .100 3:12 3 127X775 6- allowaiice. b Blinkers. 58355 Caligula .- 107 1:12 3 127.. 770 E First Race 3-4 Mile. W404 Smoko Screen ... .113 1:12 3 327X7G0 5- Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Maidens. f8U2 Horologe 108.1.14 111..,W 5- Special "Weights. r1-- bKlnnoul 122 1:13 4 l.!0X7u0 o Track Virat.. record rcco.u. jno, Nov 9 J, u-u-i.iio 1020 1:11 2 101. 5S034 Jeg 114.1:12 3 127X740 6 Tyls r,SlS0 Wellfinder 10S 3:32 3 127,. 740 "80G0 Dexterous -HI 1:14 2 111.. 735 Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. 08351 tFincrv 109 1:13 112.. 725 tall?ca.?flc- Stable cntrj. 0Q4S3 TMorcutio 115.. 720 ttorcigu a 03004 All Over 114 1:12 115.. 715 Fifth Race 3-4 Milo. 5, 0S351S Maryland Hello ...109 1:15 112X715 Pikesvillo Purse. .r.8249 Doughnut 100 1:13 115x710 Turse ,500. 2-year-olds, Allowances. 58254s Fitzgibbon 115 .1:14 115.. 705 Track record: .Nov. 9, 1920 1:11 2 101. 58254 Trajanus 11051:14 115.. 705 571C5 ST. HENRY 107i.750 J 57010 Finality 115.. 705 5S258 fRoekct 1111:12 112.. 710 rS287 Vitamin 112 1:10 115.. 700 58355 Oil Man 123 1:11 122.. 710 E 57552 Proclamation 115 1:10 115.. 700 5S042 June Grass 115 1:11 107.. 740 fJ. K. L.. Ross, entry. . 58281 Alex II. 113 1:13 112.. 740 C Second Race-2 Miles. MlSl My Play M 10S 1:13 l"5t Inaugural Steeplechase. if--"- Yankee Star 112 1:12 "2.3., 61 Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. "SOW Dexterous 1111.14 112..,., 5i OS032 bPeecant 4 HSXTOO 1m l?"n- "8328 tSedfre 104 1 1.11 U Q 57182 Town Hall 7 339.. 095 DS3!HMViBilante 137XC95 -.S231 Picnic.. ?mv 54030 . . 4 132.. 000 -jf?" ,re,ta.k,L fSea Skipper M m ll.i VVH l.Ufc E laistos. 08325 Illy M ......... 4 135X0S5 jfl Hop """J 108 1.1-fa 34 Along Sailmg BS325 Bryan O. LynnM 5 1371.CS5 109..2jjg 393 Good Times tJ. E. Widcner entry. 1 5S030 Trevelyan 11 1.14 112. . ilO n 5 , m.. Third Race 3-4 lr, Mile. CS3L4 iIamonious 110 1:14 107..7105. Sudbrqok Park 1urse. and Grcentree Stable tLf r Whitney 1 entry. J Purse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. .... 5 Track record: Nov. 9, 1920 1:11 2 101. Sixth Race 1 l-8; Miles. - 57385 blma Frank 110 1:11 S 120. .725 Bclvidcre Purse. g 5S023 Propagamla 102 1:11 5 120X720 Turse ,000. .,-year-olds i. Allowances - 58330 lHelen AtUin 107.1:12 0 114X715 Track record: May li, 1911 l:ol 3 112. 5 04340 bllalu 110 1:13 3 119.. 715 58179: P.illy McLaughlin.. 110X750 5 08104? Wraith 107 1:13 3 115X715 5S277 Tody 114.. 745 5 05900 Actress 100 1:12 3 114X715 5S3943 Bunga P.uck 110X 745 3 0S27S Turnahcut 112 1:13 3 114X715 532015 Top Sergeant 114 .-.740 0S347 Tcn Buttons 115 1:14 3 119. .715 5S12I5 Registrar 107 1:54 110X 730 5S352 bCamouflage 1111:12 5 120.. 710 57974 Scotland Yet 100 1:39 104.. 730 . 58251 Tidings 103U:12 3 111... 710 5S00S3 Bluffer 107,. 725 0 0S233 bMark West 115 1:13 4 120.. 710 bDue do Morny 107X725 5 0R00S Rajah 105 1:14 3 112.. 705 5S2SS Grenadier M 102 1:50 104.. 720 0 0S1G4 Vulcanize 114 1:13 3 122X705 Seventh Race 1 1-1G Miles. 5 5812S Bodnnzky 107 1:15 3 112 X 700 Arlington Handicap. 0 0789S bItomeo 109 1:10s 5 120X700 Purse 81.300. 3-year-olds and upward. 07103 Mis Anna M ... 4 112. .700 Track record: May 9, 1921 1:45 3 107. ? 58193 bTicklish 107 1:12 5 125X700 .08205 My Dear 95 1:45 4 110X800 0 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 07004s fBoniface 132 1:44 0 121X793 Second Running Serial Wcight-for-Age Race No. 1. 58285 fBaby Grand 118 1:45 3 110X795 ,000 Added. 582S0tbHridcsman 110 1:40 0 114X793 5 All Ages. 58179 Itiily Mclaughlin.. 3 115 X 785 Track rc.ord: Xov. 9, 1920 1:11 2 101. 0823 L Slippery Elm 107 1:44 S 1030795 5S395 Careful 1015 1:11 3 124XS50 08231 JBellsolar 107 1:44 5 95X785 08205 Tryster 126.1:12 3 127X795 5S227 Eight Rose 3 102X7S0 4 0S0553 JAudaeiou 12S 1:11 0 130X795 58253 hAntoinette 101 1:40 o 9oX7u0 58395 liilly Kelly 130 1:11 5 1300790 t-T. K. E. Ross entry. , 0S030 tDominique 122 1:11 4 130X785 . E. S. Martin entry. FIRST It ACE U-4 Mile, --year-olil.s. aiaiilens. Special Wcisrlits. Jfov. 5 !, 1920- 1:11 1-5 2101. . ; index Course Dist TimcTckOdds V.Tt St 94 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FINERY, b. f. 2 M 112 2y Fair Play Felicity, by Rock Sand. Trainer, H, McDaniel. Owner, J. K. I. Ross. 5 ES351 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 5 115 2 2 3 3 2i H Ericksn 8 Prudish, M.Bclle, E.ElackShcep B7602 Wdbine 1 l:41good 31 93 9 2 3 4 8s Sls A Claver 9 Marble, John. Dundee, WessicB. 5 67464 Wdbine 3-4 l:12fast 14 109 4 11 11 2l A Claver 9 S.Adams, Sunrcigh, R.Mountnir -. 6G7S9 B.Bonts 5-S l:01slow 23-10 110 . 4 3 1 1 2J A Claver 8 Paddle, Dadja, Rocky Mountain 1IERCTITIO, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Friar Rock Llercadel, by Tha Commoner. Trainer, F. Sohelke. Owner, J. IZ. I. Ross. 504S3 Sartoga of. f l:0Sfast 1 335 6 7 4 3 2 E Sande 33 Eglsland, Chterbrook, Gdolier : EGGS Sartoga 51 f 3:05fast G 115 1 2 2 2 2 C Turner 14 June Grass, Snob II., Bunting j 55345 Anduct 5-8 59mud 6 115 7 5 41 4T F Keogh 9 Mon.Morng, Nthcliff, Sunreigh 5 55230 Aiiduct 5-S 53fast 20 112 4 9 9l 7"i E Martin 13 Broomstcr, Toil, Olympus ; ALE OVER, b. o, 2 M 115 Ey Zeus Lassie, by Knight Errant. Trainer: J. Fitzsimmoni, Owner, Quinoy Stable. ESOOlEaurcl 3-4 1:14 fast 1-2 112 4 3 3 3s 45T Rice 0 AlexIE, Manheim, Span.Maize i 57933 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 39-5 312 2 . 7 7 Gand 4 T Rice 8 Calamity Jane, Relay, Trevelyan ; 57449 Aqduct 61 f l:19fast 1S-5 110 6 C 4 41 3s T Rice 0 Ten-Lee, Tody, Com. McMeekln : E7381 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 110 5 4 3 21. 2J T Rice 8 Relay, C.McMcckin, Chsteirbrook 7199 Anduct 3-4 l:14good 12 1031 4 6 6 1J 21 T Rico 12 Missionary, My Play, Emotion E70G9 Belra.t 3-4 MC l:12fast 10 114 9 5 4 31 31 T Rice 11 qiiesterbrppk, Reparation, Tarn kARYIAJnj BELLE, br. f, 2 M 112 By Zene Dorothy E., by Silinarnock. ; Trainer, W. J. Burko. Owner, W. E. Snyder. ES351 Eaurcl 3-4 1:13 fast 11 315 8 4 5 4s S1? J P.utwell 8 Prudish, Finery, Eit.P.lackSheep j 5S004 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 10 109 2 5 5 5 5i J Rowan 0 Alexll., Manheim, Span.Maize . E7737 Eaurel ES f 1:09 slop 23-10 114 4 4 3 3l 3 J Butwcll 7 Brainstorm, Alex H., Jocose j 57721 Laurel 2-4 1:15 fast 24 113 4 C 6 6s 31 J Rodcez 8 Sailing Along, Fancier, Mpco E7352 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 7 112 L 5 5 41 4 J Rodeez 9 Trevelyan, Rocket, Alex H. ; 57116 ILdeGco 51 f 1:0S fast 7 115 3 4 4 4 4 Ii. Morris 12 Plucky, L. B. Sheep, Miss Colic ; 56206 Sartoga Ei f l:073low 18-5 109 2 5 5 7s 614 C Turner 11 Carpenter, Tulwar, nigh Magic ; EG187 Sartoga 5-S l:01mud fO 10S 7 7 7 71 5s C Turner 11 Nedna, Roulette. Caretaker 50097 Sartoga Ei I l:0Gf aat 50 112 8 10 9 51 6 C Turner 12 Oceanic, Frank Furst, Deadlock DOUGHNUT, br. c, 2 M 115 Py Sweep Fasoinatloa, by Buck Standsaie. , Trainer, W. L. Byer. Owner. T. F. Price, ; ES243 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 13-10 103 G G G 6 G3 G W Carll C Rose Hill, Nose Dive, Chewink ; ESlGlEmpIre El f l:08Bood 8 114 7 9 9 9i 7" M Buxton 11 Sling, Picnic, Finnish Maid ES052 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 20 1001 8 7 9 30l 9" M Buxton 12 Swcepy, Griselda, Knot Grass B74S3 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 18-5 301 6 5 3 3 3l B Marlelll G Swcepy, Bcllatrix, Noso Dive B7322.Aqduct 3-4 l:34mud 12 102 G G 4 4 31 O W Carll 7 Mwrcoron. C.McMkin, Bellatrls 7229 Aqdu-Jt 3-4 l:13faat 4 303 2 2 2 2i 21 G "W Carll 3 Lucky Girl, Vendor E7031 Belmt Elf MC l:05fast 12 105 3 1 3 9 8 SH G lW Car1112 AttaGal, LuckyGirl, C.McMcekb 56566 Sartoga 3-4 l:13fast 10 105 6 E 3 2 2" L Penman 12 Eager Eyes, Dovcsroost, Vendor FITZGIBBON, br. c, 2 M 115 By Hnon Rosslare, by Seir.pronlus. Trainer, J. JIaeManus. Ovner, J. MacManus, 5S25 1 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 4 112 3 3 3 3 3 C Kummcr 9 Xortheliff, D.Bo.lling, . Trajanus ! ES057 Empire E- f 1:07 fast 8 114 G 7 7 71 V C Kummer 9 Luckyllour, NatlveLand, Dltlmo 57353 Jamaica 3-4 3:33fast 33 313 1 2. 2, 21 2l C Ponce 8 Hephaistos, T.S.Djva, N.Land 5761C Jamaica. El f 1:07 slow 15 115 C 5 5" tl E Sande 8 C.McMkin, Venizclos, Repatlon , E7331 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 15 108 2 7 7 6 7" L Fator 8 Relay, All. Over, Com. McMeekln EE633 Belmont Elf st 3:05fast 20 116 8 10 9 9la 91 C H Mlll.erlO Yankee Star, My Play, Relay TRAJANUS, br. c, 2 M 115 By Rock View Belgra via, by Ben Brush. Trainer, F. E. Erown. Owner, F. E. Brown. ES231 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast .35 112 C 5 4 4 4s L McAtce 9 Nortlieliff, D.Bolling, Fzgibbon GS1G1 Empire 5?. f l:0Sgood S-5 314. G 6 4 4 4s L McAtee 31 Sling, Picnic, Finnish Maid 57S32 Jamaica 51 f l:0Gfast BO 109 9 9 9 9 S1T L McAtee 9 Chterbrook, Shaffer, Good Times E6G33 Sartoga 5 f 1:07 slow 15 315 3 5 5 41 4 A Johnson 5 St.Henry, Chcsterbrook, Ctleton 56509 Sartoga 3-4 l.llfast 32 3361 7 7 6 61 6l A Johnson 7 Snob II., Sunreigh, rietrus FTliALITT, br. o, 2 M 115 By Ultimus Lady Paramount, by Hastings. Trainer, J. F. Richardson. Owner, J. F. Richardson. E7C1G Jamaica 51 f 1:07 slow 30 313 7 7 G G G11 F Wllsoh S C.McMkin, Venizelos, Repalion 1 E75S0 Jamaica 51 f 3:07fast 30 30G1 S 8 7 7s 771 J Zoeller 9 Sleiveconard, Penitent, Modesty B68SG Belmt 5Jf MC 3:06 fast 8 302 8 5 5 31 35 J Callahan S Xose Dive, Bayonne, Theo . EG77S Belmt 5H MC l:0Gfast 25 333 6 9 9 81 S10 H Collins 10 SwiftGrass, Ban.Pass, Pastoral 1 65032 Aqduct " 5-8 l:01fast 50 315 33 13 1.1 1 13 A Collins. 