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TIJUANA The horses which heem best in Saturdays races s are: Tijuana, Mexico, February 10. 1922. i KesnaaM, Rosa Atkla, Tom Care. 2 — Bessie Mack II.. Sadie P.. Kitty Cheatham. :; CSbarmaat, Mum Mark, Cicely Kay. 4— Vie. Pueblo. THkit—a ..-MOTOI! COP. ti— Harry I . Plow Steel. Duly Fashion. 7— Hazel Pale. Sedan. Joe Blair. 8 — Frank Wilson, Walter H. Pearee. Clover .Tmiia. G. W. Schilling. New York Handicap. 1 — Crispie, Kenward, Flash of Steel, Tom Caro. 2 — Bessie Mack II., Dorothy, July Fly, Kitty y Cheatham. 3 — Cicely Kay, Charmant, W. C. Dooly. Infield. 4 — Nellie Harper, Clear the Way, ilal Wright. t, Pueblo. 6— MOTOR. COP, Lantados. 1 , s 6 — Daly Fashloa, Harry P.. Plow Steel. M. Lane. 7 Joe Blair, Hasel Pale. s. dan. Angela. s -Mistrem Polly. Walter 11. Pearee, Khvmer, Lota. Chicago and Bnffalo Handleapa. 1— Kenward. Plash of Steel. BOSS Atkill. Battle WiUdo. -— Bessie Mack IL. BmlHat Anna, Dorothy. Modiste. 3— Infield. Browa Bee, Miss Clark, Charmant. 4— Nellie Harper, Hal Wright, Vic Pm-ldo. :, -MOTOB P. Laatadi -. «; — Mayflower, Duly Fashion, Harry P.. MeLane. 7— Hazel Dale. Sedan, Joe Blair, Ethel Brown. B— Frank win. Mountain Girl, Walter H. Pearee, Sheaaadoah. Observers Handicap. 1— Kenward, Tom Cara, Bona Atkla, Flash of Steel. " — Kitty Cheatham. Bessie Mack II., July Fly, Lady lone 3— Charmant, lafield, Miss Clark. Cicely Kay. ■4 -Nellie Harper. Pueblo, Vic, dear the Way. 7. MOTOB COP, Lantados. — Duly Fashion, Harry D., Tlow* Steel, Mayflower. . 7— Ha /.el Pale. Joe Blair, Sedan. Ethel P.rown. S— lihymer. Walter 11. Pearee. .Mistress Polly, Frank Wlbma. Consenans of Handicap*. 1 — Kenward. Criapie, Flash of Steel. Tom Caro. L— P.essie Mack II. , Kitty Cheatham. Dorothy. . July Fly. 3— Charmant. Cicely Kay. Infield. Miss Hark. 4 — Nellie Harper, Fie, Pueblo, Hal Wright, 6— MOTOB COP. Lantados. " — Duly Fashion, Harry D., Mayflower, now r Steel. 7 — Ha7.e| Palo. Joe P.lair. Sedan, Ethel P.rown. S — Frank Wilson, Mistress Polly, lthymcr, Walter t U. Pearee.