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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 987 LATONIA, Ky., June 30. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. "Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Kilo. 931-Rrunette Lady SGfe 9C4-Bandenu 37!; 900 Distinction SGand 92-Sl:!ndercr 3G 934-UUIe Ann ...37 984-War Penny ...37 955-May Bodina ...37 Half Kilo. 927-Advontnre 51 953-Jouett 51 eGO-Riddledee 31 954-Jane A S2 054-Brilliant Star 54 OW-Lidy Madcap .50,5 903- Blanipy Stone .51 957-MacHeth 50 9C9-Co:scn 4Sand 959 Mv P. Garduerr.O -lG-C!-itt:iKo:ig 50 IXH-.Netldnm 49 9114-IMecn 484i 1W0 Prince Tii Til 4S 963- Alice 50 957-Ilato 52 904- Finday 59 SCS-Sinsnpore 50 904-lioiieIess 50 9G2-Younecd 48 Fcur sr.d a Kalf Furlongs. 9CG-Prinss tlQuillySj Five-Eighths Hile. 962-Awny 1:02 9G2-Ornnipotent .".1:CS 904 Ret Jlosic ...1:03 9!-Pav!owa 1:02 9G4-Fnrl. Pulincrl :02 9G2-Sewell Combsl :00 930-NYedy 1:03 904-Tliibodan.t ..1:02 900 Orlova 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 904 AnRlum Maid 1:10 9r-Ocntn Jouettl:14 904-Iired at llo:npl:l! 903-Kremlin 1:17 901-Hilly McCrayl:1CH-. 904-I.fldy Frakes 1:14 9G5-Bristov 1:17 Graps .1:14 9C1-Hatly II. ...1:15 !!-Royal Palm 1:15 9G3-CurercarKo ..I:1G 9i-Stoek.vell ...1:14 9CC-Do!ores 1:17 953-Sir Lawnful .1:16 905 Exterminator 1:2:5 9G5-Yosliimi ....1:1G Seven-Eighths Mile. 901-Swiss 1:33 950-Sani Frdmanl:32 One Mile. 9C5-B!ue Deep ..1:45 Fallon 1:43 900-Dartmoor 1:42 904-Irulish 1:41 903 Gem 1:43 904-Precious l.nlal :42 959-Locust Leavesl:43 957-Pindar Peel 1:41 Hile and an Eighth. 904- Blow. Bubb!esl:5S Hilo and a Half. 9CG-Rouleau 2:30 Prince Tii Tii worked well. Long Grass and Stockwell galloped together a good three-quarters. Pindar Peel ran a nice mile. Rouleau did a real good mile and a half. Exterminator limbered up a slow three-quarters ; looks as good as ever. NEW YORK, N. Y., June 30. Todays workouts over the local courses included the following: AQUEDUCT. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Kilo. 905- Barcelona 3S i05-Miss Vanity ...33 904-Bud I.erner ...37 905-Sunferencc 3G 9G5-raIt.v 38 012-SeKovia 38 965-Khk I.ady A3. 91C-imeana 33 Kalf Mile. 9G1-Bazed Trail ..49 952-nr.reish 51 964- Jock Scot 51 963-Sunsini 53 Five-Eighths Hile. 9Gl-FurIough 1:05 930-Kigh C 1:07 Three-Quarters Mile. 904-Bayonne 1:17 9GG-Nat S 1:17 Seren-Eighths Mile. 961- Mavourneen .1:31 904-Torchy 1:3S 8G4-St. Donard .1:31 Mavourneen is improving. Sunference ran well. Bud Lerner showed speed. Bayonne was driving. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Kile. 959-Allie Ochs 3G 9G4-Costigan 23 962- Better Luck . . .35 942-Lady Zeus S9 962-Blanc Seing ...39 9C5-Tau II 33 964-Buiom 37 Wilkes-Baire .37 CGO-Betty Wood . . .30 953-Winneconce ...35 9GG-Brink 3S EalT Mile. 9G5-Rork 49 9G3-Laura Gaffney.50 9C5-Ballot Mark ...55 9G5-Poke Bonnet ..50 958-Good Times ...53 950-Siren Maid 50 805-Uorologe 50 9GG-Spade Guinea .49 Five-Eighths Mile. 964-Athanna 1:05 960-Moody 1:06 8G1 Blue Hawk.. 1:04 9G5-Woodlaud ...1:01 9U5-Gen. Tliatcherl:03 Three-Quarters Hile. 862-Brainstorm ..1:17 954-Queen Blonde. 1:20 961-Consort 1:22 9G5-Simple Simonl:23 9G4-Diiiimendale .1:15 905-Sthcrn Cross 1:17 6G4-Execution ...1:19 957-Wisiibonc ...1:17 Seven-Eighths Hile. 9C5-Prclude 1:30 One Mile. 9G4-Bon Homme. 