10 Lally, Picnic, Aknmsti 54727 Belmont 41f st E2fast 40 107 12 31 U llel M Buxton 12 Roulette. Lally, Wiahbon VITAMIN, b. c, 2 M 115 By Transvaal Incognita, by Disguise. Owner, T. F. Miller. ES287 Laurel 1 l:42fast 41 110 9 11 7 3 4l 4 A Allen 14 Manheim, Orris, Colando E7936 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast S 112 D 9 9 Si 7;J T Rice 9 G.Mayers, Brill.Ray, Clansman 1 57GG7 Laurel 5?. f l:0Gfast 33 314 30 30 30 30 9J Rod sez30 Rocket, Alex H., Gladbrook E5775 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 30 112 9 9 9 3 S,B L; Fator 11 Ray Jay, June Grass, Snob II. E5442 Latonia 5 f l:06andfast 8 112 3 8 8 85 8" L McAtee 9 S.andBoots, Bl.House, Hephtos 53367 Latonia 5J f l:0Sfat 16 112 8 7 6 Bll 511 T Nolan 10 B.Brown, Sir Hugh, S.andBoots B3271 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 9 115 8 7 G 6 G1S T Nolan 12 Bit oBlk, SirHugh, SuavePrin. E3027 Eatonia 5-8 1:01 fast, 5 113 7 8 7 71 78J T Nolan 12 BetMosie, J.B.Brown, BillyStar PROCLAMATION, ch. c, 2 M 115 By Jim Gaffney Royal Message, by Star Shoot. Trainer, A. L. Austin. Owner, A. L. Austin. E7552 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast CS 115 G 7 7 7 711 T Pargton 9 Trevelyan, Rocket, Alex H. 5C691 Dshire 5-S 1:01 fast 13 112 8 7 7 7 C11 D Frnklin 8 Foy, John Morrill, Modna EG615 Dshire 51 f l:06fast 97 107 9 9 9 9 FA Frnklin 9 Fifty Fifty, Photoplay, Aloft E597S Hamtop 51fl:0Sslow 23 103 2 6 6 6h 64 H Ericksn 7 Corenzio, AVcssieB., Chatuguay ? 55776 ICworth 5-8 1:02 fast 8 110 5 7 7 EU 37 A Claver 11 B.Dunn, Delhimar, LeocharesII. 55G9G Windsor 5-S l:00fast 22 111112 9 9 9 93 L Lyke 12 FannieBean, StarTime, Colossus 3 SECOND RACE 2 Miles. Inausural Steeiilecliase. -l-ye:ir-olrts anil ni- varil. Allov:mce.s. PECCANT, ch. g, 4 146 By Trap Rock Peccadillo, by Hasting. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, J. W. Eean. ES0D2 Laurel Ab 2 3:57 fast 21-10 115 3 3 2 2 3s 31 S Bush O .Minata, Frank B., .TiniCoffroth E779S Laurel Ab 21 4:59 slop G 342 C G 4 3 3J 3J S Bush 9 FlygScout, LeMarsouin, Minata , B7417 ILdeCce Ab 2 4:05fast 21 340 7 4 3 3 Is Is S Bush 7 Perkiomen, Lytle, Overmatch 56.1S2 Sartoga Ab 2 4:6fast 11-10 141 3 2 2 2 2!0 21 N.Kenndy 0 Overmatch, Masterful, SeaBryn E6364 Sartoga Ab 2 4:22 fast 8-5 343 3 2 3 1 3ll 31 N ,Brool;s. 0 SeaBryn, Overmatch, LtFielder . EC071 Sartoga Ab 2 4:22fast 33-5 337 G 4 3 3 3s 3 N Erooks 9 Overmatch, Unar, Anistello E5341 Aqduct Ab 2 1:41 mud G-5 137 1 1 1 1 21 2 N Kcnndy 8 Sea Wold, Overmatch, Subahdai 2 65182 Aqduct Ab 2 4:19fast 41 137 2 1 3 2 3 3 E Wolko 7 The Trcut, Lochicl II., SeaWold j BEiOS Aqduct Ab 2 4:13fast 10 136 3 2 4 C 450 4" E Wolke 0 Griffwd. BrzcEagle, BcherBo? , TOWN HALL, b. g, 7 139 By Ballot Dorval, by Darcbin. Trainer, S. Veitch. Owner, A. IT. Singer. E71S2 Mlboro Ab3-S l:12fast 11 117 3t0 C Jackson 0 War Map, Billow, Mainstay 48492 Aqduct Ab 2 4:25mud 8 140 1 2 2 2 5 5" II Willms 0 Rupicu, Syosset, Skilbereen 4S276 Aqduct Ab 2 4:17fast 12 146 5 Lost rider. H Willms 5 Syosset, Skibbcrcen, Earlockcr 26322 Pimlico 2 4:07 fast 1-2 140 C 1 1 3 31 In M Hcnsonll Gold Bond. Acabado. Bnmd t"G8S3 Pip.Rk, Ab 2 4:00good 4-5 142 1 5 2 2 2 1 M Ilcnson 9 C.oDuy, Melodrama, Coin.Gann; ; S571S Aqduct Ab 2 4:17fast 11-20 337 1 C 1 2 ll 3l M HeusonlO Melodrama, Jtus.Pinion, C.oDa; ; 25591 Aqduct Ab 2 4:38fast 30 332 7 5 3 4 31 lJW Blake 11 Psthorpc, E.Kdwina. Melodrainn t 35171 Aqduct Ab 2 4:12fast 20 330 G 5 4 4 4 4" WT Elake 0 T.Brook. C.Uill. Peg oMyHcart i VIGILANTE, br, sr, 6 137 Tj King Jamos Virgilis, by Darebln. Trainer, J. It. Lowis. Owner, J. E. Widcner. ES325 Laurel Ab 2 3:57 fast 5 143 2 7 7 4 3,s 3IC D Byers 7 Infidel II.. Keith;, New Haven 57371 Laurel Ab 2 4:03 fast 27-5 142 2 7 7 7 6 G,s D Byers 7 Surf. Robert Oliver, Le. Cypriu EiXS3 I!elmout Ab ,2 3:5-lfast 9-20 110 3 3 3 3 3 3IS C Sinoot 3 Joyful, Lytic E1125 Laurel 112 2:::51itast 37 102 S 3 2 3 31 li limian 8 Ilitlufl. Kfgieso. Napttiallus r,04S3 II dolJVo 2 4:iSlasit JiU-10 14i 3 2 3 2 2 25 V -MeCliy 5 Gil CI wmmI, Nouns. Infidel II. W22II li.deGco Ab 2 4:11 fast E 137 111 2 1 1" W MeCliy IS FullCry, FlightCaptaiu, Ireland u 0077 H.deGce Ab 2 4:24good21-10 131 13 2 1 Ill1 W McClry 3 Dorcris, FullCry 43C53 Sartoga Ab 2 4:31fast 1 142 4 4 4 4 4 4 W McClry 4 KingTerry, Surf, Queen of t.Sea a I r 5! 5i 6- E 5- 5- o 6 a 5, J E C 61 5i E 5 , 5 - g - 5 5 5 3 . 0 5 0 5 0 ? 0 5 4 , 5 ; 5 5 -. : j 5 ; i ; : ; j . j ; ; ; , ; ; ! , 1 . 1 1 ? 3 , . 2 j , ; ; t i u a SEA SKIPPER, ch. p, 4 M 132 By Seahorse II. Ansonclla, by Clear the 7ay. Trainer, S. J. Bush. Owner, J. E. "Widener. . . , 54036 Pimlico 2 4:15 hvy G 137 4 1 1 Fell. W Jones C Northward, Sea Serpent, Ireland . . . .al BEY, br. e, 4 M, .135-. By Rock VIow Presentation, by Brutus. Trainer, T. J. Donohue. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Clark.- k . 5S323 Laurel Ab 2 3:57 fast 14-5 138 1 2 2 3 Fell. H Phillips 7 Infidel II., Keltic Vigilante 58203 Laurel Ab 2 3:57 fast 37-10 130 5 4 5 5 E 572 H Phillips 7 RobertOliver, Joyful, -Frank B. 5S032 Laurel Ab 2 3:57 fast 33-10 333 6 4 G 6 G C" D Dale 0 Minata, Frank. B., Peccant 64902 B.Bonts 3 3:40slow 0 310 3 4 3 3 E? B4 R Romclll 7 Pimlico, Saillns B., Lads Xov E4719 B.Bonts 1 3:33fast 74 304 5 3 5 6 Gi 71 R Romelll 8 B.Gr!d. ByJimlny, Vlce-Ch!mn.. 54389 Wdbine 1 l:41slow 31 106 3 4 4 4 3n 48i R Romelll 5 Un.John, G.deCause, S.Bouquct 54311 Wdbine S-4 l:12fast 23f 100 12 13 12 12 11" R Romelllia TJncle John, Kcltle, Motor Cop 54133 Pimlico 1 l:41slow 24 117 4 6 C 6" B E R Romelll 0-Dr.Joe, StarVoter, Lough Storm 64095 Pimlico 3-1 l:12fast 22 303 6 4 3 4 313 Rt Romrelll; 0 Knot, Motor Cop, Sweep Clean 50974 Laurel 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 19 110 1 4 4 4 2 R Romelll 5 Tantalus, Fizer. Chief BRYAN O. LYNN. gr. h, 5 H 137 By Probe Salina, by Maxio. Trainer, W. Keating. Owner, W. Keating. 3S323 Laurel Ab 2 3:57 fast IS 143 7 3 5 7 5 581 C Wilksn 7 Infidel II., Keltic, Vigilante 5S059 Laurel Ab 2 4:00 fast 8 137 8 8 7 6 410 450 F Stacey 8 Shoal, J.Coffroth, Kath. Harlan TIIIItD RACE "-4 Mile. SnrtIroolc Parle Ji-ycar-olds al upivaril. Selling. Xov. J, 1020 1:11 1-5 2101. rvA FRANK, ch. ra, 8 120 By Abe Frank Tez Ann, by EancooM. Trainer, M. C. Kelley. Owner, G. H. Goodaoro. C73S5 H.deGce 51 f 1:07 fast 9 113 1 5 5 3H- 3i J Butwell 12 TlieP.oy, AppleJackll.. Wfinder 5G271 Ft.Erie 3-4 1:13 fast S-5 117 1 2 1 1 1 J Butwell 9 PolarJub, Cormoran, Van.Wellest E6133 ITamton 2-4 l:13fast 4-5 111 2 4 2 21 41 H Thurbpr 8 Kuklur, PhntomFair, Sgarmint 5GO0S Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 1 117 1 12 2 31 H Thurborl2 Ablaze, Lads Love, Ettahe. 55799 ICvorth 3-4 1:13 fast 19-10 110 3 2 2 31 2i H J Burke 0 SmartGny, UltraGold, Hid.Jewel 5SC5C Windsor 3-4 l:12fast 3-2 113 3 2 2 2l 21 A Claver 11 Fort Bliss, King John, UltraGold; 53241 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 2 123 5 3 1 11 ll A Claver 8 GloriaFrance, Lively, PolarOub PROPAGANDA, ch. g, 5 120 By Sundildge Gollnotto, by Galliuuls. Trainer, E. Lutz. Ownsr. E. Luts. 5S023 Mfnve Ab 5-S l:0Smud 13-10 103 1" E T Moore 0 CountBoris, Cuba, OaklawnBclle 57G91 Kempton 51 f 3:llhvy 3 310 2 E Moore 0 Glenn, Popper Tea, Lady Felix C7G37 Kempton 51 f l:14b,vy 13-10 310 3 E Moore WakingDrcam, SplItSilk, Glenn 57303 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:20hvy 39-5 300 G7 E Moore 7 PlainBIll, Oak.Bclle, G.Cliance 57279 Conght 1 1:11 fast 7 1041 1 2 5 C C 61 E T Moore 7 OklnBelle, MmonEldcr, Mr.X. J7243 Conght 3-4 1:13 fast 3 107 3 1 111 11 E Moore 7 Plain Bill, Ettahe, Tarascon 5707S Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 12-5 303 2 1.1 ll 1 K Moore 8 Corilla, Gallou-Berry, Prin.Lou 5GSC4 B.Bonts 3-4 3:33fast 54 302 1 1 2 3l 6T E Mooro 7 First Pullet,, Marmite, Panaman 54964 Dufferin 61 f 1:27 fast 17-5 107 41 F Moore 5 ncmlock, Sea Way, Chow 54933 Dufferin 7-8 l:35fast. 21 113 6s J F Moore 7 Satinmore, Missouri, Polygamt 54G98 Thorncliffo 3-4 l:14fast 51 1071 6T B Moore 7 De Land, Dellahm, The Trump. 34131 Pimlico 3-4 l:15slow C-3 114 3 4 5 4X lu F Keogh 8 M.Luckett, L.Maudle, W.Havcn HELEN ATKTN, ch. ra. 6 114 By Jack Atkln Holcns, by Hermis. Trainer, J. S. Whatley. Owner, J. T. Buckley. 5S330 Laurel lm70y 3:45 fast 3 302 0 3 4 5 E 510 E Josiah 7 Pas.Swain, KIngJohn, TheLamb 5S231 Laurel 3-1 1:14 fast 20 101 2 3 3 31 2i E Josiah 10 Vibrate, SomoBaby, F.-Boodle 57932 JCworth 3-4 l:15hvy 31 07 5 3 2 1 1 T Burns 7 Jago, Marmite, My Mazie 57S14 Kworth 3-4 l:17:lop 22 103 2 2 1 ll 2s C Lang S Ikcy T., Tlie Nephew, Cormoran 37730 ICworth 3-4 3:33fast 7 110 5 2 2 3 51 H B BwerlO Marmite, Cormoran, Great Hawk 575G7 Wdbine 3-4 1:15 hvy 5 111 3 11 2 3T J McTag.t 11 T.Decision, Cormoran, .Bu.March 57165 Wdbine 3-4 l:13fast 118 209 3 1 1 . 1 3 J McTagt 33 ThcDccision, V.WeUcs, Mr.X. 57343 Thcliffo 51 f 3:07 good 21 10S Left at the post. J Kennedy 8 Ina Kay, Murphy, Marmite IIA1U, b. c, 3 119 By Kinj; James Adeliaette, by Melton. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, G. W. Loft. 54310 Jamaica 3-4 l:14good 31 110 9 7 C 4 22 E KummerlO Messinos, Sea Cove, Vibrate 53360 H-deGce 3-1 l:12fast IS 11G 5 5 5 5 3SJ E Sande 5 B.McLghlin, Kkvgton, Tpair 6112S Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 39-10 122 3 2 2 3 4i J Pierco 4 nardGuess, Dr.C.Wells. D.rieMy 51232 Pimlico 3-4 l:13fast 15 316 2 6 0 G G13 E Sande O Exodus, Dry Moon, Polythia 19235 Sartoga 3-4 l:15hvy 10 114 G GO E 5" L. Lyke C Pluribus, Serapis, Gcn.J.M.Goea 19145 Sartoga El f l-.ODandfast 10 119 8 8 3 10 10B N Barrett 11 Moody, Pluribus, Registrar WRAITH, br. 0, 3 115 By Malamont The Spirit, by Yanko. Trainer, J. V. Dayton. Owner, J. W. Dayton. 