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I 1 ; i ] i j j I DOUBLE FOR J. A. PARSON His Colors to the Fore at Tijuana— After Contract on Jockey Huntamer. TIJUANA. Mexico. February 10. — J. A. Parson was much in Hie limelight at Tijuana yesterday In the main race his Huron II. and Sister Bwsht finished first and second and in the following race Buckhorn II. carried his colors to victory. Strange as it may seem, the Parson entry in the Montebello Handicap, at five and one-half furlongs was without enthusiastic support, although they paraded to the" post the favorites. However. ;en-aral Agrataonte and Doctor Corbett were well backed aud came in for muck attention. The race was i -ort of a gift for Parson, as his horses held first and second place throughout the contest. Doctor Corbett made a challenge rounding the far turn, but tried to come through a small opening next to the inside rail, where he was impeded by Sister Susie. Meanwhile Huron II. Was setting I sizzling pace and held to hi- task to the finish, although his stable companion pressed him hard nenring the end. Following right on the heels of this triumph Par--ons colors were again in evidence when his Buck-horn II. dashed home first in the mile and a sixteenth race, which was the sixth on the card. Jockey Noble, who piloted the winner, rede him hard "throughout, and the son of Buckhom re-ponded gamely and at the finish held a clear lead over Happy Valley and American Maid. The closest fini-h of the day came in the opening dash, at five and a half furlongs, in which Mike Dixon, ridden by Ike v.:eran jockey Cross, got up to win by inches In in Sailie D and Kimono The latter ami prabahlj beat. At the rlae uf the harrier she dwelt and in reascwwcwrc she was away flat footed. However, Kiasaas aniekij strnck her full stride and. rushing up la the leu. lei-, at one stage f the race showed in fioni The early efforts la BMke up the laai grewad proved her dewefall, f she tired whea pat to the whip. The old campaigner Kenwaid found a soft spot in the sc on-1 race, -howing a particular f.ui.ln — -for the -oft winning pulled up 10 a raatei h -ix lengths. NAN McKINNEY S HOLLOW VICTORY. Nan McKiaaej aiade every pool a winning one in the Ikree-year-eld race. Bei rlctory like Kea wards, was ■ hollow awe ami si the end she liei I in advantage Of ten lenmli-. lackeys E. NoMe sad I. Haataaier divided the caddie hoaors af the day betweea theat. Each rod i wo aril iiei- Batry rierk Sam Botheii liad s hwaj lia t II in the third race, as bmbj claiasn wen- reatictered. rhree horaes chuocd land-. Verasak wewl io William I •Tied" l Walker: Kooneville back to his erstwhile ■ ■wiii. .1 A. lar-on. who in turn lo i Com uiandcr l« i B. Irwin Soo wa- the toasideratioa in ixith .as.- 1 u the sixth race B. T. Palaser idded Happy aii.-v la hi- raphll eahrririag striae, lakinp thai plater froai J. Arvia foi MM Betweea races Kana.riand and Ke;,l l.odge worked i i mile in prcpar.ii ioa : .-. Ihe 0,000 Bajs Ialiforais j laadicap. Io he run Oaaday. Workins loetliei i lu i. in the di-iai.c la l:40*i. with lb-gal Uidfce bowias the mo- latprea«ive work. The srestera | •hain|. • n Be Fraok. with iockej E Taylor in the I Middle, was -t-iii Uiree-owartem in 1:10. He mille«l . 1 1 la lit ioa, sad if he d — sot develop | amen.-- i- expected la he ■ starter la Onadaya eatare [I was learaed today thai a well-known eastern •iirfman had a-k..l Arthur Breat, whe bowls Ihe eoa-naci on Jocke.t I. Ilimiaiioi. la sel I price oa the aveted docnaseat, but Breal replied that the services ■ f the Tijuana ma. k Jockej is BOl for -a!e. A- re .oiled exclusive!; in rbe«e coluatus soate tiase back t is the inienioui of Breal to take Buntaaser la Eaalaad, where he will be seen in ihe -ail. He next nnini-r. Breal is aa :.mi i- saajtnine thai he caa fiad mu.-h -addle work for bis Jockej ;n Ihe ethei -ide of the water. A carload of hor-e- which left New OrieaB* Salin lay sight arrived here this asoraiac The -in t the shipmen: was MulcilKi. which i- entered in some .f ihe rich loa*-di*taace Makes jrel Is be decided rii.- entire aggregation shipped well, car sickacss icing sakaowa aasaag Iheai. Ai.hse .lo.m-oii. -on of r. s Reaator Biraaa John son from Califoraia. iaspeirted ■ nuwhet of Ibor Htglibreds this aHwaatg with Ihe prospe«-tK of pur-hawli .g tin-in for gentleman racing In ihe Borthera psrl of the Mate. A series ut Hatarday atatiaees . arc now Icing held al Del UoBtC. I al . and Mr lohaaoa expect* to acquire a -mull MaMe la be raced .t thai point am will ride his own borne* icing an expert ban esaaa. Jockey Parke lo-i hi- applenti. e allowance Tuen la. haviag riddVa hi- fir-t winner oa l-cbrn. ij T 1021, when he rode Bees Wing to victory at Tijuana.