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DEVONSHIRE PARK FORM CHART "WINDSOR, ONT SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922. Devonshire Park 1 mile. First day. Western Racing Association. Summer Meeting of 7 day. Weather dear; tcmporaturo 81. Stewards and Judges, J. A. Murphy, H. P. ConkUnff, M. N. Macfarlan and W. R. Norrcll. Starter, George Miller. Racing Secretary, M. N. Macfarlan. Racing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time 2:00 p. in.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figure In parentheses following the distance of each raco Indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. fQTh ITS ST RACE 3-4 Mile. Aug. 27, 1021 1:11 4 100. Purse ,SO0. 3-ysar-olds DOvOv and upward. Claiming. Hot valuo to winner 1,100; second, 50; third, 150. Index Dorses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 62117 BUGLE MARCH ws 6 10S 2 6 3l Sl 2 14 R Mooro G Macfarlane 533-100 C7001 GALLANT GROOM w C 103 1 5 l1 1 1 21 D Stirling T Meagher 1470-100 02251 "BENGALI w 9 116 10 3 5 4 4 Sh A Trmbley P G Magnl 200-100 62202MALLOWMOT w 8 103 U 4 21 21 k 4 J "Wallace Rlverdale Statin 220-100 C8532MAC JOHNSON w 4 113 12 1 41 Cl 5 51 J Thomas W Mceka 1745-100 2452SHOREACRES w 8 98 4 3 9" 9 6 C 11 Flynn J H Dusgan - 2140-100 2282 BAS3ANO BOY w 12 127 S 9 10s 101 8 7 J Hunmcr J Sands 1350-100 62789 BRYNGAR w 5 103 3 10 81 6 71 8 II Stearns F TannehlTl 1420-100 62841 WAR FOX w 4 124 9 2 7 71 91 9 T Parrton H "Warner 1260-100 62278 LITTLE COLLEEN w 3 95 6 7 6J 81 10 10 M Schwtz C R Smith T1709-100 62490 LADY PATRICIA w 3 93 5 11 11 11 11 11 W Organ T J Elward t C6485 STEEPLE w 4 102 7 Left at tho post. C "Ward E Desrosiera t tMutucl Cold. Time, 3, 47, 1:13. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bugle March. 3.90 straight, 57.10 place, .10 show; Gallant Groom, field, 4.90 place, .50 show; Bengali, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Bugle March, 505 to 100 straight, 255 to 100 place, 153 to 100 show; Gallant Groom. Deld, 615 to 100 place. 275 to 100 show; Bengali. 135 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Nealon Mrs. Frank Foster, by Ben Stroine trained by J. W. McNaught; bred by TfcornclitTe Stable. Went to post at 2:10. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-fnsr. BUGLK MARCH followed the pacemakers close up to the stretch turn, from where he moved up rapidly into the lead and was going away through the last sixteenth. GALLANT GROOM showed the most early speed and set a fast pace, but tired. BENGALI outgamed MALLOWMOT in the final drive. The latter showed speed. Overweights Steeple, 4 pounds. SECOND RACE 5-8 Kile. Oct. 4, 191G 1:00 3 101. Purse ,500. 2-ycar-olda. 6Q"fl OMJO A Maidens. Claiming. Net valuo to winner ,100; socond, 50; third. 50. Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jocktys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 61047 WRANGLE wn 112 10 7 6 5 S 1 J Wallace F Farrar 3471-100 62748 RUSTEM w 112 8 6 2 2 S1 21 H J Burke J S Ward 1S3-100 62523 KADI ANT w 113 6 4 11 1 1 3 T Parrton E F Whitney 1055-100 C1IRLAND w 112 7 5 4l 4 4 4 N Barrett J E Madden 1S10-1C0 ST LAWRENCE w 112 12 G1 6 6 51 D Stirling G W J BisseTl 763-100 CS702SAM McBKIDE w 115 2 3 7J 81 C 6 II E Jones C T Worthington 645-100 C2277 JEALOUS WOMAN w 1C9 12 8 81 71 S 7 R McCrnn J J Farrell Jr 3503-100 62585 JOELLA J. w 112 5 1 3 3 7 8 J Metcalf Tarn o Shanter Stablo 17S5-100 CHARLTON w 112 11 9 10 10 10 9l H Steams B Harding 3380-100 62787 ROCKERY w 112 9 10 9l 9l 91 10 J Rowan J S Ownbey U92O-100 61GG0 BETTIE DEAR w 109 1 11 11 11 11 U J Maiben E W Mooro t LOU ANNIE w 111 3 Left at the post. F Chvetta B Williams t tMutm-1 field. Time, 24, 43. 