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A ♦ MEXICO CITY ENTRIES Separate index numbers will be given race-, run 8 Mexico City. They will beg-in with 1 M and continue in numencal older. When complete chart Is received by mail the regular index numbers will be applied and the usual sequence maintained. Probabilities: Weather dear: track fast. Racing si arts at 3 00 p. m. Chicago time 4 :00 8 Superior mud runner wood mud runner. :.-. Fair mud runner. Ml Us ideas. Apprentice i : iow an. e h Bliakera. First Race— 5-S Mile. 4-year-oMa aad apward. Maidei -. flaiaiiac i So • rack I • i "id. i T .days Ind. Horse. Wi. Bee. A Wi Baa UM M Kec*M Buton i no. .700 lul M * h Doctor I loT. .wK Hi II *M:-- Sterling lio 1:03 .. 7 im; . ; hi • -17 M • ;.• tie Wood ••• 101 . .• » 1 lis M •Birthdaj -1 io:i. us. 1J4 M »Miss Anna •• 103. .€85 111 M Ainitaf 4 ltd .080 * Second Baca — 7-8 Mile. 4-year aids and upward, claiming. i No irai l. i . • srd. i ll.l M •TOM l.dCAN ....MS l:!.!!..-. 5 103:700 lL!i M »War lab to:! 1:30% 8 113X6*1 H7 M M..I11.1 I H»7 1 ::.•_ h 4 lOOXOBS il7 M ■■ •Oraslaa 7 IM. IBS 134 M- Lsaie I»u «. 113X086 ! ISS M Adelante 8 119X080 143 M Marse Ikaasj 7 1M..CS1 147 M hJaca Hill 7 lliiv»;7.-, Third Race — 3-4 Mile. :! year-old- am! upward. Claiming. I No track record. 1 1.12 M •Kallipolis 94 1:12% " 1OSV700 I liti M M.adv Qraaite Its 1:1414 4 10A:*:OKi 130 M Martaiet i»7 l:17.ra :i MXOM 132 M • Kwe . 1 4 1:13 I lOBXwM i 147 M * arrie Margaret .. 7 100.. 085 MB M *.ii- ITnlTt iMi... I 110. .080 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. B-year-aMs and apWSld I laimins. o track rccoidi. 120 M * •Chicken and10S..700 I 121 MibZainer 101 1:15 4 110X09"" i tl7 Ml •Tom Baacfc 112 1:17 4 110x000 121 M "Valerie W.-i ...110 1:12% s 108X000 * 121 M3 *«;.i Bar B2 1:14% 4 il»ix«s" i Fifth Race — o 1-2 Furlongs. I year old- and upward. Handicap. i No track ucoidi. 120 M limden Ill 1 : s: . • 110X725 -, :.s»! - |.M..roiii 103 1:08% .".112x720 78 M bA-umption IM 1.-00% till. .715 - 120 U? l.allvuew SIS 1.17 •.. i 111. .710 , ISO M Finam ial Baaater 112 1:07., 5 1MX710 , 1S7MI Skooter 107 1:00% » 104X10* c MM Oweel water Ml 140% ■ 03. .Ml I Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 4-year aMs .. i:«i apward. claiming. No track re. ord I 144 M •Ferisaps 104 1 :io . t 107y700 j 100 M •bTiger |r.-e 101 1:42% MBX405 12S Mi •Iiil-s Kin 1:40% 7 IM. .000 I till MibK.ittle Moiiniain. .111 1:41% ."• 1 1 0 X biX IM Ma *My Hose 1 1 12 1:17 1 100x005 • 120 M Mayor Oalvin 111 1:4B% « 112X011 1 a a