Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-11


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1S22. Fair Granada 1 mUe. Thirty -tiftli day. Hu-i-aeaa Meirs Racing Association. Winter Meeting sit 50 days. Weather clear; temperature 50 . Stewards. K. C. Smith. M. Ma.farlan. A. . M. hie and I.. M. Holme*, Judge-, .1. B. Campbell and i Joseph McLennan. Starter, A. 1.. Dad.. Racing Secretary, Joseph M I., nnaii. Racing itarta :.t 2:15 p. m. Chtnga time 2:13 p. ■ . Mmftratea appreatice allowance. f*f%~t tf?#2 EIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 191S— 1 :11 ,— 6— 116. Purse SI. 000. 3-year-olds and OUlUU upwaid. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner S700: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt fe_% % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S~ •Mll1BRISTOW w 4 U6 1 2 !•• 1* 1» 1* F Weiner J J Trader 3 G E 2 1 68987 ARCHIVE wk J ir: I l V •■ 2«1 2-J M Garner W Daniel I M I I 9-5 •Mn BLOSM HOUSE WB31M12 I 1 .1 McCoy R L Raven I E I 3-5 1-5 COOS. MARGIE w 3 101 7 S ■ 6J Sl 4* A Wilson D W Scott 15 2* L0 8 i, k.i i PLURtBELLE m I ■ 4 7 I I 4* 4 V J Qwepa T W OBrien 20 ■ 24 g 4 .,!H ! 8 FERGUSON « 3 10811] 3 B] 81 7 . E Pool Floriaant Stable 14 15 12 a l] liiird THERESA w 4 110 3 1 4 51 5| 71 J D MneyG .1 Long 15 21 12 i UiOX.VIIliKiil.v w :: 104 EM II1 ll! S* B* i: RobblnaG L Blackford 15 21 20 I 4 r.UiliZ-WIRELESS w 4 lli 8 •" 71 9 S* " 0. Bahln Farnan 4t Fi/.er •. I I :; 8-5 «;0O87 CONCENTRATE WB 4 116 10 12 10 1 7* 101 1ft* A Roach Woodman Broa 32 3t 28 12 •• "itS.IS ROMULUS .v 4 nc 9 8 f M* 11* It1 b Morris Snnnyland Stb 3 3 8-5 4-6 2-5 MM1* PATTERN w .-. 1 113 Gil 12 12 1- 1l K Ainbi.s.W C Overton 21 :;i :• 12 . Time, 23 . 48 V3. 1:14/. Track fast. Winner -Br. «. by Kiag Jaaae* Artette, by Robert le Diable traiaed by .1. .1. Trailer; bred by Mr. Henry T. 0nardl. Wem to |... i :t j:i!. At poat 1 inline. Start u ad and Rloar, Woa easily; aecood and third driving. I.ltlSlOW ran a If inn !i t!. best and :::i fast, rtiowed the 1H..--I speed and di.u away decis- inly in the Miet.h. ARCHIVE a/an in rlaaeat paraait for the entire race and made a yam.- lini-h. BLOSSOM HOUSE ran a aood race and linislie.l r.-.,lni.|y. MARGIE claaed a pap. ROMULUS «ras alaraya aatraa and far back. s.rat.h..i :.nsi» Rap .. 11": S490S Passepartoat, 110; 50737 RparkUaa;, 108; :.M~.l HeUooaaa, 1i: . Orel weight Marsh*, 3 uoaads; Fersasaa, 1 _■ : Thereaa, 2. r»rv-g f»»T SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Ftb. 9. 1918 — 1111, — C — 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. UU J O 4 Claimiuj;. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. ~ JtafeS "Horses *~Twt"pPsF"i4~i~%~St7Fiu Jockeys Owners O II C P S «.007!-ri a !•• 108 12 l I* 1 ! E Pool W l» Millard li 15 U ■". 23 :..r,nu DARE aralaiia Z - : n Thomaa F B llu.!:ius E S 0 2 1 52kS3«*DEEP SINKER arB 111 1 T #■ VI :. V J owns i: F Carroll :: -: 13-56-5 3-5 ." HJ5I WILD DEUCE m IM Z I 7! 5] 4 4! C Ponce .1 H McDonald 21 M M 12 •: 04043 Z*HERMIS ECMBLE v.110 7 1 5" . ■". Ej M Garner Mar* gret .v Del.rj;. 