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RA C i N G IN iIMTER PARADISE Eighth Season of the Cuba - American Jockey and Auto Club Opens Thursday, November 24, 1921, and Continues 100 or More Days at Oriental Park - Marianao, Cuba ENTRIES FOB 22 STAKES CLOSE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Grand Prize of Cuba 5,000 Added ONE MILK AND ONE-EIGHTH. Cuban Derby 5,000 Added FOR NOW TWO-YEAR-OLDS ONE MILE AND ONE-EIGHTH. Grand National Handicap 0,000 Added NE MILE AND ONE-EIGHTH. Cuba Produce Stakes RST PART m 0,000 Added II FOR NOW YEARLINGS, FOALED IN CUBA FOUR FURLONGS. Cuba Produce Stakes ECOND PART 0,000 Added I FOR NOW TWO-YEAR-OLDS, FOALED IN CUBA ONE MILE. PRESIDENT ZAYAS HANDICAP CC nnn INDEPENDENCE HANDICAP OK 00 APtTV ATlDFT ONE MILE AND ONE-Q,UARTER. vPJjUUU AVUXtD OXE MIIjE ANU ONE-ETGIITH. tfdjUUU CUBA THREE-YEAR-OLB CHAMPIONSHIP CUBA TWO-YEAR-OLDCEAMPIONSHIP gQQQ ED 9QQ0 ADDED CHRISTMAS HANDICAP 0 Hfin nm m YEAR HANDICAP CQ 110 ADDED iiJJiJ-L,ii aJJUXii ONE MILE AND FUiTY YARDS. ONE 3IILE AND THREE-SIXTEENTHS. tfdjUUU THANKSSIVDIG HATOJICAJ ,000 iMBJMICg.;. 000 ADDED UNION CLUB HANDICAP Claiming fff A-pm ROTARY CLUB HANDICAP 00 flfln ADDED UXilJ ONE MILE AND ONE-SIXTEENTH. tfJjUUU iUJU-BU FIVE AND ONE-HALF FURLONGS. tJdjUUU CARIBBEAN STAKES Claiming: 00 Kflf ATimil M0RR0 CASTLE HANDICAP , 00 Kflfl ADDFD ONE MILE AND ONE-SIXTEENTH. .f JUU slx FURLONGS. CUBA-AMERICAN HANDICAP OO Cnfl mwvt MARIANAO HANDICAP Claiming 00 nflR ADDFD tmVEHJ FOR NOW TWO-YEAR-OLDS SIX FURLONGS. iJjCjUUU SIX FURLONGS. ANTILLES STAKES aaimms ,000 ADDED CUBA JUVENILE STAKES M.OOO ADDED FURLONGS. VtjUUU FOR NOAV YEARLINGS FOUR FURLONGS. V-juuu HAVANA ELECTRIC LIGHT and POWER HANDICAP Claiming 00 Kfif ADDED JJJ-a ONE MILE AND ONE-SIXTEENTH. OjJUU Overnight Purses 00, ,000, ,500 Daily. Mo Purse Less Than 00 Full Values of Stakes and Purses Paid in United States Currency $ 1 f 0,000 Added to Stakes. Over 50,000 to Winning Owners PASSPORTS TO CUBA ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED AH Horse Shipments By Express Cars Through from Shipping Point Direct to Oriental Park Without Change THOS. MONAHAN, FRANK J. BRUEN, M. NATHANSON, President. General Manager. Racing Secretary. ADDRESS APPLICATIONS FOR BLANKS AND STABLING TO P. J. BRUEN General Manager, Oriental Park, Marianao, Cuba J. F. MILTON Hotel Rennert, Baltimore, Md. C. CORKEHLSEN 254 Cumberland Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. E. JASPER 2412 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio AGENT AT KEY WEST, FLORIDA A. C. ELGIN Notice! Notice! I have done no advertising: for several months, doins: business ocly with regular patrons. I have just received word from my track man, who is at PIMLICO, and he informs me he has THREE EX-TEA SPECIALS, the first going: next SATURDAY, the other two next week, and also states will win with an even break at good odds. TEEMS: FIVE DOLLARS the three, with any extra information I get. I will also handle BOWIE, as I have instructed my man to send me a. wire daily. Here is your chance to get in on real track information at small ccst and get yourself a bank roll for NEW ORLEANS. My man leaves after BOWIE and I expect a banner season. Enuf sed. Watch me. BOWIE, FIVE DOLLARS the meeting, eleven racing days. Ex-Jockey Marshall INITIALS E. J. 413 Standard Trust and Savings Bank Bldgr., Chicago Suhsr.ribfi fnr Dailv Rariina Form DAILY RACING FOR5T PUBLISHING CO. A41 PT.YKOUTR flOIIPT OWIOAGO. TXT.. 157- 15B East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y- J. F. "Lucky" Baldwin SATURDAYS SPECIAL WON. MISSIONARY 4.50 WON ANOTHER SPECIAL THURSDAY Can you use real, honest information information on horses tha are well meant information on horses that few mistakes are made with? If so, dont hesitate; rush your correct address at once. TERMS Send me by wire, after you collect yours, the winnings of a 0 straight play. My obligations come high, therefore I depend upon your honest cooperation. I cannot win if you lose. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER SPORTSMAN .10-52 WON was Saturdays "Best Bet." Dont fail to get todays sheet. 50c daily at all newsstands. NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING C. Room 411 Baltimore BIdg. Chicago, 111. If you want live ones get the OLD RELIABLE STANDARD. 35c at all newsstands. Gives the best line on all the sleepers at all leading tracks. Todays Form Special: No. 423, Book 755. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form THE MONTHLY FORM BOOK containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of OCTOBER, will be on sale TODAY NOON. PRICE .00 lingle copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent aa registered mail, witi tin extra charge of ten cents for registration. Mot responsible for books sent as regmlar mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO: 441 Plymomtk Coir ---.. Chicago, Illinois 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - New York, N. 74 Exohaiure Street Buffalo. H. .