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• 1 * ! I GROWTH OF ENGLISH RACING I Figures for 1921 Show Healthy Increase in Purses and Horses Engaged. I The EayliKfa Animal Racing faleadar, which contain- Ihe statistical record of the year 1021 ca the British I art, shows ia its tabulations ■ healthy growth both la parse distributioa and ia the another of hor-e- . Bl J-"d during the year The total number of hoi sea competing during 1021 established ■ new laigb-h record with 1.304. .is . iimp.ired with 4.0K in 1020, which also roasti-lated a record, stake ralaea in 1021 for Eaglaod were ,028,003, as compared wiih ,003,100 in the previous year: for Ireland ?40".,17.". ;- Sipatld With .22,220. and for S.oiland 18,013, as .om pared with 22,030. Scotland, it will be aoted, is the only divixioa of Ihe Faited Kingdom to show a decrease. The EacHak and Irish totals represent new records. A total of 1.509 race- were run in Great Britain la-i year and M0 in Ireland, althowak several aseet- ings W-re abandoned hctanas of the industrial cii-i-in Ihe mid-t of the racing season. In England i .Tft.Tf* was w. n in handicap-, t!."..07o in selling i aces and si .4:0.2O.r in weight forage race-. Pig ores on iwo-yearold racing in Britain i la-t year show that there wei e :js0 juvenile races at i between five-eighth* and three -quarter* mile; eighty four betweea three-quarters and a mile and aevei:- teen Bt a Utile or over. In Ireland there were 10 juvenile races at between five-eighths and three-quarters ; mile: nineteen between three quarters and ana mile and Only three at a mile or over. «■