1:01. Track fast. imilueli paid. Wrangle. .95 straight, .35 place, .15 show; ltustem, .05 place, .03 show; Radiant, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Wrangle. 347 to 100 straight. 117 to 100 place, 57 to 100 show; Rustem, 102 to 100 place, 47 to 100 show; Radiant, 135 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Seth Meddling Hannah, by Bedeck trained by F. Farrar; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jcnes. Went to post at 2:53. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow for nil bnt LOU ANNIE. Won handily; second and third driving. WRANGLE was outrun to the stretch, but closed a gap with a rush and, passing RUSTKM. won going away. RUSTEM ran a good race and outstayed RADIANT In the final drive. The latter set a good pace lo the last eighth and saved ground on the stretch turn, but tired near the end. CUBLAND raced in promising style. Scratched C21S4 Dapper Dan, 112. Overweights Radiant, 4 pounds; Leu Annie, 2. Th T 63 THIRD RACE 3-4 Kile. Aug. 27, 1921 1:11 4 103. Purso ,500. 3-year-olds 6-D OxJOi and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner ,100; socond, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtllStA 7 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 62569 SUNDIAL II. wn C 119 2 12 7 61 2 U T Parrton L T Bauer U721-100 62333 C ARM AND ALE wu 5 119 6 2 2 2l 1 21 G Alexdra A E Alexandra 415-100 62GG8KNOT GRASS wo 3 102 3 4 3 31 31 S N Swart C N Freeman 2225-1C0 62253DIFFERT EYES wn 6 109 5 3 ll 11 4l 41 A Pickens E I. Fitzgerald 700-100 6270SM1NUTE MAN wb 5 113 4 5 51 51 5 51 H J Burke H Dattner 3C0-1C0 62333 DARK AGES w 3 92 1 1 41 41 Cl 6" R Flynn R P Gardner t2110-100 62793 MOCO w 3 100 8 S 9 9l 7 7k II Stearns B Harding 2750-100 62G22 I KEY T. w 1 110U2 6 G 71 81 S J Metcalf Tarn o Shanter Stablo 610-100 62GG8 LOTTIE LORAINE w 3 10710 U 81 SI 91 9 HE Jones C T Worthington 1470-100 62CG8 CAMOUFLAGE wb 6 119 7 7 10l 10 10 10 D Stirling O B Akers 400-100 62729 BLUE RIBBON Vf 3 97 11 9 ll1 11 11 11 J Thomas W E Martin t 62172 BILL McCLOY wb 7 109 9 10 12 12 12 12 J Smith R T Nickcrson t tMtif.ul Geld. Time, 24, 43, 1:14. Track good. mutucls paid. Sundial II.. 5.15 straight, 2.30 place, .45 show; Carmandale, .50 place, .05 Bhow; Knot Grass, 3.55 show. Equivalent booking odds Sundial II., 1172 to 100 straight, 515 to 100 place, 372 to 100 show; Carmaiidale, 225 to 100 place, 202 to 100 thow; Knot Grass, 577 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Faucheur Martha Gorman, by Sir Dixon trained by W. Livingston; bred in France by Mr. Joseph E. Wldener. Went to post at 3:34. At post G minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SUNDIAL II. began slowly, but closed a big gap and, saving ground when entering the homestretch, finished with a rush and won drawing clear. CARMANDALE raced into a long lead after entering the homestretch, bnt quit when challenged. KNOT GRASS was a forward contender all the way and finished gamely. LOTTIE LORAINB left the barrier in a tangle. DIFFERENT EYES tired after setting a good pace to the stretch. IKEY T. is racing far below his true form. Scratched G2G0SBulIet Proof, 109; G2729Caretaker, 97; G2255 Ultimata. 102; G2229Night Raider, 109. Overweights Moco, 3 pounds; Ikey T., 1. "S FOURTH RACE 1 llilo. An?. 27, 1921 1:33 3 100. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds 60TQ 0UOo3 and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 62257 HIGH GEAR w 8 112 5 2 1 1 1 1 1" E Taylor H W Sanders 293-100 62757 SISTER FLO wa 4 IDS 4 1 S" 2 21 2l 21 D Stirling J R Skinker 910-100 62783 COLOSSUS wsa 3 101 3 10 10 5 3 8 3 H Stearns J S Ward 2790-100 62577 SUMMER SIGn wis 6 106 2 4 9 81 61 4 J Thomas W Walker 1615-100 C2257HAMAN w 5 111 7 8 41 7l 6 51 5 N Swart E L Fitzgerald 60O-1C0 62953 3 MADGE F. wn 6 105 0 7 51 41 71 71 6 H Gibson W D Millard 390-100 G2280fTINGLlNG wb 4 111 9 6 61 6l E 41 7Bk J Shalepets E K Bryson 2790-100 6214G EDNA D. wb 4 106 10 5 71 9 9 8l 8 K McCrnn J J Farrell Jr 1590-100 61802 SHOOT AWAY w 5 1C6 8 3 21 3l 4" 91 91 A Roach F B Pohla 1215-100 62742GEN. CADORNA w 5 113 1 9 81 10 10 10 19 T Parrton C Houbro E30-100 fSent out in entries as Ting-a-Ling. Time, 25, 49, 1:14, 1:40. Track good. mutuels paid, nigh Gear, .30 straight, .65 place, .25 show; Sister Flo, .00 place, .75 show; Colcssun, .25 show. Equivalent booking odds High Gear, 295 to 100 straight. 132 to 100 place, 112 to 100 show; Sister Flo. 300 to 100 place, 187 to 100 show; Colossus, 1G2 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Ivan the Terrible Miss Mooney, by My Boy II. trained by E. L. Snyder; bred by Mr. W. W. Darden. Went to post nt 4:12. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won cantering; second and third driving. HIGH GEAR sprinted into a long lead after rounding the far turn and kept increasing his advantage through the last quarter. SISTER FLO raced well, but was driving hard at the end to outstay COLOSSUS. The latter left the post slowly and was far back, but closed a big gap and finished gamely. SUMMER SIGH also made up much ground. MADGE F. ran a bad race and can beat such opponents easily when fit. Scratched G1740 Dan, 111; G23GS Doctor Jim, 116; 62G20Wise Judge, 111; G2G04 Peggy 0., 100; G2375 Dr. Slwfer. Ill; C2G53 Citation, 90. Overweights High GeaFr 1 pound; Sister Flo, 2; General Cadorna, 2. FIFTH RACE 1 Kile. Aug. 7, 1921 1:38 3 100. Detroit Handicap. Purse ,000. 6ffcQ3 tjsj0 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,200; sooond, 00; third, C0; fourth, 00. Index Horses AWtTPSti 54 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G2704BUNGA BUCK w 4 109 4 1 3l 3l 3 3i 1 D Stirling H Dattner 223-100 62255 BYGONE DAYS w 4 103 1 4 4 4 4 4 2 J Wallace C J BrocIoniUcr 330-100 62534RING w 6 101 3 2 ll 14 l1 In 3J J Thomas W Walker 535-100 62446 MAINMAST wb 4 U7 2 3 21 21 21 2 4 T Parrton E F Whitney 140-100 Time, 24, 48. 1:13, 1:39. Track good. mutuels paid, Bunga Buck, .50 straight, .30 place; Bygone Days, .60 place; no show mutucls sold. Equivalent booking odds Bunga Buck, 225 to 100 straight, 65 to 100 place; Bygone Days, SO to 100 place. Winner Ch. c, by Vulcain Mary Orr, by Orimar trained by J. H. Deavenport; bred by Mr. Edward F. Simms. Went to post at 4:51. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BUNGA BUCK was saved to the stretch turn, from where ho came fast, but was driving to the limit at the end to outstay BYGONE DAYS. The latter squeezed through on the inside in Uie last eighth and was wearing the leader down. RING set a fast pace to the last eighth and tired. MAINMAST was on the side by RING while at the post and was crowded back when the field bunched up in tho stretch run. OP SIXTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. July 80, 1921 1:44 8 107. Purse ,000, 4-yeax-tSlFOS 6h olds and upward. Claiming, Net valna to winner ,200; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 625GDJOHN HOSHOR vr 4 101 6 3 Ill 1 1 l1 H E Jones C T Worthington 6171-100 62176sBELARIO ro 6 101 10 4 S 7 4J 2J 2 J Wallace A E Alexandra 1090-100 62522 BEN VALET w 4 101 11 5 2 2 2ll 31 S N Swart J Masterson 2020-100 62871LOUIS A. wn 5 111 6 S 5 4 2l 4 4 A Arvin G Arvin -;. 