Sixth Race [6th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-11

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, ; ! I , I h I 1 I ! , . ; . ! ! j • , i j i | / i i.; . J., SIVTI1 It V4I-: 1 rtlo mul TO Varafn. I- .;u- »! K anil ii |. nurd. | l;iiiiilnK. «li-li. 1, 1818J lt4a 1-5 1 113M "SLU: OmwendeL Owner. 0. Wendel. * *" * iTUH » + ***** 60090 F.Gnda imTO; i : 4tj hvy 7 M8 2ir,5 % | • .i Wallace 8 Mereheat, Serbian, Pbnwy ::?.:."• s :" ;!:-* ;- « - - - I Ill C Lang r, Natural, Bacarnolette, Bagaasa • 8 l-.i, nds lm.nvl:.., hvy ., 113 2 6 4 3 6 8«* C Lang 8 AlexJr., S. Verdict. Woodtatnaa -;-: V;!,i,s ,V:i:*L ,,v 1:;"5 m 3 1 l 16 1!8- -n"g « UttleW, JackPeevcs. m Kapphl 59764 F.Gnda Jl-lllrf mud 18-5 107 4 5 6 5 3 » A Wilson 8 Copyright. Broom Peddler, Bond J-" Y,Aj.niS 1i -:13-"hvy 8 107 4 2 2 2 1J ink A Wilson 9 M Rapid. Es.polette K Trojan 9842 P.Gnda 11-16 1:47 fast 8 106 7 7 7 7 6« 6J C Lang 10 It Sm.n. M.Fontaine Tater II 88H 8 F.Gnds 11-16 1.50 goods 107 1 2 3 4 4" 7*1 E Scobie 11 S.LhtHL, M.Ktaiue, Encriuite TRUST OFFICIAL, ch. g, 4 106 By Meelick— Princess Industry, by Farandola. ilrr.iner, A. G. Woodman. Owner, J. Marino. 60143 F.Gndi 3-11:14 Caal 12 MS :. , ., 51 2 j a WOeoa 12 Arrowhd, Paaaawia, J.aCaiau 2. F.G nds 1 1-14 l:47%good I 103 2 1 1 1 2 4» A Gantner 8 The Wit. Day Lillv Maraa John 59632 F.Gnds lm38y l:43%xnat 20 106 3 3 3 3 8 8" J D Mney 8 Veto, Sea Cove. Padua 39396 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:47%faet 6 101 3 3 1 1 2 3!3 A Gantner 7 Baladin, Wi.Ufor.l, Wrecker 59249 Jeffson 3-4 l:MHfaat 6 M 2 1 2 4 621 J D Mnay 7 Arch. Alexander, Tody Mavoura •j9174 Jeffson 3-4 l:14-sfast 7 MC 4 3 4 4* 3 B Marielll t Tan Son. Arrowhead, Cormoran 9093 Jeffson 3-4 1:14 fast 6 lo3 4 2 2 4J 4* B Marielll 8 Kiigate, Mavourneeu, Tan Sou HELLO PARDNER. b. g, 5 IOC By Marajax— Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wisely. Trainer, G. Zeigler. Owner. G. C. Denham. • -■ ■ . ■•••!■ 1 1-M 1:48 :. w 12 m 122 2 2- i- .1 Wallace 8 BarrySaana, DayLBly Th.-Wit 6W1I6 P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:S3%hvy E 112 1 1 1 i ll ll J Wallace 7 Pbelaa, Bond, Jobnay Orertoa 59894 F.Gnda 1 1-14 l:5i»,hvy 7-5 118 3 3 2 3 S 8* J C Lang 7 MadgeP., Woodtbraah Iron Boy 69785 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:51 /.mud 1 llo 3 11 1 ] "• r" c |.;tnK 8 Iionl.oy. llom.-w.IBoui..|, Tul»a 59788 P.Gnda 1 1-14 l:51%mud 9-5 107 4 2 1 2 2* 2J H Thomas 8 Copyright, Trtekster II Iie 89634 P.Gnda 1 1-14 1:46%1 ast M 106 3 2 3 1 2* P II Thomas » Da may, Plr.MeUee Yeaaa dain 59559 P.Gnda 1 l-s 1 „:.J.,slow 15 118 221 13 3«l J Wallace 11 Lazy l ,u, Lateaa Mam AlexJr 59513 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 52%hvy 7 M 48 8 I 4" 6 « L Coney 10 Pickwick, Serbian. Alex Jr. 58751 Bowie 11-16 1:53 mud 13 104 1 3 3 3 SJ 3 B Lowe 11 Anna Gallup, Ltt.ihe, Bmgoya* GOALER, br. h, C 112 By Duke Michael— Gallows Hill, by Galashiels Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, S. Lando. 