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. , i l 1 1 1 * SECOND RACK :i— 1 Mile. Anna Pavlowa Piirnc. u- car-olds, M »v*- nnccs. Feb. !, I! is 1:11 1-5 6 116. PENITENT, ch. f. 3 107 By Pennants-Regret, by Broomstick. Trainer, F. Hopkins. Owner H. P. Whitney. E0434 P.Gada OJ f 1:07 fast 11-5 KMi 4 2 2 2* 1 V "ltilettill ComieSong. FlvBall Ouipolent 58916 Jeffson 3-4 liWgood 7-5 107 1 3 3 4* 2 F Gltiletti 9 Modesty. Image. Colando 58719 Bowie 6i f l:22=imud 17-10 109 1 2 I 34 9 L Morris 10 Mir.Coo| er. Plucky. Tangerine 58657 Bowie 3-4 1:16 hT 9-6 1"3 6 5 6 4| 2* J Rowan 8 Elemental. Champlain. Blkatooe 58225 Km pi re 64 f l:06%fast 4 lit 7 3 4 7 «" C Rohson 7 My Patricia. Picnic. Hephalstoa 58201 Empire 54 f l:06HfaBt 15 W 1 3 3 21 1 C Ponce « MaryPatrlcia, Emotion. Prelude 58093 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :09%fast 16 104 6 4 4 5* 6»f F Cltiletti « Runantell, Kai-Sang, Emotion 57967 Jamaica 64 f 1 :06*fef ast 7 111 1 1 2 8 «*i L Penman 9 L.Baltime. BeesWar. M.Pata 67680 Jamaica 64 t 1 :07Vifast »-2 9» 7 8 3 1* 2J L Penman 9 Sleivecod Modesty, LyBaltlmn KNOT GRASS, b. o, 3 112 By Short Grass— Gentlewoman, by Bala. Trainer, C. N. Freeman. Owner. M. R. Pons. 60039 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :17Vandhvy 11-5 114 1 I 2 P F C P—C« 6 Omnipotent. Billvltmiu. l evonlte 59917 F.Gnds S| t 1:11 mud 12-5 109 I 1 1 Is 1* C Ponce 8 C.McMkin, Ashland. Red Leaf M42 K.Gnds 54 f l:1hvy I 98 3 2 3 4» 4» C I*ang 7 High Cost, Mulcih. r. Serapls 59781 F.Gnds 3-4 1 HTtnafl 44 111 2 11 V In* C Ponce « CapRock, BallotMark. Coatlgan 59679 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :13%fast 7-6 121 6 11 11 F C Lang 10 Petie, FredKinnev. MabelCnrtla 59556 F.Gnds 54 f 1 :08 slow 3-2 111 1 11 1» 1« C ling S Birdie G.. Rob. Gnleta 59373 F.Gnds 64 f 1 :07Vkfast 16-6 106 2 2 4 3» 4« M Gamer 0 Bant Rsy. Modesty, St. Maurice 59053 Jeffson 64 f 1 M good 11-5 109 9 I I I Fl Bullman 8 WolfsCry, Simplicy, Bob.Halr OMNIPOTENT, ch. f, 3 109 By Hilarious— Anna L. Daley, by Lissak. Trainer, H. McMahon. Owner, J. L. Pontius. 60039 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :17-xhvy 3-2 1"9 2 2 I li 1* H I Burke a KnotOrass. BillyDunn. Hevouite MBS F.Gnds 3-1 l:14%fast 9-5 113 5 1 1 1» 1* H J Burke S Simplicity, Image, Promenade 59424 F.Gnds 6* 1 :"7 fast 8 111 3 3 o 54 41 H J Burkell Penitent. Comic Song. Fly Bull 59373 F.Gnds 54 f 1 :07%fast 4 110J 1 3 2 S» S*§ H J Burke 9 Bant Rsy, Modesty. St. Maurice 58795 Jeffson 6i f 1 :07%fast 13-5 109 4 4 4 4« 4 » F Weiner « LdAllen. KnotGrass, Simplicity 5* 362 Lexton FC l:ll%slow 24 10A 2 1 1 1* 1« F Weiner 12 PdarPeel. UncleSonny, Br.Iat 58294 Lex ton FC l:10Vifast M 104 3 8 1 1«| 14 F Weiner 9 Bill and Coo. College Girl, Aloft BRILLIANT RAY. b. g, 3 112 By Pennant— Sunglow II., by Sundridge. Trainer, M. Smith. Owner. M. Bmltb, OMSF.Gada 3-4 l:13%faat 4 113 3 2 3 31 31 C Ponce 8 Ca» Skwk, ;. Mayers DdyWolf MM P.Gada 8-4 l:M*4faat 10 111 4 2 6 4 Sjc lng 7 WarZone, SBaaerK., High Coat 59134 F.Gnds 64 f 1 :07 fast 18-6 115 1 1 1 lh :,? I, Coney 11 Penitent, Comic Song, Flv Ball 59371 F.Gnds S| f 1 :07%fast 3 1 « 6 1 1 V 14 L Coney 9 Modest v, Nt.Mnuro-c, K. Qraaa 591-94 Jeffson 54 f l:07%fast 15-20 110 1 11 la 1! I Coney 7 Ashland. Honorable, Stamp MMJatfaaa 54 f 1:07 fast 2 109 2 1 2 21 1*8, L Coney 12 Ashland, Fred Kinncv. Griselda 59176 Jeffson 3-4 1 :14%fast 16 1«84 6 1 2 34 4 H King 7 WolfsCry. Modestv, C.McMeekla 58835 Jeffson 64 f 1:11 mud 34 113 2 113 3!J O Lang 10 Modesty. GrassTree, JakcBerget THE FRANCISCAN, br. c, 3 104 By Hesperus— Mortonia, by Mortlake. Trainer, F. P. LetcUier. Owner. Southland Stable. 59"92 F.Gnds 5j f l-fast 2 1 16 1 21 1* i1" .1 D Mneyll Jea.H.Lcvy, RanTiaac, Caaaarl 5S039 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 26 115 6 4 5 6 6»i P Pmith 11 Treasurer, Lieut. Colonel, Settle COMIC SONG, br. g. 3 112 By Black Jester— China Song, by Santoi. Trainer, G. Zeigler. Owner, G. Konigswald. HK40 P.Gada 1 l:38%faat 18-8104 8 11 1 1J 1* H Thomas 7 Bal.Marfc, Aaklaad, ItiaakBuj M35F.GBda 3-4 1 :15hvy 7-10 i09 7 3 6 f, 4* C Turner S Simplicity. Aslilnnd. Can Rock 59134 F.Gnds 54 f 1:07 fast 13-5 US 6 6 I 34 2* C Turner 11 Penitent. Fly Ball. Omnipotent MTS P.Gada Hfl:07!4faal s 1094 9 9 8 74 7* C Turner H Bant Ray, Modesty, st. Maurice MSSEanptn H t l:0««Afaat 10 121 2 1 1 64 7» . Turner 7 MyPatrlcia, plcadc, HephsbKoe J.S1S1 Kmpire 64 f 1:07 fast 34 115 6 « « 4 «-" C Tumsr « LuckyHour. My Play. S. Adama ASIA. K f, 3 99 By Sain— Boema, by Alvescot. Trainer, P. Coyne. Ownor, G. J. Long. 58342 Lexton PC l:ll*Aatow 83 IOC I I 9 F 9" B Parke 12 Oaa*aateat, Faat Peel, Ua.8aaay 68287 Lexton 3-4 l:13%faat 14 loo 10 12 11 11* IV* F Weaaer 12 Gentility, DackHSoaay, CapReck f.7675 Latonia 8-4 1:14-fast 7 112 f. 44 V 14 J aXflderti 11 BeUabltity, Our Betsy, Megan 573«3 Latonla 3-4 l:13%fast 7 112 4 4 4 6* S10 J Kederle 7M.Winsor, Gergette, Bl.kBsitty 56817 Latonla 64 f 1:10 slow 8 113 1 I 6 i 4«4 J Kederis 5 Lil.MaeB., Dix. ODay, r. Lark ROB. ch. c, 3 112 By Orb— Panlita, by Panmure. Trainer, G. Land. Owner, 0. Weideman. 