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. . r t . . , I J • ; j ] i s TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1922. nine mil.. Sixty-fifth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meetiag of 125 , t more day-. V/eatlier cloudy: temperature 85 . Presidiim Steward. Framis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, Hairy Morrissey. Racing Secretary, Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:58 p. m. Chicago time 3:" p. aa.. *Indicates apprentice allowance. Ok-g CT«[ FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191and— 1 :05 -,—3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-OvXtPt olds and upward. Claiming-. Not value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt li i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt " MM8 -MIKE DIXON w 6 111 :i :; ;; . ::; ::3 1! Gross P Dwycr 3KVsM .".: ." 2 *SADIK D. w 7. MB 1 1 1 i 1*1 l1 - J Hunmer H Vanrooy MMBB 6*050 *KLMONO w :: f. 12 1* f* 2i -- ?.3 T Wilson McDowell Pros t.O-loo 600t5*CHAS. CANNELLws 11 IO*. :. 4 ;,- i*] i- 4a ■ Ralls IVlt.r Bros 21fio-100 5946«* MARION FLUKE wa 4 102 ■ S fil 6- ll- .- W Dean L C.albraith M SbBB4*AL WICK w93M 7 : l N J fi C Btader A M Cray IBaVM BBSSS FTTZGEBAIjD ws 12 112 1 7 7- 7- 7i 7- T Rao P A Sandidge tBaaVM 5B8B4 CANVASBACK ws :, 11:. la u mi 10 in- s c Brawn E Winters itio-ioo ««•»•» 1 CRACK W. w 9 inn 11 12 12 111 11 :" ■ Noble G Todd , ." !!." MAR.L M1CNOX W 4 107 1 . t- .»- f b" H Fator I, P.rown MBh-MB B0B29*JOSENIA w G 112 r, :, A tl i| lli P Cnroa L Williams 1120-ltH MAXINE w 112 s 1; 11- 12 12 12 P. Carter J W Ilurlev t vMi-.tu 1 li. II. Time. 252,. n*4 1:0543. 1:1B*A. Track sloppy. ?2 mataela paid. Mike Dixon, Sit.LD straight, .00 place. S3. sit show; Sadie I , .-10 place, .t!0 shov. : Klmoao, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds- Mike Dixon. 3!fl to 100 atraight, l..O to 100 place, 90 to 100 show: Sadie D., 120 to 100 place, SO to 100 show: Kimono. 100 to PiO show. Winner— Br. l.-. by Baraadah — Baby Dixon, by Sir Dixon trained by P. Daryer; bred by Mr. H. K. Graham. Went to post at 1:54. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the sane-. MIKE DIXON, after being a forward Contender from the start, saved ground when entering the stretch and, finishing gamely, got up to win in the la -t strides. SAPIP P.. after setting the pace to tin-last eighth, hung on resolutely and only sue. iinibed right at the end. KIMONO dwelt at the start, then rushed into the lead, but came wide whea entering the stretch and finished tiring. HAS. CANNFLL ran well. Overweights — Sadie P.. 2 pounds: Kimono. .": Fitzgerald. 2: Caavasback, 2: Joseuia. 3: ilaxine. 3. ef-i K[ d SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 5—3—118. Purse S500. 3-year-1/llJ i oius and upward. Claiming. Net vnlue to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Va, V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt " i *K1 : N WAR] ~ w n v in jo ., 2* 1 - P r* B Cartar I Donnison inn-ioo S9949*MISS CDARK w P Id 1 :; II 2 V V P Hum 11 Graham BM-Hs Sev84*MAC JOHNSON w I KQ 7 7 ti" P ."- :: T "Wilson Raymond Stable tlTSb-MB a#052 ci.assv i1Uh w 10 1M S 1 :■ I V • I M Woods Horse Lake Stable atSb-MB 59772* LETTY BEE w 4 102 11 I A_ P ! ■ ". M Garrett .1 -1 Qainlan IsaVMs 59B5S*VICTOBY WON W 1 1«4 110 7 7; 7: • 11 B Bwer -I i Hamilton 52230*ALICE ATKIN v. I!"; 2 1 :.