340-100 623G8GATH wn 6 111 1 1 5 Cl P P 5 J Metcalf N S Vail -i : 1400-100 626C5 ACCELERATE WB 5 OS 4 9 11 10 8 71 6 J Esfbode W H Hall : i 2803-100 62407ROYAL DUCK wb5U3 911 61 6 G 7T Parrton C N Freeman i; 445-100 60089 FRANK FOGTY wn 4 103 1 2 J1 P P P 51! A Trmblay Baker and Irby t!215-100 62732FLIBTYGnJBET wb 5 101 3 6 7 S1 9 9 9 H Stearns W CaywOod I t 62CllJOAQUINA WB4 J.0S 8 7 4 9 10 10 10s J Rowan T H Wilson 763-100 62792 STAR REALM wb 6 111 7 10 1011 11 11 11 D Stirling K E Bilsoa 650-1C0 tMutucl field. Time, 24, 48, 1:14 1:395, 1:46. Track coed. mutuels paid. John Hoshbr, 4.35 straight, 10.85 place. .10 show; Belarlo, .03 -place, .40 Bhow"; Ben Yalct, 00 show. Equivalent booking odds John ricshor, 617 to 100 straight. 4-12 to 109 place, 255 to 100 show; Belario. 397 to 100 place, 270 to 100 show; Ben Valet, 410 to 100 show. Winner 15. g, by Light o m Life Imprint, by Knight of the Thistle trained by C. T. Worthington; bred by Mr. Guy Gray. Went to post at 5:28. At pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driving. JOHN IOSUOR set a good pace from the start and showed much the most syeed all the way. BELAKIO closed a big gap and, coming thiongh fast on the inside, outfinished BEN VALET in the final drive. Tho latter ran a good race and finished gamely. LOUIS A. ran well and can do better. Scratched G2115Pirate McGce, 00; G2S32sRed Legs, 111; C253G Walter Turnbow, 101; C225G Dantzic. 101; CiCSDr. Charles Wells, 101. Overweights Royal Duck, 2 pounds; Frank Fogarty, 2. OjflsQiQ. SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. Aug. 27, 1921 1:33 3 100. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds vPsDandxyO vi and upward. Claiming. Net -aluo to winner ,100; second, 50; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt U ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt C2455CABIN CREEK wn 4 111 5 1 11 lk 1 11 Ink d Stirling J L Wade 2CO-100 62812MACHIAVELLI w 4 1C6 4 4 2 2 2 21 2 A Arvin G Arvin 945-100 62325 ETERNITY wb 4 116 3 11 6 4 3 3 3 J Rowan P G Magnl 443-100 62878 KINGLING II. wu 9 111 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 R McCrnn J P Mayberry 2500-109 C2577 MARY J. BAKER w 4 ICO 6 7 91 10l 10 SI 51 J Maiben G Stewart 1793-1C0 01117 GILT FRINGE wu 4 105 S 6 5 5 51 5 6 J Conway C H Smith 1110-100 G2137TULSA wn 5 106 1 8 P P 61 671 C Demelle J P Phillips 953-100 C2019 OUR BETSY wb 3 91 7 9 Sl S 8l 7 8 R Flynn A F Dayton 920-100 62455HANDFULL w 9 116 12 2 10 9k 71 91 9 G Corey R V Haymaker 905-100 62955MIRACLE MAN wn 3 95 10 12 11 11 11 10 10 R Doyle C Phillips tl44O-100 62832 BLAISE w 3 116 9 5 7l 7" 91 ll1 lli N Barrett W L Drake t 62495 J"NY OCONNELL w 4 111 11 10 12 12 12 12 12 T Burn3 F Dslbarrio t tMutuel field. Time, 24s, 43, 1:14. 1:41. Track good. mutuels paid. Cabin Creek, .C0 straight, .00 place, .75 show; Machiavelll, 0.50 place, .90 show; Eternity, .00 thow. Equivalent booking odds Cabin Creek. 250 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 place, 87 to 100 show; Mnchiavelli, 125 to 100 place, 195 to ICO show; Blcrnity, 150 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Short Grass Ocanya, by Ornus trained by J. Burks; bred by Messrs. May and Can-field. Went to post at G:09. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CABIN CREEK took the lead at once and won all the way, but kept swerving out in the stretch and finished next to the outside fence. MAClilAVELLI saved ground on the stretch turn and finished gamely next to the inside rail. ETBRNITY finished fast r.d was wearing the lo.iders down at the end. Scratched 62495 Ballynew, 111; G257GCacambo, 111; G2570Lnzy Lou. 100; 02358 Ed Garrison 105