59516 F.Gnda in. 7-y 1:51 rond 13-3 IN 4 G S 8 C 8 3 M Buxton 7 K.aCbaaina, Wyawd, It. Wheel "; F.Gnda 1 1 :3,s;, 4 M8 7 7 7 5 4* 8*1 I-- Weiner 7 Bral Su.nn, Valor, UrarUabsea 59270 Jeffson 1 1-16 1 15 188 M M 18 lo M I . I Weiner Hi S.oflT in... Bii|t.Elui T Witcbet 5M21C Jeffson lmlbj l:44Ufast 20 M8 8 S 7 8 S 1; 9 Weiner s siip.Klm. T.MeTagt,* MteraSlrl .8247 Empire lmTSy 1 • is no i E •. i :. PI M Bnxtaa S Eatotion, riiiuibh LyKnimeline .7685 Kworth I 1 1 ;:.iast 41 lo:t 5 I -I I 212 M Buxton S BriliatJeater,,. si Itealui 57WM Wdbine 2 1-4 3:54 good 8 KM 244 2 8* 2»* M Bnxton 7 Loai Boaifaii "nrln Piaaiani 7502 Wdbine 11-2 2:35 fast 17-18 MCI 2 3 2 2 2- 8* M Buxton 8 Louis 1, . i..,.,,,,!,.,, i- .7400 Wdbine 1 I 4 2: i.,. fast 8 Hit I ." 8 8 o1 r.» A Gantner • Kxtraiiaator, MyDear 1. Sphere 54827 I: Bonis 1-8 1 :6..iast 2i lu5 4 4 1 4 4 |»1 1 Bum. .11 I I....I Love, llihiur. Lady Meata llAKIE MAXIM, br. m, 6 103 By Golden Maxlni--Mary Reardon, by Peep oDay. Trainer, F. W. Staton. Owner. F. W. Staton. conra P.Gnd l 1:18 im 21 107 1 1 1 1- 1- 1 Merit 8 Jago, Lady Los r.-lh.w. Ih ,• • 9916 h.Gnda 3 I 1 is. .1.111. 1 SJ M t 6 1 IJ 21 0 Brening » Caatonflare, Jago, Anticipate 59631 F.Gnda 2-4 1:13 fast 20 loti | 8 8 8 8»J J afettanaa 11 Arrewbead, Paaaasaa, tiravsoa 59033 Jfff.sun 8-4 l:15*ialuW 5 102 2 2 4 BJ 0" B Bice 7 Paaaasaa, Grayson, KlIbjKibbel .8876 Jeffson 3-4 l:18febry 4J lou 4 4 4 4» 4J I Merirnee 8 K.Cburchill, Manuite, AntlclpaU 58D97 Jeffson 3-4 l:13%faat 8 loy 6 6 6 6» 6 • .1 Mm lease 8 Arrowhead, CoLTayler, Grayson 81888 Jamaica lm7oy 1:44 fast 20 98 3 2 2 2 2« 2« J Merlniee .r lody, K.Bvlua, Thimble WALNUT HALL. b. g, 8 113 By Sunflower II.— Waterweed, by Watercreaa. Trainer, H. E. Crist. Owner, T. E. Crist. • I - F.Gnda l 1-16 1.41 „sloa I Mat : I a S 5 5 - ; Brenbag 8 BrySbaaa, H.Pardner, D Lilly 60042 F.Gnda 1 1-16 1 :,2-,li-. y 7 118 1 1 1 1 1» 1« C Lang 7 BaLWbeeL TbeWit, B.Shauuou 893»Jefrson 1 1.41-0fast 8 IM 2 3 2 2 2J 4J A Gantner J Gravson, laniains, Joa.illiia i8. 92 Jeffson liruOy 1:47 fast 6 111 1 1 1 1 8 8 1 Gantner » J. .Stone, High Gear, Episode 58757 Jeffson 1 l:41%fust 12-5 115 12 2 2 3J 2J 10 Barnes 8 .I.C Stone. O.Bth.lay, BryShna 58700 jeffson 1 1-16 L5o fast 13-5 114 3 12 2 2i 1 N Barrett It LKnjoleur, Jerry, Horeb Bimlico Ll-16 l:48%good 28 M8 5 9 5 3 4i 44 P Wdatckl4 C.oUawa, W.Bedotte, M. Parka .832 Laurel 1 1-2 2:35%fast 12 lu2 3 1 1 1 2» 1" ¥ V.dsfck 7 BiliHuiiley, L.Lillinu. CommeCl PROMISING TOM, b. g, 4 110 By Gclden Maxim— Little Nell, by Cederstrome. Trainer, V. M. Shields. Owner. M. M. Shields. G0082 P.Gnda lmTWy l:53%hvy 10 M 113 J« 5» J Owens 8 ITait.Terde, Blar. Stone, Cini.irn 9910 F.Gnds lm70y 1:52 hy 15 1 •" 4 2 2 1 I Wl ma 7 PaatoralSwaU, Tnarea, Bunzaf ."