18-518-57-6 7-14 :.in: ROSA LEE arB KM » 12 y: 71 VIV • BrenlngC Felloarea . I 4 8-5 1-5 Sf/tttl TRICKS wa IM •• I B*| 71 73 F Murphy J Arthur C M M 1 2 00413*FAREWELL TAPS wn M2J 8 M 11*11 8* B« A Wilson .i W Fleischmaa IS 24 20 I SMI t*BONERO BLUE w 104 4 4 MiM] 2*1 0* K Mar:/. McGB A Tylor 15 20 21 8 1 :.««;:!; STRAIOHT SHOT wa 143 11 tl 6 »• 10" » F Weiner W H Frey 20 24 IS t 3 04079*WILFEN aM ] 5 12 1- 12 11- C Taylor Bunnyland BtaMeSO M0 MO N 20 .- !r..",: HYPERBOLE WB 103 5 8 4! 11 12 R Martin F A Xolan 1". 1". 1", fi :; Time. 24. 49. 1:10%. Track fast. Winner— h. .. by Sorite — Beaaay, by AUiert trained haj v. D. Millard: bred by Mr. w. D. Millard. . in to peal al 2:38. At peal 4 minutes. Start Rood and slow. Won easily; second and thfard diiv-ing. IT. rachag la leddenlj hnprored form and en using .: bed jam at the half-mile poet, froaa which he benefited, held --way from aaoa after the atari and won easing an. DARB raced in rlosest and paaM parseb all the way. DEEP SINKKK ran well vii.l naffered froni interference. WILD DEUCE saved mu.li BteJaaal aa the haras. HERMI8 Ki:Ml.l.i: wai abaoal thrown in the Oral quarter. ROSA I.KK closed a bi« sap. Scratched -57430 Fast Trial, lov 00070*Happy Baxtoa, 103; 00141 Mens.-. lo!t; 00070 Mabel A., 9S. Drerwehjphta Parewell Taps, 4_. pounds. av40~l aQQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Kile. Feb. 9, 1918— 1:11%— 0— 116. Purse SI. 000. 4-year-olds Ov J-UO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Index ilorsea AWtPPStU V» % Str Fin Jockey j Owners O H C P S .".!»» l." " i: »:■ acks wa 5 107 l 2 " J Owens C Applesate 6 7 t; - l B00 B7*,WINNECONNE wa 5 102 7 7 l ". :- A GantaerA Marroae 2 13-52 1 1-2 tdTSM .b K SCOT wb 1 ni 5 :i v 2** 1] : W HeincbR Scherrer 2 13-513-5] 1-2 «;ol4-» TROILUS w 0 112 E 1 4- 4- 4- «« R Pool Floriaant Stable 8 % 4] 8-5 4-5 MtMBANm H. WB5H2 3 E •"■" 5* ■" V Murphy O Wendel M l » 4 2 ."!»K4I SANDALWOOD wi 4 OS i C I E I I ■ E I. Lyhe .1 1! Clober I 15 12 "■ 23 cooho DRUMMOND i: .". 117 z ;7 F Weiner Shea Stable 24 34 M 12 • kS1ST*ESQUIRE WB 4 112 s 4 7 7:1 s A Wilson C Van S; hoick 8 15 12 ■ Time. 23";,. 48. 1:14. Track fast. Winner — Br. h. by M-ii.iian IaiMii-. QtM-en, ly Waterbej trauaed by C. A. Arsslegate; bred by Mr. Richard F. Caiman. Went to post at 1:03. A: i o-t 1 iniinit.-. Start eeed and alow. Woa driving; second and third the .,me. ACE 01 ACES, close op from the start, came fast in be stretch and raced into the lead in the mat twenty yards. WINNECOXNE raced JOCK SCOT into defeat, but tired aUchtly near the end. .Kick SCOT nel a fa-i pace and. being hard ridden, outstayed TROILUS. The latter begaa fast and raced forwardly. but tired and ■werred ail over the track. AM Y H and ESQUIRE were knocked out of anv chance in the first quarter. Scratched SOMCiCamonflage. 11V 50800 Greenland. 110: 00080 Mickey Moore. 107: 50010 Traatula, 1041; 00130 Berblan. 112; 500*7 Mose, 111: 50074 Plata Bill, 107: 00141 Jerry, Iu7. Overweightx -Saadalw I, •• pounds. ftf~t cT Q FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42 3— 4— 113. Ascot Purse. dvfiCItj 1.000 Added. 