5S1G4 Laurel 3-4 l:15good 6 113 3 2 2 2 3 C Lang 7 Assumption. Ar.GoOn, Vulcanize 57341 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 2 103 2 3 3 43 4 H Ciments 5 Rajah, -Tubby A,, The Enquirer 5G332 B.Bonts 3-4 l:12fast 37-10 107 2 2 2 3 2J C Lang 7 Maj.Parke, HastenOn, F. Pullet 56772 B.Bonts 51 f l:06fast 10 107 5 1 1 ln 31 H Ericksn 8 Hasten On, Coming, Cormoran v-6703 Dorval 3-4 l:13fast 7 HI 1 3 3 . 3 31 H Ericksn 7 AmnEagle, RockSilk, Youneed 5GOS6 Hamton 51 f l:u7fast 8 111 2 1 1 1 Is H Ericksn 9 Winchester, G.Water, TheMoor 5G035 Hamton 3-4 l:14rast 51f 105 3 2 2 2 31 H Thurberl2 GetEm, SisterEmblem, Gallipot 55373 Hamton 3r4 l:14fast 24 110, 5 6 4 31 31 H Thurberl2 Plantoon, Grand Daddy, Gratian 55243 Hamton 3-4 l:35fast lOf 98 10 1 5 3l 2!1 J Wallace. 12 Soc.Star, GrdDaddy. Vidlunoa ACTRESS, br. f, 3 114 By Meridian Paradiso Queen, by V7aterboy. Trainer, R. F. Carman. Owner, Ri F. Carman. 559G0 Empire Ab 3-1 l:03fast 4 91 4 3 4 4 o14 J Campbll 7 Mavrneen, Jyntee, M.Antoinette 55315 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 4 103 2 1 2 2 2 G Yeargin 7 Turnabout, Pickwick, Scot.Chlcf 55712 Empire 51 f l:07fast 4 103 3 2 2 2 51 W Kelsay 14 A.ofGold, BlueBelle, Rhinestone 53C50 Empire Ab 3-4 3:30fast 32 391 5 4 4 6 65i S Bullman 33 Al.Hamilton, CumSah. Mavrnn 53489 Aqduct Gl f 3:13fast 15 103 1 1 1 11 33 F CltilettilO SweepClean, Jyntee, Arrowhead 55266 Aqduct 61 f l:20fast 12 107 1 1 2 2 31 G Yeargin 12 Miss Petite. Jyntee, Herd Girl 54914 Belmont 3-4 l:llfast 30 300 5 2 2 31 61 J Mooney 11 Siren Maid, Beckna, The Boy 54152 Pimlico 3-4 l:16slop 18 S3 5 2 1 1" 1 H Gregory ,13 Pheln, W.ofCotomn, Thdosla 5SS37 lLdeGce El f l:07fast 42t 100 7 6 B El 9 R McCrnnll. Social Star, Wraith, Celtic Lass 53S31 ILdeGce 3-4 l:15fast 30 107 7 5 G. 9 12" L Ensor 12 Social Star, Perhaps, Black", -Top. 51455 Bowie El f l:10slow 9 334 2 1 5 31 ll18 J Butwell 11 M.Fleurs. Rhinestone, M.Barnei TURNABOUT, b. f, 3 114 By Fair Play-Job Lot, by Ogde Trainer, J. Byer. Owner, 7. 7. OToole. 5327S Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 12 112 6 4 3 3 31 L Fator 9 Monastery, Esquire, Wedgwood 5S031 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 20 304110 30 8 8s S" G Babin 10 FortChurchill, Esquire, R.Kobiu 57064 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 32 312 4. 5 4 410 4"5 L McAtee ! Monastery. A.Hnmilton, Rolo 57410 Aqduct Gl f 3:13fast 10 105 4 4 4 41 5"i L McAtee 5 Jyntee, Vista, Mavourneen 57343 Aqduct 3-4 1:14 fast 15 110 8 7 5 8 9S1 F Welner 9. Jock Scot, Ft ChurchUl, . Tiding 1 57160 Belmt 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 12 112 7 6 7.. 41 4 G W Car1112 Saddle Ring, Esquire, Tiding- . 56561 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 310 7 7 6 6i 41 G W Car1112 M.Barnes, GrnyLee, J?gourdlno 56473 Sartoga 1 l:40fast 3 115, 1 2 1 1 21. Sl B Sande 7 Thimble. Fluff, Gallot , .PL- 56434 Saratoga 1 l:41?islow S 108 3 3 I 2 2 4 L Fator 7 Leatherface. Arapahoe, Tblmbl TEN BUTTONS, b. f , 3 119 By Ten Point Buttonhole, by Stalwart. Trainer, F. E. Kraft. Owner, Ascot Stable. 5S347 Empire lm70y l-.15fast 7 105 2 3 3 4 41 431 M Harson 5 Emotion, Thimble, LyEmmeline 5S2S0 Empire 1 l:41fast 1 11S 3 3 3 2 2s 2 L McAtee 3 Beach Star, Good Bye 5S001 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 30 315 4 2 2 31 3 M Harson 4 L.Straw, ElectcdII., L.Gcrtrd 66283 Sartpga 7-S 3:27hvy 30 300 6. 5 5 6. 7 71 B Marielll 7 Edwina, I-jst Straw, Pen Rose 55132 Aqduct 1 l:3Sfast 32 102 3 4 5 5 41 4S3 L Penman 7 Edwina, Last Straw, Lunetta 54993 Belmont 1 3-S 2:17fast 7 114 3 3 3 3 3" 3 C Kummer 4 Flambette, Nancy Lee, J.Marie 54632 Belmont 1 l:37fast 5 300 3 4 4 2 2 3i M Harson 0 Toucanet, B.DancerlL, Occasion 54532 Belmont 3 3:37fast 3 311 2 3 3 2 2s 2 G Kummer 4 Playfellow, Ailliro, Mer. Marine. 54444 Jamaica 3-1 l:14slow 31 101 C 5 4 41 2 C Tonce 6 Beckna, Mcr.Marine, Arrowhead CAMOUFLAGE, b. g, 5 120 By Star Shoot Busy Maid, by Meddler. Trainer, C. Houbre. Owner, J. T. Looney. F.8B32 Laurel 1 l:43fast 14 112 2 1 1 1 21 5 L Morris 10 XorthShore, Osgood, Peg.Rivcs 57CGS Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 11 110 5 6 5 8" 10D2 L Morris 12 C.otheRoost, B.Lights, Brgoyno 57554 H.deGce 3-4 l:15fast 33-10 111 2 1 1 1 1 L Morri3 14 Coca Cola, Burgoyne, H. Pardner 50G13 Latonia 1 1-16 l-.47fast 5 112 2 1 2 1 24 41 J Gruber 11 LaFoudre, WalterH.Pearce, Mab 50332 Lex ton 3-4 l:12fast 9 311 6 6 9 9 910 G Stack 10 Dr.Carmen, SamRch, MabcIG. 43319 Devro 3-4 3:llfast 9 114 5 5 5 61 7 J Gruber 9 Look.Up, GloriaFrance, EulahF. 49607 Windsor 3-4 1:12 fast 9 111 4 4 2 21 I1 J Gruber 10 Sylvano. FirstPullet, Black 43350 Ft.Erie 3-4 l:12fast 38 310 3 2 2 2 2 1 J Gruber 12 A.Alexander, Biddee, RunDyvea 49222 Hamtn 1 turf l:41fast 3 103 5 3 3 2 J 4 T Nolan 9 Betsy, Bengore, Sans Peur II. TIDINGS, br. f, 3 111 By Theo. Cook Glad Tiding!, by Knignt of tht Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner, E. P. Summerfield. Thistle. 5S201 Laurel 3-4 l:l!fast 13 301 S 5 4 31 5;i L. Penirian 12 Tilania, Old Sinner. Mosc 58183 Laurel 1 l:43fast 17 1031 4 3 2 1 5 51 A Allen 10 Kirah, Walnut Hall, Osgood 58093 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 7 303 8 5 3 45 4 J Rowan 12 Kirah, Trantula, Phantom Fair 57732 Jamaica 3-4 l:14good 2 107 4 3 3 3s 331 L. Fator 7 St. Isidore, Esquire, Ting-a-Ling 57343 Aqduct 3-4 1:14 fast 7 100 4 2 2 21 3JP Wilson 9 JockScot, FtChurchlll, SdleRt 571G0 Belmt 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 13-5 3031 4 2 2 3 341 L. McAtee 12 Saddle Ring, Esquire, Turnaboui 56853 Belmt 3-4 MC l:12fast 7 309 4 4 5 61 71 T Rice 9 Mavourneen, Gray Gables, Rep 56523 Sartoga 3-4 3:llfast 50 103 10 9 9 10 10" N Swart 12 V.oftheMoon, Polythia, L.Stra 55C01 Empire Ab 3-4 l:llgood 7-5 99 15 15 35 14114 J CallahanlO Ting-a-Ling, Tnabt, Arrowh laARK WEST, ch. 0, 4 120 By Squire Jiok Santa Skits, by BiaetiUTf Trainer, R. u Smith. Owner, Sunnyland Stable. 3S233 Laurel 1 1-1G l:ISfast 33 310 6 6 C G 41 5" L Morris 8 Franklin, Osgood, Summer Sigh 5S16S Laurel 1 3-36 1:30 good 155 107 10 G 4 5 3 2i L Morris 12 Mose, Summer Sigh, Bill Hunley 5S062 Laurel 1 1-1G 3:47fast 40 307 32 3 S 3 ll1 11 B L Morris 12 Who Cares, Franklin, Blazonry 57766 Laurel 3-4 l:15faot 23 110, 6 4 2 3h 4el H Buoll 13 Coca Cola, Amackassin, Burgoyne 57671 Laurel 1 1-3 l:53fast 2S 103 6 3 4 4 6" C L Morris 7 Diadl, Fizer, Bardora 57557 JLdeGe lm70y l:46fast 7 113 6 3 3 3 51 5J L Morris S JeanBllant, Gath, Fbcrtyglbbet 5741S H.deGce 3-4 l:13Jfast 34 10S 7 6 6 91 81 L Morris 12 Kirah, Dairyman, Trusty RAJAH, br. g, 3 112 By Durbar Parthenis, by Ajax. Trainer, I. Gorham. Owner, J, J, Farrell, Jr.. 5S0CS Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 20 115 3 5 5 5 5 5IS A Allen 5 T.Seargeant, DarkHorse, Bluffer 7341 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 5 304 3 2 2 2i ! A Allen 0 TubbyA., TheEnqurcr, Wraith 67SS3 Laurel 3-4 3:14fast 3S 316 1 1 1 P 31 M Mntaln35 Crack oDoom, Colando, Ashlin 577G7 Laurel lm70y l:46fast 13 103 8 5 4 4 51 42 L Morris 9 Gallivant, Nor. Choice, Phoenix 57670 Laurel 11:42 fast 46 105 4 3 4 7 71 7" A Allen 8 J. Bullant, Bribed Voter OldDad 55S9 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 13 102 7 9 9 9 81 7". A Rlchcrk 9 MormonElder, Bgoyne. Asterisk 55529 F"t.Erie 3-41:14 fast 22 104 1 3 6 101S 981 A Richcrkll Antilles, Vic Munoz, Trantula 54623 Thorncllffe 3-4 3:34fast 6f 105 21 A Richcrkll Wabuska, Gr.Daddy, Mol Barnes URS3 Thnmcllffe 3-4 l:16Uvy 8 307 X Gordon 8 NoraeBaby. Bluffer. Mol. Barn.a VULCANIZE, b. c, 3 122 By Vulcain Her Majesty, by His Highness. Trainer, R. E, Watkins. Owner, R. E. Watkins. 5S164 Laurel 3-4 l:15good 2 US 2 11 iu 4 W Kelsay 7 Assumption, ArrahGoOn, Wraith 5S005 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 21 103 3 2 2 31 4s C Lang 4 C.Summv, C.otheRt, Trantula 57299 Aqduct 1 1:43 slop 41 111 2 1 1 1 1 1 T Rice 5 Fluff, La Kross, Rockpbrt 571G0 Belmt 3-4 MC 1:12 fast 10 lit 5 5 4 6i 8" F Cltilettil2 Saddle Ring, Esquire, Tidings 56853 Belmt 3-4 MC l:12fast 35 312 8 3 3 51 8 L Penman 9 Mavourneen, Gray Gables, Rep 5G703 Belmont 3-4 l:llfast 30 314 5 4 7 61 S C Fbtherll A. of Gold, C.Summy, Cum Sak 32G01 Bowie Gl f 1:21 fast 7-10112 1 2 1 l1 31 F Cltlletti 0 Gurg. Water, Nohant, Domingo 53519 Bowie Gl f l:20fast 14 1001 5 3 2 5 51 F Cltlletti 5 SandyBcal, MockOrange, Shoal BODANZKY, b. g, 3 112 By Celt Nora, lanandhorae, by Fatherleis. Trainer, Vf. Livingston. Owner, S. Louis. 5S12S Laurel 1 l:42!fnst 33 101 6 11 11 33 101 109i L Coney 13 Cur.Evcnts, Peg.Rives, Explsivo 67764 Laurel 3 3:41fast 13 304 4 3 6 6 i 6 F Cltlletti 7 Charlie Summv Ticncey Gath 7670 Laurel 1 1:42 fast 9 105 5 5 5 G 6J 6" F Cltlletti 8 J. Bullant, Bribed Voter OldDandd 575S1 II.deGo 1 1-1C 3:50 fast G 104 G 3 3 1 lh G4 F CltilettilO LEnjoleur, Diadi, Mose 57321 H.dcGe 1 1-16 l:43fast 33-10 ICS 4 5 2 2 21 63 F Cltiletti S Attorney, Thcodosla, Fantoche 57421 H.dcGo lm70y l:47fast 21 109 4 4 3 2 21 3 C Ponce 0 Scourgeman, Osgood, Sunny H1U 57234 ILdcGo 3m70y l:46fast 19 302 7 2 2 2 2" 3 A Tryon 9 Theodosiat Mose, Peggy-Rival teiwi Rarfoea 1 1:40 fast 32 3M 7 7-7 7 6 Sl L, Fator 7 Sacacity. Gallivant. Fluff ROMEO, b. g, 5 129 By Marathon Crossover, by Octagon. Trainer, II. Fallchy. Owner, H. Fallohy. 57893 Laurel 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 25 93 0 8 S 7 71 G"i E Josiah 0 O.Birthday, S.PeurlL, Franklin 57064 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 50 ion 9 9 10 9 9 81 G Babin 10 Sunnyland, War Note, Rep , 5C5G5 Sartoga 1. 