•.sol F.Gnda 3-4 l:U-.-.hvy 20 M3 4 5 4 i I1 J Owena 1! LyLnxary, M.Moore P.Cenelij 59657 F.Gnda 3 I 1:13 fast 12 108 5 4 4 4 2» A Wilson 11 Win waae. Koto, Twopatr 59554 P.Gnda 2 4 l :i54.-.siow 7 M8 l 4 5 5J 7IS K Scobta u Band, Philanderer, Nerdeefe 59306 J.ffson 3-4 I:13%faat 15 112 1 2 2 3 32 R Ball 8 A. of Acs, Propaganda, KsCllb 58186 Jeffson H f IM fast 15 109 6 3 G C» 65i R Ball 7 Doric, Tiantula, Gallant Foe 58891 Jeffson ::-! l:15Vtfast 15 1 7 1 111" l"k R Ball 12 Flypaper, Lovs, Philanderer 58935 Jeffson 3-4 1:15 fast 50 M8 4 7 10 101 10" K Ball 11 Cormoran, Murphy, kirstiesCub JOAQUINA, br. f, 4 105 By Garry Herrmann — Joannina, by Voter. Trainer, E. Kolman. Owner, T. H. Wilson. 59115 Jeffson ImToy l.l.-.mud 3-2 KM t I I 2" In A Wilson 4 Grayson. Cote d*Or, Richard V. 58939 Jeffson 1 l:41--fast 2 144 8 5 5 5 2i» 3 C Lang ! Grayson. Tantalus, loa.iuina 58818 J.ffson 1 1-16 1 :4*.-,f;.si 11-10 104 4 I 5 4 I] 1 C Lang 8 J.C.Stone, B.Sbaaaon, s.Verdiet S87SG Jefaon 1 l:41*Jfaat 7 MS I E 5 I 2 2" M Hsrsoa 7 Laaiana, LacyKate, MiaaBaakia 57903 Kworth lm7iy l:54%bvy 5 104 6 7 7 5 58 5=1 J Dreyer 7 Roseate. NortbSbore, GiltFringe 57878 Kworth 1 1-16 1:56 hvy 18 100 7 7 5 4 4" V J Hunmer 7 Mor.Blder, 1. Desert, Br.leddler 57735 Kvvortn lm70y l:44%fast 7 97 2 1 1 1 BJ 4»1 H B Bwer 8 Mor. Elder, Br.Peddler, Secretary PAHASIIA. ch. g. 4 105 By Haimonicon — Berenice II., by St. Simonlan H. Trainer, R. Wirgfield. Owner, M. and J. Lowenstcin. 60142 F.Gnda 3-4 1:14 t. i HM 6 •• •• ■• I i Smitb 12 • ■ .■ ■ . T.OffieiaL Paaaasaa 17977 Church] 7-s 1:2; last 19 M8 7 12 12 II U» 9 " ■ Pool 15 Pl.lltra. Pos.Bmbry, Gl. France 5752S Latonia 8-4 l:12%faat St 112 6 7 6 6* 6-° G Stack 7 Ace High, Bunzaf. Tharon 57310 Latonia 1 1-18 l:52-;,mud 96 110J 4 6 8 8 9* 9" G Stack 10 DtyLaaa, M.Ktaiue, BnyStone 17070 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 42 110 4 5 7 .» 7»i G Stack 11 J.S.U.lon, IncleV. lo. Riagltock M431 Sartopa 8-4 1:15- slow 8-5 112 4 3 4 S» 8° P Wilson 12 Staunch. BodattXky, Blue Belle 3b3i6 riarto-a 8-4 lU8%ta»i 3 18818 10 8 1* 4* 8 Fator 15 .lo.kSc.r. Sagacity, Prurourdine FLUZEY. ch. m. 6 101 By Fair Play— Stamps, by Wadswcrth. Trainer. J. S. Kays. Owner. .7. S. Hay;,. I 090 P.Gnda ImTO] I 19 hvy 13-3 148 13 2 ! - V H Thoniaa S Merchant, s rbiaa, Liiii- U 59937 P.Gnda 3 I 1 Ji.,]i 15 KM I :. I 6 5 ■: Scobie 7 TheDecision, J.