1:4S 961-Pilgrim 1:46 D57-Maize 1:46 Better Luck showed fine speed. Winne-conne was not fully extended. General Thatcher was under restraint. "Woodland worked well. Brainstorm had an easy gallop. Dimmesdale seems as good as ever. "Wishbone seems fresh and good. Prelude galloped easily all the way. Pilgrim was under restraint. Bon Homme galloped an easy mile. BELMONT PARK. "Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Hile. 8G0-Avalanche ....37 964-Giarre 36 Bandowdy ....37 962-Golden Rule .33 904- Cartoonist 30 916-Kecnan 37 9G5-Capt.Costigan 3G 9G5-L,inks 47 935-Coluinn 37 903-Pce Regent .30 905- Cherry Pie ...35 9G6-Romp. Home 35 914-Diamoad Dick 30 965-Red Wreath ..30 9G5-Dode 33 965-Solisa 3j 904- Equator 30 905-Win. Take AU3G 95C-Futen 38 9GG-Whirlwind ...49 9G4-Fayeo 3G Half Kile. Black Friday.. 51 983-Kellerman ....51 941-Blue Brush ..51 930-Long Island ..51 903-Blazes 53 9Gl-Mad Hatter ..53 065-Demijohn ....49 900-Martingale ...48 714-Dream of AllahSS 931-May Blossom 5S 8C5-Dark Magic ..50 95S-On Watch 51 964-Dcvastation ..52 903-Prodigious ....51 958- Finality 52 912-Passamaria ...53 905- Grey Lag 48 964-Round Robin 49 9G1-Ucll Gate 50 96-1-Stacy Adams .55 959- Hobgoblin 50 935-Tlic Almoner .4S 901-nypcrion 51 S9G-Wild Heather.52 805-Iri8h Confetti 48 Five-Eighths Hile. BCl-Anonymons. 1:01 827-P. of TJmbrial:03 8G0-B. of B. Rbc1:04 9C0-Royal Jester 1:05 550-BelpIirizonia 1:03 965-Sportiboy ...1:03 900-Canaque 1:02 964-Sea Mint ...1.-05 960- Dustabout ..1:02 9G5-Silk Tassel .1:03 955-Master Handl:05 Three-Quarters Mia. 8G5-Black Foi ..1:21 964-Nassan 1:15 961- Black Rascall:18 963-Natnralist ..1:22 947-Dan BoUIng 1:22 963-Pirate Gold .1:22 805-GaLantman .J27 9G5-Quesada ....1:1834 904- IIigh Speed 1:15 9G-1-S!ieranda 1:10 905- Loiterer 1:22 900-Sea Cove ...1:10 085-Lord IIerlx!rtl:lfl 001-Ti:oriiliedge .1:13 90-1-Linius 1:22 904-TliundiTclap 1:14 Seven-Eighths Hile. 9G4-Coniic Song .1:41 904-Dovcsroost ..1:34 One Hilo. 9:.8-Escelsis 1:43 Irish Confetti showed speed. Sherando was under restraint. Lanius looks good. Grey Lag and The Almoner worked on even terms. Thunderclap ran well. Solisa and Cherry Pie both galloped easily. High Speed ran well all the way. Romping Home showed good speed. Silk Tassel and Prince of Umbria worked together well. Cartoonist is training well. Martingale seems fresh and good. HAMILTON, Out., June 30. Todays training gallops here included the following: II A 51 1 LT ON. "Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Hilo. 90S-Auntie May ..33 8G4-Gondolicr 37 9S3-Alva 40 9!!3-Kentish Boy ..39 CG3-Amber Fly ...3G SCO-Moth. Bunch .30 904-JSulduj;ie 42 9C0-Mtisito 38 902-Bluc Jeans ...38 GG-Oil Man 40 9G5-Bil!y Kelly ...40 9jl-Tlie Enquirer .39 950- Dancing Girl ..40 C52-Tiger Einpress39 902- Fluzcy 30 902-AVild Life 37 Half Mile. 9G2-Brillt Jester .48 904-Iiuh Jig 49 901-Curt Events 49 8C1-N. Secundus. .49-957-Dr. Ilickimin .51 905-Our Birthday. .50 9::4-Gol. Sphere... 