1-8 l:52fast 20 301 0 0 6 6 C 6" B Scoble 0 Tuftcr, T.McTagt, Escarpolette 53520 Bowie 3m70y 3:46fast 25 30S G 3 2 3 42 28 L Ensor 7 Columbine, Claquer, Penelope 53439 Bowie 3m70y 3:47fast. 6 311 3 10 9 11- 10 8 F Cltilettil2 MadgeF., Amer.Boy, Antoinette E27SS F.Gnds 1 .3-16 l:59fast. 15 112 . 2 6 5 5 61 . 5s J R Romelll S Sandy Mac, Plenty, Raider 52726 F.Gnda 1 1-1C 3:51hvy 7 110 4 5 6 5 E 31 R Romelll 0 Honolulu Boy, Mas. Bill, Kttak :itiU 1in70y 1:50t!ivy 15 li. .c 3 4 2 2 2 fVPonce 0 Pletor. Hadrian. Tantaliu MISS ANNA, b. f, 4 M 113 By Bai tender Lady Anna, by Russoll. Owner, W. D. Ai.:iousc. 57103 Timum Ab 2-1 1:19 fast 13 334 441 A Allen 0 Zealous, Navajo, Salome 67014 Timuin Ab CJf 1:22 fast 44 112 8" P Madeira S Sulphur, Zealous, Streamer TICKLISH, b. h, 6 125 By Xing James Tickle, by Filigrane. Trainer, W. H. Fizor. Owner, W. Farnum. 68198 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 50 103 11 11 11 H H2 G Babin 11 K.oft.Htlier, Knobbie, Diindale 67891 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 last SO 105 6 8 9 9 9" G Babln 0 Squaw Man. Frigate, Siren Hat. e 61451 Bowie 61 1:23 hvy 22-3 113 S 4 4 33 23 A Johnson 9 Jadda, DryMoon, Tab.dHonneiu I 61417 Bowie 1 l:43fast 7 114 14 13 13 14 14 14" J Connollyl-i Sundial II., King John, Veterar E 61189 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 8 108 G 6 5 2 5 25 J Mooney G Daydue, LordBrighton, SeaMint 61149 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 15 100 5 C 5 53 43 J Mooney C Krewer, Elected II., Genie W. 61109 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 30 102 7 7 7 7 71 G Babin 7 Fort Churchill, Daydue, Ralco f FOURTH RACE Mile. Serial Weiftlit-for-Ase Knee Xo. 1. All Aes. i Not. . 1020 1:11 1-r. 2 101. . OAKEFUL, br. f, 8 124 By Wrack Mindful, by Star Shoot. ; Trainer, J. H. McDonald. Owner. W. J. Salmon. j 58395 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 19-10 126 2 11 ll 15 J Butwell 5 MinuteMan, Ararat, Billy Kelly t 58206 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 10 115 2 1 1 1 l2 l2 J Butwell 10 Trysler, Billy Kelly, Polly Aim 8035 Laurel 3-4 l:122fast 7-10 123 2 1 1 lMkJ Butwell 0 Caliguln, Ararat, Messines ; E7S97 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 1-3 114 3 1 1 l2 l3 J Butwell 4 B.Grand, I. of India. Min.Man s 67643 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 117 3 3 3 31 32i J Butwell 6 Billy Kelly, Crocus, Blazes ; 673S6 H.deG ee l 1-16 l:46fast 5 U9 4 2 4 4 61 6" D Stirling 0 Tryster, ByJiminy, BygoneDay : 67303 H.deGce 3-4 l:13slop 1-2 117 3 11 1 1 J Butwell 9 Tip.Witchet, Serapis, ByJiminy ; E6691 Belmont 1 1:36 fast 6 112 2 2 2 4 43 4 P Cltiletti 6 YellowHand, Tryster, MdHattei ; 66266 Sartoga 1 1-4 2:04fast 12 126 2 2 2 3 33 45 E Sande 4 Prudery BitofWhite, Ch.Thlerry E6123 Sartoga 3-4 1:11 fast 7-10 125 2 4 4 4 21 L Ensor 9 Crocus, L.Slraw, V.oftheMoon ; 66019 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 41 118 2 1 2 lh lh L Ensor 8 Naturalist, Lanius, Dartmoor . TRYSTER, blk. o, 3 127 By Peter Pan Tryat. , Trainer, J. Rowe. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 58206 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 7-3 120 3 3 2 2 21 2 F CltilettllO C:ireful, Billy Kelly, Tolly Ann ; 57590 H.deGce 1 1-8 l:52fast 27-10 120 3 1 1 1 2s 2 F Cltiletti 9 Capt. Alcocfc, Thelorter, Ir.Kn. ; 67386 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:46fast 6-5 127 1 1 1 1 11 lh F Cltiletti 9 ByJiminy, BygoneDays, PlyAa : 56854 Belmont 1 l:38M;fast 1-3 124 1 1 1 1 15 li F Cltiletti 4 Knobbie, Frigate, Dartmoor 56691 Belmont 1 1:36 fast 4 118 111 1 l 23 L Penman 6 YlowHand, MadHalter, Carer- i 66520 Sartoga 1 3-16 l:585fast 3-2 128 3 2 3 2 2J 4T E Sande 5 Smoke Scrn, S.Blood, B.ofWhW- j 66363 Sartoga 3-4 1:12 fast 1-3 126 1 11 1 I1! E Sande 9 Messines, Polyuria, St. Michael 54214 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54slow 1 126 6 5 3 2 25 5s C Kummerl4 Brooinspun, Polly Ann, Jeg 64065 Cburchl 1 1-4 2:04ifast 11-10 156 8 6 6 6 41 41 F CltilcttI12 B.Yourself, B.Servant. Pruder ; AUDACIOUS, ch. h, 6 130 By Star Shoot Bold Girl, by Ogdea. Trainer, 53. McNaughton. Owner, Foreign Stable. 5S035 Empire 1 l:39fast 2 129 C 6 4 4 4 410 C Kummer 0 Y.Harid, Thderclap, BonHomme j 5S028 Jamaica 1 1-8 1:52 fast 11-20 129 3 3 3 3 3 31 C Kummer 3 Thunderclap, Donnacona 57794 Jamaica 1 1-4 2:0Gandgood 1-6 129 1 1 1 1 15 1" C Kummer 2 Donnacona 67585 Jamaica 3-4 l:124fast 6-5 140 1 1 1 l2 1 C Kummer "5 Thderclap, Misnary, Electedll. 67445 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:442rifast 9-20 127 1 2 2 2 2s 13 C Kummer 4 T.Feathers, C.Alcock, Donnacona 57352 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:45Mfast 3-10 125 1 1 3 3 l2 ll C Kummer 4 Georgie, CopperDemon, Sedgefld 7194 Aqduct 3-4 l:125sgood S 129 4 9 9 73 551 C Kummer 10 Dunboyne, Gladiator, LastStraw 66815 Belmt 6Jf MC l:20ysslow 2 130 2 2 2 2 28 C Kummer 2 Georgie 65995 Sartoga 1 .1-4 2:03fast 5 127 2 4 3 3 3 3 C Kummer 5 YellowHand, MadHatter, Gnome 65573 Empire 1 1-8 1:51 fast 11-5 129 1 1 1 2 2 2 C Kummer 5 YellowHand, MadHatter, Blazes I 65438 Aqduct 7-8 1:23 fast 13-10 126 1 2 2 2 l3 l3 C Kummer 7 SgsPark, IdleDell, SinokeScreen ! BILLY KELLY, b. g, 6 130 By Dlok Welles GUna, by Fr SJcbsKifc. Trainer, H. McDanlel. Owner, J. K. L. Boai. ES395 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 133 1 2 3 31 435 H Ericksn 5 Careful, Minute Man, Ararat ; 5S206 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 16-5 123 1 2 5 4 42 32 H EricksnlO Careful,. Tryster, Polly Ann 5S033 Laurel 1 l:38fast 4-5 126 2 1 1 Bled. W Kelsay 6 Knot, TippityWitchet, Breeze . 57643 Laurel 3-4 l:13sfast 21-5 129 6 2 2 21 l2 W Kelsay C Crocus, Careful, Blazes ; E733G Wdbine 3-4 1:12 fast 2-5 130 1 11 l2 lh A Claver 6 EulaliF., SailingB., Some Babj ; 6G730 B.Bonts 3-4 1:13 fast 4-5 132 1 11 11 15 A Claver 4 Estero, Golden Sphere. Leipslc 66212 Sartoga 1 l:3Sandfast 8 125 2 3 3 5 41 4 E Sande 8 Idle Dell, Crocus, Royee Rool : E6019 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 7-3 130 4 3 4 41 51 E Sande 8 Careful, Naturalist, Lanius 55019 Windsor 1 1-8 l:513fast 12-5 128 4 1 3 5 6and Ei A Claver 8 Best Pal, IrishKiss, Externator ! 64901 B.Bonta 1 1-4 2:12andslow 1-40 135 1 1 1 1 Is 13 A Claver 3 Great Scott, Itedstart 64383 Wbine 3-4 1:13 slow 1-6 133 2 3 4 2nk 1 F Keogh 6 Slip.Elm, SomcBaby, MotorCop 1 E4175 Pimlico 3-4 l:15hvy 1-3 126 1 11 l1! I1 C Fbtber 3 Pride of India. Vice-Chalrman DOMINI Q.TTE, cb. g, 4 130 By Peter Quince Berry Maid, by Oddfelbre. Trainer, S. C. Hlldrath. Owner, Rancocais 8tabla. 1 58030 Jamaica 3-4 l:12M;fast 4-5 123 2 1 1 1 1J 2i L Fator 4 Dimsdales, Routldge, St. Allan bi533 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09?ifast 7-5 127 2 3 3 3 15 L Fator 1 Krewer, Gladiator, Naturaiui 64544 Belmont 3-4 st l:08fast 4-5 128 1 1 1 2l 42 L Fator 10 Gladiator, iiensPk., MadHatter 64228 Jamaica 3-4 l:lltsfaut 11-5 122 2 1 1 lJ ll E Sande 7 Audacious, Naturalist, Krewer 48412 Aqduct 65 f 1:19 slow 1-1 124 2 1111 2 L Ensor 4 Super, Hasten On. KoundltobVi i GEORGIE, ch. g, 4 130 By Star Shoot Fair Atalanta, by KBight cf th Trainer, S. HcNaughton. Owner, Foreign Stable. Thistle. 58252 Empire Ab 3-4 7-10 130 1 2 2 23 ll C Kummer 4 K.View, K.of the Her, SeaCove i OS055 Empire 1 l:397fast 2 120 3 1 5 C 6 6,s C Turner 0 Y.Hand, Thderclap, BonHomme 57583 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 13-10 121 2 2 2 2 2 lh B Marielli 2 Knobhie D7:iG2 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:4r,Vf,fast C-5 124 2 3 2 2 25 2li B Marielli 4 Audacious, CperDemn, Sdgefd 5719S Aqduct 1 l:37good 4J 120 3 3 3 3 15 l5i B Marielli 7 Thderclap, C.Thierry, GenieW. GCSS7 Belmont 1 l::J79sast 2-5 114 1 2 2 2 1 l2i E Sande 3 Dream of the Valley, TwoFthers 60815 Belmt 61f MC l:2013low 2-5 10S 1 11 l10 Is L Penman II Audacious GCG64 Sartoga 1 3-16 l:57?Lfast 4 110 4 4 3 3 52 65 M Garner 7 Extnator, MadHatter, Bellsolai CC4G8 Sartoga 7-8 1:20 fast 8-5 126 9 9 9 6 C3 2J E Haynes 10 Dimmesdale, WarNote, O.Swper KNOBBIE, b. o, 3 127 By "Wrack Gold, by Golden Garter. Trainer, S. C. Hlldreth. Owner, Bmcocaf Stable. 58198 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 2-2 12S 1 11 1J 2- L Fator 11 K.of t.Hther, Ddnln, It.Robin 57M4 Jamaica 1 1-1C l:4fifast 9-10 120 1 1 1 1 2s 3s I, Fator 4 O.Thierry, Sedgefield, C.oDawj. 57583 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:46fast 13-10 118 111 1 Is 2 E Sande 2 Georgie 67481 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:44fast 2-7 122 1 1 1 1 li 23 E Sande 2 Copper Demon 67296 Aqduct 3-4 l:13,siop 2 123 1 1 1 l3 l3 E Sande 5 DryMoon, Gladiator, Blaze 56854 Belmont 1 l:38Jfast 16-5 118 4 4 4 4 21 25 L Fator 4 Tryster, Frigate, Dartmoor 55813 Empire 1 1-1G 1:43 fast 2-7 126 2 2 2 4 4 4" L Fator 4 GreyLag, Careful, CopperDemoi BILLY McLATTOBXIN, br. o, S 127 By Wraok Lady Elite, by Orier. Trainer, S. McNaughton. . Owner, Foreign Stable. 5S179 Empire lm70y l:4Gfast 11-5 US 1 1 1 1 lJ lh C Kummer 4 Frigate, Sedgefield, T.Feathers 57714 Jamaica lm70y l:44fast 13-10 110 3 2 2 2 Ik 15 B Marielli 4 LadyGertrude, St.Allan, Becount 67619 Jamaica 3-4 l:13slow 4 122 2 6 6 65 45 B Marielli 8 B.Homme, Sea Cove, LastStraw 56777 Belmont 1 1:37 fast 7-5 113 1 2 3 3 3 1 E Sande 5 Dartmoor, Debadou, C.Sweeper 6629 Sartoga 1 lOandslow 7-3 120 2 2 3 2 li li L Fator 3 War Note, Servitor E6482 Sartoga 1 l:37fast 16-5 120 2 1 1 2 4 4 L Fator 5 T.Feathers, OurFlag, ByJiminy 56399 Sartoga 7-S l:27hvy 11-5 100 4 2 1 2 2 25 G V Carll Smoke Screen, Lanius, St.Allar CALIGULA, blk. g, 3 127 By Wrack Continue, by Orlando. Trainer, M. Brady. Owner, J. E. Davis. 