-ln i. Ticklish [69783 F.Gnds 1 1-8 2:orDmud 12 148 14 2 2 IJ 1- E Scoba S Madge F.. Borneo, Exhorter 59635 F.Gnda 11-18 1:41 fast 6-5 101 4 3 3 3 IJ 1* C Lang 18 Qaltet, British Liner, Solid Rock SBS88 F.Gnds 1 1 16 l:47-.-,fast 12 M8 2 6 7 5 4" 4-J A Wilson 8 Balder, Murray. Gray-on 59518 P.Gnda 1 1-14 l£3%mn4 20 105 2 2 7 7 B" 5"G Brenins 8 W.Cares, Bs.-arpolette, DayLilly ■438 P.Gnda 3-4l:U„iast t| 144 U 6 6 5J 42 B Scobie IS Oralegga, Paria, Philanderer MORMON ELDER, blk. g, 6 113 By Ogden— Kate D., by Cesarioa. Owner, R. McGarvey. Owner, MrGarvey and l:4i la 105 a ■"• "■ : S | 5 • i Weiner 7 Wynaewd, Traaslate, Baigneur F.Gnda lm70y 1:321 mod 2 108 2 4 4 1 ::i !■ K Pool B Pictor, Borneo, Kirah 59824 P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:55*4hvy 20 M2| 7 4 3 2 4 S»l B Marielll 7 Day Lilly, Who ares, Lampue P.Gnda lmTOy l:44Hgood 48 103 3 7 6 5 7J 7" F Weiner 8 Wynnewd, Traaalate, Courtship 59056 Jeffson 11:42 good 9 H8 7 7 7 M M* M** H Tharberll Mr. X., Kteraity, Episode 58939 Jeffson 1 l:41%fast 13-5 112 3 4 3 3 6" «4 H t Grayson. Tantalus. Joaquina 6S703 jeffson 11-16 1:49 fast 7 110 3 4 4 2 2"" 41 B Barnes *; Darkllill. Bacarnolette, Merinaa 57879 Kworth 11-16 1:56 hvy 17-10 113 2 4 2 1 1 l1 H 7 Joa.piinti. TheDes.rt, B.Peddlal ANNA GALLUP, b. m, 5 99 By Ogdea — Oriental Queen, by Greenan. Trainer, A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. G i 1 F.Gnda 1 1-8 2:07 hvy 7 106 2 4 4 1 4 l*» J Owena i RmPeddw. S.Lightlll., AlexJr. 59S94 F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:56%hvy 15 W7 6 7 7 7 •;- 7 ;■ M Schwta 7 MadgeP., Wdtbmsb, ELPsrdaef 59803 P.Gnda 1 1-16 1: ! hvy 12 M8 4 4 6 7 t* 67 M Schwta 8 KgTrojan, Woodtaraab, Ettabe 59612 F.Gnda 1 1-16 l:."2hvy 12 MS 2 4 3 I P 1 II Thomas 10 Pickwick, Serbian. Ale* .Ir. 59036 Jeffson lmT-y 1:48 slow 8 110 3 4 2 4 4J 4- M Schwtz 8 Courlis. Verity, Gloomy Gus 58974 Jeffson lm7oy 1 :: i"-,iiiud 10 106 I 4 6 7 7 7-7L Coney 7 Sist rllo. k"ngAdaai, Escarptte 58751 Bowie 1116 1:53 mud 7 M4 7 6 7 4 IJ 1" E Harhne 11 Bttabe, BelloPardaer, Burgoyne 58474 Bowie, 1 1-16 l:53*4hvy 9 104 6 6 6 6 1 1 M .Schwtz J Aastral, Whitellaven, Titanium 58188 Laurel 11-8 1:55 fast 19-18 Ml 12 2 3 4i 45 C Lans 7 K. Trojan. Sum.Sich, peg.ltlvea 58348 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47%f ast 29-10 100 9 6 4 4 4: 3TJ O Lang 8 Oath, Moan, Banana REP, b. c. 4 111 By Picton — Enchantress II., by Collar. Trainer. L. F. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Bros.. 05144 P.Gnda 1 1-14 1:47 ■-.!. -t 10 MS 5 I ■ I : 9" J Eoeller B» Padaa, 1; m f, I I raaore 60082 P.Gnda im.oy l:.J.hvy 12 hK 6 6 6 ". I I ■ I Eoeller «l Unit.Verde, Cimarn 59974 P.Gnda 3-4 l:20%hvy lit 148 1 2 2 2*1 21 .1 Eoeller 7 Uaiciber, Servitor, Bmaaaj 8892 P.Gnda lna70y l: -hvy 6 loi 3 12 2 2* V J Eoeller t s.