-:-- 1 7 .1 Banmer T E Bnell T4»-Ml "9812* VERA WOOD W I MG 3 2 E] ■ E Noble A Mnleahy 17— tag : •. ;: ] WARlf JAY wsa 9 109 i 5 » 9] » a] C Cross c Tyler 10hVlM 59500 ROSIE ROGON a 1101 S • ■• 1 ■- E Fator V ONeill MabBn .• 97!»1 THE TALKER wan C 11] .11 li 11 li 11 Palmer 4b Thomas Oilo-iott tMntuel Held. JSent in entrie- as Mary -lane. Time. 24:i.,. DO1,. 1:04, iAO1. Track sloppy. 13 mataels paid, Kenward, si. 00 straight, S3. on place, Si.twi ahaw; Mam Clark, IS.89 place, si. 20 sboa : Mai Johnson, lieid. .40 sbi I EquD il 111 bookuig odds- Kenward. 100 to P » straight, ."".o to 100 place, H to" 100 show: Miss Clark. 190 t , 100 place, 110 to 100 snow; Mac Johnson, held. 70 to 100 six u Winner Ch. h, by Alveacot — Bashford BeBc, by FaJsetta trained by D. Dcaaiaon; bred by Mr. George J. Long . Went to post at 2:21. At post 1 minute. Start psood and s|i w. Won easily: second and third driving. KENWARD, helped by the going, passed MISS CLARK quickly and. drawing away into a long lead. Increased his advantage in the stretch to win in .1 ranter. Miss CLARK showed the most early ape ad and was easily second best. M.M JOHNSON closed a gap ami finished gamely. So did CLA8B1 CCBJU Scratched — 00132 Dixie Ma :•■. 107. 11. -v. bjhts 1 1 • - 1 a I, 1 pound; Alice Atkia, I; Fera W 1. 3. rjO-| Pr ET THIRD RACE— 1 l-8 7.£i!os. March 27, 1921—1:52—5—117. Purse 00. 3-year-old3 t9 1_P JL t3 £5 and upward. Claiming. Vat value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. ;• ! v Horses " AWt.PPSr . Str Fia Jockeys Owners Equiv. OdihTstiFt .; 998 7 W. 1 1. PKARCE wsTot .". i~~: ~J~~ iTunmer H Rasmussen aVMB B0072*YERMAK w 9 112 s 2 I |1] 11 li 23 C Stnder C P Irwin 4494H 00027* BOONE VILLE wsa 5 112 1 1 4" ll 1; Bwer W Walker 2T"-1mi 60053*MI NT. MX GIRL wn 5 MG 2 :". S* P lit- t: T WBson W L Bchaefer 29»-ma r,0104 COMMANDER v. sn C 112 4 7 0 1 E Noble J A Parson 149-1« r.0053 BABY SISTER ws U 109 1 8 i: «m ,- %* 1. c cross c L Dtckeraon BMO 194 60021 STEVE ws.", 112 7 ."■ 7 -7 | 7 7- 7 - II Carter H T Catea t2K.O-10i 60192 TUTT wa 4 112 3 G ■ 8 8 I • T Rae Smith Si- Williams t fMatae] field. Time, 2Vb. 50-,;, 1:17%, 1:46%, 2:005. Track r.loppy. S2 mntnels paid. Walter ll. Pence. 3.00 Btraight, fg.BB place, B4.BB show: Tirana , I4.BB aiaea, 43.80 show; Booneville, .29 show. Equivalent 1 king odds— Walter II. Peine. 580 to P 0 straight. 390 to 100 place. 130 to loo show; Termak, 140 to 100 pUce, 90 t.. 100 show: Boonevflle, 00 to loo show. Winnei B. g, by Bala — Loyalirta, by LoyaUst trained by B. Thompson; bred by Mr. Barney Schr iber. Went po-t at 2:45, At post 1 minute Bl good and slow. Won driving: second and third the ame. WALTER li. PEABCE forced iERMAK alone at top speed and, challenging him midway of the stretch, got ap to win in the lasl tv. nty yards. YERMAK m t a good pace and hung on with rare gamenem Whea pat ti a drive. BOONEVILLE was hard ridden and bad no ■riahaps. COMMANDER made up ground. MOUNTAIN GIBL ran 1 Mistress Polly. 107; 600723Rhymer, 109; OOlOOiBig Smoke. 117; 4*104 George i.-,. ii. 117. Overweights— Baby sister. 2 pound-: Tntt, ." . fliPAt K.d. **OiraTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1016— 1:11=-— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Uv JLtjMj Clf.iminsr. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. tod eg Honses AYvTpPSt % j % Str~Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt -"YvX ;A~N-.7ekTNXEY wi; Ill 1 ■: IP 1 1 "■" J lliiniik-r North A: Bowa 9-101 60105*OLYMPIAD wa 108 I 1 2»1 V 1- 2*1 C Stnder ; H Abbott 379-401 599B92*NELLIE HARPEB w MO 7 I t1 :,-_ :::1 :,i T Wilson Tarn o Shantcr Stable 500-100 59884 HAL WEIGHT w 113 1 2 61 44 P H E Taylor Bronx Stable 149-199 .".!/". 17 EYE BRIGHT Willi 2 .7 1, E 1 ."■ I ■"• T Murray W Gargan 499-499 60050 VERAS CHOICE a HO 3 7 7 7 7." C Thpaoa W Maltby 9999-199 G0055*HERM*SA NEGRA w 192 S 1 :;; I] S] 7 P Hum J S McBaniel U99 191 Time. 25. f.O, 1:1". Track sloppy. S2 mntnela paid, Nan McKinney, .00 straight, 44 20 place. 43.20 s,,,lVV: Olympiad, ?l o place, .00 sboa : Nellie li rper, 82.80 -how. Equivalent hooking odd- Nan McKinney 300 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place, «i0 to loo show; Olympiad, 140 to 100 place, -"•" t" inn show; vci;ic Harper, 40 to 100 il ,. Winner— Ch. f, by Leonid— Kate Dormaa, by Modred tralaed by B. Bewe; bred by Mr. Charles B. P. aiehi. Went to post at 3:09. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow-. Won cantering: second and third driving. NAN McKIXXEY raced into a long lead after ronadiag the far turn and. iacreasiag her « i-vantage steadily, won as per ride:- phased, olympiad followed in closest parsnil and. finishing ramrly. I hi NELLIE HABPEB safe for second place. The latter raced well and tinished gamely. HAL WRIGHT was going fast at the end. Scratched — t;oor,o-T..m Ciav. n. 111. Overweights Eye Bright, 1 pound; Veraa Choice. 2. £lfk~t K.f°7 FII"TH RACE— 5 1-2 Furiong-. Jur.e 28. 191G— 1 :05 -,— 3— 118. Purse S700. 3-year-UVll 4 olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third. 570. Index Horses AWtPPSt M M % Str Fin ""Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 59931 HTJHON II. vTT, jr% 2 ; 1"; 1 l1 11 E Noble J A Parson tlio-ioo ;t»10» SISTER SUSIE WS 9 139 S 2 - 2 2" 2*1 C II Miller .1 A Parson f 59931 -l/f P CORBETT . 9112 I 4 -1:; ::, f 3* C Thpaoa 1: M HoUenbeck -491 59951 C. A. CISKEY waa 7 103 3 1 3* 4« 41 -t , .1 Hunm-r C B Irwin 999-Ka 59R85 GEN AG* MONTE wa 4 101 •"• 1 I ■ ;.- ;,• M Slanghr C rby | HI "y7." 0 LADY SMALL wn 7 93 1 S " •".■ I I C Stud, r »1 A Luckey irj41-100 ■ 1 inpled :a bettiag aa •!. A. Parson entry. Time. 24-J, 50„, 1:04. LIO3.,. Track sloppy. 42 mutittds paid. .1. A. Parson entry. 34.20 straight, -• .;. M place. 92.44 show; Doctor Corbett, .80 show. Equivalent I king odds— J. A. Parson entry. 110 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Doctor Corbett, 40 to 100 show. Winner — !5. g. by Sweeper — Sana, by Hamburg 1 trained by J. A. Parson; bred in France by Mr. Herman P.. Dnryea. Went to post .it S:34. At post 1 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. HURON II. . a superior mini runner, showed the asset -peed in the going and held sway throughout, but h.d to be hard ridden through the liual eighth to withstand the pressing challenge of his stable-no, te. The bitter followed him close up and wa- going fastest at the end. DOCTOR CORBETT ran well mil was In dose quarters while rounding the far turn. C. A. COMISKEV tired after showing early -p.ed. GBNBBAL AGBAMONTE cane wide when entering the stretch, but finished fast. Overweight- c. A. ComUkey, 1 poaad; Lady small, l. « £ 4 -g CTQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-1G Kites. Jane 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds UVitJO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 MJ~%~Str~Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt f007« * BUCKHi UX 1 1 . W8B .". !". 