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I PROPERTY OF ! Mr. MONTFORT JONES IN PADDOCK LATONIA RACE COUESE Wednesday, July 5 Noon j FOR CATALOGUE, ETC., WRITE S. C. NUCKOLS, Jr., or JULIUS G. REEDER containing charts of ail races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of JUNE, Is Now On Saie Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. i?ot responsible for books sent as regular mail. e DAILY RACENG FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 157-159 East Thirty-second Street - - - - - New York, N. Y 74 Exchange Street Bnlfalo, 2?. Y. GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS, MAILED 10 WEEKS ?3.00. THTJESDAXS 00 FREE SPECIAL: Easteside .20- Won SATURDAYS 00 FEEE SPECIAL: Whiskaway . . . 1.10-2 Won THURSDAYS ?500 FREE SPECIAL: Pindar Peel 5.G0- Won Holiday Another 00.00 FEES SPECIAL Hero is ono to eo the LIHIT. COSIES from a misiity smart source. Ask your newrdealor for GAES DAILY CHIEF OBSERVER 50 cents, at all newsstands. For Sale Today Sunday VJQNBER FUL A cool, conservative method wherein success is assured. Can to played at or away from tha track; with largo or small capital. It cive3 a few SELECT plays each, week that nearly all win. Won big money on a straight flit bat. This marvelous method stands out like KAN 0 WAS. IT IS FAB SUPERIOR. My system gives lons-priced winners. Shcrandsdo 6-1 Saddle and Boots. .10-1 WhUkaway ...1.10- Baigncnr 529.30-52 Eager Eyes .?23.45- Hidden Jewel S11.7-S2 Archive 9.75- lilt. Hope 15-1 Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients, showing proof of what my system is doing. Sant yon FREE. STOP LOSING AND STABT WINNING RIGHT AWAY. Those with honest intentions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment down, balance as yoa win. Write today for FREE particulars. WATSON CORNELL S41 West 45th Street :: New York City, N. Y. YESTEEDAYS BEST BET WON DONT HISS MONDAYS, AS WE HAVE TWO REAL LIVE ONES AND ALL THEY COST IS 60 cents DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS E0 cents DIRECT 1 WEEK, S3; 2 WEEKS, 55. National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411 Baltimore Bide. Chicago, 111. WANTED Any odd months or half yearly volumes of tho Chicago Daily Eacinor Form, or any other books portaininsr to horse racing or breeding. E. L. WENEICK 51 East 87th Street New York City, N. Y. Thibodacz, 75-100, won other result not known, were yesterdays ?2 XX Specials. Dont fail to get nert Saturdays two live ones; all they cost Is . Mondays Form Spocial: 0ctober-0ranse-19-20-58-ll. STANDARD TURF GUIDE Boom 403, 22 West Quincy St. Chicago, ILL advertise in racing form 1 fissilis J I "spTe RslTtl GUY 51 4 I M 1416 Broadway, NEW YORK m PLEASE SEND INFORMATION I REGARDING 70 RESULTS g H FREE WITHOUT OBLIGATION MfAdcfress S JACK FIELD "THE KAN THAT CAN MAKE YOU WIN POICE DAILY AND AGAIN WE WON My followers cleaned up again. Day after day my followers are CLEANING UP on MY ONE HOP.SE SPECIAL. Monday a 16-1 Shot goes race at Latocia and is a "CINCH" from what INFO I have on him. YOU HEVEB WILL FOBGFVE YOURSELF "IF" YOU MISS THIS ONE "MONDAY." NOTICE MONDAYS sheet sold today Sunday on all newsstands in every city; SI daily, or you can have it either mailed to you or telegraphed to you ?5 week. Send ?5 to JACK FIELD 20 W. JACKSON ST. CHICAGO, ILL. HERE ARE MY LAST TWO BIG SPECIALS Friday, June 30: Sleiveconard, 2-1, won. Wednesday, Juno 23: Bon Homme, 2-1, wen. If you are interested in real, honest, genuina gilt-edge stablo information dont hesitate. Rush your correct name and address at once. Only ro liablo people with references or business standing need apply. MY TERMS Send me by wire, after you collect, the winnings of a 0. CO straight play. Clients failing to remit will be crossed off list. I cannot win if yoa lose. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Staiile Inforsnation NOT TIPS. Two horses evory week, odds 2 to 15 to 1. Next two go JULY 8. Terms winnings of a ?1.00 straight play FOB EACH WINNER. Wo want permanent clients. Give permanent address for telegrams.. Mail us .00 as a guarantee of good faith. KENTUCKY TURF GUIDE ; 1C Brittany Building Cincinnati, Ohio