-a Core, Bunzaf, Lmupus 59S23 P.Gnda 1 !-s 2:01 Vhvy 6 88f 3 11 1 2J 9 J Z«.eli. r t; Goaraaaad, Paa.Swaln, Cimarron 59782 P.Gnda 11 14 1 ."O-.mti.l 13-5 PdJ 2 2 I 2 2" ::5 .1 Eoeller B Cbnarron, Plmlico, Balance WliI 59721 P.Gnda Iui70y llSJivy u 113 3 6 6 3 2» 2J J Zoeller 7 Mars.lale, Bal. Wheel, Waukeag MURRAY, b. g. 6 110 By King James — Bellamia, by Henry of Navarre. Trainer, 0. Johnson. Owner, Coppage 8c Parrish. 60144 P.Gnda 1 1-16 i:47%faat I i"7 t 2 2 : 4] "." !■ Weiner in Padaa, Rnnsaf, Clayaeore .-,!•-..*;» P.Gnda 1 1-M l:47%taat 3] ill 8 s 8 ■". 8| 84 L Morris ; Bai.l.r. Grayaoa, Vlnaey 59377 P.Gnda 1 1-18 l:4B%faat 16-5 110 4 3 1 1 1" 2J a Gantner t Traaalate, .Mi.isun. BribedTotaf 58271 Jeffson 1 1-16 l:l7Vsfast 2* Ml 6 4 2 1 1*1" B Barnes 7 BigbGeer, Lj Lillian. Scoiirgen 58157 Jeffson 11-16 1:48 good 13 5 102 5 5 3 I 1" 2JB Marielll • Tantalus. Our Birthday, Auiaxe 88874 Jeffson 8-4 6 110 4 5 5 4» 4*| ■ Barnes T Od-SweU, C.ol.Bst. J.sllmuia 5S8.:7 Jeffson 8-4 1:17 niud 8 112 4 5 4 3J 2j II Rowe 1 rt.Chiircliill. Aiiiipate, Marmite SCOURCEMAN. b. g, 7 109 By Stanhope II.— Salaniis. by Sensation. Trainer, J. H. Tevis. Owner, N. B. Rayfieldt. 5912.7 P.Gnda lmTOy l:4S%fant 5 112 I s I 7 O1" 8*| P "Itil.tti B Rsenrpolte, M. Fontaine, B. Voter 59323 J.flsoti 1 1 -16 1 :47:-.1ast 1 148 4 4 4 4 2. 1- I" CTtiletti 5 Cote dOr, RidtUedee, Dant/ic 58271 Jefrson 1 1-16 1:47..last 7 M8 7 I 5 I 5- 4 R Scobie 7 IligbCear. Marray, LadyLillian 58570 Plmlico l 1-14 l:49%mud 49 10618 I I E I1 4,r I". Barnes 18 Tleacey, V..iki i. MaJorParka 58508 Pimlleo 1 1-16 l:48%good 81 101 13 n pi lo 8. .i» R s.obie 14 Crk oDa, W.Bedotte, M. Parke 57801 Ltturel 1 1-8 l:5i.;..slop 23 885 3 0 6 8 6 6ia S Lowe ti Goidine, K.Tiojaii. Ilel.Parduer WRECKER, b. c, 4 107 By Wrack— Single Shot, by Star Shoot. Trainer, W. H. Cooper. Owner, W. H. Cooper. 8124 F.Gnda 1 l-M I:48%aloW 12 no 6 4 C 6 8" S,n C Pone 8 BrySbaaa, H.Pardner, D.Lilly S94S8 F.Gnda lmTBy l:4544faat 9-10 106 111 2 25 21 P Cltilettl S Eternity, Jerry, B..l.l.ed Hair 5988 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:47%fast 18-5 110 4 2 2 4 4J F * F "ltiletti 7 Baladin. Wickford. Trust Offieal 58875 Jefrson 3-4 l:lS-r.hvy 3J 105 4 3 4 4» 4IU F CTtiletti 5 Manoevre, BeaOsre. Bal. Wheel 58836 Jeffson 1 l:42%rnud 6 MB 2 11 1 I" 1" F CTtiletti 5 Thimble, Ian Son, Master Jack 58754 Jeffson 6J f 1 :08 fast 9-5 120 4 3 3 4 4° F Smith IS Br .Lights. BrilKay, GallantFoe

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Local Identifier: drf1922021101_5_3
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