596.33 F.Gnds 11:41 fast 8 110 1 1 1 1 1* 1« C Turner 12 Bill Block. Grsss Tree. DcTonite MM P.Gada 54 f IM slow 34 US 4 4 4 24 3» M Garner 8 Knot Grass, Birdie G.. Calet* 59454 F. Gnds 3-4 1 :15%slow 9-5 112 1 11 l4 1nkM Garner 9 Hillsdale, Delhi Maid, Trlco MSI Jeffson 54 f 1:08 good 5 115 4 4 6 64 711 F Weiner 9 WolfsCry, Simplicy, Rob. Hair 58908 Jeffson 3-4 1 :17" vslow 3-2 1«0 2 11 l1 P F Weiner 8 Can Ml Mai Ma. JnkoRerecr. Fay 55446 Latonia 54fl:06%fast 45 110 8 8 8 8 8»! J Francla 8 Sir Hugh, Bonn*, Martha Fallen BILLY DUNN. b. m. 3 1C4 By Athelmg II.— Thistle Belle, by Xnlgbt of tat Trainer, L. Johnson. Owner, G. Knebelkamp. Thistle. «oo::9 p.Gada 3-4 l:17!4kvy 20 i«« 1 3 :; ::* F A Wilson fi Omnipott, KaatCSraaa, Devaaita 59917 F.Gnds 14 f 1:11 mud 5 109 8 6 6 62 6" A Wilson 8 K. Crass, C.McMeekla, Ashland 68107 Churchl 8-4 1 :12%fast 107 T 2 i 5 7 7 7" A Wilson 7 B.oBlk. F Phantom, Brdalbane 14*73 Daktn 8-4 l:14%goad 14 lit 5 6 7 64 6"4 B ParUe 8 Aloft, Weaak* B.. Alva 66615 Dshire 54fl:06%fast 18 105 5 6 7 64 4 R Parke 9 Fifty Fifty. Photoplay, Aloft 56,-i?r. O shire 64 f l :07" ipoo i 6 11." 5 4 I i"k F* B Faifca 9 Bum. Bumps. Dar.Baekaer. Aire 564 7 Windsor 8-4 l:12%fast 12-5 108 1 4 4 4t 3 B Parke 7 Aloft, DothyBuckner. OrmaDale COMMANDER McMEEKIN, ch. g, 3 112 By Peter auinoe— Fallal, by Ben Brush. Trainer, L. F. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Broa. • ! .i77 F.Gnds 1 !:51%kTy •; 112 I I 1 I 2;. 4* .1 /oeiier 5 CeatJgan, Ashland. Maradale r.9917 K.Gnds 5i f 1:11 mud S-5 112 4 4 2 F J Zoeller 8 Knot Crass. Ashland. Red I af 69843 P.Gada 1 1 : IKf-.hvv 4 113 2 2 2 2 3 3"! J Zoeller 0 T.Hare.Ir., Costignn. Cap Rock 59762 F.Gnds 1 1 :44%mud 9-10 110 111 1 1* 1* J Zoeller 7 Ashland. Sweepy. Bullet MIS F.Gnda 3-4 1:15%hvy 7 110 1 3 2 2 J 2 J Zoeller 6 T. Hare Jr., Simplicity. Sweepy 51640 F.Gnds 1 l:39 sfast 10 111 3 6 4 4 7 V* C Turner 7 ComieSong. Mark. Ashland 59517 F.Gnds 1 l:48%aaad 9-10 109 1 1 1 1 24 24 C Turner « Msrsdnle, Chnrline, GracpFogter 89475 F.Gnda 3-4 1 :1535mud 6 114 6 5 2 2* 2* C Turner 9 TomHanJr.. Modesty, M. Cooper Sr-:i_2 Jeffson 11:40 fast 3 Wilt 1 SPUD Mney « Ashland. Ballot Mark, Mnrsdale 69168 Jeffson 3-4 1 :14Sifast 7-6 112 1 3 2 21 24 J Zo«!ler 0 Modesty. Cap Rock. Stamp 59176 Jeffson 1-4 l:14fast t 115 1 i 6 44 3* J Zoeller 7 WolfsCry, Modesty. BrilnlRai MAY BLOSSOM, oh. f. 3 107 By Ultimus — May Hempstead, by Patron. Trainer. T. J. Harmon. Owner. C. Fellows. iJoom P.Gnda 3-4 l:20r,hvy 21 108 2 1 1 I1! I* Q Brcnke* 7 Last effort. Pay, Ceased 59751 P.Gada 3-4 l:167.,mud 6 110 8 8 9 9* »• G BrenlngK OurBetsy, Jos H Levy, Max .old ST. MAURICE, ch. c, 3 118 By Zeus — Even Break, by Hamburg. Trainer, C. J. Casey. Owner, Pelican Stable, ES475 P.Gada 3-4 I :l5:i.