5S355 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 14-5 10S 4 2 3 3 ll L Morris 4 Oil Man, Sailing B., Vibrate 5S2C6 Laurel 1 1:40 fast 19f 107 5 5 6 5 3 92 J CallahanlO Careful, Tryster, Billy Kelly 58035 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 12 107 5 4 4 415 2w L Morris t Caiefnl, Ararat, Messines 57S94 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 25 10S 2 1 3 21 11 L Morris Sailing B., Ararat, Bluffer 53520 Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 7 10S 8 2 2 65 Cs2 C Robsonl3 Dimmdale. Messines, St.Michl 55163 Aqduct 61 f l:17fast 20 : 07 2 2 3 Ei G12 A Schtger 0 S.Screen, SeaMint, Dimmesdale 54703 Belmont 3-4 st l:10?fast 30 116 Left at the post. C Robson 7 Gladiator, PeterPiper, Sea Mint 51414 Bowie 3-4 l:13fast 3-5 108 4 3 3 93 S- C RobsonlO B.Homme, B.McLlilin, Polythia 511G6 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 1-1 10S 1 11 l3 1 C Robson 5 Black Knight, Sparkling, Pansy SMOKE SCREEN, b. o, 3 127 By Kis Majesty Veil, by Disyaise. Trainer, J. Evans. Owner, G. A. Cochran. C749! Latonia 3-4 l:12lgood S 10S 7 5 8 8 S,s G W Carll S Distinction, High Cost. Min.Maiw 67194 Aqduct 3-4 l:12?good 5 116 3 17 10 1016 G W Carll 10 Dunboyne, Gladiator, LastStraw EC711 Belmont 1 5-8 2:43fast 15 122 2 2 4 4 4 4 C Kummer 4 T.MeNot. GreyLag, SDnsBlood 6G320 Sartoga 1 3-1G l:584fast 6 115 1 1 1 1 1 l1 C Kummer 5 Sport. Blood, B.ofWhite, Tryster 66507 Sartoga 1 l:37fast 3-2 112 3 1 1 1 Is l2 C Kummer 4 L.Gertrde, Bellsohir, Iloutledge tS99 Sartoga 7-S l:27avy 11-5 1045 1 1 2 1 1J lJ L Fator 0 B.McLaughlin, Lanius, St.Allan HOROLOGE, br. c, 2 111 By St. Amant Hour Hand, by Ethelbert. Trainer, W. M. Wallace. Owner, W. M. Wallace. ES042 Church 1 1 l:38fast 21-5 122 5 3 4 5 76 7rJ C Robson 9 Startle. Rocket, John Finn 577!G Jamaica 3-4 1:14 good 3 108 2 2 1 25 13 A Schugr 0 Runtell, Shaffer, Com.MeMkin 67531 Aqduct 5-8 l:00mud 25 115 l1 l3 C Robson!2 C.McMkin. Venizelos, Beparatn K3NNOUL, ch. g, 4 130 By Potsr auince Lyohoe Nut, by Sir Moored. Trainer, J. Easting!. Owner, W. X. Jeffords. 64242 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 8 118 3 2 2 2 65 W Kelsay 8 D.of t.Vley, Cnarvon, T.Wchet 54189 Jamaica 61 f l:07mud 12-5 122 2 1 1 1 15 W Kelsay 5 D.of theVley, Ir.Dream, TheBoj 17201 Churchl 3-4 l:15hvy 8-E 118 4 1 1 U 2i L Ensor 5 Angou, BlackieDaw, AttaBoyll 7132 ChurctiI 7-8 1:26 fast 55 118 2 2 3 4 71 8l L Ensor 8 Courtship, King Gorin, Sway M31S LextoD. J-4 l:15hvy 19-10 112 3 11 14 1J L Ensor G On Watch, Kegalo, MickeyMoore JEG. cb. c, 8 127 By Zea3 Ryola, by Mexican. Trainer, H. Rites. Owner, J. E. Griffith. 68034 Laurel 1 1-1 2:04,Sfast 10 113 3 8 S 5 4s 43i E Taylor S Cop.Domon, C.Thierry, Pol.Ann 578C9 Laurel 1 l:41M;fast 17-5 118 7 5 6 5 45 355 J Butwell 9 Bridesman, Bastille, BungaBiick 57765 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 14-5 120 3 2 2 2 2i 21 J Butwell 4 DrkUorse, Cop.Dmon, Montalvo G76U0 H.deGce 1 1-8 l:52fast 10 102 7 7 7 6 51 610 J Rowan 9 Capt.Aleock, Trvster, Thelorter 57454 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:4Gfanf 6 103 1 2 2 4 V 15 F Cltiletti 7 Wellfinder, Lunetta, Polly Ann E73S6 H.deGce 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 23-5 110 9 7 8 8 7J 8s E Haynes 9 Tryster, ByJiminy, BygoneBay 54214 Pimlico 1 1-8 l:54andslow 17 114 11 13 12 9 6 33 L Morris 11 Brmspun, Pol.Ann, LeouardoII 54156 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:48slop 4 116 5 3 2 2 21 2 L Morris -5 Sea Pirate, My Dear, Yorki3t Uk7 PlrnMco I 1-lC l:45fast 43-10 107 6 5 6 2 2i ll L Morris. K Snn.Jim. Sport.Blood. Unc.Johi WELLFINDER, ch. g, 3 127 By Broomstick Wonder, by Disguise. Trainer, R. I. Miller. Owner, R. I. Miller. 5S1S6 Laurel 1 l:42fast G 110 4 1 2 2 2 31 F Cltiletti 7 Servitor, Dresden, Lids Love 58100 Laurel 1 l:40andfast 7 114 2 2 2 2 G 552 J Rowan 5 Bastille. Dresden, Minute Man 67870 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 6 107 2 2 2 2"t F Cltiletti 7 Knot, NightRaider, MockOrange 57719 Laurel 3-4 l:127sfast 45 108 4 4 3 2w 23 L Penman 0 C.otheRoost, TheBoy, Bastille 57689 H.deGe lm70y 1:46 fast 17-10 96 2 2 1 1 l1 li J Rowan 7 Rubidium, CleanGone, LadsLove 57454 H.deGe 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 93 4 1 1 1 2i 21 J Rowan 7 Jeg, Lunetta, Polly Ann 57385 H.deGce 55 f 1:07 fast 11 118 3 3 3 53 43J C Ponce 12 TheBoy. ApplcJackll., ImaFrnk 56100 Sartoga 1 l:41bvy 7 101 3 1 2 3 313 3" F Cltiletti 4 Cimarron, Cop. Demon, LoveTap wi22 Sartoua 1 l:38faet 112 2 1 2 2 2 43 F Cltiletti r Sportihoy. Killala. CopperDemon DEXTEROUS, b. g, 2 111 By Peter Pan Adroit, Dy Broomstick. Trainer, W. L. Oliver. Owner. W. L. Oliver. 5and0G0 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 21-10 113 5 2 3 Bled. J Butwell 7 AloxII., Oppernian, JohnMorrill 7929 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 113 4 4 4 55 7.8i J Callahan S Calamity Jane, Relay, Trevelyau 57G42 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 3-5 111 2 11 15 21 L Penman 8 All Fair, Champiain, Ultimata 57520 H.deGce 5-8 1:00 fast 1 111 6 3 1 l2 ll J Callahan 8 Champiain. Lit.B.SIieep. Plucky 57304 H.deGce 3-4 l:13slop 68 105 1 3 4 42 2 J Callahan 7 Morvich, S. Thoughts, D.ofAlIah .6321 Sartoga 55 f l:01jifast 20 119 5 4 3 4" 2 C Turner 5 Bunting, Snob II., Santa Clara 6C214 Sartoga 6i f l:03fifast 15 10G 11 10 8 1- 6" S Sndmanlo Whiskaway, Pegasus, K.Grasa FIFTH RACK .5-4 Itlile. Iikesville Purse. -yeaz--oliI.s. Allovanees. Nov. 9, 1020 1:11 1-5 2 lOl. ST. HENRY, b. c, 2 107 By The Finn Lady Sterling, by Hanover. Trainer, W. S. Walker. Owner. M. Jones. 57165 Belmt 55f MC l:04fast 9-20 115 1 11 l3 Is E Sande C YankeeStar, Runantell, K.Grass 30633 Sartoga 5i f 1:07 slow 2-5 115 1 1 1 Is l4 L Fator 5 Chesterhrook, Castleton, Tjanus ROCKET, b. g, 2 112 By Broomstick First Flight, by Thnuh. Trainer, Jand3. Rowc, Jr. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 5S238 Laurel 3-4 l:144fast 1-5 10S 3 11 1 l5 L Penman 5 Prudish. Roulette. Prodigious 58204 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 7-10 111 2 11 1 1 L Penman 7 Sedge, Sciling Along, ltay Jay 5SQ42 Churchl 1 l:38fast 43-10 122 3 1 1 1 25 2J L Penman 9 Startle. John Finn, Cherrv Tree 57S68 Laurel 3-4 l:13Vfast 7-5 108 4 1 1 l3 1 L Penman 5 Caretaker, Devonite, Salf.Alona 57790 Laurel 3-1 l:14siop 12-5 109 4 3 1 3" 4i L Penman 8 Relay, Yankee Star, All Fair 57667 Laurel 65 f l:00fast 19-10 112 6 11 l3 l L Penman 10 Alex H., Gladbrook Miss Colin 67552 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 27-10 115 2 2 4 31 2 F Cltiletti 9 Trevelyau, Aluxll. MyiandBelle 57431 H.deGce 65 f 1:07 fast 2 106 1 2 3 3k 4s F Cltiletti 6 All Fair, Cainencita, Gondolier 67382 H.deGce 5-8 l:09andfast 9 103 11 10 9 73 6si F CItilettil2 Bountiful, Champiain, All Fair t.f.775 Empire Ab 3-4 l:H9fast S 132 7 6 6 84 7" F Cltiletti 11 Knv Jsty, June Grass. Sr.nb 11 660 TCmpIre 6i f 1:07 fast 30 10 S S 7 8 61 L Penman 11 Surf ltider, Yankee Maid. Mol e I E f i . ; j t ; s ; : ; ; ; . , ; ; : i j ; j I ! ; . ; ; : ! 1 1 i i OIL MAN, cb. c, 2 122 By North Star III. Bandello, by Kingston. Trainer, C. J. Casey. Owner, Pelican Stable. 5S355 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 3J 97 2 1 1 1J 2l A Gantner 4 Caligula. Sailing B.. Vibrate 5C611 Sartoga 3-4 1:11 fast 7-5 123 1 3 3 35 4 E Haynes 4 Modo, Galantman, Idea 36494 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 3 119 2 1 1 2J 13 E Haynes 9 Modo, Sir Hugh, Little Chief EG4G0 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 10 115 12 9 7 63J 423 B Haynes 13 Kai-Sang, William A., Fegasui 56150 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 7 115 7 6 5 45 3" E Haynes 12 Morvich, Kai-Sang, Sir Hugh 66047 Sartoga 5-S E97afast 12-5 115 3 4 2 2l lh FJ Haynes 12 Bigheart, Pegasus. Sleiveconord 55SS9 Empire 5 f 1:07 good S 115 2 2 2 l3 l3 B Haynes 8 YnkeeStar, Reparation, Shaffer 55775 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 7 112 8 8 8 7l 5 E Haynes 11 Ray Jay, June Grass, Snob II. 55G92 Empire 55 f l:07slow 25 112 13 12 10 93 8 A Collins 13 Little Chief, Nancy F., Penitent 54613 Belmont 45f st 52fast 11-6 115 8 7 7s 42i E Haynes 11 SweepBy, Blk.Rascal, Whirligig JUNE GRASS, b. c, 2 107 By Short Grass Comsora, by The Commoner. Trainer, J. Evans. Owner, G. A. Cochran. 58012 Churchl 1 l:3Sfast 8 122 1 5 5 4 ui 51 G W Carll 9 Startle, Rocket, John Finn 57397 Latonia 1 l:39fast 18 110 9 4 3 3 3J 3 G W Car 11 12 Startle, JohnFinn, Rkmiuister 57199 Aqduct 3-4 l:14good 8-5 112 1 12 61 7s C Kummer 12 Missionary, All Over, My Play 570S7 Belmt 7-8 MC l:25fast 18-5 107 1 1 1 1 4 4J G W Carll 4 Surf Rider, Galantman, Modo 56710 Belmont 3-4 llfcfast 18-5 115 4 2 2 15 2h C Kummer 7 Snob II., Sedge, Aknusti 56630 Sartoga 3-4 l:12slow 6 115 6 5 7 95 1013 C Kummerl2 Morvich, Kai-Sang, Whiskaway 562G8 Sartoga 55 f l:05fast 16-6 115 3 11 l3 1 L Fator 14 Mercutio, Snob II., Bunting 56126 Sartoga 5-8 59fast 5 104 7 4 6 65 5 C Ponce 10 Toil, Bigheart, Fair Phantom 53914 Empire 55 f 1:06 fast 15 109 2 2 2 2 2"k C Ponce 7 Runstar, Ray Jay, Picnic 55812 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 15 110 1 13 61 7 L McAtee 8 Runstar, Kai-Sang, Little OhiiC 55775 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 8 112 1 1 1 l1 21 J Metoalf 11 Ray Jay, Snob II., Lucky Hour 55692 Empire 61 f l:07slow 30 112 7 8 9 81 7B C H MlllerlS Little Chief, Nancy F., Penitent 55323 Aqduct 6-8 69fast 12 104 6 4 4l 441 L Penman 12 Little Chief, Modo, Misdeal ALEX H-, ch. c, 2 112 By Lough Foyle Kitty K., by Gotham. Trainer, M. C. Kolley. Owner, B. Harding. 