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i.-ouiej. Conley. * J vw **~ v.. v v — .»...». « — FIRST RACE ..-H Mile. Tid Hit* lur*e. —- €■!! r-old*. Mhiniinccs. ,l:in. IS, IMS — :t4 :t-5 — z — in. Index Course Dist TinvTckOdds V! St i ». ;;i Str Kin Jockeys Started Order of TETER BROWN, b. g. 2 116 By Star McGee — Bessie Keougb, by Peter McCue. Trainer, F. W. Staton. Owner. J. Brown. h »::7 P.Gnda J-3 •;" k*rjr "" •• -h 8*4 J " Mnev 7 Duster. Prince K.. I/eslie 6Pt :» F.Gnda 3-8 SHfcfaat 12 Ml « 3 II J D Mnej-12 BillvCibson, Bet. Puck, T.CIstei LESLIE. Ok. c. 2 116 By Mont dOr or Peter Quince— Skyo, by Goldcrest. Trainer, J. M. Good*. Owner, J. M. Qoodo. ■00S7 P.Gada 3-1 ■■• li-y IS LIS -1 5 4*| E Pool 7 Dealer, Prince K.. Peter Brown 1 IWR9 P.Gnda 3-1 38%bvjr 13-M 110 J 2| 1"k V. Pool 9 B.Gihson. Koellin, Bil Whiskers 1 BSSJS F.Gada 3-8 B faat i in I *i *T H J ParkulS K. Williams. Prin-e K.. Daoiei 6r»rH»; V G*a4kl 3 8 7"5hvy 16 IH S H *• S MeOtrnw IS Hnghle, Bet. Duck. T.MskbuiM DEARIE, b. f, 2 M 107 By Sweep — Experience, by Knight of the Tbiitle. Trainer, W. Woodard. Owner. W. Woodard. BMOI P.Catda "• I le%faal Vk IM l i -i i kfarrla 12 Ifaeeette, OeMeafVwk, Sj.artma BM73 F.GaOk 3-8 I8%fcvy -"-4 114 5 7» f,°% 1 Morris 8 ladyBoss. St. Angelina, kTaeatte BffTIS F.GBNfa S-i Sniorad I 113 Z -h i Morris 11 AnltaHptou, Pelusire, Athlete 9fi76 P.G*a*ta 3-8 SfUfaat SM 114 7 7» 7" L Morris 12 M. Minerva, KpieS., St. Angelina 1 HUGH1E. b. c. 2 116 By Vandergrift— Caller Ou, by Oddfellow, Trainer, A. G. Blakely. Owner, W. Daniel. 59840 P.Gnda ••-8 MT-.Jivy S 116 S •" ti M Garacr 7 Carta, Daniel, Prince K. t9716 P.GaOa 3-S :% hvy 7 US 1 4J 4« Bfl Garner 9 Prince K., Nowata, Daniel ■OHM P.GaaTe 3-8 ;:0 fast 7 118 2 4 4»S M iaraiT 12 K. Williams. Prince K., Daniel ■?56 P.G*ada S-S 37hvy R-f lit 1 l1 lj M darner 12 Bet. Puck. T.Muleskinner, Leslie * 69372 F.Gnda 3-8 36y6faat 18-5 116 1 i* V M Garner 12 Daniel, Better Luck, Old Top JOSEPHINE C. ch. f, 2 110 By Jim Gaffney — Wavering, by Maria Santa. Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner, 3. J. Murphy. ■CM P.G*ada 1-8 BHbvy 12 II" S 5* 1 T, Morris 2 Athlele, T.Muleskinr, LGnffy ."•9799 K.Gnds M 81 hvy 2« 114 7 7* 7 l T Partou |2 Marj.Wood, S.Agellna, Kpied t.959.1 ?".G,nds 3-8 SI fast 60 113 9 9« S« T Pargtonl2 K. Williams. Prince K.. Daniel LADY BOSS. ch. f. 2 113 By Manager Wait* — Viola Guild, by Maaette. Trainer. G. Zeigler. Owner, W. F. Ormsbee. .•9973 F.Gnda 8-8 n8,hvy 16-0 111 - V I* B Pool 8 SI .Angelina, Mascotte. Sperbum 69676 K.GndH 3-8 I 114 3 3 4« C Turner 12 M.Minerva, KpieS., St.Anpelina , 69412 F.GndH 3-8 3T.%fast 6 114 6 4" 2" C Turner 12 K.Williams, Nowata. Kewpie 8. " THE MULESKINNER, b. c. 2 113 By Zeui— Romania, by Peep oDay. Trainer, D. R. McDaniel. Owner. R. J. Brown. MHO FGmis 8-8 8f*4ataer 6 116 1 lj l4 J Hutweil 12 UGaffaey, Patrolman. M.GIain ■ BOM lGnds :i-8 :;s livy 7-5 US 1 S4 :•" H King 7 Billy Whisker-. Athlete. Bacchus * ;.99:c P.Gada :t-8 ::8,slivy i U2 7 l| 3"k h King 12 SeaaakkeeC., Athlete, UGatfaaj 1 ,r9889 F OndH :;-8 38%b*y I 118 I 4ny ""J B Marieili J Islie, Billy Gibson, KoelHa 69629 V f.nds V.