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w Y 1S li l I if U i i; IS j; y t 1 11 J jj v u 1! 1! H j J j j 1 FORTY YEARS OF IATONIA DERBY Here is the tabulated history of the Latonia Derby from Leonatus, 1883, to the 1522 Pl winner, Thibodaux: Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Thlnl. Wt. VhI. Time. j 1553 I.eonstus I. Murphy. .110 Drake Carter 107 Lord Italian ..110 S 2.850 2:40 , 1554 Audrain Fishburn. .110 Fallen Leaf ...103 Buchanan 110 3.S60 2:42 1555 Bersan I. Murphy.. 118 Lepanto 118 Lord Coleridge. 118 4.0S0 2:42. 1SSC Silver Cloud I. Murphy.. 118 Blue Wing... 118 Mlana Regent. 118 3.610 2:10 ISS7 Libretto I. Murphy. .11S Jlin Gore 121 Montrose 124 4.390 2:3SV , ISSSI.os Angeles Armstrong.. 110 White "2 Gullifet 121 4,270 2:39 Los Angeles Armstrong. .110 White 112 ........ . .... -:JHu ISK llliitloocraft lIollis..ll3 Come to Taw 118 King Regent ..112 4.300 2:41 1800 Bill Letcher Allen.. 115 Riloy ...124 Avondale 112 3.3S0 2:43 1801 Kinsman .1 Murphy. .123 Dickerson 117 Poet Scout... .112 4.M0 2:4j , 1802 Newton Clayton. .117 Ronald 117 ; 3.7G0 3:14 1803 Ruck McCann Thorpe.. 117 Boundless 128 Midway 112 4.430 2:14 IS04 Lazzarone W. Martin. .117 Tea rl Song 117 Selifca 120 6.535 2:ol 1803 Ilatma Thorpe. .127 Free Advice 117 UasK , 117 6.720 2:34 1398 Ben Brush SImms..l22 Ben Lder 122 Lokl -. 122 12.290 2:40 807 Ornament Clayton. .127 F. F. V 114 .Endurance ....114 8.740 2:35"4 P 1S9S Ran dOr Conley..ll4 Plaudit 127 : 7.020 2:32 1899 Triuce McCIurg Beauchamp.122 Deering 114 Ways and Means. 115 G.8 ..:v 19001 Lieutenant Clhson Bolaml..l27 V";;: 4t. 1901 Hernando J. Winkfleld. .114 Gaheris 110 Judge Redwlne.114 4.03a 2:3o, , 1902 Harry New Otis.. 114 South Trimble 114 Martin Burke.. 110 4.390 2:38- 1003 Woodlake . .Crowhurst.,114 Bad New Ill Tancred 114 7,035 2:30 1004 Elwood .., Prior.. 127 Ed Tlerney 117 Lonsdale 112 5,730 2:42 1905 The Foreman TTcubcl..H0 Hambrlght 110 McCIellan 117 5.930 2:33 1006 Sir Huon ..Troiler..l27 Lady Navarre 122 5.005 2:::. p 1907 The Abbot J. Lee. ,114 Redgauntlet 114 Beau Brummel.lll 4.410 -:40 1008 Tlnkola Minder. .114 Czar 114 Ordono ... 114 3.G35 2:3a i 1009 Olnmbala T. Rice. .114 The Peer Ill Plate Glass ...110 3.093 2:JJ. 1910 Joe Morris ....C. Grand.. 117 Boola Boola 117 Donau 127 2.02o 2:.U. 1011 Governor Gray T. Rico. .124 Star Charter 125 Mcssen-er Boy. 117 8.550 2:30 1912 Free Lance C. Peak.. 114 The Mnnager 114 Worth 127 4.-30 ...-31 1913Gowcll Teahan..H7 Great Britain 122 Foundation ...122 G.,23 -:.3 1914 John Gund A. Neylon. .122 Constant 122 Dr. Samuel ...119 0,02a -...O , 1915 Royal II C. Ganz. 122 Tetan 122 Dortch 122 10,12a 2:32 916 Dodge .." F. Murphy.. 122 George Smith 127 Dick Williams.119 9.950 2:3. ? Liberty Loan J. Lotto... 122 Cudgel 122 Midway 122 0.550 30 1018Johren F. Robinson. .127 Exterminator 124 Freecutter ....102 0.9-5 2.33 122 Regalo 117 16 1C0 -.37 1919 Be Frank 0. Kummcr. .119 Omond 126 Ethel Gray ...114 10.300 2:32 190 Upset J. Rodriguez.. 12G Gladiator c 131 Uncle Velo ...120 14.000 2:47 19"l Brother Batch M. Garner. .126 Behave Yourself 1922 Thibodaux E. Pool.. 120 Yoehlmi 120 Olympns 126 14,623 2:33s 18S3 1SS1. 1SS5 and 18S8, was run as the Hindoo Stakes. Dead beat with White. tWalkover.