5S284 Laurel 55 f l:07fast 1 113 1 2 1 l3 1U L Morris 10 GdTimes, Ultimata, Sail.Along 581GG Laurel 3-4 l:144goodl9-10 108 1 2 1 l l35 L Morris 5 Cher.Tree, Span.Maize, Ultimata 5S0GO Laurel 3-4 l:i::fast 22-5 113 1 11 1 l3 L Penman 7 Opperman, JnMorrlll, Crosslesa 68004 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 7 112 1 1 1 l4 1 L Morris Manbeim, Span.Maize, AllOver 57797 Laurel 61 f 1:09 slop 35 115 3 2 2 23 24 L Morris 7 Brainstorm, MarydBelle, Jocoho 67667 Laurel 65 f l:06fast 25 112 4 4 2 23 2 L Morris 10 Rocket, Gladbrook, Miss Colin 67552 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 35 115 4 3 1 15 33 L Morris 9 Trevelyan, Rocket, MyiandBelle 57355 H.deGce 55 l:07slow 21 116 11 11 11 11 8" F Cltilettill J. Morrill, Gondolier, Trevelyan 54735 .B.Bonta 5-8 l:02fast S 112 7 8 7 61 6 B Taylor 8 Chatgay, Shady Nook, DarkAges iY PLAY, b. o, 2 M 107 By Fair Play Mahnbah, by Rock Sand. Trainer, K. Patterson. Owner, Lexington Stable. 5S181 Empire 55 f 1:07 fast 7-10 105 4 5 3 2 25 L Fator 6 LuckyHour, S.Adaras, K.Grass 38093 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 5 107 6 5 5 42 451 B Marielli 6 Runantell, Kai-Sang, Emotion 57863 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 108 2 4 5 31 31 A Schtger 6 Surf Rider, I.Brigadier, Aknusti 57447 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 18-5 112 1 1 2 21 42i C Robson 7 Surf Rider, SweepBy, RayJay 57139 Aqduct 3-4 l:14good 35 107 3 2 1 25 35 A Schugrl2 Missionary, All Over, Emotion 939 Belmt 3-4 MC l:ll?ifast 10 117 1 15 15 IE3 UJ C Robson.!:! Hunting. Galantman. D. of Allak YANKEE STAR, br. c, 2 112 Ey Star Shoot Yankee Lady, by Yankee. Trainer, J. Fitzsimmons. Owner, Quincy Stable. 5S233 Laurel 55 f l:0Sfast 18-5 115 S 9 8 S3 7!i T Rice 11 Clansman. Opperman, Dolores 5S031 Laurel 3-4 l:135fast 33-10 115 1 11 1 in p Rfc 5 Elemental, Opperman, Sedge E7S96 Laurel E. f 1:07 fast 31-10 112 3 2 2 22 35 J Mooney 8 Relay; All Fair, Rocket 57799 Laurel 3-4 l:14slop 37-10 113 3 1 1 25 335 J Moor.ey 7 Surf Rider, Sweep By, Ray Jay 57447 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 3 111 3 1 1 15 25 J Mooney S MustdSeed, BlkRascal, RayJay 57354 Aqduct 5-8 59y5fast 6-5 118 6 6 6 7 7e5 T Rice 7 Ray Jay, Modo, Surf Rider 57230 Aqduct 3-4 1:12 fast 45 119 8 8 8 5s! A Schtger 4 Harridan, CherryTree, Rib Grasi 57165 Belmt 55f MC l:04fast 8 112 7 4 2 2l 24 T Rice 10 Mr Play. Relay. Firm Friend 56761 Belmt 55f MC l:05fast 9-10 115 2 4 4 45 2s T Rice C St.Henry, Runantell, KnotGrass nfi92 Belmont 5if pt l:05fast 13-5 107 1 11 2J 24 J Moonev 0 D. of Allah. Sedge, Champiain DEXTEROUS, b. g, ViZ By Peter Pan Adroit, by Broomstick. Trainer, W. L. Oliver. Owner, W. L. Oliver. 580G0 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 21-10 113 5 2 3 Bled. J Butwell 7 AlexH., Opperman, John Morrill 57939 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 115 4 4 4 55 7SJ J Callahan 8 Calamity Jane, Relav, Trevelyan 57C42 Laurel 3-4 1:11 fast 3-5 111 2 11 lJ 2 L Penman S All Fair, Champiain," Ultimata 57520 H.deGce 5-8 1:00 fast 1 111 G 3 1 l3 VI J Callahan S Champiain. Lit.B.SIieep, Plucky 57304 H.deGce 3-4 l:13f,slop GS 105 1 3 4 4s 24 J Callahan 7 Morvich, S. Thoughts, D.ofAlIah 3G321 Sartoga 5i f l:04fast 20 119 5 4 3 4 2 C Turner 5 Bunting, Snob II., Santa Clara 5G214 Sartoga 55 f l:05fast 15 100 11 10 8 7- 6l S Sndmanla Whiskaway, Pegasus, K.Grass CHAMPLAIN. b. c. 2 107 By Rapid Water Mettie Bereaud, by Jean Bereaudi Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner. G. W. J. Bssell. 5S328 Laurel 51 f l:07?5fast G 117 2 4 2 2s 25 J McTagt 8 Sedge, Fancier, Montara 3S235 Laurel 55 f l:0Sfast 12 115 2 13 33 541 J McTagt 11 Clansman, Opperman, Dolores 7896 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 13 110 5 5 4 4 435 J Heupel li D.ofAlIah. Sedge, YankeeStar 57642 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 22 108 4 7 5 45 34 J Heupel 8 AllFnir, Dexterous. Ultimata 57520 H.deGce G-S 1:00 fast 31-10 111 2 2 3 2 25 J Heupel S Dexterous. Lit.B.SIieep, Plucky 57382 H.deGce 5-8 l:00fast 12-5 111 2 11 15 25 J Heupel 12 Bountiful. All Fair, Carmencita 56252 Ft.Erie 3-4 7-10 110 2 1 2 23 2J J Butwell 9 Photoplay, Fast Trial Devonite 56059 Ham ton 5-8 l:00andfast 13-10 112 1 1 1 1 l4 J McTagt 11 Buster, Humorist. Puff Ball SEDGE, ch. c, 2 112 By Celt Sand Dune, by Bock Sand. Trainer, Jas. Rowe. Owner, Greeatree Stable. 5S32S Laurel 51 f 21-10 117 1 11 l3 lflF Cltiletti 8 Champiain, Fancier, Montara 3S255 Laurel 55 f 1 :0Sfast 31-10 115 5 C 7 72 S F Cltilettill Clansman. Opperman. Dolores 5S204 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 7-10 111 4 2 2 25 2 F Cltiletti 7 Rocket, Sailing Along Ray .Tar 5S125 Laurel 3-4 1 :14,fast 8-5 108 3 4 2 2h 33 F Cltiletti 8 Elemental, Fancier, Sling Alonff 5S031 Laurel 3-1 l:13fast 11-5 112 1 5 4 4 4"J J Rowan Elemental. Opperman, Yan Star 57SS6 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 11 113 1 4 3 35 23J L Penman fi D.ofAlIah, Yank.Star, Champlo 57G42 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast G 111 8 8 8 8 83 F Cltiletti 8 All Fair. Dexterous Champiain 57447 Aqduct 3-4 l:13f,fast 41 108 4 4 5 r,3 6J L Penman 7 SurfRider, SweepBy, RayJay E7199 Aqduct 3-4 l:l4good 4 HO " 11... 9.7 71 5s L Penman 12 Missionary, All Over., My Play 56939 Belmt 3-4 MC 1 :ll7sf ast 17-10 122 9 18 18 141 16 A Johnson2 Itunting, Galaiitman, D. of Allak tDisqualified. PICNIC, b. c, 2 M 112 By Pebbles May Queen, by Ultimus. Trainer, A. Gunther. Owner, J. Butler. 3S281 Empire Ab 3-1 l" 2 106 3 3 3 34 lnt l Fator 4 Hephaistos, Ir.Bgadr, Chesbk 5S225 Empire 51 f l:0Cfast 15 114 2 2 2 1 2 L Fator 7 M.Patricia, Hephtos, Chestbrk E81G1 Empire 51 f l:0S3good 9-5 114 2 2 1 I2 25 L Fator 11 Sling, Finnish Maid, Trajanua S5914 Empire 5 f 1:06 fast 15 1035 5 3 6 55 410 L Ensor 7 Runstar, June Grass, Ray Jay fS773 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 16-5 100 6 6 2 22 2i J Callahan 7 R. Brigade, Dunceeap F Fifty 53552 Empire 65 f l:07fast 41 1095 4 3 3 33 21 L Ensor 5 AliceC, Sailing Along. Pastoral 35570 Empiro 5-S 1:01 fast 8 114 6 5 5 El 5 L Ensor 9 Runstar, Aknusti, Cloughjordaa CARETAKER, b. f, 2 109 Ey Sweep Pliant, by The Commoner, f Trainer, W. Irvine. Owner, E. F. Whitney. 5S2S4 Laurel 55 f l:07fast 9 1091 2 1 3 4 5" E Taylor 10 AlexII., Good Times Ultimata 5S031 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 7 113 4 4 5 6 55 J Butwell 5 Elemental, Oppermn, Yan Star 579D9 Laurel 3-1 l:13fast 19 112 Left at the post. J Rowan 8 Calamity Jane, Relav, Trevelyan 57SGS Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 105 2 3 3 34 2s J Rowan 5 Rocket, Devonite, Sailing Alone 5735G H.deGce 51 f l:073fast 10 113 4 3 3 35 lh J Rowan 8 Fannie Bean, Bountiful. Misdeal 5CG13 Sartoga 5-S 59 fast 6 122 5 5 5 51 6" T Parrton S Dolores, Yashmak, P.QuiRoule 61S7 Sartoga 5-8 l:01mud 12 122 3 1 2 25 31 T Pargtonll Nedna, Roulette. Ultimata D5736 Windsor 65 f 1:11 slop 45 109 1 1 1 1 ll E Taylor 7 Wessie B., S.andBoots, B.Bumpi "3615 Windsor 5-8 l:004.sfast 8 115 4 2 4 53 fi T Pargton 0 Devonite. Capt. Scott, ClaDsman K3520 Ft.Erl 51 f t:07?;fast l-S US 2 1 1 11 1h T Parrton B Ognrite. LtiHlyiraine. WessleB. HEPHAISTOS, b. c, 2 107 By Valcain Neva W., by Rey del Sierras. Trainer, F. E. Brown. Owner, F. E. Brown. 5S281 Empire Ab 3-4 laOjandfast 45 10S 2 11 lh 2"k M Buxton 4 Picnic, IrishBgadr, Chestbrk 5S225 Empire 55 f l:06Sfast 35 114 4 5 5 33 3J L McAtee 7 M.Patricia, Picnic, Chesterhrook 58158 Empire Ab 3-4 l:llgood 7 107 5 3 3 33 21 L McAtee 7 Mawrcoron, Timbrel, Budana 579G9 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 2 115 2 1 1 l3 T L McAtee 8 Fgibhon, T.S.Divon, Nat.Land 57637 Jamaica 55 f l:C0fast 7 106 1 1 2 21 33 A Schugr C Mawrcoron, Leghorn Quesada 57616 Jamaica 55 f 1:07 slow U-5 115 1 1 2 21 435 A Schugr 8 C.McMkin, Venizelos. Repatlon 57196 Aqduct 5-8 l:00good 7 105 5 5 65 33 G W Carllll Bantry Pass, Modesty, Quesada SAILING ALONG, ch. . 2 109 By Ponnant Enchanting, by St. VIotrlx. Trainer, P. H. Mepham. Owner, R. I. Miller. 5S2S1 Laurel 51 f l:07?sfast 31 10S 7 6 7 73 41 J McTagt 10 AlexII., Good Times, Ultimata 5S204 Laurel 3-4 l:124fast 5S 108 3 3 4 4h 3 J McTagt 7 Rocket, Sedge, Ray Jay 5S125 Laurel 3-4 l:14"Afast 30 103 4 3 3 3l 435 J Rowan S Elemental, Fancier Sedge 57970 Laurel 55 f l:0Sfast 6 110 1 2 2 2h 32 E Josiah 13 Opperman. Selota, High C 57SG8 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 9 105 1 2 2 25 41 F Cltiletti S Rocket, Caretaker, Devonite 57721 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 12 102 2 1 1 ll 15 F Cltiletti 8 Fancier, Maryland Belle Moco 5735G H.deGce 55 f l:07fast 36 112 6 4 4 65 761 J Butwell 8 Caretaker. Fuie Bean Bountiful 57450 ILdeGce 3-4 l:14fast 25 103 9 9 8 93 93 H ClcmntslO Fan. Bean, Dvesroost, F.Virginia 373S2 H.deGce 5-8 l:00".f,fast 19 108 9 6 7 81 1014 D Stirling 12 Bountiful, Champiain, All Fair "6073 Sartoga 55 f l:06fast 11-5 96 3 2 1 21 35 C Brning 8 Dunceeap, Btry Pass, Doughnut 55064 Empire 65 f l:08" 6 104 1 2 2 l1 ll F Cltiletti 7 Dunceeap, Zenuotta, Grafs Tree XS42 Empire 51 f l:08fast 13-10 106 6 4 3 4 4 P Morson 8 Simple Simon. Kirtle. Wrecklesi GOOD TII2ES. b. g. 2 107 By Theo. Cook Bounty, by Celt. Trainer, W. Garth. Owner. T. S. Cosdenl, 5S393 Laurel 1 l:41fast 27-5 109 5 3 3 5 oh 6J T Rice 10 Missionary, AllFair, Span Maize 5S284 Laurel 55 t l:07fast 11-5 109 6 4 4 2h 25 T Rice 10 AlexII., Ultimata, SailingAIon" 57892 Jamaica 55 f l:06fast 1 113 5 6 2 25 3s E Sande 9 Chesterbrook, Shaffer, Venizelos 54543 Belmont 5-8 st 574fast 2 115 2 . 