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i j i | I | . I I i i i The American Racing Manual FOR 1922 . — — *- -o — • — — The EsicycJopedia of Thorouhbreddom ENGRAVED DIAGRAMS OF THIRTY-TWO LEADING AMERICAN RACE COURSES, WITH THEIR LOCATIONS, CAPACITIES. CHUTES, STANDS. WIDTH OF TRACKS AND LENGTH OF STRETCHES IN DETAIL J I THE 1922 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to |J j date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds, the three tables Ml i o have all been modernized into fifths. Before tie tables and their i[ ||! application charts is an introduction and general directions for ]| handicapping- by the late Nin S. Hand, an expert of the first class li I II »0000d 00»00»»»0»0 0.»0»00000d 000d 00»000»000 0e0ed » 000000»0d dl LEATHERETTE BOUND, .60 : : : : : PAPER BOUND, .10 Fu!l Purchase Price Wust Accompany Each Order THE 1922 LEATHERETTE COVERED BOOK IS A DEPARTURE FROM THE OLD STYLE. IT IS MOST SERVICEABLY BOUND, GOLD LETTERED AND FLEXIBLE With this eminently handy book any admirer of racing can readly answer almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing in the past. Its equal has never been printed and, considering the topics it covers, it is an extremely low-priced book of general and correct turf information tO»t»O»»»»OO»O»OOOOO»»OO»»»OO»OO»OOO»»»O0»»»»»»OO»OOt»»O« ♦ THE AMERICAN RACING MANUAL | X lx :i copyrighted] n mh H a.t»a ». Its eainitenitn snnial not lie used iiiliout A T permission. Il:c inallrr it; ! lie p.-ics of Tlsej A nicrii.i n It:i -inu Han* ♦ n:il i.s •rtuTiuUnJ antl IMM been vvritttii anil *oin]»ile i li its editors :in«l ♦ X si :i I ist iein ns. Iroof of oriu i n:i I i is re.-| l in t-use | :-ot e -t ion li;is in X X be sought against nil. ml lioi-i/.«-d ciijiyisls. DAILY RACING fORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO, nXINOIS 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK CITY 74 EXCHANGE STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. ; ■ I ■ - EDWARD J. McGRATH 168 E. 74TH STREET. NEW YORK CITY. My Thursday special. LITTLE AMMIE. lost. No excuses, gentlemen: just read the chart of the race. To those who have previously subscr.bed I I will furnish them with a wire during the week i of Feb. 13. 1922. mentioning1 a horse that my connections are priming. They are waiting for a fast track to unfold this thoroughbred, and in their estimation they intend to surpass PELHI MAID 15-1 WON; January 23. NEW CLIENTS WILL REMIT 5.00 FOR THIS j SPECIAL. 1 i TRICKSTER II 7-5 WON, was yesterdays BEST BET. VETO 5-2 WON was Thursdays LONG SHOT SPECIAL. We are hitting our stride now. Don t wait until | we hang another record. GET TODAYS. 50c— DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50c. Mailed Direct. 1 week. .00: 2 weeks, .00. NATIONAL 0 K. PTJB. CO. 411 Baltimore Bids Chioaeo. Ill | - 1 • J Annual Racing Form for 1922 Is Now On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. 157-169 EAST 32nd STREET. NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. M. Y. FREE BOOK !! lilt GUARANTEE SVSTEM har. published a book winch BUWWI in detail resultr. of this System for pa«: two years, whicii should prov. interesting 10 turf followers inasmuch as it won o;i every track in U. S. and Canada during 1S20-1S21. Won at New Orleans week ending Feb. 4th ,210.35. Tijuana 6.00. Play at or away fraaa tlie track; ONE BEST or the entire card. Results rnodjrate but positive. I! you expect fabulous returns dont inquire. An INVESTMENT, not a speculation. Our GUARANTEE: Must win its cost in three days or mo: ay refunded. Is this "fair enough" The Guarantee System is copyrighted and fully protected and is on file in U. S. Patent Office and with this publication. Write for the free book. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin Street Baltimore, Md. GET THE THOROUGHBRED if you want winners. New Book on cale at all newsstands. 35c. TODAYS EEST: Rush-West-See-Can-End-Ate. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. ■ Estab. 1907 Chicago, 111. ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— Latest REPORTER. Good for all r.cxt we-jk. Costs only 35o, SATURDAYS X SPECIAL: No. 105. THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincr St. CEstab. 1904 Chicago, 111. GET NEW BOOK ON SALE NOW If you want to get a line on the live ones. 35c it all i:ewtt?.:ids. Todays Form Special: April-Grape-44-21-58-34. imtM «TAND*ni T1TRF ,niK. Room 403. 22 West Quincy St Chicago, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form