-H lifaat 8] 115 1 7i 8« C Turner 12 Pet. Brown, Bil. Gibson. Bet. Luck 1 MOS P.G*adbl S-8 ITSjklJ 7 116 6 24 S» Q W Car1112 Huphie, Better Luck, leslle 69452 KGnda 3-8 36 Blow 20 115 I 34 4* G W Croll 10 Prince K., Delusive, Old Top 69372 F.Gnds 3-8 36Vkfast IB 115 t 8 8» G W Car1112 Daniel. Better Luck, Hughl* THE ULSTER, b. c, 2 M 110 By The Curragh— Islrose, by Isidore. Trainer. B. Williams. Owner, B. Williama. 69629 F.Gnda 3-8 3576faat 25 115 12 44 Il F Chiavta 12 Pet. Brown. Bil. Gibson. Bet Luck DANIEL, ch. c, 2 116 By Rock View — Marie Franoea, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, A. Simons. Owner. Orleans Stable. tiHK7 F Gnds 3-8 37 hvy 3-2 1 c. 4 62 i i E Ambrse 7 Duster, Prince K.. Peter Brown 1 59840 FGnds 3-8 IIQJIIJ 8| 116 I 2» 1* F Cltiletti 7 Corto, Prince K., Hughie r.9716 F.Gnds 3-8 36 hvy 7-5 118 2 3* 3« F Cltiletti 9 Prin.eK.. Nowata, Hughie 59593 F Gnds 3-8 35 faat 8 118 1 H 3J F Cltilettll2 K.Williams. Prin.eK., Hughie 69372 F.Gnds 3-8 36y«fast 4-6 115 1 1* P 8* Cltilettil2 Better Luck, Hughie, Old Top BLUE BIRD, br. f, 2 M 107 By Zeus — Ravenroost, by Prince of Monaoo. Trainer, R. E. Watkins. Owb"t, R. E. Watl"n». 69676 F Gnds 3-8 34%fast R 114 8 61 «*i J D Mney 12 M. Minerva, KpieS., St. Angelina * 69593 F.Gnds 3-8 35 fant M 107 6 6J fH J D Mneyl2 K. Williams, Prince K., Daniel 69553 F.Gnds 3-8 36 Blow 6 114 8 riW" D Connllyll Duster. Corto, Kewpie S. LAURA GAFFNEY, br. f, 2 M 107 By Jim Gaffney— Laura, by Goldcreet. Trainer, W. Shields. Owner, J. L. Holland. 0;ll! F.Gnds 3-8 36slov 44 US 6 3J 2« K Pool 12 T.Mnleskinr. Pfltluian. M.Clre e 59935 F.Gnds 3-8 SSVihvy 12 107 1 4nk 4J E Pool 12 JphineC, Athlete, T.Mnleskinr r 59533 F.Gnds 3-8 36%hvy 7 102 9 61 712 G Brenlngl2 Nowata, RoslelL, MarJorleWood 1 STYLISH MISS, b. f, 2 M 107 By Granite— Intricate, by Haatinca. Trainer, C. F. Clark. Owner, J. H. Louchhelm. 6140 F.Gnds 3-8 35%fast 50 116 10 9* 9n7 G Walls 12 Mascotte, Dearie. Golden Fork 69553 F.Gnds 3-8 36 slow 30 114 7 U U1* G Walla 11 Duster, Corto, Kewpie 8. . . . J BESSIE LEIGHTON. ch. f, 2 M 107 By Warmleighton— Bessie Moore, by Hastings. Trainer, H. Roseacher. Owner, H. Roseacher. M48 F.Gnds 3-8 3T.*5fast 6 116 7 «h S*| C Ponce 12 Mascotte, Dearie. Coldeu Fork 59799 F.Gnds 3-8 37 hvy 8 114 11 12 12-2 C Ponce 12 Marj.Wood, S.Agelina, KpieS. First start for the following: JOHN Q. KELLY, b. c, 2 M 110 By Ultimus— Event, by Adam. Trainer, L. Cahn. Owner, T. J. Pendergast. THE PLAINSMAN, blk. c, 2 M 110 By Dick Welles— Edna Shannon, by Onondaga. Trainer, J. S. Ownbey. Owner, J. S. Ownbey. NIGHT LIGHT, ch. c, 2 M 110 By Prince Hermis— Flash of Ni«ht. by Prince of Trainer, R. Vestal. Owner, G. L. Blackford. Monaco.