7 71 74 W Kelsay 14 Column, NaucyF., Mustard Seed 54053 Jamaica 5-S l:00fast 1-2 109 2 1 1 ll 1 W Kelsay 7 Kai-Sang, Manna, Knot Grass 53S59 H.deGce 45 f 53fast 31-10 116 6 4 3 2l 2nk T Rice 9 St.Maurice, S.Thougbts, O-arite 53G4S H.deGce 1-2 48fast 9f US 9 8 532 T Rice 10 Elemental. Lent, Excuse Me TREVELYAN, ch. c. 2 112 By Trovisco Starry Night, by Star Shoot. Trainer, E. Wayland. Owner, W. J. Salmon. 5S036 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 5 118 4 5 5 5 6C1 J Butwell 5 Prodigious, Fancier, Plucky 57939 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 35 115 3 3 3 31 3 J Butwell S Calamity Jane, Relay, All Over 57642 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 23 115 6 6 7 7s 73 J Butwell 8 All Fair, Dexterous, Champlaia 57532 H.deGce 3-4 1:13 fast 19-10 115 5 4 3 23 l2 J Butwell 9 Rocket. Alex H.. Maryland Bell 57355 H.deGce 65 f l:07?5Slow 14-5 116 7 7 4 3h 3 D Stirling 11 J. Morrill, Gondolier, ChasteStat -fizfiS f.artog.i 3-1 l:13fast S 115 5 C 6 61 E6 L Fator 7 Deadlock, FkFurst, Chesterbrk 56214 Sartoga 65 f l:05fast 10 1055 5 7 7 8s 7,s A Schtgerlo Whiskaway, Pegasus, Kt Grase 55994 Sartoga 51 f l:06fast 30 109 6 6 4 5s 51 L Enor 7 MissJoy, Kai-Saug, LdBtlmw "nG9 Aaduct 5-8 E9yBfast 40 112 10 10 9 8H W RidourlO Sweep By. Bigheart. Pillory HARMONIOUS, ch. c, 2 107 By Prince Palatine Melody, by Meddler. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. L. Ross. 58324 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 11 117 7 6 6 5s 5" H Ericksn 9 Dolores, Yashmak, GWselda 57569 Wdbine 3-4 l:15hvy 5 115 6 5 5 510 52 H Ericksn 6 Stacy Adams, Alva, Elemental 57501 Wdbine 3-4 last 19-10 110 6 4 5 52 455 A Claver 5 John.Dundee, Redstone, Ogarite 57079 Connht 51 f l:07fast 4 109 3 1 1 Is l2 H Ericksn C Overruu, Navisco, Paddle SIXTH RACE 1 1-S Miles. Relviacre :5-yesr-oll.s. AllowanceM. May 17, 1011 1:51 S 112. BILLY McLAUGHLIN, br. c, 3 HO By Wrack Lady Elite, by Order. Trainer, S; KcNaughton. Owner, Foreign Stablo. 5S179 Empire lm70y l:46fast 11-5 US 1 1 1 1 1 lh C Kummer 4 Frigate, Sedgcfield, T.Feathers 57714 Jamaica lm70y l:44fast 13-10 110 2 2 2 2 lh 15 B Marinelli 4 LadyGertrude, St.Allan, Recount 57G19 Jamaica 3-4 l:i:s!ow 4 122 2 G G Gl 45 B Marinelli 8 BonHonime, SeaCove, LastStraw 56777 Belmont 1 1:37 fast 7-5 113 1 2 3 3 3 13 E Sande T. D;irtmoor, Dnhadou, C. Sweeper 5G629 Sartoga 1 l:40lf,slow 7-5 120 2 2 3 2 15 ll L Fator 3 War Note, Servitor 561S2 Sartoga 1 l:37fast 16-5 120 2 1 1 2 42 43 L Fator 5 T.Feathers, OurFlag. BvJiminv 5G299 Sartoga 7-S l:277shvy 11-5 1C0 4 2 1 2 23 21 G W Croll 6 Smoke Screen, Lanius, St.Allan TODY, cb. f. 3 114 By Bard of Hope Telia Doe, by Cyolades. Trainer, M. Hlrach. Owner. M. Htrsoh. 58277 Empire lm70y l:45fast 7-5 111 1 1 2 2 l1 l3 B MariclM 5 Major Parke, Tr.fter, F Foga-tv GS224 Empire 1 1-16 l:47fast 6 114 5 1 1 1 lh 21 B Marielli 7 Reg.Lodge, IrhRealm, Sedgefld 58159 Empire 1 1-16 l:50good 9-5 114 1 1 1 1 1 131 L Fator 3 Escarpolettc, Lady Uertru.i-5S056 Empire lm70y l:45fast 4-5 111 2 1 1 1 1 2 B Marielli 4 DkHill, SammyKelly, JockScit E79G5 Jamaica lm70y 1:44 fast 13-10 102 2 1 1 1 l3 l4 B Marlehl C Mar.Maxim, Edwina. Thlnii.le 57793 Jamaica 3-4 l:13good 10 103 2 3 6 6 6" B Marielli 6 BonHomme, DryMoon. Lttravr 67449 Aqduct 61 f l:19fast 9-5 122 2 3 3 2 2 B Marietli 6 Ten-Lec. AllOver, Com.McMSwln 57351 Aqduct 7-S l:25faat 3 113 2 1 1 1 1U B Marielli 5 K.oft.Hr. Crack o Dawn. Fgl. BTJNGA BUCK. eh. o. 8 110 By Yuloaln JHai7 Orr, by Orlraai. Trainer, J. II. Deaveniiort. Owner, H. Dattner. ,r.SC94 Laurel 1 1-S l:51fast 5 101 2 2 2 2 2Jt 3:1 J Mooney 6 Bygone Days, Dauiask, Lunetta 68231 Laurel 1 l:39fnst C 101 3 2 2 2 21 22 J Mooney 0 SailingB., Luuctta, Slip. Elm t812C Laurel 1 1-10 1:46 fast S 107 6 3 3 4 6 6 R Holway 0 Top Sergeant, Blazes, Lunetta C7SCS Laurel 1 l:41fast 12 112 2 3 3 3 3 451 R Holway 9 Bridesman, Bastille, Jeg C7495 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45good 11 104 5 2 3 3 35 2and E Earnes 7 Rangn, B.ofWhite, UnitedVerde 572CS Latonia 1 l:38fast 11 103 8 C 6 7 2" jj Et Barnes 8 Easteside, Wickford, Dartmoor 571C9 Latonia ll:3Sfast 5 102 4 5 6 5 CJ 5s B Kenndy 9 Advocate, Parader, UnitedVerde I-atonia 1 l:39fast 14-5 111 2 3 3 3 2J 21 S McGraw 0 Ben Valet, Bettlna, Uncle Velo EC672 Dshiro 1 1-16 l:47eood 12 101 3 2 2 2 1and H S McGraw 6 Incog, Irish Kiss. PastoralSwain " TOP SERGEANT, ch. g, 8 114 By Cook o the Walk Fairy Kay, by Radium. Trainer, O. E. Hall. Owner, G. E. Hall. 5f206 Laurel 11:40 fast 19f 115 10 9 8 9 10 109i E Haynes 10 Careful, Tryster, Billy Kelly 58126 Laurel 1 1-1G 1:40 fast 7 111 5 2 2 2 2" 11 L Morris G Blazes, Lunetta, Bygone Days 5andO0S Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 3-2 115 1 3 3 2 24 in A Johnson 5 D.Horse, Bluffer, Superwoman 57869 Laurel 1 l:41fast 33-10 1131 8 6 5 6 6h 51 T Rowan 9 Bridesman, Bastille, Jeg , 57673 Laurel 1 1-16 l:45fast 9 111 1 1 1 1 3 P Cltiletti 4 The Porter, Serapis Super 1 55752 Empire 1 l:41sluw 2 115 2 4 2 2 1 1 E Sande 9 Curfew, Parader. LEclair 65493 Aqduct 1 l:37fast 6 106 2 3 3 3 2 3JF Weiner 3 Queereek, Fair Gain , 65365 Aqduct 1 1:39 mud 5 116 2 1 1 1 21 4" E Sando 8 C.Demon, Ofcw, JohnPanUone 1 54890 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 41 115 7 6 6 3 1 1 E Sande 7 Court View, Two Feathers, Rep C4754 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 4 1121 5 2 2 2 21 6 C Kummerl2 ScotlandTet, OtVicw, V.Regal REGISTRAR, ch. c, 3 110 By Friar Rook Star of Danube, by Star Shoot. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. X. L. Ross. S8120 Laurel 1 1-16 1:46 fast 9 100 2 5 5 5 55 5! E Harbne 6 Top Sergeant, Blazes, Lunetta 57535 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:46fast 13-10 107 1 7 7 7 61 5ci A Claver 7 G. Sphere, BrilntJester, IrishJig 67400 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:05fast 19-5 107 6 1 3 4 7s 9 H Ericksn 9 Extrminator, MyDear, G.Sphere 5C722 B.Bonts 1 1-4 2:06fast 1-2 110 2 1 1 1 ink 2nk II Ericksn 5 Boniface, Padua, K.s Champion CC532 Dorval 1 l:38fast 3-5 110 3 3 3 2 2s 2 H Ericksn 5 NtRaider, LadsLove, KtitshBoy 0408 Windsor 1 1-16 l:49slow 19-10 113 6 6 6 6 6 53 H Ericksn 0 K.Champion, By.Days, T.Archer 56273 Ft Erie 1 1-16 l:45fast 23-10 106 3 1 1 1 l5 1 H Ericksn G Black.Daw, MockOrange, Breeze 5C009 Hamtnn 1 1-8 l:53sfast 19-10 107 2 2 3 3 3l 3 H Ericksn 8 Estero, Lucky B., Runquoi 55680 Windsor 1 l:40fast 5 103 6 7 7 7 4 3s J Gnelsen 8 Dodge, Tippo Sahib, Smart Guy 54578 Dorval 1 l:43slop 3-5 110 3 2 2 2 1 lJ J Grneisen 5 Pimlico, Twopair, Corilla 64486 Wdbine 3-4 l:13zood 7-5 109 3 1 2 2 l1 F Keogh 10 Some Baby, Citizen, Bluffer SCOTLAND YET, b. f, 3 104 By Friar Rock la Patrie, by Out of Reach. Trainer, W. McDaniel. Owner, J. H. Rosseter. 597 Laurel 1 l:40fast 7 9G645 5 G610J Rowan O Lunetta, Muttikins, Rubidium 67228 Aqduct 1 l:3Sfast 12 110 G 6 6 6 6 61 G W Carll G Copper Demon, Frigate, Curfew 57065 Belmont 1 1:38 fast 15 105 1 1 1 2 21 4 G W Carll 4 Dcvastion, T.Fthers, Dmesdale 56401 artoga 1 1-8 l:06hvy 10 109 2 4 4 4 4 4" L Fator 4 Edwina, C.Thierry, L.Emmeline 56320 Sartoga 1 l:38fast 6 107 4 2 2 2 2 2 L Fator 7 Killala, Dartmoor, Sportiboy 56133 Sartoga 3-4 l:12fast 15 111 5 5 4 41 22 J Callahan 5 Ararat, Kirklcvington. Mercury 55992 Sartoga 3-4 1:12 fast 20 121 5 3 5 41 4" A Johnson 9 Reprisal, LoveTap, Kirklington E5343 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:47mud 15 109 1 7 6 6 6 62 H Hamtn 7 Banksia, LtStraw, Chat.Thierry 55147 Aqduct 1 l:3Sfast 8 112 3 3 3 3 41 612 C Kummer 6 V.Regal, C.Demon, JohnP.Jones 54996 Belmont 1 l:S9fast 41 113 3 6 3 3 35 21 H Hamtn 5 J.P.Jones, Dartmr, Houyhnhnm BLUFFER, ch. c. 3 107 By Ballot Hanover Queen, by Hanover. Trainer, P. J. Fox. Owner, Crow Point Stable. 58008 Laurel 1 1-1G l:46fast 7 108 3 4 4 3 3s 37 T Rice 5 T.Sergent, D.Horse, Snpwomn 67894 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 28 108 6 6 6 52 4 J Heupel 6 Caligula, Sailing B., Ararat E7486 H deGce 3-4 l:13fast 7 113 7 6 7 71! 41 J Butwell 9 Aiken, Fitz-Boodle, Bay wood 1 Do Hamton 1 1-4 2:05fast 39 116 6 2 4 5 6 4" E Taylor 6 Golden Sphere, Planet, Pimlico 54646 Tncliffe lm20y 1:46 mud 6 1041 3 J McTagt 4 The Desert, Loui3. Runnyven 54583 Thorncliffe 3-4 l:16hvy 11-5 115 2l L Morris 8 SomeBaby, MollieBarnes, Rajab s 544SS Wdbine 3-4 l:13good 5 108 7 E 4 4 42i A RichcrUlO Registrar, Some Baby, Citizen s 643S8 Wdbine 3-4 1:13 slow 54 99 6 6 6 6 610 R Romelli G BillyKolly, SlippyElm.SomeBaby G1332 Pimlico 1 l:40fast Eif 105 13 12 11 11 121 12s L McAtee 15 IdleDell. Broomspun, BabyGnd 5 5 DUO DE HORN?, br. 0, 3 107 By King James Hortenie II., by Trontbeck. 5 Trainer, H. Rites. Owner, S. L. Jeaklmt. 5 5S356 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 6-5 111 5 5 5 45 4B T Rice 5 Polly Ann, Oriole, Dark Horse , 574S8 H deGce 1 l:41fast 20 1071 5 4 3 5 4:1C Ponce 8 Rubidium, TheArcher, H.Baker 57307 H deGe lm70y l:49slop 15 111 6 6 6 2 1and 2 L Morris 9 CleanGone, N.Raider, Srwoman r 55752 Empire 1 l:41slow 10 115 9 5 3 3 41 G12 C Ponce 9 Top Sergeant, Curfew, Parader j! 65491 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 110 3 1 1 1 2 2!1 J Callahan 4 Devastation, JoanMarie, Sq.Man . 