3-vcar-oIds und upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; Lec-ond. 21: third, S114. Index Horses ~ AWtPPSt M, j StrFin Jockeys Owners ~ O H C P S Mitt TRANSLATE wb C lli ! C Turner 1. Marshall 8-5 8-5 7-5 1-2 1-5 C4ltt*BAIGNEUR WB 0 Mi E 7 I 1- l; 2J 21 M earner! Gering .Ir 8-5 U-511-57-M1-4 .-,!«4:: BALLOT MARK wb 3 MO - K R RaneUIJ I. Holland 3 4 3j 1 1-3 :.!1K!M AUNTIE MAY W4M3 ; 1 0 | V S* BJ I* C DishmonC T Worthington H 1" 15 "• 2 04MMI1 FOI? W " 0 2 2 I ; " J Wi Bace Tujague A.- I.ola 20 24 20 8 4 - H4K JAKE BERGER w3 22 7 ! Ek 5 . 63 S .1 Owens .1 tlrpmb. r- 24 30 30 - 1 59841 LAST ROSE w 4 102 1677777 E Martin B .1 Branrion 15 20 20 8 4 Time. 24. 47"5. 1:11*4, 1:40. 1:4435. Track fast. Winner — Hlk. g. by Transvaal Eustis, bj Star Sbool train..! by *•. Cobara; bred by Mr. B. F. Pricuard. Went to po-t at o:i;7. At pot .", niiiuiu R. Start good and -low. Won handily: second and third driving. TRAX8LATE raced Into t! lead at once and held sway for the entire race, bat had ta be mldon hard near the end. BAIGNE1 K begaa -1 wly, bul saved much ground oa tli.- turn- and finished fast and gamely. BALLOT MARK raced toruardlj tbnnjdaoat, AUNTIE MAT finished well. FOV showed speed. i.hed- Ooos.iiMir.H le Man, 87; 00121 Josenbiae Wiedel, !»j; WlSS*DoaiinsaI Mi! fiOOS.s Kehcma, H l Overweighta — Baigneur, l poand; Fallot Mark, »i. Auntie M.-.y. 2; Foy, n: .lake Beiaei, l; Last Ro-e. 1. p fk-t f7ft FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Mil. s. Mjureh 14. 1008— l:51«i— 3— 122. ,000 Added. 4-ycar-VQ;?LFi 4 J olds and upward. Clairainjr. Net value to winner 00; second. 21; third, 14. "ln~d Horses ~ AWtVP Sr"Z~V~%~Str Fiu Jockeys Owners O H C P S " 584MC*TANTALUS uriilll .". 7 4* 4- 4S 1* 1* A Wilson i W Gllek 4 E 4 8-5 2-5 and978S*EXHORTER n I M0 I 2 i .111 Thomas G M Hendrie 23 2] 12-54-5 2-5 * 0861 i K w i 4 l"s ., i 2J i l] A GantnerCage .v.- Prish 2 21 11-54-5 2-5 .•• !7! KINGFISHER WB 8 M0 1 1 ■"•- "! ■■■ 4 4- E Martin 1 1 .J Uraimon I M 1" 4 8-5 60083 = NATURAL W IMS 7 3 f* • T ■■ • .1 Owens .1 Lyons s 10 10 4 L r.unu:. mi!.I FAITHFUL w 4 101 4 ii S«* 6 6" 6 6 R Marts 1* MeDermld N 15 15 5 2 ool I DANCING sri:.V w 6 105 £ 5 7 7 7 7 7 J McCoy Treacy «•;- W*ker 1 21 J 7 :: Time. 24-,. 484,. 1:15. 1:41. 1:54. Track fast. Winner— B g, by Knhrhl af the Thistle — Tantalise, by Meddler trained by .1. F. Hale; bred by-Mr. R. II. McC. Potter. Went to peel at 3:58. At peal 1 minute. Start good and alow. Woa easily: second and third driving. TAVIAI.rs moved op with a rash jn t before reacbiag the stretch and. racing into the lead, won easing up. RXHORTEB raced in nearest pursuit aearty all the way and made a game finish. ACR raced Into the had an the baekstretch, but ran aa if short and was tiring at the end. KINGFISHER ran well NATIBAL tired after going Well tee three-quart. is and setting the early pace. Scratched 00194 Wicker. 113. £»f_-| s«/-g SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1:44-.— 3— 104. Pur?o ,000. 