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RA CE TO TEST ILLINOIS LA W Judge Joseph A. Murphy, hale and hearty, passed through Chicago Friday en route to Detroit to serve as presiding steward of the Devonshire Park meeting, which opened Saturday. After the meeting there is over he will return to Chicago to arrange details of a race or races at Kawthcrno some time this summer or next fall. It is the intention to go far enough to establish the basis for a case, or cases, to be carried through the courts of Illinois, to define exactly what can be done to establish racing in this state securely under the protection of law. This, he believes, can be done, and no man in the United States is more competent to pass understanding on this point. This is an excellent program, but its execution requires time and Chicago racing is not to be expected forthwith. It will come in time, under the right auspices and under the right people. . t