-.inud 126 :. 1 I SJ B«* ■ I laynca 0 T.Harelr., C.MrMkia Maiiatp 5937:: F.Gnds 5J f 1:07. -,f ast. 6 121 8 5 6 5» 3: K llaynes BantKay. Modesty. Knot Crn«* 66755 Kmpire nj" f 1 M%ala« 12 119 I I 4 4» 4M ■ Haynes .". M-.rvicli. Must. Seed, YnnkeeStar 54283 Jamaica 5-8 1:00 fast 7-5 115 3 11 lj 1* K Hajmea 7 fefawrceraa. Klrtlc. Carpenter 52S59 H.deGce 4* f Slfast 16 119 i 111* 1"* R Haynes 9 G. Times. Bee. Thoughts. Ogarlta 88708 H.deGce l-J 49 slop 12-5 118 i 4 3= F T Rice 7 Blue Teal. Mnnna. Teddy B. 63603 Bowie 1-2 48%fast 23-10 118 f. 3 F F A Johnson 7 Misdeal. Mawr« -oron. Miles S. 53509 Bowie 1-2 4SJSfast 64 116 1 2 14 14 A Johnson ft Mowrcoron. R.Tom. TomCassidy 62974 Shi ort 3J f 49 hvv 4-5 115 1 1 1* 1* N Tiller 7 Una. BatteWrack, BsbyRvoire 52832 F.Gnds 3-8 35%fast 6 110 2 7 8" N Barrett 11 J.Dundee. F.v. White. Adventora TIMBREL, blk. c. 3 104 By Zeua— Blaok Swan, by Herbert. Trainer, J. F. Richardson. Owner, J. F. Richardson. 8M4 P.Gnda J-4 l:18%hvy 8 ill I I 8 54 6Ki J, McDoM 8 lmat-e. Galcta, Coaaati 59917 P.Gada • . f 1:11 mud 30 M 7 8 7 64 F* L McDott 8 K. Grass, Ic-Meekin. Aslilaud 5!«-9l jr.Gnda 3 4 l:10%n»ad 20 lo:t 4 8 0 0 F* G w "arH . KaatGraaa, Caplack, RaitMerk 6S662 Bowie lm70y 1 :50%slow 19-5 107 4 9 9 9 8» S20 J Fahtn 9 Colando. Carnienclta. CltatlM 88840 Bowie 7-8 1 :28%hvy 267 107 2 10 10 10 10 9«i G W "arH 10 Hophaist«s, Plucky. Ikaaaerkw BSMBawte «4f1:22 hvy 323 104 10 11 11 11 84 G W Carill 1 1 Hephstos. Tangerine, YkeeStsf 684y, Plinlico 3-4 l:16ftmud 7 110 2 8 6 4 47J G W CarM 9 Tangerine, Simplicity. Colando FAST TRIAL, b. g, 3 104 By Martinet — Morning Glory, by Disguise. Trainer, H. Neuatetar. Owner, H. Neuateter. 47484 Wdhine 3-4 l:13"[,fast 13 108 4 6 6 6" «" J McTagt 7 MnbelCurtis, Delhimnr, Alrerlda 67397 Wdbine 3-4 1 :13%fast 28 103 7 8 8 S 8** U Ihurber 8 Marble. Stacy Adams, Pusb Pin 8Tff TTnrral 54 f 1:07/sfast 18-5 103 1 3 2 2 l"k F Merimee 9 Chloris. Fan -ier, Briarcllff 56252 Ft.Krio 8-4 ldSKfaat 16 W 5 3 3 "J SJ H .1 Burke " Photoplay, Champlain. Devonlte 56161 Hamton 64 f l:08%fast 6 1084 2 2 2 2l 2s J McTagt 7 Delhimar, Moco. Ferrum 5ror,3 Hamton 64 f 1 :09 fast 5 105 2 1 2 1» 14 F Mcrlmee .". Oo l,a Ivi, A-hlin, Athgarren 55978 Hamton 64 f l:0S%slow 23 105 6 6 6= 6»i F Merimee 7 Corenzio. Wessie B., Chateaugay