3-year-Ovf X 4 X olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Index Horaea AWtPPSt M, Vt *4"Str"FiB Jockeys Owners Q~H OPS JiTiTtFi »trhKSTi:r n. m i io7 £ 2 1«* v lj li u A Wilson w d RernharUt 7-r. 7-r. •;-:. i--j 1-4 8M18**PHRLAN wa 4 101 3 :: 4 .". i Hl - -"J Wallace W K Jeaef 4 4 4 7-.. 7- M 00010 NORDECK w :. no 1 1 V P V V v J D MaeyC W Oaappell I 15 12 5 2 r,«j!jO •ATTOUNY MlIR w 7 la7 2 7 7" 8* 41 4- 4- L Gregory G Milton S ll* 10 4 4-5 06968 DICKIE W. w 7 lts . ." ~l 7 7 •".= :,* K Barnes .1 Wakeman 1" 20 l." M E 5! «;: i CHALLENGER W 5 112 4 4 2» 2 6 6 l G- M Garner E Peters r. 7 | S 1 041 48* HUN MYTH wa« *.i7 7 I 0* 41 61 7] 71 Q BrenbBgli Reaeget M ■ -«» E 4 .*!»0K; GREAT GULL v.i: 7 1"4 8 1 II H , l| 84 L McOottH Denhum f. M 10 I J 909Q1»SELMA G. BT 8 MB E I I I ■ . I H Thomas 1! Howard 20 10 81 10 Z Time, 25, 49«j, 1:15%. IM%, 1:48%. Track fast. Winner P.. g, by Irish Lad — Artless, by Uaaahatg trained by 1. Womeldorff; bred in France by-Mr. Herman B. Durycal. Went to post at 4:17. At post 1 minute. Start k«" 1 Mai slow. Won driving; second and third the aamc. TRICKSTRR II., weU ridden and Bhewhag the most speed, held sway for the entire race, but bad to be hard ridd-n near the end. PHELAN laced forwardly all the way and stayed jramely in tin-final drive. NORDBCK ran a k .k1 race and made a resalttte finish. ATTOBNBT MlIR had scant ciiiinc.- under his inexperienced rider. tHALLKNRKR tired in the stretch. RRKAT BULL polled up in a bad way. Overweights — Nordeck. 2 pounds; Son Myth. 3. afal"! TO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915 — 1:44 5 — 3 — 104. Purse 81,000. 3-year-OvfX 4 £i olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. "iBdex Horse"-* AWtPPSt M, % Str~Fin Jockeys Owners ~ 7~H C P S ««la4 ZdNK L ARMKi: wu .". iU» 1 1 li t- I- 1- l1 . D MneySoutblaiul Stable 1 ll-10:*-l»J-r. 1-7, r ii. 7 CORSON w c, ios 7 7 4k v :; I* ii A Gaataerll C Runbury 23 4i 4 7-7 3-5 .-,i;8iM OLLIE WOOD w 7. 108 :: I IM P -- 2 J» M tlarner W D Millard S S 5 8-5 4-3 K0W8K PANSY W 4 100 0 6 fi" 6*1 41 4- 4s 8 Lowe F J Kahn 15 M M " " .0120 MAGNET LAND w ti 104 2 4 7 " 0 o4 5J L McDottD E Stewart 5 7 C 2 1 G84r?t*SAMMY JAY WB 4 101 8 S 8 S 7 6" H Thomas I, Sperling 10 10 10 :! 7-". tiOOKK LE BLEUET wn ". 1H4 I a | P 9 I 7- A Wilson I. A Screen! 1". 20 20 S 4 ti0088 CAPTAIN TOM wn 5 101 E :. ■■ 43 P% 3 8 F Weiner J J Troxler 15 20 20 8 4 Time. 24%, 482s. 1:1426, 1:40%. 1:47«G. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by Ecouen — Paradise II., by Adam trained by F. P. Letellier; bred by Mr. Hurry Payne Whitney Went to post at 4:43. At post 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ZONK RARMKL began fast and. racing into the lead at once, held sway for the entire race, but had t» be ridden hard ill the last sixteenth. ORSON ran well and gained steadily when ridden hard. OLLIE WOOD raced forwardly from the start. In; was tiring at the end. PANSY raced well. MAGNET LAND w.t-i far hack in the first half, but finished well. Overweights — Zone dAruiee, 2 pounds; Pansy, 3.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922021101/drf1922021101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922021101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800