65284 Aqduct 1 l:39fast 16-6 111 5 3 2 3 3s 21 T Rice 5 HoldUp, TheEnquirer, Silence 54195 Pimlico 3-4 l:13slow 13 110 9 7 8 S8 8i F Keogb 9 Super, St. Allan, Lough Swilly : E4025 Pimlico 3-4 l:15hvy 9 105 4 2 2 3 41 S Wida 4 Motor Cop, Dr. Joe, Devildog : GRENADIER, b. c, 3 SI 104 By Fair Play Mission, by Rook Sand. " Trainer, 3. Fitssimmoaf. Owner, Quinoy Stable. 5S2SS Laurel 1 1-S l:54fast 13 102 3 3 4 5 5 5 S Lowe 5 LadsLove, T.Maiden, Rubidium 5S1C5 Laurel 1 l:407hgood 73 102 5 5 5 5 5 C31 J Mooney 5 Gnome, T. Witchet, Step Lightly 5SW4 Laurel lm70y l:44fast 10 103 3 1 1 2 2h 31 S Lowe 4 N.Uaider, Muutulvo, aus.Maiden ; E7S76 Laurel 1 l:41M;fast S3 105 3 1 1 2 51 55i S Lowe 7 Fairway, Night Raider, Servitor j D7M9 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 87 116 12 12 12 10l S6! S Lowe 15 C. o Doom, Colando, Rajah B77C7 Laurel lm70y l:4Cfast 12 108 7 8 9 9 9 9!1 H Hamtn 9 Gallivant, Nor. Choice, Phoenix f7ir.3 Aqduct 1 30 103 3 2 4 4 4 4" T Rice 4 Curfew, GyGables, MlleCadean 266 Aqduct -4 l:13fast 20 112 1 3 4 6 5" T Rice 8 Ruddles, CareFree, PrinceJaine MAfil Jmlo 1-4 1:15 fn.t 15 IIS 6 8 8 8 J Ptftr S niarkKlit. Hnortlltoy. T.nccyVln i SFJVKXTII UACK 1 1 -1 G Miles. Arllnjit"" TramUcsi t. .5-yoar-olirs ami ui-Avsira. Muy U, 1:45 1-5 :i 107. jfjT DEAR, ch. f, 4 110 By King Jaiuaa Bettio Xandon, by SEentona. Trainer. F. Musaate. Owner, F. Kusante. CS20Ti Iaurel 1 1-4 2:04fast 4i 113 0 6 6 4 4s 21 T Pargton G Extermtor, Ilyg.Days, Damask : 57yj Laurel 1 1-2 2:35 slop 11 114 4 6 5 3 22 2J1 T Pargton S Thflorter, Extertor, Capt.Alck ! 57537 AVdbine 1 l:40fast 7-10 118 1 3 3 3 3s l1! J McTast 4 LudyMeave, Muttlkins, Mromelia 57400 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:05fast 5 117 4 5 5 5 42 2n" J McTagt 9 Exterminator, Gn Sphere, Incog 5til92 Ft Erie 1 1-1 2:05 slow x6-5 118 1 4 4 3 3s 2h J McTagt 5 Boniface, Bril.Jester, CleanGonc 561C5 Hamton 1 1-1 2:03 fast S-3 117 5 5 3 2 2s 11 J McTagt fi Lucky 1!., G. Sphere, Betty J. 65893 Kworth 1 1-16 l:49slop 5 116 2 6 6 4 21 2s T Rowan Kinburn, Breeze, Best Pal 53759 K worth 1 1-8 l:54;tood 5 112 1 4 4 3 21 l1 E Taylor 5 Irish Kiss, Estero, Best Pal 557CO Windsor 1 1-16 1:45 fast 9-5 112 2 4 4 3 31 31 T Pargton G BrilltJester, Daydue, K.Thrnsk i 5377 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53M;faat 31 113 3 4 4 3 21! Is T Pargton 7 Sailing B., Pimlico, Lucky B. j BONIFACE, b. h, 6 121 By Transvaal Cerina, by Keddler. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. X. Ross. 57C04 Wdbine 2 1-4 3:56 goodll-10 127 4 6 6 5 410 3J A Claver 7 Louis, Goaler, Parisian Diamond 5740O Wdbine 1 1-4 2:051fast 19-5 12S 3 9 9 7 51 5i A Claver 9 Extrminator, MyDear, G.Sphere SC732 B.Bon ta 1 1-4 2:064 1-2 133 1 4 3 3 22 lnt A Claver 5 Registrar, Padua, K.sCliampion 56192 Ft.Erie 1 1-4 2:05 slow 9-10 126 3 3 3 2 11 1 A Claver 5 My Dear, Bril.Jester, CleanGone 550S4 Connht 1 1-16 l:45fast 3-10 130 2 4 4 4 3l 1" A Claver G Pitnlico, Zouave, Vice-Chairman 54935 Connht 1 l:41fast 1-4 120 3 3 1 1 I2 ll A Claver 4 Manoevre. UncleJolm, WdVlnt 5S47 B Bonts 1 1-8 l:54slop 1-2 126 1 4 4 2 21 l1 H Thurber 7 S.Ueal, KingTlirush. Beaverkill 51523 Mrdbine 1 1-16 l:46good 1 122 7 4 3 3 1" VI F Keogh 8 BabyGrand, IrishKisa, SlipyElm ZiZ WMbina 1 1-8 l:54hvy 7-10 124 1 4 4 4 42 22 F Keogh 5 MyDear, TailorMaid, GndeCause 54169 Pimlico 1 1-16 1:52 hvy 1-2 126 4 4 4 2 21 31 J Butwell 4 SandyBeal, PaulJones, M.Orange 53944 H.deGo 1 1-16 l:48Vmud 4-5 126 1 4 3 2 ll lk J Butwell 6 Star Voter, My Dear, Sandy BeaJ BABY GRAND, b. c. S 110 By GraniteBtbe, by SEoCJta. Trainer, H. McDaniel. Owner, J. K. X. Ross. 582S6 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 18-5 115 6 2 1 1 lh 1 C Lang 8 The Archer. Bridesman, Faunus 5iK;i Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 9-10 111 3 3 3 21 1 C Lang G Step Lightly, Ararat, Motor Cop i 57S97 Laurel 3-4 1:12 fast 6 113 2 2 2 21 22 W Kelsay 4 Careful, P.oflndia, MinutuMau 67802 Laurel 3-4 1:15 slop 23-10 118 3 3 3 3 22 W Kelsay 3 Bygone Days, Ararat 57635 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:46fast 13-10 119 G 2 3 3 3s 4 W Kelsay 7 G.Sphere, HiiintJester, IrishJig 57408 Wdbine 3-4 1:13 fast 1-2 120 1 3 3 21 l1 W Kelsay 5 LastOne, LadyMeave, Hildur 66773 B.Bonts 1 l:2Sfaat 3-4 117 1 1 1 1 l2 1 J Gnelsen 5 Slarltealm, BettyJ., Par.Diamd 1 Ef,326 Ft.Erie 1 1-16 l:43good 17-5 118 2 2 2 6 31 22 H J Burke G IJr.Jester, Black.Daw, M.Orange i EM48 Sartosa 1 l:37fast 6 104 1 4 6 4 42 4"i J Clieisen 5 SeugsPk, Therclap. PaulJones 1 BRIDESMAN, b. h, 6 114 By Xonowand Fleur dOrase, by WiUltni tkt Trainer, T. Moran. Owner, W. X. S. Martin. Third. 5S28G Laurel 1 1-10 l:46fast 16-3 118 2 4 u 6 4i 3J J Callahan S I.nliyGrand, TheArcher, Faunus , I 5S1S3 Laurel 1 1-8 l:53vifast 6 JIG 5 4 3 4 3 2 J Callahan 5 ISlazes, KgsChampion, Fairway 5MJ07 Laurel 1 l:39fast 17-10 119 3 4 4 4 4 41 J Callahan 5 Miu.Man, Uastille, SlipperyElui 578C9 Laurel 1 l:41fast 5 119 1 1 1 1 11 ll J Callahan 9 Bastille, Jeg, Bunga Buck 57645 Laurel lm70v l:45fast 6 116 1 4 4 4 4 441 J Callahan 4 Tip.Witchet, DaikHorse, Gnome , 57-S8 H.deGce 1 llVifast 27-10 118 7 7 8 7 72 621 J Callahan 8 Rubidium, TheArcher, H.Baker : 57287 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:47fast 1 118 3 2 2 1 2 lnt J Callahan 5 Servitor, Belario, Clean Gone 57303 ILdeGce 3-4 l:13slop 26 110 8 9 5 62 E11 J Callahan 9 Careful, Tippity Witchet, Serapli i BILLY MCLAUGHLIN, br. c, 3 115 By Wrack Lady Elite, by Order. , Trainer, S. McNaughton. Owner, Foreign Stable. 5S179 Empire lm70y l:4Gfast ll-5 US 111 1 lSP C Kummer 4 Frigate. Sedgefield, T.Foathnrs 57714 Jamaica lm70y l:44fast 13-10 110 3 2 2 2 1 11 B Marinelli 4 LadyGcrtrudc, St.Allan, liecount 57C19 Jamaica 3-4 1 :13Vislow 4 122 2 6 i Gi 4- J Marinelli 8 ISonllonime. SeaCoVe, LastStraw 5 6777 Belmont 1 1:37 fast 7-3 113 1 2 3 3 3 13 E Sande 5 Dartmoor, Debadou, C. Sweeper E6G29 Sartoga 1 l:40slow 7-5 120 2 2 3 2 ll l1! L Fator 3 War Note, Servitor 5C1S2 Sartoga 1 l:37fast 16-5 liO 2 11 2 4; 45:j L Fator 5 T.Fcathers, OurFlag, Ry.Tiininy 56399 Sartoga 7-8 l:27hvy 11-5 100 4 2 1 2 2s 2i G W Croll G Smoke Screen, Lanius, St.Allan SLIPPERY ELM, br. g, 8 103 By Bannockbum Schwalbe. by Bain. Trainor, R. A. Smith. Owner, Snnnyland Stablal. 5S231 Laurel 1 l:39fast 21-5 10S1 1 4 4 4 41 41 L Morris 6 SailingB., BungaRnek, Lunetta i 5S100 Laurel 1 l:40iifast 13-10 114 5 5 4 3 32 43J L Morris 5 Bastille, Dresden, Minute Man 68007 Laurel 1 l:39fast 21 112 1 3 3 3 31 31 L Morris 5 Min.Mau, Bastille, Bridesman 5E0O2 Dshire 1 1-16 l:45fast 3-5 110 3 2 1 1 ll It L Morris 0 Besthoff, Daydue, Sandy Beal 55D79 Dshire 1 1-16 l:44Vfast 13 107 2 2 2 2 Ink 11 L Morris 4 Thunderclap, Dresden, Breeze 65338 Hamtn lm70y l:47goodll-10 110 1 3 4 4 Sa C12 L Morris 7 Tailor Maid, MockOrange, Brze s E5244 Hamton 1 1-8 l:53fast 9 108 3 1 2 2 2i 67 L Morris 8 Goaler. King Thrush, CleanGone s 64522 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:46good 14-5 103 3 2 2 2 32 4J F Veiner 8 Boniface, BabyGrand, Irish Kiss i 54422 Wdbine 1 1-8 l:54hvy 12-5 107 4 2 2 2 3l 6i L Morris 5 My Dear, Boniface, Tailor Maid BELXSOXAR, b. m. 6 95 By Bolar Star Kitty Bollo Brooks, by Oliffori. Trainer, T. Koran. Owner. VT. X. S. Martin. 5S231 Laurel 1 l:39fast 51 9S 5 6 6 6 6 6s J Callahan G SailingB., BungaBuck, Lunetta 57940 Laurel 1 1-S l:52M;fast 10 107 6 6 4 5 7s 74i J Callahan S Damask, Gnome, Blazes 57590 H.deGce 1 1-S l:52fast 7 109 5 S 8 8 72 ol J Callahan 9 Capt.Aleock, Tryster, ThePorter 67322 H.deGe lm70v l:43fast ?2-5 105 5 5 5 4 32 11 J Callahan 5 Serapis. By Jiminy, Ralco 57163 Belmont 2 3:29fast 13-5 104 2 1 2 2 2 2 J Callahan 2 Exterminator E6612 Sartoga 1 1-4 2:03fast 3 116 5 4 4 4 35 21! J Callahan 5 C. Thierry, Lunetta, L.Emmeline . 0564 Sartoga 1 3-16 l:57fast 15 104 6 7 7 7 6s 32 J Callahan 7 Extator, MdHatter, YellowHd j 56507 Sartoga 1 l:37faat 6 107 4 4 3 3 3lJ 321 J Callahan 4 S.Screcn, L.Gertrude. Koutletee LIGHT ROSE, ch. f, 3 102 By Light Brigade Hindoo Rose, by Hindoo Trainer, K. Patterson. Owner, Salapa Farm Stable. 5S227 Empire lm70y l:43fast 1 105 4 3 1 1 l1 l2 L Fator 4 Edwina, L.Gertrude, Electedll. 58197 Empire lm70v l:46fast 31 106 5 3 4 3 31 3J L Fator 0 Tuftur, Vvliisk, Sunnyland 67891 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 41 113 9 9 6 Cl 43J A Schugr 9 Squaw Man, Frigate, Siren Maid J 7638 Jamaica lm70y l:44fast 11-5 111 2 4 3 3 3s 3 A Schugr 5 GeaieW., I.Dream, K.ofT.Hther f 675S2 Jamaica lm70y 1:45 fast 9-5 100 6 G 4 3 2 1 B Marielli 6 JockScot, K.of theHeather, Re? ? 57S27 Aqduct 61 f l:19good 4 100 2 2 2 11 121 B Marielli 4 Wr.r Xofe, St. Allan. Bcckna 5523 Sartoga 3-4 l:llfast 12 1041 8 11 11 92 8" L McAtee 12 V.oftheMoon, Polythia, L.Straw 56491 Sartoga 7-8 1:25 fast 31 108 1 1 1 1 2 3 C Robson 9 TheLamb, T.McTagt, O.Hshler 55996 Sartoga 1 l:3Sfast 15 95 2 5 4 4 4s 4i J Callahan 7 Devastation, Valor, Sundial II. ANTOINETTE, b. m. 6 95 By Suitoi Vtcalsxatte, by Prlton?. Trainer, W. S. Walker. Owner, J. E. Madden. 5S233 Empire 1 1-4 2:0Sifast 15 103 1 2 1 2 2l 221 L Fator 0 Diomedes, L.Emeline, P.McGee B 5S094 Empire 1 1-S l:554fast 30 106 4 5 5 3 4ll 6!1 T Brooke 11 Orderly, Cote dOr. PirateMcGee j 67942 Laurel 1 l:43fast 19 102 6 7 7 7 7 7J T Brooke 7 L.Lusury, W.Bedotte, M. Filley 1 67CG9 Laurel 1 l:42fast 23 104 2 7 7 6 81 71 T Brooke 9 Pibroch, Sunny Hill, KiugGeorge e 57501 Wdbino 1 3-16 2:02 fast 6 107 7 1 1 1 ln 6"! T Brooke 11 Austral, Rouen, Trickster II. 57375 Thclirfe Iin70yl:4::Oi,ast 19-5 101 ll T Brooke 9 B. Peddler, Joaquina, Winneenne ? 572.S7 Thcliffo l:n70y l:4ivifast 41-10 107 5s T Brooke 9 Sentimental, G.Dawu. B.Peddler r