News About French Racing: Prince Aga Khan Improving Hildreths Old Training Quarters, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-11


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NEWS ABOUT FRENCH RACING ♦ I Prince Aga Khan Improving Hil- 1 clreths Old Training Quarters. ; • i Maisons-Laf f itte s Growing Popu- ] larity — Courses Picturesque Setting Saved by American. ♦ i PARIS. France, January 25.— Owing to th» distance from Talis and the principal rare courses ftround the capital. Chantill.v as a training center neeins to be less attractive to trainers than ever this ye;ir and there have been several removals to liaisons I.affitte. The convenience of the latter place 1-. so marked that more than two-thirds of the French hordes in training are at nrex-nt located j there. Several blocks of stables have been erected, or are in course of erect ion, and houses are almost j larfsassMe la net. It is in Mall— laffllla that the I «-iubli~hiiiciit of the Aga Kli;m is situated and W. Duke the tranMC and manag-r of this newcomer to Hi.- Kicncli mrf. is having exteaaiVC improvements made, so that lei- stable will be thoroughly up to aate. u la the place waieu laai Ilildreth used when heie and ce-t the pi inc. sonic S7Y000. Being «.ni.v sbout a stanaa tinow from the nwe causae, it will be especially caarealeat, aa Puke iias a -table furl oi two -year olds, and aaare raeea for Juveniles lake place 1 1 Mnissmi-Iaffitta tlim any wnare elae la Fraace The demand for ni.i •• living accommodations at Mais-ons-I affItte has recently given rise to a controversy between I he municipal authorities and various building contractor-. These latter applied for power to put up saase villas aaaag the asligntful rising ground between the chateau of Maiaaaa and Ihe rive: Seine, which would iiave iom-pleiely robbed tlie alstorir .astle of i- niagnifii en; view. .iiKi after nturn legal raatrwretaa it was found that I sum of *:_." . 000 would tare the site from the hands of unseal uaeatal builders. FRANK GOULD TO THE RESCUE. The raising of ihis aeeaai d at Oral a lif fir-iil t p; oposition Em Ihe niniiicip.i ! rawaril, but the American owner. Mr. Frank .lay uruase real-dence is in the adjoining park, near the race course has offered io find s]J .".00 if the other half is forlh coming in a Stated tuae. There is every prospect of the conditions beag fulfilled and the beauty af the chateau landscape being preserved. The current issue of the "Ballet Sa des Sleeple •" cntain- elaborate derail* of the huagei t"i 1!IL"J It iiad been uiiotl u la lly annoiincc.l that a substantial ISnac tlaa in Mi.k.- :. v would he nee eaaarjr. hut few wee prepared "or the draxtu cuiiing down whtca aa* heea decided upon. Pram ll.4W.Slft, whicii represented last rears ; fore* .lie amount has fallen |« |S7S.SKi lot the present year. Auteuil. Which, af .our-". Is Ihe lii;.*:.-; saarce of revenue io the Roclete wen Bteeplechaaea. BM been granlcil gggandMS, aboui I million and : half les* than laal year. The Rraad St. ■ ateeaaai i- worth only *?.•_. 000. and the Graad Hurdle Kac gigaaa. The Graaa sieepie. -base af ItSI was wart* .v4o.«UMi aad the Grand Bardie Race .v.iummi There i- a long liM of minor prises whi.ii have Been re ducerl in value, and the program far the opening fixture Fehcwarj Is ihawa thai the srhease of r« .hiction has aeea drastics 11 j applied ill around. Hatlier Larauaa e, ■ rteaca aresaVr. has parchased the i:ngiish stalliaa Kowlsad. by Pietna— fialeta. by l.ail..-. Kowh.nd raced lea liases, fialshiaf first or -econd in serea af sis engagements Among hH rictaries was the flaadaroad Plate. Be is ■ half brother to Amadis. which WBS unbeaten ts S tUtee- w-.n olil and which i- the -ire of Paxhall Keeues Iu-s in Baats .oit. Taphaat, now a two year oU. H. Fog. i.e l.eigii. who recently rhdted ihe Halted Mates m search af Jockey* to ride in franc.-, aa* reaaaaed charge of h:- exteaaise traiaiag establish meut at Ma l-on- fitt. . The Daw Pecaaes has finally raaipleted arrange inenl- and -igned a Caattacl Willi the Ain-ri. ■:: i. lackey Walter Miller, whs will ride the Dae* horse* hath on the fb:t and erer the faasps during tic coming seaaaa la France. A ♦

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Local Identifier: drf1922021101_10_1
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