49 9GT-01d Broom ...52 94"i-H:Ilucination 54 949-Prismar 49 goi inidur 50 9G5-St. Maurice ..51 9Gu-Mcl. Rogers ..49 T. and Wayd 51 Fivfi-Eighths Mile. 85-Bnstcr 1:03 902-Malanjont ..1:05 9C5-nayniorc ...1:02 964-Peter Piper .1:02 9G2-Miss Edna ..1:05 9G3-Redmon 1:02 9G4-M:racle Man 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 9G4-Affectation .1:10 9G4-Paddy Dear 1:22 947-Cote dOr ...1:20 9G4-Quick Run .1:27 Courtccus ...1:20 90-1-Quanali 1:17 952-Elmont 1:17 Royal Maid 1:17 904-Grav Gables 1:21 924-Soinmc 1:15 901-Kingling II.. 1:21 9G4-Tricks 1:19 9G4-Meuse 1:19 SG3-Wakeficld ..1:17 One Hile. 903- Debadou 1:42 9G5-Molesty 1:45 964- Fincry 1:44 9R2-Muttikins ..1:52 903- Fair Gain ..1:46 9Vl-Noinis 1:47 937-.I:inmie 1:4G 902-Ilaidcr 1:46 930-Keltie 1:44 9i3-Registrar ...1:52 9G3-Mode 1:48 903-Registrar ...1:52 9C4-Mercutio 1:52 90-Woodbine ...1:47 Mother Bunch and Amber Fiy ran well together. Fluzey showed plenty of speed. Prismar ar.d Nulli Secundus showed good s",jed all the way together. Helen Rogers had very light weight up. Irish Jig showed some speed ; appears to be fit and ready. Current Events and Our Birthday ran together. Brilliant Jester and Golden Sphere showed fine speed all the way. 983 LATONIA, Ky., July 1. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear ; track fast Throe-Eighths Kile. 853-Antonia 36 Hiskielnna 30 9G4-Cherokee ..V..3S 924-Nowata 36 9G2-Dr. Clark .?. ..33 939-Sunburst IL ..37 Golden Billows 3G 930-Widgeou 33 956 Darlock 37 Half Hile. 9GO-Actuary 4S 962 Georgette 51 934-Bill OFlynn ..49 954-Gesundheit 48 924-Bit Bolder 50 G3-Kinsman 50 930-Bill and Coo ..50 9C3-Udy Mother ..4S Basin 47 861-SIiss Muffins ..48 920-Bit o Black ..52 940-Fetc Foy 49 9e4-Cruzern 4S 901 Spats 40 857-Glyn 50 901-Winding Thrgh49 Five-Eighths Hile. 930-Ararat 1:00 9C2-Great Luck .1:02 9G2-Bobbie Shea 1:02 963-McGecs Pink 1:01 904- Blue Bird ...1:03 941-Nghty Nisbal:05 9GC-Besum 1:07 958-Plain Bill ...l:0t 9G0-Ciedit 1:03 947 Rapid Stride 1:05 939-Daddy Wolf .1:02 9G4-Sweet Cookie 1:04 962-Dearie 1:03 9ftl-Translate ...1:02 965- First Call ...1:02 917-Wida 1:02 Five and a Half Furlongs. 955- Mayor Carrell:08 9GC-Micurc Maldl:09 Three-Quarters Hile. 901-P.lue Paradisel:15 Manicure 1:16 957-Bandeau 1:1G 9G3-Prestolite ...1:17 a36-Billy Star ...1:10 9GO-Rapid Day ..1:14 9Gl-Bendita 1:17 8G4-Radio 1:17 951- Creation 1:14 93S-Stump Jr. ...1-.16V4 964-Diana 1:15 9S3-Tulane 1:1G 832-Hugh. G,haml:16 900-Westwood ...1:1S 903- IIadrian 1:14 956-War Spirit .1:15 8CG-Lugs 1:15 934-Wm. Oldt ..1:14 952- Louanna ....1:15 Seven-Eighths Hile. 967-Advcntnre ...1:33 One Mile. 900-Ashland 1:41 950-JordaB 1:42 9G5-C. dArnoar. .1:42 934-Mazola 1:43 960-Chatterton ...1:40 954-Mabel G. ...1:44 947-Dcrnier Sou .1:44 960 Prince Wellesl:43 G13-Edna Stick .1:45 9C5-Paris Maid ..1:43 9G5-Inquiry 1:42 9G6-Rob 1:41 904- Jake Berger 1:41 966-Sir Th. Kean 1:42 Hile and an Eighth. 9CC-Cautious ....1:56 Mile and a Quarter. 9G7-Extennintor 2:00 Hilo and a Half. 9CC-Broomster ..2:40 9GG-Firebrand ...2:35 Chattertons work was an exceptional move. Exterminator had his speed and finished under restraint, Broomster went a good mile. Firebrands work was done easily; really a wonderful trial the way it was done. NEW YORK, N. Y., July 1. Todays training gallops here included the following: JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; track good Three -Eighths Hile. 9G5-Rebuke 30 Half Mile. 964- Bnd Fisher 49 904-Ir. Brigadier ..49 956- Cordelier 51 980-Trajanus 49 Five-Eighths Hile. 9G3-Ambler 1:02 907-Betty Wood .1:04 907-AlIie Ochs ..1:04 965-Faithful Girl.l:02 9GS-Brother Pat. .1:04 Three-Quarters Kile. 965- Crank 1:24 854-HonorabIe ...1:23 9G3-End Man ...1:18 Seven-Eighths Mile. 9G6-Pluto 1:33 One Hile. 9GG-J. P. Jones .1:41 9G0-Wynnewood .1:50 Hile and an Eighth. 