1 1 f. : 0» ".= : 4; l"-l E Xobl- J A Parson " 210-100 00974 HAPPY VI. KEY wn f 114 2 S I !- o»l p* V E Taylor J G Arvin 490-lftt G019c**AMEBN MAID waa 4 MS I 2 1*1 1] 1 1 V.l C Studer HT Palmer J89-J99 09193 HVERS TOPAZ wn 7 113 5 1 l;L2," 2 1 : :! -i | B Cartar J Lynch SOO-Hm 00194 AUDREY K. WSB 7 US I I 4* 4* V ! _ P Martinez C B Irwin 1120-1H 0O1 #4 » WHITE HAVEN w I M 7 7 7 7 7 9* •■ J Hunmer L Sawyer 440-100 09071* CHOIR MiLTEB wa 7 KB 3 3 I V V 7 7 T Wilson J Kern 1 200-100 Time. 25. 51, 1:19%, 1:48, 1:55. Track sloppy. 42 mntnela paid. Bnckborn IL. |C90 straight. |3.99 place, S3.20 show; Happy Valley, . SO place, 42.80 show; American Maid. . 2.s0 show. Pounalcnt hooking odda — Backhorn II. . 210 to 100 straight. 8i to 100 place, 9J to 100 show; Happy Valley. 90 to 100 place. 40 ta 199 show: American Maid. 49 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Baekhera — Bertie V., by Bempvnadaa trained by J. A. Parson; bred by Mr. Hal Price ileadley. Went to post at 4:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow-. Won easily; second and third driving. BUCKHORN II. was bard ridden from the start and. aavhsg ground on all the turns, came fast through the tinnl eighth and won easing up. HAPPY VALLEY found trouble in lieing placed during the egrly running, but raced up to the leader midway of the stretch and showed in front momentarily, then tired. AMERICAN MAID showed the most speed, but readily gave way iu the final sixteenth. HAN-OVLIPS TOPAZ ran well. Overweights Audrey K.. 4 pounds. == tfiifoH Q SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916—1:11—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-oldi Ov/JL «_*«-/ and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index """Horses AWtlPStU jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt .VJX18 JOHN JK. wb 0 112 7 1 ll l*i ll 1| C. Thpbon V Mannale 480-MO « : ; * LIT. FLORENCE w 3 101 15 hi 4] 31 2 P Hurn Pr Lovell 690-100 B9931Z*LTTT. ROMPER w 4 110 4 2 2i 2-i 2-J 3i .T Hunmer Campbell and Lack 200-100 •9999 *DON DODGE ws 7 10S E 4 3 31 A- 4l E Noble J A Parson 910-100 99977 HORACE 5 MM 3 S 7; C-J 5-1 5-J T "Wilson C E Davison 400-100 B9Ml*blABEL RULE w 4 104 I I 41 r.J 6"- 61 C Ralls Neal and Bartholomew 2540-109 i0137 HOB PAKER ws G 117 S 6 6i 7- 73 T" P Martinez C B Irwin 700-100 00 100 -CLEAR T. WAY w 5 112 I 7 I 8 8 3 R Carter Smith and Williams 2960-100 Tim©. 24%. 49%, 1:16%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. John Jr.. 1.60 straight, .60 place, .00 show; Little Florence, .00 place, .20 show; Little Romper, ,00 show. i:.;lli;il. nl booking odd- John Jr.. 4-0 to 1 « » » straight, 288 to 100 place. 110 to 100 show; Little Kl.iriii.i-. 3M t.i loo i.i.i... m to loo -how: Little Kemper, : o |« 161 show. Winner- B. g. by Ma: ta Santa- Maude F.aly. by pen Stroine trained l.v V. Manual"; bred by Mi. Walter s. I.iym i. West to peat :ii 4:20. At poet 3 minutes, si.m food Bad -low. Won driving; second and third the ■a Me. JOHN JR. begaa with :i rasa and, snowing tin- m..-t -i .1. net the pace all the Way, bat had to be hard ridden ia tee la-t fifty yard-. LITTLE FLORENCE steadily Improved 1i«t po-ition and Oaisbed I rapidly overhauling the winner. LITTLE ROMPER tired after raeiag in closest, bat unavailing, pursuit . ..: the winner fa the last eighth. DON DODGE made ■ game finish. HORACE LEBCH closed a gap.