867-Horologe ....1:50 Irish Brigadier was under restraint. Am- ! bier worked fast. Faithful Girl showed im-! provement. John Paul Jones worked well. Horologe seems fresh and good. A dense j fog enveloped the course most of the morning and few horses could be timed correctly. AQUEDUCT. "Weather cloudy; track good Half Hile. Lady Myra ..49 965-fUisler 49 Five-Eighths Hile. 964- Star Court .1:02 Three-Quarters Hile. 965- Liberty Girl 1:17 965-Pastoral 1;17 One Hile. 9C3-Ch. Thierry 1:41 OCO-SerenJier ...1:41 Star Court ran well. Lady Myra and Paisley worked fast. Serenader and Chateau Thierry worked on even terms all the way. BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 9C0-Adventuress ...36 Hour Bet ....88 904-Amusoment ...3G now Fair 87 Beatitude 37 964-Lustroua 30 9G4-Comixa 33 Marie Belle ...37 946-Evil 35 951 Noel 33 9GC-Exodus 37 Violet Play ...37 9G4-Fclside 37 Half Hile. 967-Cartoonist 49 904-Enlala 54 964-Contact 51 860-Sponsor 51 9U7-Diamond Dick 49 - r.ll.tbp MjlK 904-Brushwood ..1:05 947-Raffles 1:08 952-Dot 1:11 964-SImplex 1:08 90G-Romulus 1:05 Three-Quarters Kile. 903- Bravo 1:15 067-Equator 1:16 904- Erocklesby ..1:15 90e-French Furze 1:19 9G4-Billy Watts .1:15 903-Little Chief 1:15 9G4-Blue Whale .1:18 964-Snarc 1:15 One Hile. 960- Blnffer 1:50 905-Ira Wilson ..1:51 919-Bellsolar 1:44 966-Knobbie 1:41 907 Comic Song 1:40 901-Mizar 1:46 964-Cum Sah 1:47 MacDuff 1:46 865-Frigate 1:46 9G4-Squaw Man .1:47 Bellsolar was under restraint all the way. Knobbie seems at his best. Brocklesby was not fully extended. Comic Song had an easy gallop. Frigate looks and acts good. Billy Watts galloped easily. Little Chief seems fit and ready. Bravo and Snare ran together. HAMILTON, Ont., July 1. Todays training gallops here were as follows: HAMILTON, ONT. Weather cloudy; track sloppy; "dogs up Three-Eighths Hile. 964- Arendal 39 9G2-Pstoral Swain.39 903-Durante 43 903-Turnabout 42 933-Edith Loane . . .43 Half Hile. 900-George Choos . .54 914-Mline Lillian .54 8G6-Koneys Jewel .53 861-Topango 5-1 Five-Eighths Mile. Anna Prisa .1:09 93S-Resarf 1:09 965- 010 Cho 1:04 964-Sir Clarence. .1:10 Three-Quarters Hile. 902- Damay 1:21 907-Komis 1:19 961- Far.atIc 1:24 9G7-Our Birthday .1:19 906- nap. Buxton 1:25 9CG-Paddle 1:20 952-My laddie ..1:21 854-The Decision. 1:23 903- Mcssincs 1:24 One Hile. 603-Ammunition .1:59 962-Sndor 1:50 907- Cote dOr ...1:52 9GG-Tailor Maid .1:59 9and1-Feylance 1:59 9GG-Tantalns 1:56 9S7-Muttikins 1:58 967-Woodbine 1:59 905- Royal Gift ..1:55 Edith Loane only cantered. Pastoral Swain worked easily. George Choos appeared to favor the muddy going. Honeys Jewel showed" good speed in the mud. Cho Cho seemed to run in mud as though she liked it. Our Birthday at home in the going ; showed fast three-quarters. Paddle galloped fast all the way. Sudor was under restraint ; had plenty in reserve.